Those “real WvW” people aren’t being honest … everyone cares about loot. I have been part of a mad feeding frenzy when someone got a Dusk drop … we zerged ALL of Eternal battle grounds in the hopes of another.
Those “real WvW” people spam the snot out of the F key if about to die. Loot.
The rewards sucked (sorry, Anet they did) no spin will change that. Basically the ball was dropped when they matched up the leagues AND allowed transfers. They were left with alienating those on low pop servers when they got meh loot or basically giving EVERYONE meh loot. I personally spent over 1k in guild cats etc trying to do my part to get my server into 2nd. I could have spent nothing and coasted to the same reward. Overall I would have done WvW without the reward … don’t dangle a carrot though and have it be rotten.
Make the commander tag have the option of GUILD ONLY, perhaps have it show as a different color to those in that group. While you are at it, for WvW groups with the commander tag … give the option for increased group size beyond 5 (something better than “join squad”.
As it stands the system is completely and utterly useless. We run in havoc size groups in WvW so we don’t fit in a 5 man group. So either we struggle to make the group system work or have to turn a tag on and confuse the stray players on a map into thinking we are a zerg to follow.
The two suggestions should be both easy to code and something fast tracked. There will always be bad commanders and allowing guild only showing would alleviate that problem.
For SBI.
I hope this reaches you guys. Sorry this match-up got dirty. Good luck down the road.
Lol, unnecessary.
I agree. Bushido seems to be the only Yak that’s sorry for it.
No, most of us didn’t know. I would bet that if more did, the vast majority would agree that integrity means more than winning. Both sides did it? Personally, I would rather take the high road.
Our guild has been spending about 20 gold an hour in guild cats and pulling 12 hour shifts trying to make a difference … if our server cheated then it makes it a hollow victory. I HOPE it was just a few people and would struggle to believe it was more than that since we have called this server home since headstart.
To SBI, sorry on behalf of the bulk of Yak’s Bend.
I just want to say: that herm guild name is disgusting.
Thank you. However, Franks is transitioning so please be respectful.
Just looked at the map and lol’d… Yeah SBI is the one using underhanded tactics.
Not that I’m complaining mind you, its nice to see YB got a little lackey in EB. After all, what’s the world without friends?
Lets hope YB can keep their lead throughout the week else there will be lots of humble pie to be shared around considering the amount of trash talk going around. Also for your roamers who run 5-10+ man groups, claiming the other side is bad when you’re running an organized group against pugs is pretty laughable.
Also EB, tsk tsk, telling your guys not to attack YB then claiming no double team, for shame. Be honest about it, we don’t care either way, at least SBI has something to do in WvW after all these weeks.Long live the fighters!
Uh, if there is an agreement please tell Ebay. My group spent the night going back and forth with Ebay on SW corner of SBI BL. Perhaps, that “agreement” is more in your head than it is in practice.
I don’t mind the down so much but an update would be nice …hey we’ve run into a random Cthulhu boss so servers are going to be down an extra hour …something like that
I am not shy about ripping on Anet for the way they handle things but the one thing nobody can complain about is their server up time. They are the gold standard in the industry as far as I am concerned and deserve nothing but praise. A few hours a few times a year … I think they are doing pretty kitten good.
Put in an item to level to 80 for 2,000 gems I will buy it for my alts.
Signed, terminally lazy.
You should delete the links so the terminally curious don’t get a case of terminal account theft.
NO! If they click that it is Darwin at work, no more no less. Now if they click in an email they have some wiggle room on being curious, in a thread saying not to though it is natural selection.
Honestly this kind of phishing mails doesn’t even make it to my inbox.
It is still very nice that they took the time to warn the masses is it not? Thanks to the OP for taking the time to alert the less than tech savvy.
They heard somewhere a precursor dropped in open world loot and had to investigate why.
Yes I did one day when I completed all dungeons during the night so I had nothing to do and decide to farm it. I made around 40g in 4:30 and I got surprised how rewarding spamming 111 truly is .
Basic math fail? Figure on an average of 40 boxes per hour. Now those boxes have between ZEROOOOOOOOO and 10 silver per box. Split the difference shall we and call it 5 silver per box. 5×40 = 2 gold and that is being GENEROUS considering I have had runs of 10 boxes of ZERO silver in a row. Even if we went the other way and nailed the RNG lottery with all 10 silver boxes it is a massive 4 yes FOUR gold per hour. Which after months of doing this … does NOT happen.
If you spam 111 you are part of the problem. There will always be some like you doing it but the reason events get done is there are enough of us that find the energy to move past 1 to the other skills as well.
