Showing Posts For melonLord.8712:

Tribulation Mode - I am ready

in Super Adventure Box: Back to School

Posted by: melonLord.8712


Oh so its just gonna be trial and error? Eh.. no thanks. I prefer real difficulty. More Super Meat Boy and less IWBTG please.

Edit: Also Andele makes a good point. The game isnt really precise enough for this kind of thing is it? I mean even using the player vs developer logic, you would be fighting both the developer AND the game itself. And I cant imagine how frustrating it would be to play IWBTG while having to deal with latency…

(edited by melonLord.8712)

Suggestions from a experienced MMO gamer

in Suggestions

Posted by: melonLord.8712


I don’t understand why people are defending the inability to customize the interface. I’m fine with it the way that it is but if someone has a problem with it why not give them the option to change it? I think people are too often getting into the “it doesnt affect me so its not a problem” mindset.

The Sky *IS* the Limit

in Suggestions

Posted by: melonLord.8712


Instance = dungeon like zones. I am not a fan of dungeons, especially if there is no LFG tool – and please don’t send me to that grouping site.
I have only done the story mode in all of them for the sake of the story
(I like the story and I would play more stories but I am forced to grind between story levels and that is another major flaw of this game compared to GW1)

So then lets beg for an LFG tool (one of the fixes that I was refering to that I think they should focus on before they start talking about adding mounts) . I back that 120%. Its also possible for them to make the instance have a soloable version so that you dont have to deal with finding a group if you don’t want to (also I thought your guild did “speed runs” so that you didn’t have to grind).

Empty zones = this is the feeling this game gives to me It is not an assumption, it is a fact I have seen myself. Of course it may depend on the server and timeline but still, I have not encountered more than 3-10 people in any zone between 50-80 while I was hunting my map completion star with my lvl 80.

The assumption I was referring to wasn’t that zones were empty, it was that youre assuming that the reason that zones are empty is that we dont have mounts to roam around on. I think its heck of a stretch to say that the zone underpopulation can be solved by a movement speed boost.

The Sky *IS* the Limit

in Suggestions

Posted by: melonLord.8712


Every thread about mounts in this forum ends up to be a discussion on “why not add them” instead of" Let’s see how we can best implement them" so it is always a lost cause.

What I’m trying to get across to you is that flying mounts in the open world is not the way to do things. I (and, again many others) have already said that flying in an instance would be alright as that doesn’t run the risk of hurting the game as a whole.

Instead of dedicating their play time in full for GW2 they will have to divide between multiple games. End result: GW2 has low population in the majority of zones because the land traveling and soloing group events is more annoying then playing another kill 10 rats games

This is involves so many baseless assumptions that I’m not even going to touch this.

Make it more comfortable to look UP!

in Suggestions

Posted by: melonLord.8712


First person camera. Why do we not have this? It would encourage machinima and like you said would make it much easier to simply look up.

The Sky *IS* the Limit

in Suggestions

Posted by: melonLord.8712


I see there is no reason to argue with you because you always have the “right” answer. You have the ultimate truth in this matter so why argue? Just to fill up this thread? No thank you.

I’m not even sure what this is supposed to mean. Yes I have an opinion on the matter that I think is the most logical but doesn’t everyone in this thread? Dont you?

Dragon helm ugly as heck hit by ugly tree.

in Suggestions

Posted by: melonLord.8712


Meh, I kinda like it. Its not the best but I definitely wouldn’t call it ugly.

The Sky *IS* the Limit

in Suggestions

Posted by: melonLord.8712


In our guild we have a so called “speed running team” We take players with swiftness from starter zone to orr if they have enough karma immediately they reached lvl 80 so they will get exotic armor and then do what they like in the game. most of them are max leveled in starter zone. It takes us about 30-45 min to run from LA to Orr skipping all events even if we are on the ground.
Skipping event due to flying mounts is nothing but an excuse while the game content is already skipped big time.
in GW1 Factions campaign was beaten in 15h and no one complained it is too short. people were happy they reached the end of the story to be able to do other things they like.

