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Unsolved: Black Screen Issue (AMD/ATI)

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: mack.1574


If the stickies in the tech support forum don’t help you might want to make a ticket. However, don’t hold your breath though .. there’s a lot of black screen/crash errors floating around unresolved.


Starting the game freezes my computer.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: mack.1574


I admire your efforts on people’s posts Kirito. I reformatted and reinstalled windows in the hope of fixing my issues and it got me nowhere. I hope it works better for Popcorn though!


My game keeps crashing as soon as I enter

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: mack.1574


You want a quick fix? Check out some of the stickies in the tech support board for starters and pray .. I’m still waiting for things to get better (it’s been almost a month).


Low FPS on GTX 560Ti

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: mack.1574


I feel your pain mate .. I’m in the same boat.

It’s pitiful ..


Black screen

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: mack.1574


It allowed me to log in and join, but doesn’t fix the black screen and fps shizzle-sticks.

I would share my PC specs but they exceed the requirements by a lot, and also my (almost) month old ticket has got to the ‘shrug’ stage. I’m still not entirely convinced it’s not windows-related, given the influx of issues to do with this.

Oh well


(edited by mack.1574)

Black screen

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: mack.1574


Unfortunately this didn’t help me much .. I’m still waiting for a fix (since early December). Happy Wintersday? Not really …


Really low fps GTX 560 TI i5 750.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: mack.1574


Might even be related to windows updates .. I knew I should’ve asked for a fix for this from Santa, rather than socks …


Really low fps GTX 560 TI i5 750.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: mack.1574


Welcome to the club mate .. it’s been like that for 2 weeks for me, and I’ve exhausted all options with Arenanet support. Take a look on these forums, or google, or elsewhere (regardless of your gfx card etc) – it’s been a growing problem for the past 2 weeks. Sadly, for most, there’s no solution yet.


GTX 680 Driver Errror Your Help Please!

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: mack.1574


Drivers not responding etc .. just take a brief look around these forums, or google .. there’s a huge rise in people with issues.


GTX 680 Driver Errror Your Help Please!

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: mack.1574


Unfortunately mate, this looks like a common problem a large number of people are having. There are some attempts at fixes as stickies, but having been someone who’s spent the last 2 weeks with Arenanet support trying to resolve the issue and getting nowhere (having exhausted all their troubleshooting options) I am personally unable to play GW2 now. If you take a brief look around the web you’ll see a fair few people are commenting on this atm .. and no-one seems to be able to pin down why the sudden rise of issues has come about (regardless of GPU etc). Personally I suspect windows updates .. but who knows .. all I do know is my 60 FPS is a thing of the past – I’m lucky to get 10 these days, if I even bother trying.


Black Screen of Death thing is getting old...

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: mack.1574


I feel your pain mate .. it’s been like that for me for over 2 weeks. My support ticket, which I opened when it started and has had me testing all sorts of stuff, got the reply of “make a post in the bug report board, we’ve exhausted our troubleshooting options” yesterday.

So yeah .. shrug ….


Black Screen & Afterwards FPS Issues

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: mack.1574


Yup, sounds incredibly familiar .. we’re not alone, sadly.

Let’s hope someone identifies the issue and gives us a fix before we get bored with sitting around unable to play.


Black Screen & Afterwards FPS Issues

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: mack.1574


Unfortunately mate this is a well-reported problem, with currently no definitive fix. Some claim it’s driver-related, but others claim it’s more related to Windows updates. Personally I opened a ticket over a week ago, and have had many replies from Arenanet attempting to identify/solve the problem from driver rollback, full removal, as well as testing key elements of my PC .. so far we’re no further forward.

I’m hoping it doesn’t drag on for too long, as currently GW2 is unplayable.

Sorry to be the barer of bad news, but there it is.


Crash/Black Screen Issue (NVIDIA)

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: mack.1574


I have a ticket on this open too, and so far nothing has resolved it. I really hope it gets resolved soon though, but I have my doubts .. the issue doesn’t just effect GW2 especially when you read official feedback threads like this ..

Geforce GTX 580
12gb Ram


No Rewards at the end of Lost Shore Event

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: mack.1574


I tried to battle on through the hideous lag .. but in the end I went to watch a film because the game was unplayable.

This whole weekend was a total disappointment as far as I’m concerned.


Karka event failure due to lag

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: mack.1574


So much lag you can’t hit anything. Disconnected 4 times, and now can’t get back in.

Brilliant ….

I’ve been looking forward to this Arenanet, and you’ve let us down with this farce so far.
