Those are brave men. Let’s go kill them.
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Those are brave men. Let’s go kill them.
Disconnects and "Incorrect Password" Message [merged]
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: metallkette.4831
I just reinstalled the game myself after replacing my hard drive, and now I can’t log in. Getting error message 11:1001:2:1524 as well from Diamondhead, MS and my server is the Far Shiverpeaks (EU).
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Logging in from USA to EU server Far Shiverpeaks, and getting error code 42:0:9001:4105
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I agree to an extent, I can’t tell you how many times I’ve run into the issue of not being able to claim a location because someone else has, but there are no buffs currently. Personally I think they should do it so that a claim disappears after a certain amount of time, say 30mins when there is no buff. To give the guild a chance to reissue buffs, or start them if they just claimed. As I don’t personally activate the buffs until after I’ve claimed. But something needs to happen here, it’s annoying as all hell to be under heavy assault by the two other servers at a keep, and not be able to put any buffs up because the people who have claimed have no buffs active, and long gone to transfer their claim to a supply camp, or some other objective that is currently unimportant at the moment.
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(edited by metallkette.4831)
“All it was was being practical. Miller’s best option would be to help us Sandwich Gunnar’s at any oportunity they get, not help Gunnar’s defend their keeps and towers by trying to clear us of them. :P”
Yes if they want to come 3rd. Millers should be throwing everything they have at FSP imho, there is still the chance to make them 3rd and Millers 2nd. However there is surely not even a minimal chance of getting us Gunnar’s away from 1st place except with a full scale alliance that focuses 100% on GH, and even then it will be hard :P
You should log in and take a look at your map this morning I think. :$ FSP is quite capable of taking everything you own by ourselves thank you very much.
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To all Far Shiverpeaks people, we just want you to know that yesterday night [XxX] transfered back to Gandara before the incoming paid transfer. We had lot of fun playing alongside with you guys and it has been a week of awesome fights! Thanks to all the one involved and to all Fsp guys who welcomed us this week.
Good luck!
I would just like to say it was pleasure to have you with us. It may have been short lived, but I think you taught our server a few things, and hope you have plenty of success in whichever server you choose. I just hope to see you on the battlefield again in the future when we move up.
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How in the world does FSP have more people at night when I constantly get the outmanned buff? Only very early in the morning do I ever see FR or UW with outmanned buff, and hardly ever in their own borderlands. Why we get the outmanned buff in EB on a regular basis in EB around 4am GMT.
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Yeah with UW clearly working with with DZ this match up I’m just ready for the match up to be over with already. Not sure why both of you decided work together this time, but I swear UW we will make you hurt next week for the grief you’ve given us. You better pray that DZ stays in tier next week to save your kitten You better pray that DZ stays in tier next week to save your kitten loving behinds.
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(edited by metallkette.4831)
Hey if you play afternoons and nights, you could always come over to this here Far Shiverpeaks EU server. I play similar hours as you do (CST here though), and been having a good amount of fun since I came over. I was on Dragonbrand as well for a while, but just didn’t click with any guilds over there. Now I’ve joined Dynasty Warriors, and have become very involved in the server community especially in wvw.
Now you might be thinking “what the kitten? A EU server?!” true it may be a lot of European players, but you’ll be had pressed to find people speaking something other than English over here, and our guild alone stretches across globe with members in NA, Russia, Australia/New Zealand, South/Central America, and of course people from all over Europe. We also don’t tolerate anything other than English in guild chat.
If you’d like to know more check out our post here.
And if you have any further questions feel free to ask me here, or in game.
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Well if you want active all the time Dynasty Warriors would be a good choice as we have members from all over the world, NA, Europe, Australia/New Zealand, Russia, and other places. We currently have 200 members as well, and it’s growing steadily. I don’t know what else you’re looking for, but we have a dedicated WvW team, sPVP team, and of course people who do PvE all the time.
Far Shiverpeaks is a European language, but English is the only thing spoken on the server with some rare exceptions, and we allow English in guild chat.
If you want to know more check out our link here.
If you have any other questions feel free to ask me in game on Godchewer, or shoot me a pm here.
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Not to put too much emphasis on NA players, we really welcome anyone to join, and have a bit of fun.
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Best server to enjoy anything Tyria has to offer.
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Hey there Krachen, at Dynasty Warriors we’re a PvX guild with a main focus on having fun. We have a WvW team, and we run dungeons frequently. We do like to use teamspeak especially in WvW, mostly so we can still function while joking around, but we don’t require anyone to speak on there. We don’t require our members to participate in anything, though it is highly encouraged, but there are no repercussions for not attending.
In no shape or form is religion even discussed amongst us in chat, forum, or anywhere as we simply don’t care.
Far Shiverpeaks is a EU server, but English is the only thing we allow in guild chat, and pretty the only thing you’ll ever see on the server with some very minor exceptions, but only knowing English will not be a problem as I live in NA (On CST), and only know English as well. We are very much international with members from all over the world, and we have our fair share of other NA players (Some from SBI already!).
