Showing Posts For mllepandora.3176:

cannot use any of Training Manuals

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: mllepandora.3176


You don’t use the training manuals to reset traits, you just ask the trainer to reset them for a nominal fee.

Luckily for you, you can just resell the manual…

Fractal Relics and the Wallet.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: mllepandora.3176


From the following thread :

Fractal Relics (the regular ones) have been removed from Mystic Forge recipes. Those recipes now use Piles of Crystalline Dust instead.

With regards to dungeon tokens and crafting: You can buy Offerings from the vendors that sell you the dungeon armors and then use them in the crafting recipes.

Hope that helps

However, seems like the Offering for crafting isn’t working right (yet)

Graphics patch has made WvW unplayable

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: mllepandora.3176


While I appreciate the work Anet is doing to reduce graphic lag (especially in large scale battles/ highly populated events) this update has thrown previously stable graphics all out of whack.
I’ve tried repairing, tried resetting my settings, checking directx, etc.
I’d almost rather the occasional lag and inability to move when I zone then this, because my screen is constantly flickering when the light changes/ I can’t see certain things.

Graphic problem & crashes 06/08 update

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: mllepandora.3176


Copy the desktop shortcut for GW2 (this makes it easier for me, so I can repair anytime )
Name it ‘GW2 Repair’ for future reference.
Right click on the copied GW2 shortcut and select Properties
In the target box, type ’ -repair’
It will look like this: “C:\Guild Wars 2\Gw2.exe” -repair
(note that there is a space between the end quote and the dash)
Apply, then close the dialogue box.
Double click to run it as normal.
It takes a while to reverify all the files, so go get a drink or watch Youtube, or something

This bug has existed since beta…

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: mllepandora.3176


While I understand where you are coming from, their primary goal has always been releasing new content, and they will eventually fix most graphics anomalies as the one you’re describing, just not on the timetable we players may like.
That being said, this is still a “first world problem” as your game runs fine, despite the fact that your back piece clips with your kits. Mine, however, is barely functional at the moment. I would rather have a working game environment.

This bug has existed since beta…

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: mllepandora.3176


This is a small thing, in comparison to what they have currently on their plates, and doesn’t actually affect game function. Considering the fact that the latest patch has borked graphics to the point of crashing, I’d rather them work on that kind of stuff first.

Post-patch lightning

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: mllepandora.3176


I tried setting the shaders to low (and everything else to low/medium) and the top of my display is still darker than the rest, and the light flashes/ artifacts when I go from shaded areas to lighted areas seem to be here for good until a fix is found.

fingers crossed

Post-patch lightning

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: mllepandora.3176


Admittedly, my PC is due for an upgrade, and my video card is ancient, but before this patch, it looked fine. Now the new lighting changes have created random artifacts and graphics anomalies no matter how many settings I change.

Remove/change Distracting Strikes

in Warrior

Posted by: mllepandora.3176


Warrior has some of the worst underpowered traits/skill lines in the game. Needs a serious revamp, IMO.

I agree that tons of traits are entirely bad, but this one in particular… It just… what.

Remove/change Distracting Strikes

in Warrior

Posted by: mllepandora.3176


Let’s be honest here for a moment… Distracting Strikes was subpar as it was before, and is rendered virtually useless after the confusion damage nerf for WvW.

Here’s a few facts…

1. Confusion scales off of Condition Damage.

2. Warrior’s primary source of interrupts (Hammer/Mace/Shield) inflict no damaging conditions on their own.

3. Warrior’s primary source of conditions (bow/sword) have no potential interrupts.

This leads to a problem wherein the only players who would potentially consider this trait, have no (or very little) condition damage, and after the nerf to WvW confusion damage… I can’t forsee a situation where this trait is viable compared to other options.

my suggestions are as follows.

A ) Remove it, and add a new (better) trait.

B ) Rework it, so that it instead extends stun/knockdown duration on interrupt, or in some way counter Stability.

I’m more a fan of B ) myself. Warrior has no boon removal, period. Sigil of Nullification is the only thing to potentially remove stability, and good luck with that. In lieu of this, extending the duration would also work.

Something along the lines of either 33% chance to remove stability on crit (10~20 second cooldown) or +50% stun/knockdown duration.

Weapon tickets at end of stories.Fused/Frost

in Living World

Posted by: mllepandora.3176


As a player who has spent over 10k gems on keys at 5/450 without a single ticket.. We need something to get these kitten skins.

(edited by Moderator)

Tradingpost "Sell Your Stuff" is not working

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: mllepandora.3176


Like other users have mentioned, this happens to me periodically. I usually close the client and my web browser, then relaunch Guild Wars, and it’s back up and running.

I never thought to file a support ticket, since I figured it was a problem with my low-end-in-bad-need-of-an-upgrade PC. Thanks for your attention to the thread, Janson.

The Lost Shores: phase 1, update

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: mllepandora.3176


- When you leave an area or travel to a new area, other party members end up in separate overflow servers from you. This is tremendously inconvenient when trying to participate as a group.

You can right-click on a person’s name in party chat and choose “join in xxx zone” and you will be transported to their overflow.

