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Armor color scheme

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: legion.7518


So when you create a character you choose colors for your armor. Are you stuck with those colors forever or can you change them?

Having trouble with mouse right-click in game

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: legion.7518


It’s a Microsoft Wireless Mobile 4000, but today I unplugged the receiver (I always keep it in the laptop) and now everything is working. So false alarm, I guess, for now at least. If it starts to happen again I’ll definitely try getting another mouse.

Having trouble with mouse right-click in game

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: legion.7518


I don’t know about you guys, but I’ve always made heavy use of the mouse right-button to control my character in MMO’s. Never had any problem before, but since coming back to this game a couple weeks ago (after about a year off) I am having lots of trouble with this, and it’s now gotten to where I have a hard time playing.

The mouse right-click does not register, I’d say more than half of the time. Or when I’m holding it down it will stop working as if I released the button when I haven’t. I thought it might be my mouse, but I’ve tested the right button outside the game and it seems to work flawlessly. Any ideas what’s going on here?

Brute Force bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: legion.7518


Still bugged. I’ll retry it later.

The 'downed' state thing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: legion.7518


Well I didn’t know you were supposed to channel the number 4 button, so I guess that’s my problem. I’ll have to test it to see if it works as you guys say. Sucks that i didn’t realize this, because it would have saved me a lot of frustration. Anyway, still learning new stuff all the time in this game. I’m a casual player obviously. Thanks all.

The 'downed' state thing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: legion.7518


Ok what about the 2nd case I gave, where the mob dies at the same time as me. This is the one I find the most frustrating, and I’m pretty sure I’ve tried spamming the 4 button.

The 'downed' state thing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: legion.7518


So I’ve played this game off and on since launch, and there’s one thing that still confuses and frustrates me quite a bit, this ‘downed’ state thing before you are killed. I’m mostly talking about pve here because I don’t do much wvw. Sometimes when I’m downed this thing can be really cool, like if the mob is almost dead, I use the number 1 attack to finish it off and then I can get back up again, which is great.

Then there are the times when the mob also dies at the same time, so I have nothing to use the number 1 attack on, and I lay there and die. This is downright frustrating and doesn’t feel right, after all I did better than in the previous case, I managed to kill the thing before or as I went down.

Then there is the number 2 button which makes you rise as a mist or something? I’ve never discovered a use for this. I get up and then a second or two later I’m back down again. What is this supposed to be for?

Then there is the odd behavior of this in water, like if you can swim to the top you can always live? I don’t understand that.

Anyway, this whole mechanism feels like it’s broken or at least not quite right most of the time. Anyone agree?

[Suggestion] "Randomize all" in character creation

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: legion.7518


Why is there no randomize all in the character creation? Most other games have it, and it can be very fun to click one button and see a completely new character with random features. It can be a quick way to find a general look that you like, then customize it further. Seems like it would be a relatively easy thing for developers to add.

New Races in the future?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: legion.7518


Ogres. I don’t even know wtf a Tengu is.

I liked the old Sylvari race concept better

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: legion.7518


I love the picture in the OP. If you had that race in the game, whether it’s called an elf or not, it would have been very popular.

How long does it tAKE TO GET TO 80?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: legion.7518


Probably 10-12 days if you really play 6 hrs/day. Make sure you do the storyline, it gives the most xp.

(edited by legion.7518)

Help me play better, especially in dungeons

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: legion.7518


Been playing about a month and just got my first 80 character, a guardian. It was easy to get to 80 just exploring the world, doing heart quests and events, but I feel like I didn’t really need to be very good at the game to do this.

Now that I’m 80 I’ve started doing dungeons and I realize that I’m just not very good at this game. I’m the person that dies the most in my dungeon groups. Partly it’s because I don’t know the dungeons and the other guys want to rush through. So I need to get more familiar with the dungeons, but even then I think I need help with combat in general.

First, I seem to take a lot of damage from dungeon mobs and bosses. My gear is all level 80, at least rares, and I expected as a guardian to be a better tank. Can I tank at all against bosses or do I need to dodge all their attacks? It seems like I can take just one or two hits before I need to pop my heal or run away.

And since I have really only one good heal, what do I do when I’m low on health and I’m waiting for the cooldown on that? Do I need to stand off to the side and just hit boss from range with a scepter? I never used a scepter throughout the whole game, because I could take everything with melee. Do I need to use a scepter in dungeons?

Yesterday I did the Crucible of Eternity dungeon. It was very hard, I died a lot and spent probably half a gold on repairs. Some parts were so hard that we were just dying over and over and it just wasn’t fun. Is this dungeon supposed to be like this or was my group just not good, or not doing it right?

Yesterday I also did the Shatterer dragon event. I tried to run up to him and melee him and died a few times. I notice that most people were standing off to the side, hitting him with ranged I guess? What is the proper way to fight a dragon like this, for me, a guardian?

Thanks for any help.

New level 80, ways to get a weapon?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: legion.7518


What kind of tokens are we talking about exactly? I get confused by all the different forms of currency in this game.