So you can speed run the game, big whoop, you can speed run literally any game. Hell, Skyrim can be beaten in under an hour (btw, you’ve actually pointed out a reason why you shouldn’t have an even faster way to get around if you can already get to max level in less than an hour). The point is that as a game designer you dont want to encourage people to rush through your game. Especially when your game is an MMO. Its not that GW2 currently locks you into place and says “now you have to do this event”, its that the events are right in your face as you’re wandering the world, happening around you in such a way attempts to make you want to do them. That changes when you can just fly over it. In addition, you also now you have to go even further out of your way to do the event than normally (you have to fly down, dismount, do the event, mount back up and then fly back up) which further discourages you from doing content.

The next playable race? I say Centaurs!

in Suggestions

Posted by: melonLord.8712


Centaur would just feel clunky imo . I think Tengu is the class that theyre doing next and I’m all for that. Maybe Kodan too.

The Sky *IS* the Limit

in Suggestions

Posted by: melonLord.8712


ok, i understand you are against flying mounts but please, if they will add flying mounts in this game and aerial combat and flying jets and helicopters and so on, do me a favor and come to the forum and admit that others were right suggesting this

And if Anet comes out and says that it’s something that they will never do because of any of the many many reasons stated here, I expect an “I’m sorry” topic from you as well.

The Sky *IS* the Limit

in Suggestions

Posted by: melonLord.8712


I dont think that there is a reasonable way. Theres a reason that you dont have any smaller dragon enemies (before you say otherwise, drakes are just large lizards). Dragons are built up to be a big deal in GW2 all of a sudden making them something as common as a horse would be ridiculous. If they do add mounts, there are plenty of other alternatives (asura mechs alone open up lots of possibilities) but dragons would be the silliest option.

A-Net just gave the answer that at first, the dragons were not exactly bad guys

Nothing can stop them from creating good dragons back

They’re much more of a force of nature than just “bad guys” and your explanation doesnt fit into their story.

My point was never that they were evil. It was that that turning them from these literally god like figures to something that basically equates to a horse would be stupid.

The Sky *IS* the Limit

in Suggestions

Posted by: melonLord.8712


People worry that adding flying mounts to GW2 will make people skip the content. Do they ruin it more then the WP system? I think not
It doesn’t matter if they have speed boosts of 170% because nothing can compete with teleportation speed. you will still need to use teleportation to go to a far away zone. (an adjacent one can be accessed thru the portal anyway)

As long as there is no mounted combat we can consider this flying as a spectator mode for PvE which wont give you any experience nor will count your presence for event scaling.
Summoning a flying mount during combat won’t be allowed so if you are in an event you wont be able to escape using your flying mount as you can’t use the teleportation.
Flying mounts wont be available since the start but they can be a reward for lvl 80 characters.
Different flying mount skins would be available in the cash shop and through events and festivals like the upcoming Dragon Bash

Here is a type of “dragon” that will not make the GW2 ones ridiculous and as you can see, the zones have “walls” around them like in GW2

Those are big birds. I’m fine with big birds (if they were to make mounts which I’m still against or at least would prefer almost any other type of content added). All I was saying was that dragons would be the last type of mount you should have in the game. There are countless other options for flying mounts dude. I’m not sure why you were so intent on dragons lol.

The Sky *IS* the Limit

in Suggestions

Posted by: melonLord.8712


I would really like for you to look up where the Elder Dragons fit in GW2 lore. They’re much more of a force of nature than just “bad guys” and your explanation doesnt fit into their story.

My explanation is a simple idea. if you are more into the lore you could come up with a better one but as long as I feel you from your answer that you are against any mounts, I wouldn’t even expected a different “justification”

I dont think that there is a reasonable way. Theres a reason that you dont have any smaller dragon enemies (before you say otherwise, drakes are just large lizards). Dragons are built up to be a big deal in GW2 all of a sudden making them something as common as a horse would be ridiculous. If they do add mounts, there are plenty of other alternatives (asura mechs alone open up lots of possibilities) but dragons would be the silliest option.