Anet should take a tip from Blizzard D3 in forums and make it so people can see what the poster has accomplished in game. When Blizzard did this posters like you went the way of the dinosaur since everyone could see they were blatant trolls and barely played the game beyond trolling of the forums.
If you are only farming this for the gold then why don’t you do dungeons? Honest question. Dont’ get me wrong I’m not telling you how to play, but if you are telling the truth that this champion farm is only worth 2g per hour before the nerf, why wouldn’t you farm dungeons instead?
I can run AC P3 in about 15 minutes, CoF P1 in about 10 minutes, SE P1 – 10 minutes. and the list goes on.
Now I know you can only do the dungeon runs once a day, but there are quite a few easy dungeon paths you could be completing daily and no including any drops at all a dungeon run will net you 1.50 gold for that daily run.
Am I missing something here or is that not way better then 2g an hour?
As you mentioned … once per day. The people seriously running the champs are doing it trying to get a legendary and tend to be more dedicated than once a day type people. Not faulting anyone doing dungeons or their level of determination, merely stating that many that run the champs will be there for hours daily.
The champ farm doesn’t require you to spec a certain way or run a character you may not want to play. It is literally “run what you brung”. Which makes it convenient for both the hardcore grinder and the casual waiting on a Jormag spawn that just happened by.
There are always equivalent means for generating gold but bottom line, some people just like to grind for the OOOO AHHHH chance of maybe getting a good drop in a less than RNG friendly game. Dungeons to me are boring, running the same scripted path is worse than killing the same open world champ in my book. Plus Frostgorge has always been my favorite zone scenery wise. I guess it comes down to what you like or what is best for you … which is why when people try to dictate how others should play it makes me less than pleased.
I’m not trolling stop being rude , keep farming if you like it but it will get nerfed .
Sorry, if you found me rude but I find it offensive when people blatantly lie. As to it will be nerfed … they already nerfed it more than once.
Yes I did one day when I completed all dungeons during the night so I had nothing to do and decide to farm it. I made around 40g in 4:30 and I got surprised how rewarding spamming 111 truly is .
Basic math fail? Figure on an average of 40 boxes per hour. Now those boxes have between ZEROOOOOOOOO and 10 silver per box. Split the difference shall we and call it 5 silver per box. 5×40 = 2 gold and that is being GENEROUS considering I have had runs of 10 boxes of ZERO silver in a row. Even if we went the other way and nailed the RNG lottery with all 10 silver boxes it is a massive 4 yes FOUR gold per hour. Which after months of doing this … does NOT happen.
If you spam 111 you are part of the problem. There will always be some like you doing it but the reason events get done is there are enough of us that find the energy to move past 1 to the other skills as well.
Anet should take a tip from Blizzard D3 in forums and make it so people can see what the poster has accomplished in game. When Blizzard did this posters like you went the way of the dinosaur since everyone could see they were blatant trolls and barely played the game beyond trolling of the forums.
Champions :100g a day
Dungeons: 20g a day
Fractals : 5g a dayNice balance between risk vs reward .
100 gold per day from Champions? Please great one instruct me on how to achieve this … since I have done it for months and it is about 2 gold per hour. I just did 2 tests since the silver nerf of 250 bags and both runs were 10 goldish in straight coin. Anyone farming these is farming them for money for precursors so they are holding on to the rare T6 mat drops.
You have to base estimates on how much you earn by the silver generated since all items are RNG based. Please stop with the troll threads calling for nerfs of something you obviously do not do.
If you WvW and run into an entire field of Warriors and Guardians and still don’t think those two classes could do with some adjustment … we know what class you play. It is so OP it is becoming the zerg meta in WvW to the point of being ridiculous.
I had quit running champ farms since around 2 weeks ago because i seriously could not take it anymore. It was more stressing than satisfying trying to catch up with a train of 50 people rushing to tag champs. Then i looked for alternatives.
3xdungeon speed runs equal around 5-6g worth of rewards on average. All AC can be done within an hour or so with a good group and i found the LFG tool quite usefull in building the groups i want for optimal runs. Add some God temple runs on top of that and there, here’s your gold farm.
Just yesterday i did 5 dungeon runs, did 3-4 temples and i totalled 15g. I had gotten over 12 rares on top of 1-1.5g per dungeon run final reward AND lets not forget the ascended mat drops as well!
Dungeons and temples drop a crap load of rares and the temple pre events also have some good drops occasionally.
Seriously, way, way more fun and interactive
Overall i enjoy this varied playstyle way more than champ farming. A step to the right direction i say!