New level 80, ways to get a weapon?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: legion.7518


I’m new to game and first time to 80. I’ve tried reading the guide but I’m still confused. I just want to get a good weapon first, I’ll worry about the rest later. So I guess what I want is an Exotic weapon, right? I haven’t done any crafting. I have about 5 gold and 100K karma. So what’s the best way to get a really good level 80 Greatsword? What are my options?

Just hit level 80 -- what a letdown

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: legion.7518


I was really looking forward to getting to level 80, expecting some sort of fanfare, at the very least some special message of congratulations, a bonus chest or something. But it was like any other level up. Nothing special, not even a message in mail. What a letdown.

What did you do when/if your name was taken?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: legion.7518


Yeah try a name generator. Even if you don’t like the exact names it gives you, it can give you ideas for creating a new name.

Is Guild Wars 2 Doing Well?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: legion.7518


Actually one of the reasons I believe Guild Wars 2 was delayed is because when Jeff Strand left to make his zombie MMO, he took a few keys staff members over with him.

Is the zombie MMO going anywhere? Cause I like the sound of that. Got a name?

The races of GW2 -- Elves, dummies!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: legion.7518


Tolkien wanted to shift the image of elves from the Santa-elf back to the high-elf of the old heroic epics. I’d say he succeeded remarkably well, because when a lot of people think elf these days, they are quite likely to think of an elf from Lord of the Rings. Prior to Tolkien if you asked someone to picture an elf, they’d probably have one of Santa’s helpers, or a character from Midsummer Nights Dream in mind.

I’m not a fan of Tolkien’s elves. I liked the elves in EQ, which were smaller than humans. My wood elf druid from EQ2 is still my favorite character from any MMO.

I still have hopes for EQnext, although I know it’s a longshot.

The races of GW2 -- Elves, dummies!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: legion.7518


It’s kind of sad that it’s been ten years, and nobody has topped Shadowbane’s race selection.

Humans – dark age catholic European humans
Dwarves – forged from stone and metal by their god
Elves – evil people who want to enslave or kill everyone who isn’t like them (including the god who created them)
Irekei – the even more evil elves who worship the dragon and just want to watch the world burn
Nephilim – winged demons that can fly and shapeshift into mortals
Aracoix – A bad kitten Tengu that can fly.
Minotaur – they’re like Tauren, except not lame
Shades – Pseudo-undead humans
Vampires – they’re vampires
Centaur – half man, half horse, half chainsaw. That’s 150% son
Half giant – humans with the blood of giants in their ancestry

Yeah bro, that’s what I’m talkin about. Now those are some cool races.

The "small" but wonderfull little things

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: legion.7518


I play on a laptop which, like most laptops, has very crappy speakers. The other day I played with earphones for the first time. Wow! I never realized how incredible the sound is in this game. I was hearing all these sounds I never heard before. And the music is really well done.

So those of you playing on laptops, get yourself a good pair of headphones or earbuds.

Is Guild Wars 2 Doing Well?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: legion.7518


It’s easy to do “well” when you charge zero monthly subscription to play the game, whereas your competitor is charging $15/month. People are going to play this game because it’s free, even if it wasn’t a good game. The question is how “well” the company is doing when they have $0 from subscriptions and their competitor is getting tens of millions $$$$$$ of dollars each month from subscriptions.

(edited by legion.7518)

The races of GW2 -- Elves, dummies!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: legion.7518


Doesn’t surprise me that most of you poo-pooed my post and defended GW2, since most of the crowd here are GW2 fanboys. You guys are really not representative of the mainstream public.

Most of you missed my point anyway. This wasn’t so much a diss of GW2, I was just trying to start a discussion about what makes certain games such a big hit with a mainstream audience. Those are the people you need to reach if you want a blockbuster hit like WoW.

EQ had the beautiful female elf on its box. WoW also had a female elf on its box. That stuff sells. Most of the general public are not as imaginative and nerdy as you folks here, they just want stuff that they know and can easily identify with, like elves and dwarves.

Fantasy MMO developers can go two different routes. They can invent their own stuff (which is usually based on the previous stuff anyway, just with a twist) and gain respect from all the critics and nerds for being “original”. Or they can stick with the popular stuff that the masses already know and love, and maybe have a huge mass audience hit like WoW. GW2 already made its choice in this regard and has to live with it. It will never be a HUGE game like WoW.

Are you combining skills?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: legion.7518


Been playing this game just a few weeks. I have a level 65 and a few others around level 15. I think I have been in a group 2 times. So I don’t even know how the combo things work.

This game really doesn’t promote grouping much. People congregate and kill stuff together, but nobody seems to be very interested in grouping up. I tried to find a group for a dungeon once, and got no response. would be nice if the game had a group finder.

The races of GW2 -- Elves, dummies!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: legion.7518


Tauren and Charr are pretty much opposite of eachother… COMPLETE opposite..
The only thing they have in common is fur -.-

C’mon man. The models are very similar. One has a bull face, one has a cat face, both with horns. Body types are so similar that most people will instantly think of the Tauren when they see a Charr. Yeah I know the lore is different, I’m talking about the look of the character.