The Sky *IS* the Limit

in Suggestions

Posted by: melonLord.8712


Just look at this clip from another game.
If they add flying mounts, they really need to take some inspiration from there

the lore behind “the good dragons”?
Well, the ones terrorizing Tyria were expelled from the dragon kingdom becasue they wanted to conquer it. We have good humans (seraph) and bad humans (bandits, pirates), We have good charr and we have bad charr, we have good asurans and we have bad asurans… why not have good dragons while we have bad dragons?

Besides, in this way they can make even more bad dragons and let Zaitan be just a mere rebel compared to the new ones

I would really like for you to look up where the Elder Dragons fit in GW2 lore. They’re much more of a force of nature than just “bad guys” and your explanation doesnt fit into their story.

Mage Weaponswap

in Suggestions

Posted by: melonLord.8712


I was waiting for your post.

What is that supposed to mean?

Fix the Guild Wars 2 (Un)Holy Trinity!

in Suggestions

Posted by: melonLord.8712


both tanking and control reduce or eliminate incoming damage on most or all of the team, and allow for positioning of the mob.

So by that logic, support is tanking too because it has abilities that reduce damage to the group (protection, aegis, regen, etc.)?

The Quaggan as a playable race (Discussion)

in Suggestions

Posted by: melonLord.8712


Quaggans are written to be weak, helpless and for the most part, useless (this is also reflected in their design with their tiny limbs and plump bodies). Thats why when they actually DO something its a big deal. So no, I would not want to play as one.

Mage Weaponswap

in Suggestions

Posted by: melonLord.8712


Im sorry but you don’t know how the game is coded so you cant say how simple or complex it is to make that change. Its possible that that’s something that can be changed in a few hours but its also possible that changing that breaks something else that has to be changed that messes up something else that would also need to be changed etc, etc.

Mage Weaponswap

in Suggestions

Posted by: melonLord.8712


Whats a mage?
But seriously youre not the first person to suggest this its just such a minor inconvenience that Im sure thakittens not very high on their priority list.

Fix the Guild Wars 2 (Un)Holy Trinity!

in Suggestions

Posted by: melonLord.8712



A duck by a different name…

I can kinda see how you could think support is healer as healing is a part of support (although damage prevention is a larger part) but how the hell does control=tank? CC and tanking are even different things in other MMOs.

Fix the Guild Wars 2 (Un)Holy Trinity!

in Suggestions

Posted by: melonLord.8712


True, teamwork isn’t REQUIRED

That right there is what everyone is talking about, man. Yes teamwork makes things smoother but that’s the case for basically any game where multiple people play. That doesnt mean that the game mechanics encourage true synergy. And I’m not saying that you cant synergize, I’m saying that the combat mechanics in place don’t encourage it as much as they should.
Also I love how you keep referring to the tank/healer/dps trinity when people have said over and over again that theyre referring to the dps/control/support trinity which is the trinity that ANet promised, not one that people are carrying over from other games.

Valid Reason for Changes

in Suggestions

Posted by: melonLord.8712


1. I have no Idea which AC boss you’re talking about. Please specify. I dont see how your will to farm without risk of death (again, making the already easy combat simply trivial), makes this a must. I would also like to point out that if someone else starts combat and you are on higher ground, as long as your spell can reach them you can still attack mobs but if the person who originally aggroed them dies then the monster resets instead of trying to aggro to you. so its possible to have this high ground advantage you seek in many situations.

2. This sounds like some kinda bug you’re experiencing lol. Teleports are supposed to end at the end of the platform you’re jumping from. Unless you’re talking about teleporting upwards which would trivialize both Jumping puzzles AND many vistas. I don’t see what your argument is supposed to be for jumping puzzles. Its fair game because it could make hard parts easy? What?

3. You actually get a VERY significant amount of your stats from gear. You would be more than “tanky”, you would have stats of someone 2-3 times your level. Letting level 1’s walk around with 80 armor would make PvE triv-wait, I’m noticing a pattern here…

Im sorry but it really sounds like you just wanna find the easy paths (even if they border on being exploits) to just blow through content and are dissappointed that GW2 doesnt allow for them (not saying the game is hard but still).