Nothing was stopping you from doing that before they nerfed the Champ farm. You saying this was a step in the right direction screams that you are just supporting Anet blindly in this or don’t actually have any real game goals requiring a lot of gold. Anet doesn’t need to nerf another thing in this game. If they are unhappy with people farming something they need to BUFF other alternatives not nerf the already very LIMITED opportunities that currently exist.
The champ farm was more than just the silver per box it was also Tier6 mats … 2 birds one stone, which is what made it so efficient. If it is easier to obtain gold it frees time to actually DO OTHER THINGS. Having to grind for longer to make less just forces people to choose to grind and only grind or leave the game. For the love of common sense Anet please wake up and realize that.
Simple fix … put the karma jugs back in the kitten game and make the Queensdale champs only drop blue bags. If people want to farm champs make them go to frostgorge and leave the lowbies to level in peace.
The above is said as someone that champ farms Frostgorge every day.
Thank you for reminding me why I stopped playing for 6 months? I came back with the champion farming in Frostgorge. There was finally reward for effort and time expended … now you turned it into an RNG lottery on if you will get any silver from the chest.
Most of those farming the champs were farming it trying to come up with the gold for a precursor. You remember that thing you were supposed to have fixed LAST YEAR to make it attainable by the masses. That same thing you won’t be fixing until 2014 now. The profoundly sad part is, at least on Yak’s Bend the group farming Frostgorge was made up of good people that were beyond dedicated to achieving their Legendary goals. In short you screwed a large group of not only dedicated gamers but polite ones as well (an uncommon thing in an MMO). Personally, I finished my Twilight and have enough for a 2nd, I am ranting on behalf of all those I see daily that will be severely impacted by this.
It’s official, you guys are the kings of leeching fun from a game.
I agree completely. It is kind of comical being nailed with the “excessive messaging” when the only two things I type in /map are … "Dropping omnom tray on my tag. Currently at Norn. Followed by Most welcome.
I try to give back to the community on Yaks Bend by dropping a tray every hour that I am in that zone. The current system makes that almost impossible if I make the mistake of replying to ANYTHING beyond the location of where I dropped the tray … “your message has been suppressed due to excessive messaging”.
Make the block list unlimited and remove the cap please. Some of us are honestly trying to make GW2 a better place.
All this hooplah over the precursor, and it’s still just one of many pieces required for a legendary.
Because there are many and yes at this point it is MANY people that only need the precursor to finish their legendary. I have had Gift of Fortune, Gift of Twilight and Gift of Mastery sitting in my bank for well over 2 months.
Like many after seeing that I could not get ahead of the inflation curve to out right buy Dusk I took a few hundred shots at the Mystic Joke and got nothing but a bad taste in my mouth for this game. Happy to report I haven’t logged in since then.
Not that they are even remotely interested in fixing the precursor issue but … they could do it in an afternoon.
Add a TAB to the Mystic Joke person (Myani) selling ALL precursors. 1 handed is 100 gold 2 handed is 200 gold. If people get one by way of a drop or the MJ then they still have a windfall of gold fall in their lap (as they should). This creates what the game desperately needs in the way of a REAL gold sink that removes REAL amounts of gold from the economy. The TP removes 15% compared to 100% with an NPC.
What is ironic is it would actually help them sell more Gems. More people would be willing to buy 100 or 200 dollars worth of Gems for conversion than 500+. So if it is Gem sales stopping them from this very common sense fix then they really don’t get the idea behind Walmart.
This is something I’ve suggested also and agree with.
I actually went higher on the price though, suggesting just a flat 300g across the board on the precursors. Still expensive to be sure but if you can manage the 3 other gifts, you can manage 300g. Bonus of not having that feeling that the price is moving up while you work towards getting money together. Would be a quite meaningful gold sink too which never hurts. Considering the icy runestones too, we’d be looking at many legendaries taking a flat 400g minimum out of the game (or even more if people are getting their lodestones by doing the core —> lodestone promotion, due to the wines from miyani needed for that).
Of course, they would still drop very rarely, so if someone gets a dusk and wants to sell it for 280g or something, they can have at it. For the less desirable precursors that sell for less than 300g anyway, nothing would really change and that’s fine too.
lol I have been posting the idea for about 2 months now and gotten nothing but infractions for the effort. The obvious answer is that they do not want to address the problem … the part that escapes me is the why. Logic and common sense seemed to have set sail for greener pastures.
What makes it even worse is that it was already used in other NcSoft games like Aion. When certain Stigmas needed by all were being manipulated to drive the price through the roof. They stepped in with an NPC and put a set price on them and the market corrected. So they KNOW it works and yet here we are two months later no where closer to a solution.