If you would like to know more check out our recruitment post.
If you have more questions, or want to join just message me here or in game on Godchewer.
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Hey we still need a few Americans over here though so don’t be shy. There’s only a few of us here, but the more the merrier as we get bumped up to next tier we have to face all those huge German and French zergs at night again.
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Hey there Simon, the server you’re looking for is Farshiverpeaks, and the guild is Dynasty Warriors. We’re a pretty easy going guild, and don’t take things too seriously (except WvW as our current match up score will indicate). We do not require anyone to participate in WvW as we’re a PvX guild with both a strong PvE group, and strong WvW team.
If you would like to know more check out our recruitment post if you have more questions, or want to join just message me here or in game on Godchewer.
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Hello Shiveria, at Dynasty Warriors we haven’t had any drama in our guild since release, and we’re PvX. Mostly we do dungeons and WvW, but we also put together our own events, and have a sPvP team in the making. We’re pretty laid back, and play Guild Wars 2 have fun (not that we don’t get a little stubborn occasionally, and get hell bent on taking a keep now and again).
Far Shiverpeaks is a EU server, but English is the only thing we allow in guild chat, and pretty the only thing you’ll ever see on the server with some very minor exceptions, but only knowing English will not be a problem as I live in NA, and only know English as well. We are very much international with members from all over the world.
If you would like to know more check out our recruitment post if you have more questions, or want to join just message me here or in game on Godchewer.
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(edited by metallkette.4831)
Hello there Shining! We may have just what you’re looking for. At Dynasty Warriors we’re a PvX guild, and although we have a dedicated WvW team we never require our guildies to join in anything. We like to have a bit of fun as well, just recently we put together a big Asura zerg to run around, and harass people with a bunch of midgets for example. We have few rules as we’re focused on the fun aspect of the game.
Far Shiverpeaks is a EU server, but English is the only thing we allow in guild chat, and pretty the only thing you’ll ever see on the server with some very minor exceptions, but only knowing English will not be a problem as I live in NA, and only know English as well. We are very much international with members from all over the world.
If you would like to know more check out our recruitment post if you have more questions, or want to join just message me here or in game on Godchewer.
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Hello Titan, if you and your friend are willing to transfer over to Far Shiverpeaks [EU] we can offer you all that in Dynasty Warriors. We are an international guild, and have members from NA (myself included) as well as across the world so we pretty much always have people on to group up with. English is non-issue as I only speak it, and never have a problem with communicating with anyone.
We do WvW all the time, and the occasional dungeon. We have 3 commanders for WvW that are in there on almost a daily basis, and we’re looking make a couple more members commanders so we have a nearly 24/7 coverage in game. We’re a pretty active bunch, as we talk frequently on teamspeak, and is our preferred method of communication in WvW.
You can look at out recruitment thread here if you have any further questions leave me message.
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Hey there mouse, I’m in the Dynasty Warriors guild on Far Shiverpeaks (EU). Like you I enjoy WvW with some occasional pve action. I also live in the central time zone! Even though it’s a EU server I never have trouble finding people. We have a strong growing community, all our players are dedicated to Guild Wars 2 as well, so our guild is not stretched out over multiple games. We have other members from NA, Australia, and of course Europe, so there’s almost always other guild members on, at least enough to fill a party at any given moment in game.
I only speak English by the way, and have had zero issue with communication.
You can check out our recruitment post here and if you have any further questions feel free to mail me here or in game.
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Portals don’t need to be messed with, the limit on AoE needs to be removed, and healing buffed to compensate for it imo. I’ve been on the receiving end of many a portal bombings, as well as the one doing the portal bombing, and if AoE wasn’t limited you would see far fewer problems with this technique.
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I know precisely what spot he’s talking about. It’s an oversigth on Anet’s part because the invulnerability shouldn’t have extended down like that on the hill. However it’s pretty far back from the camp, so anyone wanting to prevent you from capping would have to get away far enough from the capture ring to utilize it. Really I’ve only ever seen it used by small groups to weather out large zergs though, and if you dumb enough to stand there and attack someone who’s invulnerable you deserve to die. Simply force them out, by being far away from it!
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Yeah I’ve witnessed hacks, no two ways about it they were just straight up hacks. However, as a person with a level 80 mez myself I have spent hours hiding before waiting for my team to get the randoms organized and ready for a portal. So a bad sweep can lead to sudden enemy forces coming out of no where. I mean throw up a stealth, run in, drop portal, and before you realize it there’s 30 people in your face.
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It was real battle with Jade Sea tonight. Lots of towers and keeps trading hands multiple times. Although I can’t for the life me understand why JS never went Jerrifer’s. We were almost certain it was going to be an intense battle there, or at our keep in EB.
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If only you knew the power of the dark side! Or rather we’re friendly enough when we’re not mounting the heads of fallen enemies on stakes in WvW.
