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Ye really if Anet is just gonna nerf anything about a class then might as well not of made the class in the first place… go recall the design team and replace the thief class with a monk or something >.>
WARRIORS-bullcharge stun stun haste 100x blade 20k dmg >.> op range even with stun break you are dead in 2 secs other than that maybe guardians with the HP and health gear
nerf pistol whips…. where is the warrior nerfs? none shoot 100x blade is better and their volley is better then our unload too…
with 83% crit 3025 attack 100% crit chance in stealth i hit for 5k…
I think Anet should ban siege in the jumping puzzle because atm one server has 2 trebs 3 arrow carts and a catapult in the dome room portion (arena) of the jumping puzzle. If you know the area im talking about it is impossible to hit anything above the arena because the cliffs are too high making it a choke point for anyone who wants to get up there and kill the siege… because you will just get hit from either the arrow carts and fall or get knocked off from the treb. you cant even count siege them because of the height advantage.
ye i have seen that too…. and ye so true there is no more profit >.>
lol you think thiefs can run? maybe in a long long chase but really eles have the best burst of speed to just haul out of there… im a thief and i have not yet been able to catch an ele that ran, on foot or in water. this is with the heart seeker spam for the leap
Anyone find some pretty solid cool looking weapon skins in which are kinda easy to get… aka no legendary items XD. Im trying to find some cool daggers to use but its kinda hard >.< also maybe a nice helm.
hahah who ever brought up the s/d lololol not only does it miss on moving targets, it also misses on non moving targets.. hell even misses the air i bet
idk about basic running, if your in combat and get the 25% or not, but for jumping if your in combat it ruins your ability to jump so you have to wait and get out of combat to do the jumping puzzles.
get the point regens + the 3 extra from trickery haha this ability is very fun to use. Im having a blast spamming this 5 times and seeing 4 downed people and also after i found using dagger storm during rotations of this is pretty good aoe
I call this my Mobile Machine Gun pistol build:
This spec can easily be customized or tweaked in different directions depending on what you want. Want more raw power, and aoe weakness on your bow? Trade out the 15 in Trickery. It’s easy to change your heal or utilities to tailor against opponents as well or for personal preference. It is weakest against conditions, but that is easily fixed swapping a few things as well. You can also tailor this into a vampiric build with Signet of Malice and Assassin’s Reward, making your unloads heal for 1k+ each time you use them.
Ah, forgot to mention, I run shortbow with the flame AoE proc as my other weapon set for those AoE situations.
ty sir! I will try this out in WvW
No problem, let me know how it goes. I haven’t actually used it in WvW yet, just spvp. It seems like it would be viable though and it’s tons of fun with all the rapid fire pistols going off. For burst, you want to use Basilisk Venom + Haste + Unload spam.
ehh im iffy on that basilisk venom imo 45 secs for 1 sec stun isnt too hot. Is there some hidden trick or anything haha
I call this my Mobile Machine Gun pistol build:
This spec can easily be customized or tweaked in different directions depending on what you want. Want more raw power, and aoe weakness on your bow? Trade out the 15 in Trickery. It’s easy to change your heal or utilities to tailor against opponents as well or for personal preference. It is weakest against conditions, but that is easily fixed swapping a few things as well. You can also tailor this into a vampiric build with Signet of Malice and Assassin’s Reward, making your unloads heal for 1k+ each time you use them.
Ah, forgot to mention, I run shortbow with the flame AoE proc as my other weapon set for those AoE situations.
ty sir! I will try this out in WvW
imo we need another weapons… like an axe. Anet added to many abilities in to 1 kit so we have like cond dmg, straight dmg, debuffs… but we have noo focus on one type of damage.
The 5k-8k range varies on class. On the heavy armored classes, I tend to hit in the 5k tops while the lighter armor classes I deal higher. What sigils do you have in your weapon? And also what exotic armors are you wearing? Are they the power+toughness+vitality kind?
I do have power+prec+crit damage % on my acc and power+toughness+vitality on my armor. With power+crit damage%+precision runes.
Also what traits did you select?
I am actually looking for a build so if you can link yours that would be great:D im in full emerald/knight set.. the only prob is the health pool is super low so i also made a beryl set and i kinda interchange armor… on my weapons i have both invaders and zerks and each set is an air and rage sigil. what do you run?
I use P/P and D/D with a shortbow in my inventory for defense.
I usually shadowstep to within range of an enemy and attack while trying to make him burn his/her evade then ones thats done I use unload which crits with my build about 5-8k I got close to 9k but I am still on rare armors with only acc and weapons as exotics. Ones I get plenty of medals I should be rocking in full exotics and hopefully would improve my damage.
I’m in full exotics with 3200 attack and 50% crit n 60% crit DMV and I only hit for 5k max howww
Their downed skill is trivial to combat once you understand that the real mesmer always appears after the clone
That is, of course, assuming they both appear within your line of sight. The mesmer teleport can go around corners or over hills or sometimes even through walls. The one that shows up where you downed them will usually be a clone, but the real one can be somewhere you can’t even get to easily if you’re real unlucky.
ye this right here…. their down stealth can be up faster than ours and has a pretty big range (at least it looks like it does)
Is it me or do Mesmers have better stealth ability then we do… and mobility and blinking shoot…
I have on as well, what weapons do you use?
Fort wall defence: Pistols for single targets/shortbow for groups.
Assassination: Dagger, Dagger. Sword, Pistol.
Fort attack: Sit back, get a deck chair and a box of popcorn and let the classes with survivability and group combat viability do the work. Maybe defend the siege weaponry from strike teams if they try by being behind the siege line. If you really must get involved: shortbow clusterbomb the enemy front line.
May I see you D/D S/P build?
I have on as well, what weapons do you use?
Well I just got some exotic 80 pistols because i was bored and i really like the P/P combo for the thief… the problem is I really havent found a solid guide or build that is focused on straight dmg instead of cond. dmg. Is there any other P/P users who dont mind posting a build, or just talking about their experience in pvp with the P/P combo.
how can people afford the t3 stuff o.O like 20g each
I hear this set is not to bad because of all the utility. Does any one have a build going for the dagger/pistol set?
I havent found many shortbow dedicated builds. I think that it does great dmg in WvWvW and PvE mobs because of its AoE, but I still havent found a straight build for the SB. Can one be made?
Looks like alot of people is going with cond. dmg. but personally i dont like that play style. If any one out there has a D/D and SB build that is mainly pure dmg, could you please link it? atm im running with the knights set with both emerald and beryl jewellery, all exotic. idk which one to pick >.<
ye unlike most abilites which curve a little HS just leaps straight and sometimes goes thru people too
ye this is soo true… flanking strike is most useless skill i have seen… always misses unless ur target happen to be standing still for 2 secs and the skill happens to actually put you back in the area u started in.