My personal favorite was when the game director posted in my thread to point those in it to a thread he commented on … so it isn’t like they aren’t aware of the suggestion. I even tried pointing out I didn’t want anything for the suggestion …. no comment still. Personally, I stopped logging in while waiting on the update on the 28th and will then get to confirm that nothing is exactly what they intend to do and uninstall.
(edited by leprekan.7248)
Not that they are even remotely interested in fixing the precursor issue but … they could do it in an afternoon.
Add a TAB to the Mystic Joke person (Myani) selling ALL precursors. 1 handed is 100 gold 2 handed is 200 gold. If people get one by way of a drop or the MJ then they still have a windfall of gold fall in their lap (as they should). This creates what the game desperately needs in the way of a REAL gold sink that removes REAL amounts of gold from the economy. The TP removes 15% compared to 100% with an NPC.
What is ironic is it would actually help them sell more Gems. More people would be willing to buy 100 or 200 dollars worth of Gems for conversion than 500+. So if it is Gem sales stopping them from this very common sense fix then they really don’t get the idea behind Walmart.
Why are they taking so long to release this? They’d make a ton of money; off of Charr roleplayers alone. Then factor in the rest, and people that don’t roleplay… That’s a lot of money!
I just don’t understand why it isn’t out yet. I mean, it’s in the database, isn’t it? Why does Arenanet not want our cash?
Perhaps because it makes it easier for the companies that sell power leveling services ….
I just want to quickly clarify to set expectations, nothing in the blog post, nor nothing we’ve said anywhere has said you will be able to buy precursor items directly for crowns, this is not the case. We’ve simply said we’ll try and find some other places to add a chance to get them to the game until we’ve implemented the eventual precursor scavenger hunt.
Long term we’ll be working on the scavenger hunt concept to track down and earn a precursor item as a direct form of earning the reward. We’ll discuss that in more detail in the future once a design and implementation has been finalized.
So ….
*If honestly wanting to help those players that only need the precursor to complete their legendary why not do the easy fix instead of the scavenger hunt that will take months?
ADD a tab to the Mystic Forge person and put all precursors in said tab. 1 handed is 100 gold 2 handed is 200 gold. Leave drop and forge rates as is and those that get one by luck have a windfall of cash still. This REMOVES ALL THE GOLD BEING PUT IN THE ECONOMY BY ANET AND GOLD SELLERS. Instead of removing 15% of it and leaving the rest in the hands of players. A real GOLD SINK that also has the benefit of fixing a problem. You know this would take all of an afternoon to do … so why don’t you?
It would be beyond easy to ADD a tab and would be far better than the scavenger hunt. Selling the precursor from an NPC for a fixed rate will cause a small rise in the rest of the mats since people will need less for it. Scavenger hunt will cause the prices to go up considerably since it will not be removing gold from the game.
At this point I can honestly say I think the only reason you are not doing this is because you are trying to work a hook into the Gem store for the precursor to generate more gem sales. There isn’t a logical explanation beyond that when the alternative of a TAB is far easier to implement and better for the game economy overall.*
As a paying customer can we possibly get a straight forward answer?
Precursors NEED to be changed. Those that don’t think so typically are no where near making one or acquired theirs through other means. I basically gave up after throwing nearly 2k of greatswords into the MF. Don’t start with the RNG lines … the current system sucks Anet knows it sucks so defending it just makes you look moronic/antagonistic. Before a hero hops in with wisdom telling me to work on the other parts … I have had Gift of Twilight, Gift of Mastery and Gift of Fortune sitting in my bank for more than a month.
One of the posters “working on his second one” made the HAMMER when the hammer cost below 100 gold and the lodestones cost about 50 silver each … please get a clue and realize that is not even in the same realm as one of the greatswords. So your being fine with it means jack to anyone with an IQ above 70. I made a super cheap one when it was REALLY cheap to make it … I am ELITE!!!!!!!!!!!! /golfclap
My concern is that Anet doesn’t do their homework on these forum posts to see where the “positive” posters are coming from like say a TP flipper perspective or a seriously casual perspective. Diablo 3 had a similar problem until they actually listed the posters time played in game in their forum profile … White Knight postings took a massive nose dive then.
I do apologize for sounding like I am nagging but when people about face from common sense it drives me nuts.
The funny thing about ‘common sense’ is that sometimes it does make sense, but at the same time it doesn’t.
In this case, it makes sense for the reasons you listed.
At the same time, the scavenger hunt, if implemented properly, also makes sense, since it would help with the lower level area issue.