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Hey there fellow gw2 addict, we at Dynasty Warriors maybe just what you want, our average is 28, and some of conversations would make Ron Jeremy blush. Not that we go out of way to be vulgar, but we don’t have any kids in our guild to my knowledge, and I’m an officer so I should know better. We’re a PvX guild, and have a highly active WvW group which you may like join up with once in awhile for a change of pace. However, we will never require you to participate in WvW, and we have a weekly guild dungeon run. We also do dungeons randomly throughout the week, as well as other PvE content. We love chatting, the trick is getting us to shut up sometimes. I’m in Mississippi myself, and we have other players from NA, and across the globe.
Far Shiverpeaks is an EU server, but your time frame and English are non issue here. English is used server wide, only thing you might see is a guild looking for members of specific country using another language, but other than that the use of anything other than English is actively discouraged in public channels on the server. Certainly no worse than the Spanish or Portuguese you see on NA servers.
If you would like to find out more visit our recruitment post here
If you would like to inquire about joining, or have any questions feel free to contact me, or maloki here or in game.
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We at Dynasty Warriors are always looking for new blood to join us in our WvW fun. We set up weekly events for our guild, plus we are apart of The Northern Assembly the server alliance which has a raid every weekend. Although you will find DW members in WvW everyday as we group up to take objectives. As well as our night/morning crew contact list CIA a shadow guild which functions to unite people on the server for late night raiding. We have 165+ members currently with and average of 40 on during prime time throughout the week.
For more information go here or contact me, or maloki. We’re on all the time and can answer any other questions you may have.
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If you’re in the mood to kill hordes of German and French we at Dynasty Warriors are always looking for more wvw members. We classify ourselves as PvX, but we have a large group that participates in WvW every day. We promote officers as needed, so there’s always a chance of promotion to those who prove reliable in the heat of battle, and can take charge.
Far Shiverpeaks is an EU server, but we don’t allow anything other than English in WvW so everyone knows what’s going on. You’ll very rarely see anyone use anything other than English anywhere on the server, and it certainly isn’t worse than the Spanish and Portuguese on NA servers. We have also have an alliance known as The Northern Assembly which tries to include all guilds active in WvW, and Dynasty Warriors takes a serious role in it as well.
You can look over DWs post here
If you have any further questions you can contact me, or maloki in game, or this site via mail.
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It is certainly convenient if you wvw a lot. You’ll be sure to see a lot of regular wvw players in the guild to group up with.
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Hey there. We’re currently looking to fill out our ranks more in Dynasty Warriors on Far Shiverpeaks (EU). Our guild is a Casual PvX guild with an active WvW team.
We’re very friendly, social, and quite active. Have our own forum for the guild, and another forum for our server’s alliance. Both of which are active.
It’s a EU server, but everyone speaks English, and like you I have an odd schedule, live in NA, and it actually works out better for me. We have more people from NA as well as across the globe. We also do regular dungeon runs on Friday (about 2pm my time), but we also do dungeons as well as other PvE stuff all the time together as well when someone asks.
We use team speak almost 24/7 for everything so we’re quite chatty, as well as organized. We also understand people have a life outside of the game, so we understand that people can’t join us for everything, and we usually try set things up so as many people as possible can participate .
You can read more information over here:
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We really prefer killing FR, they’ve been a big thorn in our side. Have to give it to that thief and mez team around Durios this morning though, you guys were good.
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Send some people to Far Shiverpeaks, you’ll find we face hordes of enemy zergs all the time. I’m a NA player as well in Dynasty Warriors, and in CST, it’s hard to peel away from wvw sometimes because we fight nonstop on here. We can get out manned, but we back down overwhelming odds constantly.
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Awesome guilds for NA players, you won’t be bored.
Those are brave men. Let’s go kill them.
Hey there. We’re currently looking to fill out our ranks more in Dynasty Warriors on Far Shiverpeaks. Our guild is a Casual PvX guild with an active WvW team, and building an sPvP team.
We’re very friendly and social, and quite active.
We use team speak almost 24/7 for everything so we’re quite chatty, as well as organized.
You can read more information over here:
See you around on FSP.
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Great guild, plus we discuss the topic of “moobs” (man boobs) and we have become quite the specialists in the subject. So at the very least you should join us just for the knowledge of moobs we can enlighten you with. So join now!
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I’m a NA player that’s been playing on this server for a month now, and we have had some really nice fights over here, just need more people to bolster a server that has a great wvw community already. We go up against zergs bigger than us all the time, and still pull off captures and defend objectives regularly. I’ve personally seen where one server out numbered us 5 to 1 on EB one night, and we still managed to push them out, and defend our towers and keep.
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People, people, he’s from Elona Reach, he’s just upset about ER not having been able to take control of the entire WvW map during off peak at the end of last week with their huge 12am – 6am zergs because Far Shiverpeaks and I think Blacktide as well began consolidating their efforts into one borderland to counteract this.
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I think the problem with most helms for Charr is that they make the head pieces too wide. If they made models fit closer to the face it would be a huge improvement. As they are now they are too wide, and come off kind of goofy looking with a couple of exceptions like the heavy T3 cultural helm.
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