Valid Reason for Changes

in Suggestions

Posted by: melonLord.8712


I was excited when I heard about the combo mechanic, and how GW2 would let you use the environment as a weapon, but ANet failed to deliver. Give waterfalls, rivers and ponds constant Water Fields. Give campfires and lit torches a Fire Field. Let us actually interact with the environment, instead of giving us “Environmental Weapons” that are, for the most part, useless save for comedic value or the occasional Renown Heart.

Yeah, please don’t do that.
Anet already clarified what they meant by using the environment long before the game released. If you were expecting otherwise, I say that’s on you for not looking into it. Its not that they failed to deliver, you just drew assumptions based on the small amount of information you collected on the game and were disappointed when your guess wasn’t right.

Valid Reason for Changes

in Suggestions

Posted by: melonLord.8712


1. No you cannot use level geometry to exploit the limited enemy AI. Limiting that is MMO basics.

2. Basically the same as the above. AI isnt smart enough to be able to avoid situations where you can knock them off like that (ps you can knock people off cliffs in pvp) so letting you just push them off cliffs would trivialize combat in many situations. Theres also the problem of pathing them back up to where they were if they dont die when they hit the ground. Also being able to simply teleport through jumping puzzles and such would just be silly.

3. Im pretty sure that you can transmute the looks of any armor or weapon even if its higher level. You cant use the stats obviously as a lvl 1 wearing lvl 80 gear would utterly trivialize content.

4. Sure why not? i never saw the appeal but it seems like something easy enough to implement to at the very least shut people up about it.

5. Eh…Sure?

6. Okay this has always annoyed me. Why do people think they need mounts? We can friggin teleport via waypoints, we all have swiftness in one way or another (2/3 of the classes that I main can keep it up perpetually) and unlike other MMOs there is almost no back and forth (and back and forth and back and forth…) to do quests (the only example of that being the Personal Story to a certain extent). With how this game is set up I really dont get the demand for mounts beyond “other MMOS are doing it”. Unless of course you’re talking about cosmetic mounts in which case, again, sure why not.

GW2's Boss battle need proper tells!

in Suggestions

Posted by: melonLord.8712


Another example of a game with bosses with proper tells and (for the most part) clear hit boxes would be Monster Hunter.
While I can agree on the hitboxes in some cases (hell, it still annoys me that you can get hurt slightly outside of red circles) I cant say that I’ve had many problems with boss telegraphs in GW2, but then again, I dont really do many dungeons.
Perhaps of you posted examples of bosses that you felt had poor tells and hitboxes?

The Sky *IS* the Limit

in Suggestions

Posted by: melonLord.8712


Honestly if the do consider adding any types of mounts, it should be the last thing on their list. In a game where you can teleport everywhere and just about everyone has access to swiftness in one way or another, you really don’t need mounts.
An instance where you fly around? Yeah that would be cool I guess but I (and most likely many others) would just equate it to just another dungeon/minigame/zone/whatever with a gimmick and so if its really that much more difficult to create than normal content, I would vote against it, and say that they should spend those resources on something else.
Also I imagine that air combat would be something like water combat. So thats another point against it.

Fix the Guild Wars 2 (Un)Holy Trinity!

in Suggestions

Posted by: melonLord.8712


I agree with everything in the video. It would be nice if control builds were as viable as ANet said they would be. Also giving boss enemies smaller, weaker attacks would not only make heals and support more useful but would also make retaliation more viable. Not entirely sure how much would have to change around to accommodate these changes nor do I think that ANet cares enough at this point to make them but its nice to dream at least.
It also may help if the pvp/ pve split put WvW on the pvp side of things (as I understand it WvW is considered pve for some reason) so that they dont have to worry about unbalancing WvW when they make these types of changes.

A dps meter

in Suggestions

Posted by: melonLord.8712


Even if its just so that you can see your own DPS (thus eliminating the ‘youre not doing enough so leave’ mentality) I would really like this. The whole not being completely sure if X does more dps than Y thing really irks me. The fact of the matter is that the “elitists” are going to do the calculations by hand anyway.