IMHO, the scavenger hunt just sounds a lot more fun.
I appreciate that the scavenger hunt might be more fun … but there are many people that have been waiting patiently for help on this issue for months. Personally, I have had Gift of Twilight, Gift of Mastery and Gift of Fortune sitting in my bank for over a month … waiting for that help/fix from Anet. That wait has leeched ANY fun there was in this game for myself and many others.
There is an easy fix as I have laid out for more than a month. They claim they have another fix coming soon while they work on the scavenger hunt. Point I am making is the scavenger hunt will eventually get here so why not actually HELP those of us waiting for the “fix” now while we wait. It isn’t like people will stop at one legendary weapon.
To try and give as much transparency (and visibility) on the answer on this as possible, heads up -> I just posted in the other scavenger hunt thread, answer can be found there
I appreciate the heads up on a reply.
Should I be taking no comment on the idea of a TAB as the answer on your thoughts on it? Would save a lot of people time by just saying no we are not interested in this idea.
If interested why not do it? It isn’t like I want anything for the idea and the TAB has worked in other NcSoft games before this one so it is proven to be effective. I do apologize for sounding like I am nagging but when people about face from common sense it drives me nuts.
If they want a “quick fix” to the precursors being so expensive they could just increase the drop rate slightly. Then when the scavenger hunt comes out they can restore the drop rate back to it’s original state.
Law of Large numbers … the rate they would have to raise the drop rate to be sure to get enough into the system would flood the system with precursors or leave people wondering if they raised the drop rate at all.
The tears would be epic … Lost Shores ring any bells? Plus there is always the risk that by tweaking that drop rate it will change another items drop rate … remember unidentified dye? TAB is so much easier AND removes gold from the economy.
… There isn’t a logical explanation beyond that …
The owner of truth has spoken! /sarcasm
ETA on the scavenger Hunt, ANet style – When it’s ready or when they are forced to release with a lot of bugs!
Be as sarcastic as you like but can you come up with a logical reason why? We can walk to the store on our hands but it is much more practical to do it with our feet. So why is their solution to the issue hand walking is my question.
Why pursue it if there are better and easier ways to achieve the same results. Like I said give me a logical reason why.
I remember a guy from Anet saying not so long ago that he is still working on it.
And that it would “not come in the next patch”. He is taking time to do things right.
That was said 2 months ago and I believe that guy is a girl My concern is there are far easier ways that actually address the problem better and yet we wait for a scavenger hunt. Why …
Is there any chance we could get some information on WHEN or IF the Scavenger Hunt will be implemented? “Sometime in the future” really just doesn’t cut it anymore. Why are you married to the idea of the scavenger hunt anyway? Will part of it be Gem store only or something? And yes, I really hate feeling like that is what is holding it up.
If honestly wanting to help those players that only need the precursor to complete their legendary why not do the easy fix instead of the scavenger hunt that will take months?
ADD a tab to the Mystic Forge person and put all precursors in said tab. 1 handed is 100 gold 2 handed is 200 gold. Leave drop and forge rates as is and those that get one by luck have a windfall of cash still. This REMOVES ALL THE GOLD BEING PUT IN THE ECONOMY BY ANET AND GOLD SELLERS. Instead of removing 15% of it and leaving the rest in the hands of players. A real GOLD SINK that also has the benefit of fixing a problem. You know this would take all of an afternoon to do … so why don’t you?
It would be beyond easy to ADD a tab and would be far better than the scavenger hunt. Selling the precursor from an NPC for a fixed rate will cause a small rise in the rest of the mats since people will need less for it. Scavenger hunt will cause the prices to go up considerably since it will not be removing gold from the game.
At this point I can honestly say I think the only reason you are not doing this is because you are trying to work a hook into the Gem store for the precursor to generate more gem sales. There isn’t a logical explanation beyond that when the alternative of a TAB is far easier to implement and better for the game economy overall.
So about that Scavenger hunt …
They aren’t happy sticking to just the Market they also try to manipulate in the forums for Market benefits. Kind of sad the lengths some of them are going for virtual coin.
Note the OP in the thread and his arguing in another thread to leave precursors alone.
Make money off the Trade post? Sure! When it becomes the only thing a large group does then it needs to be scrutinized by Anet. Personally, I bought a FANTASY based MMO where I can KILL MONSTERS. I didn’t know I was supposed to spend my time in game playing Wallstreet.
Sadly, Anet actually encourages this by their DR and overall lack of good drops. Perhaps the convenience of the Trade post comes at too high of a cost in GW2. GW1 had NPCs running the important markets making it harder for people to manipulate them. Who knew … they had it right all along.