As for the not getting credit, that’s been happening as the mobs die quickly from massive aoe damage from people participating. You just have to try again, for now.

Changes to Dungeon loot

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: mllepandora.3176


The devs have already confirmed that MF only affects drops from kills, so actually, nothing has changed.
Some people already run MF gear, nothing new there either.

Buff Racial Skills

in Suggestions

Posted by: mllepandora.3176


On betas some racials were much more powerful they are now , they were nerfed to below the ground itself … exactly for the reason im telling you now.

There is no reason they need to be nerfed “below” the ground. The OP is simply suggesting they are at least at sea level / on par with other things. I’m sure there can be some kind of middle ground that would allow the flavor of racial skills without making it too strong to ignore.

Engineer backpack problem

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: mllepandora.3176


Drop a line in the stickied topic at the top of this forum so this doesn’t get lost!

My elementalist has a hole in her stomach

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: mllepandora.3176


be sure to drop a line in the stickied thread at the top of the bugs section, as it is actively being looked at by staff
here is a link:

T3 Cultural Armor clipping(FIX)

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: mllepandora.3176


I would post in this thread: (it is stickied at the top of the bugs thread) because that one is getting looked at pretty regularly.

Bugged sylvari eyes

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: mllepandora.3176


actually this has also been brought up in the sticky thread at the top of this forum, here:
and that thread is getting looked at by devs, so be sure to check there too.

100% world completion bug?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: mllepandora.3176


That really sucks, I’m sorry!
Lots of useful tips in this thread, too.
Maybe if you go to the chantry of secrets it will pop up? Seemed to work for a few people thus far.
Fingers crossed!

Not receiving correct level of loot in zones while down-leveled. Bug?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: mllepandora.3176


I think being scaled down and mostly getting loot/karma/gold appropriate for the zone’s level is how it is supposed to be. How else would you get jute and all the other lowbie crafting mats if you constantly got things for your level ? (Unless you kept rolling lowbies every time you wanted to start a new craft. )

Or, conversely, if a level 80 could drop into a newbie zone and kill grubs to get level 80 drops, there would be no reason for them to risk farming or searching in a zone appropriate for their level.

100% world completion bug?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: mllepandora.3176


does it actually say 100% on each area’s map legend on your map screen?
:( if so, that is a bummer.
it seems weird that each zone you visited would read 100% with you missing hearts and POI’s.
Then again, I am missing my 4 of 4 exploring achievement for Cadecous Manor even though I’ve done all paths and story. Just chalked it up to being disconnected from the achievement server while in a dungeon. Never heard of that happening above-ground, so to speak.

100% world completion bug?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: mllepandora.3176


it’s quite easy to miss some hearts and PoI’s if you don’t make sure to discover every cave & lake in Tyria. Take another close look at each map that’s missing something, since you can go by zone.
Don’t forget to check WvW maps for PoI’s that might have been under the control of another team.

Golem Banker

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: mllepandora.3176


Before the patch, they were soul bound, even though the item’s description says account bound.
(it lied)
They were always soul bound to a character it seems.

Fine Transmution Stone Bug!!

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: mllepandora.3176


I just transmuted a level 80 blue helm I had been wearing to a level 74 blue helm using a high level stone.
Worked fine for me, so clearly the problem isn’t uniform across the entire game, or is only applying to Exotics or Rares? ><

(edited by mllepandora.3176)

Seeing map/armors/stuck/weapons or other art issues?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: mllepandora.3176



I think that is the armor by design. The foot is left bare, the top of the foot and leg are draped. (they are nightmare court, I guess they don’t mind going barefoot!)

Transmutation stones

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: mllepandora.3176


It just means you have to un-equip before transmutation.
There was a bug with transmuting cultural armor onto another race and causing… unintended side effects. (Naked Eles in Divinity’s Reach..what?)
Relax, the stones still work great, its just added a step to the process.

Not receiving appropriate dungeon rewards.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: mllepandora.3176


I’m in the same boat.
Did all three paths of CM, got the wrong rewards, and my achievement didn’t update.
After dailies reset, I ran path 2 & 3 again, in the attempt to fix the achievement.
Ended the day with 66 tokens, TOTAL and no achievement for doing all paths + story. (I’d done the Story mode before the change to tokens..)
I’m avoiding any dungeons now until this is addressed. My inventory is filling up from un-stackable rewards, have no achievement, and I am finished with turning several hours of good gaming time into nothing but a headache.

Issues with the guild system: please post here [MERGED]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: mllepandora.3176


Guild: The Lesser Horse Men Tag: BNKY
World: Gate of Madness

I am the leader of this guild and a member of 3 others. Switching representation between them seems to have made a few other members leaders.

We have 3 leaders now, according to the guild screen. I can change everyone else’s rank but the three members that now show as leader. I cannot uncheck the boxes to change their permissions or edit guild ranks.

(This is a group of friends, so it’s a low priority, but in larger guilds with defined power structures—could be a major problem.)

I also have the occasional problem getting into the guild bank on certain characters, but going to another city other than Lion’s Arch seems to address that.