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Decrease lag

in WvW

Posted by: natanfk.1649


So, the lagging problem is on my CPU or on arenanet servers?

Because I get INSANE lag when playing WvW (and I didn’t get this lag a few months ago), and I play every other game on max and it’s fine… even on low graphic it lags

What is more important on pvp?

in Warrior

Posted by: natanfk.1649


No opinions?

What is more important on pvp?

in Warrior

Posted by: natanfk.1649


to a warrior build?

I mean, I have 2 warriors, one is a zerk which I made a few changes to make him survive a little more than most zerks (still great damage though) and a really balanced tank/dps build.

Which would be best for Spvp and WvsW? I know that for fractals, the balanced tank/dps wins all the way, but I’m not sure about pvp…

Zerk build:|1.1g.h1|4.1g.h1|1g.a7.1g.a7.1g.a7.1g.a7.1g.a7.1g.a7||a5.u15a.k12.0.a5|0.0|5x.6i.6f.6b.6m|e

Tanky build:|1.1c.h4|c.1c.0.g.1c.0|1c.7x.1c.7x.1c.7x.1c.7x.1c.7x.1c.7x|1n.64.1n.64.1n.64.1n.64.1n.64.1c.64|k59.0.k12.u68c.0|0.0|5y.69.6a.6b.6m|e

The zerk build had a bit of passive regeneration with healing signet + adrenal health, as well as a decent damage reduction and condition removal. I also dodge a lot more often because of the signet.

The tanky build I didn’t test it on 80 yet, but it’s based on shouts to improve power and heal/remove conditions of yourself with the soldier rune

PS: All equips are what I HAVE, not what I want, or they’d all get ascended gear.

Warriors voted weakest PVP class

in Warrior

Posted by: natanfk.1649


I never played structured pvp, but I always handled myself pretty well in WvsW. Sometimes I deal with 2 or more people on my own and take them down.

Once me and one more guy dealt with 4 people, we got 2 down, and the other 2 ran away, and my HP didn’t even get below half.

About the condition removals, I use both “shake it off” and “signet of stamina”, which is pretty decent. It allows me to dodge more often and to cure my conditions when I need.

The only problem I find when playing as a warrior is that if a players run, it’s very hard to catch him, you have to get him down before he starts running, or you won’t catch him, you don’t have good mobility skills or crowd control.

Guild Wars 2 dubbers

in Audio

Posted by: natanfk.1649


It’s hard for me to recognize him or other on movies or animes, because normally animated movies or animes or cartoons I watch dubbed on portuguese

But thanks for the links, I’ll take a look. I really like voice acting.

What are the lines you hear the most?

in Audio

Posted by: natanfk.1649


“And stay dead.” – Citadel of Flame

“Some must fight, so that all may be free” – Vigil

“For Great Justice!” – Shout

“On My Mark!” – Shout

“Shake It Off!” – Shout

“RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!” – My character

“Knowledge is the greatest treasure” – Priory

Guild Wars 2 dubbers

in Audio

Posted by: natanfk.1649


Thanks for the video, it was great knowing more about the voice actors.

Wow, this Steve Blum has made a LOT of games I played, lol, I never noticed it was the same voice actor.

Guild Wars 2 dubbers

in Audio

Posted by: natanfk.1649


I see that some voices on Guild Wars 2 are very similar to other games I played… is there a list of dubbers anywhere?

For example, I found Tribunt Rytlock’s voice EXTREMELY similar to Grunt, from Mass Effect 2

Rytlock’s voice, 1:23

Grunt, from Mass Effect 2

Is the same dubber? Does the game has dubbers from famous games?