The people saying be “patient” should be moderated. If you are happy to continue to be “patient” then feel free to do so but you don’t have the right to troll threads on the subject and that is what it is. No way do any of you have everything ready but the precursor and not care when you finish the weapon.
The posts that are appearing daily are here because people have lost patience with the method for obtaining the precursor. It has been more than 2 months and for many it is game breaking. Get your dream car and all you are missing is one tire … how long will you wait to get to drive it.
Speaking as one player that has had Gift of Twilight, Gift of Mastery, and Gift of Fortune sitting in his bank for more than a month … my patience ran thin a long time ago. Scavenger hunt? Sounds great. Should we have to wait months for it? Uh … no.
Add a tab to the Mystic Forge person with 1 handed precursors at 100 gold and 2 handed for 200 gold. Leave drop and forge chances the same. Would take all of an afternoon to do this. This method also REMOVES gold from the economy that is being flooded in by gold sales … GEM conversion and illegal sales. Removes 100% instead of 15% leaving 85% in economy courtesy of TP.
Terrible idea. Precursor is one of the biggest hurdles for a legendary, with lodestones after. What’s so great about a legendary when everyone has it?
-It’s rare
-It looks niceWhen you have a bunch of people frolicking in twilights and sunrises, nobody will want it. Some things in this game are meant to be rare. Many people on this forum just want things easy, simple and handed to them. And then they whine that they don’t have anything to do? Please.
Arenanet would have to quickly come up with a higher tier of weapons. And if we look at what the reaction was with something as innocent as Ascended gear? That would be a firestorm of whine.
You will win this debate because this is my only courtesy reply to you on this subject.
You Sir/Madam are wrong.
Anet has already stated they are not happy with how the precursor is obtained. We were told they were working on a Scavenger Hunt as the new way of acquisition. My suggestion > their idea. Ego? Not at all.
Scavenger Hunt will actually cause the prices on the other mats to soar as people no longer need to save money for the precursor. Mine will cause a price increase on Tier 6 mats as well but it would be marginal in comparison since people will still need a fixed amount for their precursor.
I honestly don’t care if they are as common as air drops while grinding. I have loved the way Twilight looks since Beta. This isn’t about kitten for many people but an actual love of the weapon skin. I personally, don’t care what weapon you or anyone else uses and if you DO care … I think we found the issue.
Take this nugget to the bank … change is coming and trolling won’t stop that from happening.
another user – leprekan – suggested the precursors be sold by an NPC for 100-200g. The choice of which one is yours and it is account bound on acquire also making any legendary you craft with said precursor account bound on acquire. A real gold sink and no way to recoup the gold spent on it as an exploit.
You could still get lucky and get one dropped ‘in the wild’ that your are free to sell on the TP, or spend the gold and take it out of circulation.
I applaud this suggestion even if 100-200gold is way beyond my means for at least a year. And no I don’t do dungeons so it would be reasonable to take that long for a casual to make at the current loot drop rate/quality.
EDIT: I meant to add that I kinda liked the idea and that I didn’t quote leprekan directly just giving the guy credit for the original idea.
EDIT 2: hey there’s leprekan with his original idea. Sorry for this it was meant as a compliment to you.
No worries I am happy you liked the idea and even retained my name.
It is actually crazy they haven’t done this already. When you as the company also sell gold and do not put in a gold sink like this to take it back out … you are tanking your own game economy. They need to fire their “economist” =p
The people saying be “patient” should be moderated. If you are happy to continue to be “patient” then feel free to do so but you don’t have the right to troll threads on the subject and that is what it is. No way do any of you have everything ready but the precursor and not care when you finish the weapon.
The posts that are appearing daily are here because people have lost patience with the method for obtaining the precursor. It has been more than 2 months and for many it is game breaking. Get your dream car and all you are missing is one tire … how long will you wait to get to drive it.
Speaking as one player that has had Gift of Twilight, Gift of Mastery, and Gift of Fortune sitting in his bank for more than a month … my patience ran thin a long time ago. Scavenger hunt? Sounds great. Should we have to wait months for it? Uh … no.
Add a tab to the Mystic Forge person with 1 handed precursors at 100 gold and 2 handed for 200 gold. Leave drop and forge chances the same. Would take all of an afternoon to do this. This method also REMOVES gold from the economy that is being flooded in by gold sales … GEM conversion and illegal sales. Removes 100% instead of 15% leaving 85% in economy courtesy of TP.
We’ll be releasing more information on our blog in the next couple weeks that details our plans for first half of 2013, including more details on the kind of stories and features you’ll see in the January, February and March releases.