The races of GW2 -- Elves, dummies!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: legion.7518


Charr were very much a race in GW1 (right from the first area in the first game) and have the longest history in this game. Asurans and Norns were added much later (EoTN) and Sylvari are new to GW2.

I would doubt that Charr were ripped from WoW as GW1 and WoW came out close to the same time and GW1 was long in development, meaning the Charr were designed before the success of WoW was apparent.

Charr make sense as a playable race due to their history in the game. They are a much more intelligent race than an Ogre would be. Ogre’s are barely sentient.

All of that said, Charr is my least favourite race.

First, Ogres are not all that dumb. In my Norn storyline I went to help the ogres and they had a leader that was quite intelligent and charming. As a hero, you can be smarter than the typical ogre grunt.

Second, even if you assume the ogres are big dummies, that can be a fun role-playing thing. I remember in EQ people that played ogres would go around and be like “me look for group, me like to smash things.” It was hilarious fun.

Also, ogre females would give a chance to have a female humanoid model that doesn’t look all cutesy or sexy.

I would play as an Ogre in a second.

The races of GW2 -- Elves, dummies!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: legion.7518


And let’s just face it, the Asura are basically just the gnomes of other games with a different name and skin. And that skin is just a weird alien-looking creature that most people didn’t care for from the beginning.

Asura should have been Gnomes
Charr should have been Ogres
Sylvari should have been Elves

Do that and they would have had a much better shot of this game being a mainstream blockbuster like WoW.

First priority should be making playable characters that appeal to the most people out there. The lore can always be changed.

The races of GW2 -- Elves, dummies!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: legion.7518


Charr are pretty much ripped straight from the Tauren of WoW. And I’m pretty sure they are one of the more unpopular races in that game. Not sure why a developer would choose to make that a playable race. A better alternative would have been Ogres. Again, you want more people to play your game then give them cool races that they want to be. Who wants to be a cow?

(edited by legion.7518)

The races of GW2 -- Elves, dummies!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: legion.7518


You guys claim you like all the races, but how many of you would play as Asura or Charr as your main? I still think that the vast majority of players don’t want to play as these races. More compelling races would have attracted more players to this game. Lots of people like the traditional fantasy races like elves.

The races of GW2 -- Elves, dummies!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: legion.7518


You guys haven’t commented on what I said about the Charr and Asuran races. I don’t think anyone can deny that most people really don’t like to play those races. This game just doesn’t have enough cool races. People want to play epic characters, and that means being a race that you think is cool. Look at WoW, a lot cooler selection of races… blood elves, night elves, orcs, dwarves, goblins, etc.

(edited by legion.7518)

The races of GW2 -- Elves, dummies!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: legion.7518


What do the most successful fantasy MMOs have in common? They had elves! People love elves. Remember EQ? And then WoW.

GW2 would have been better off not trying to be so original, and just stick with the races that people know and love. I’d guess that 80% of players dislike the Charr and Asura races. The Sylvari are not much better, although I suppose they are the closest you can get to an elf.

Super Adventure Box - Go!

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: legion.7518


This is the first I’ve heard of this thing, today when I come to check the forums. Been playing the game every day for the past month. How was I supposed to find out about a special event like this?

Patch size?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: legion.7518


I’d like to suggest that you guys put the download size in the patch notes. I’m usually on a metered connection. If i know the patch size is big, I can go to another connection to do the update.

Thoughts on the March 26th Patch

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: legion.7518


Can someone please tell me the size of the patch? I’m on a metered connection.

I've never dodged

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: legion.7518


I’m pretty new to this game. I’m a level 35 guardian and I’ve never dodged in fights. I know how to dodge (double-tap) and I’ve tried it, but never had any success and it just seems like a pain to me. Am I playing the game wrong?

Are there any other people that don’t use dodging?

Thief stealth -- different from other games?

in Thief

Posted by: legion.7518


Well I’m getting a little better at thief and I learned a couple uses for stealth using Cloak & Dagger, if I hit that I have just enough time to get behind them and do a backstab. Also it helps when I’m losing and want to run away.

Still, though, the thief feels weak to me in solo PvE. I die a lot, especially when I get adds. Also, in case I didn’t mention I’m new to this game, and this game feels more like a button masher than any other MMO I’ve played before.

BTW, I also started a guardian and while it may not kill things as fast, I’ve died only once in 8 levels. Do I just suck at playing a thief, or is this pretty much the way it’s supposed to be?

(edited by legion.7518)

Thief stealth -- different from other games?

in Thief

Posted by: legion.7518


I’ve been playing around with a thief, and I’m only level 7 but at this point the stealth seems pretty useless. I’m used to other games where you can turn on stealth and walk around that way, usually it slows you down but it enables you to attack from the shadows, backstab, etc. Does thief stealth ever get like that in this game?

Large update recently?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: legion.7518


Thanks, guys.

Large update recently?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: legion.7518


Was there a really large update to the game recently? Haven’t played in a couple months, today I went to sign in and was updating, it was already at 500MB with only 5% done. At that rate it would have been a 10GB update, but I cut it off. Is this normal?