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T2 weapons and Dungeon Armor

in Asura

Posted by: krofinn.2034


Do the little guys just get the short end of the stick or will these eventually be added?

(Currently, Asura T2 race weapons look like Sylvari T1 or 2, and all dungeon armor looks like pirate armor on medium, I don’t know if light and heavy have the same issue)

EDIT: Maybe it’s just the preview on the dungeon armor that’s broken, or maybe it’s just broken for me, because I found screenshots of some of the dungeon armor that is more unique…

(edited by krofinn.2034)

WvW titles and capabilities

in Suggestions

Posted by: krofinn.2034


This actually sounds like a really good idea.

Warping *TO* Lion's Arch should be free.

in Suggestions

Posted by: krofinn.2034


This is an excellent idea.

Little things that make you smile.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: krofinn.2034


“I-am-your-friend. I-am-here-to-guide-you-to-candy-and-ice-cream.”

Long CD Elites In GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: krofinn.2034


Basilisk Venom is one of the best elites in the game. You just have to trait for it. (Make it last 2 hits, make it recharge 20% faster, and make it apply to allies)
Then you’ve got a 38 (I think?) second cooldown skill that completely shuts down an opposing team for about 2 seconds. That’s a long time to not be kiting, dodging, or attacking.

Ambushes in WvW

in Suggestions

Posted by: krofinn.2034


Thieves do this already. It only works on 5 people (I think?) and can stealth them for about 8 seconds.

Does no one use PP?

in Thief

Posted by: krofinn.2034


I like P/P but it feels unresponsive to me compared to other weapons. So I only use it for dungeons so I can use the smoke bomb, bleed, and vulnerability.

(The 1+2 skills feel slow and weak, especially.)

So, you want carrots on a stick?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: krofinn.2034


by the way do these +10 exp per kill work. I don’t think they are. I tried it out and was getting 18 exp per kill before I used these things and I also got 18 exp after I chowed down.

It says +10, it means +10%.

Asura Hair: Natural or Not?

in Asura

Posted by: krofinn.2034


It’s not (always) a wig, from what I can tell.
It looks to me like some Asura do indeed have hair, but it seems relatively rare and they never have very much.

more emotes

in Suggestions

Posted by: krofinn.2034


/airguitar and its family need to return.

WvW Queue placement

in Suggestions

Posted by: krofinn.2034


It would be really nice to know where you are in the WvWvW queue when you’re waiting.

Make Black Lion headgear infinitely usable skin

in Suggestions

Posted by: krofinn.2034


I would get glasses if this was done. My friend would get glasses if this was done. I want this.

Make helmet and shoulder removal apply to the character selection screen

in Suggestions

Posted by: krofinn.2034


Yes please. You know we all want it.

I personally feel that WvW is too impersonal

in WvW

Posted by: krofinn.2034


we might as well hide names from allies then

I just saw this, and I never even thought of that. That really makes no sense. If people are scared because other people will see their names, people on our server can see you suck it up, and those are actually the people you will see again tomorrow in wvw who will remember you suck.

If carebearing was the real reason, it would be more important to hide names from allies than enemies.

This. I think it’s to prevent opposing worlds from pming each other. You can probably figure out why that would be.

Screens of your Sylvari

in Sylvari

Posted by: krofinn.2034


My Sylvari thief, Breakfast.


Weapon Types Not In The Game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: krofinn.2034


One-handed spear
Blowgun (Or maybe not…)

I Love WvW, hate item repair:(

in Suggestions

Posted by: krofinn.2034


If your world is doing well it’s hardly noticeable.
But when your world is losing… It can end up costing you money to do WvW.

So I totally agree.

What made you want to play a Sylvari?

in Sylvari

Posted by: krofinn.2034


My friend said you couldn’t make one look good. So I made one that looks human. Now it’s my main.

Sylvari questions and my answers

in Sylvari

Posted by: krofinn.2034


Q: Why do sylvari females scream so much when they’re crippled?
A: She’s afraid she’s growing roots and turning into a regular plant. Believe me, being a regular plant is no fun.

Q: How come sylvari get drunk from alcohol, same as humans?
A: Because alcohol is made by fermenting juice made from plants. Thus, it’s actually a form of cannibalism, and cannibalism does something funny to their heads.

Q: How come sylvari glow at night?
A: The Pale Tree frowns upon stealthiness, so all sylvari are injected with glow worm juice before they wake from the dream.

Seriously, though, why do the sylvari shriek so much when they’re crippled?