Precursors being addressed? Any chance you guys could just add a tab to the Mystic forge NPC selling the precursors? 100 gold for 1 handed 200 gold for 2 handed? Leave drop rates and forge chance the same. Helps remove all the gold that keeps getting put into the economy with gold sales.
Or a logical reason why not? Thanks for your consideration.
Especially when the team creating the content probably has little knowledge of the game altogether.
My question would be WHY did those recipe exist the way they were? If it was such an obvious oversight, shouldn’t ANY content developper have spotted it?
How did this get through quality assurance?
Given the number of bugs and broken events in game not to mention how often a “fix” results in a break somewhere else … you Sir/Madam have received a demerit for assuming they have a QA department =p
No, I wasn’t banned. No, I don’t know anyone that was.
However, I know Anet will not change their mind. Many years ago in GW1 they banned I believe 117 people for “hacking”. Even after they were shown exactly what was done and that it was not ’hacking" they stood by the bans. It was a simple “ferry” from one guild hall to a boss … a mechanic already in wide spread use in the game like from Nightfall to LA for new players.
They (Anet) are on a slippery slope (like it or not). If they don’t put their foot down from time to time and stand by it, they can’t enforce anything. To those banned … this is the time they chose. Like it or not it won’t matter how much you argue or try .. you have a better chance at a precursor drop in the forge than getting them to change their mind.
If it looks too good to be true …
Do I agree with the OP? Yes. Do I think Anet will do anything? No. I know 29 other people that feel the same way. People ultimately will vote with their wallet. I never played WoW before anyone goes there.
Personally, I think Anet made an amazing world in GW2 and then it falls apart after that. It is like a bad attempt at a cross over to console game. Almost like they made it to be able to port it in the future. Sorry, if I wanted to do jumping puzzles I would fire up Tomb Raider or Mario … I resent them in an MMO.
Without roles most fights devolve to dodge festivals … nothing elegant about this combat system. My concern in the Betas was that GW2 was trying to be too many different things and would master none. They proved my concerns to be accurate.
It is a beautiful game world though.
Judging by how many are “taking a break” … If a tree falls in the forest …
At the end of completing the main story line you reason a token to buy a Pact weapon.
Instead of a Pact weapon we should be able to trade our token one precursor.
Why do people think precursors should be hard to get? People act like precursors are legendary weapons themselves, its ridiculous!
Precursors are just a small part of making a legendary, there is nothing unique about them, there models are not even unique.
When you complete the world map you get a item to help make your legendary, the same should be for completing your story.
Because at this stage they have allowed to much purchased gold into the system to just give them away. They need some way to start pulling it back out hence my NPC idea I keep pushing. That gold is gone completely from the economy … trade post only takes 15% and leaves 85% floating around.
If the precursor becomes free through pact/scavenger hunt it will cause the prices of all other components to rise a lot faster than a fixed precursor price.
For the record I have Gift of Twilight, Gift of Mastery and Gift of Fortune already sitting in my bank … all I need is the kittening Dusk precursor … for a month now. So I am not shooting your idea down for anything but health of the game.
Here you go and on topic. Too lazy to keep typing it so cut and paste ftl.
This issue could be resolved in an afternoon for even the laziest coder. ADD a tab to Myanni (however you spell her name) the Mystic JOKE person. In this tab have all precursors for sale at 100/200 depending on 1 hand or 2 handed. Leave the Mystic JOKE option as is and the drop rate as is. Then if someone gets one by means of luck they have a windfall of cash as they should. This also helps to REMOVE all the gold that is going to tank this game that Anet and gold sellers are FLOODING into the system.
That approach actually NEEDS to be done. The amount of gold floating around will come back to haunt this game and every player in it. Selling gold and not putting in a massive gold sink like this … they should fire that “economist” they hired.
I have been posting this idea for more than a month now. Not one comment from Anet … /shockedface … /endsarcasm.
I disagree, I dont think every mob should always drop something. However I think veterans should have a much higher chance to drop loot than normal mobs and champions should ALWAYS drop something. Veterans should also drop better loot than normal mobs and champions should drop better loot than veterans.
The november “fix” to loot drops.. is nowhere to be seen…
“loot .. something appropriated illegally often by force or violence”.
Yes, all things should drop loot. You are looting the corpse of the entity you just killed. Unless human and naked there should be SOMETHING you could take. I just killed an Arctodus … so only sometimes does it have teeth fur or claws?
It is like saying your time was worth nothing. Let’s face it you aren’t killing it because it is new and exciting after 4 months of the game being out. Top 3 on my list of annoying things in either GW product is air drops.
Improving the loot tables would be a far better solution that to make every mob drop something. Its not like saying my time was worth nothing, its to say “hey, perhaps something good might drop from this mob or at least something I can sell”.
Then of course there is the killing because its simply in my way, or clearing out so I can start a skill challenge.. or simply because the current DE needs it. Apart from of course the chance that it might drop something.
Now, in mmo’s with actual quests it would make more sense if Ive got a quest to for example gather.. murloc eyes.. every murloc would drop “drop” two eyes (that I pluck from the corpse gameplay mechanics aside), that may or may not have been damaged (and if damaged might not be of any use to the quest npc, so I would not bother taking it from the corpse or at least take to sell as junk to a vendor).
But to be honest, you are in an area full of risen, there is danger lurking everywhere.. would you really stop to pick up some ruined cloth (that any sensible person would just toss aside and no vendor of any self-esteem would buy from you.. gameplay mechanics aside)?
I have to come up with 700 gold (last I checked) for Dusk … pick it up? I would not only pick it up but shave it sell the hair and part out it’s organs :p
I disagree, I dont think every mob should always drop something. However I think veterans should have a much higher chance to drop loot than normal mobs and champions should ALWAYS drop something. Veterans should also drop better loot than normal mobs and champions should drop better loot than veterans.
The november “fix” to loot drops.. is nowhere to be seen…
“loot .. something appropriated illegally often by force or violence”.
Yes, all things should drop loot. You are looting the corpse of the entity you just killed. Unless human and naked there should be SOMETHING you could take. I just killed an Arctodus … so only sometimes does it have teeth fur or claws?
It is like saying your time was worth nothing. Let’s face it you aren’t killing it because it is new and exciting after 4 months of the game being out. Top 3 on my list of annoying things in either GW product is air drops.
No one drives you to buy gold. Get real.
You can farm for legendary components.
You can farm gold to buy it from TP.Anyways it should take you a lot of time to reach legendary.
The only reason to buy gold is if you want it NAO!!1.
And since legendary is just a skin, you are in no way at a disatvantage for not having one.
At the pace that precursors are going up … no you cannot farm the gold to buy one. Unless you know of a way to generate enough gold to stay ahead of them going up in price daily. Perhaps you are one of the chosen few that never gets DR or has amazing drops … most of us do not suffer from that experience.
I personally have 1,300 HOURS invested in my legendary pursuit … how is that “NAO”? Lemming or a troll … either way try and have a great holiday.
Because it must be intended by you for them to cost so much.
You are blaming the developers for a price set by players as part of the player-driven market?
You are not exactly an economist, are you?
Uh, Anet actually micro manages the market. When that happens it is no longer purely driven by players. THAT is why I have lost confidence in this game. When you are just up against bad luck it is bad enough … without the game company “tweaking” things to get them where they want them. They actually create the demand AND then NERF the players ability to reach the goal which drives people to BUY gold.
Don’t be naive.
The way that ANet wants you to do it? By buying gems from the store and converting it to gold.
The way most people end up doing it? By buying gold from Korean and Chinese criminals.
There I fixed it for you. They put in DR to keep you from getting it through normal game play.
I have had all three gifts complete and only needed Dusk for 3 weeks now. I will never get ahead of the inflation to actually be able to buy Dusk. I tried throwing 200 gold worth of Greatswords into the Mystic Joke and got … jack kitten. Currently I log on to talk to what is left of my guild that haven’t quit this game over the same scenario.
This game has been the biggest let down of my 20 years of gaming. When you NERF a players means of getting gold through game play AND SELL game gold you show yourself to be UNETHICAL.
Not to rain on the sunshine and rainbows theme you have going on here but … any company that wants to stay in business is more concerned with the UNHAPPY customer than the happy customer. Just my 2 cents as a business owner.
My thoughts? They made an amazing world and got lost somewhere along the way. As someone that has supported this company since they became a company … I hope they find their way back soon.
A logical company would put in an NPC selling the precursors for a fixed rate (like 100/200 for 1 hand or 2) as a huge gold sink to help keep the economy healthy. It would be almost top priority for a company to do this if they also sold game gold for real money … since they would be part of the cause of the inflation.
I tried suggesting this awhile ago and they buried the thread in suggestions without even a comment on it. The beauty of it is they could just ADD it to the Mystic Joke person Myanni (however you spell her name). Would probably take them all of an hour to adjust her inventory.
If they don’t do something similar very soon all that gold they sell and the gold sellers that sell for even cheaper will catch up to this game and kill it.