Favorite Charr Quotes: Collection

in Charr

Posted by: natanfk.1649


it isn’t exactly on story mission, but I found it very funny, it was a mission in one of the hearts in the map, you had to tame skales. It was kinda like that:

Charr: So what should we do with all these skales?
Asura: Do what you charr always do when you have brainless pieces of meat. Raise an army with it!
Charr: I see, so we are preparing for “full skale war”


Berserker/Regen build, thoughts?

in Warrior

Posted by: natanfk.1649


I used it a lot of times on WvsW and did pretty well. I remember once where I was defeating 4 guys together and they started running lol , one fell, but then the entire server arrived to help them and I died.

And I don’t need to really get away and dealing no DPS, I normally dodge away to the boss/mob back, use the throw sword to cripple them, and then use whirlwind to dodge while dealing damage and that restores a good amount of health.

But I’m really working on another build, because I always like balanced characters, that don’t die quickly but don’t do low damage either, so this next build will focus more in defense, and the damage will be moderate to high.

Vengeance should not result in death.

in Warrior

Posted by: natanfk.1649


Well, I use vengeance only when I’m about to die, but I really think it’s useless, but I noticed you don’t ALWAYS die

If you manage to KILL the opponent who downed you while in vengeance, it seems to me that there’s a chance the “vengeance” will go away.

There were a couple of times where I used vengeance, killed my opponent, and then waited to die and I didn’t die, and I saw that the vengeance icons was no longer on my “boons”.

By default, if you kill an enemy during vengeance, then you have a small chance to stay alive. If you trait for it (sweet revenge), then you have a 100% chance to stay alive if you kill an enemy.

It’s a great skill in PvE, but I find it next to useless in PvP just like the rest of our downed skills.

Yeah, in that point I really agree with you, is very difficult to kill someone on pvp while returning by vengeance. The only good skill is the 2 (don’t know its name) that can buy you some time if you stun your enemy for time enough for your allies to heal you

Berserker/Regen build, thoughts?

in Warrior

Posted by: natanfk.1649


If you do want to keep a Signet build (expect to be laughed/yelled at though) for the love of Cthulhu replace Dolyak Signet with Signet of Stamina.

It is so much better in every way.

If you didn’t read, I already use the Stamina signet.

Berserker/Regen build, thoughts?

in Warrior

Posted by: natanfk.1649


Signet build is terrible, lacks team support (FGJ/SIO) lacks Endure Pain which alone avoids damage worth hours of regen.
Your Regen is 320/s but you lose 280hp/s that surge would provide in a bursty way so you’re not exactly gaining a lot, you just trade a burst heal for a regen heal.
You’ll get kicked by any decent team out there like every signet Warrior post-80 because you’re not doing nothing not only for your team but not even to keep yourself alive.

Lol, I’ve never been kicked, and yeah, it’s quite a selfish build, but I didn’t do it to play PvE. And I keep myself alive pretty well in most dungeons.

The problem is that my regen is always on, if u use surge, you’ll have to wait until the cooldown goes away to use it again, if you’re getting hit pretty hard, you won’t have the chance to use it again. If I get a few seconds dodging, it’s enough for me to get back in the fight.

Berserker/Regen build, thoughts?

in Warrior

Posted by: natanfk.1649


Adrenal Health doesn’t really regen enough.

Not alone, but combined with Healing Signet it regens quite a lot, I’m not invincible, but I’m able to dodge away and recover a good part of the health in a few seconds. In dungeons sometimes I’m the last one standing (often I see people going down in path 2 when Magg is blowing the door, while I handle it very well, for example)

Berserker/Regen build, thoughts?

in Warrior

Posted by: natanfk.1649


You see, I came to this build when I started playing Guild Wars 2 a few months ago, and it seemed pretty decent to me at that time, and I still play very well with it.

It consists with full warrior berserker, all equips are of the berserker kind. The gear has ruby orbs and the weapon has accuracy signet.

But the traits and skills are used to help me survive

The traits are 10/30/20/0/10

Trait for strenght: Berserker’s Power:

Traits for Arms: Deep Strikes , Rending Strikes and Forceful Greatsword

Traits for Defense: Embrace the Pain and Turtle’s Defense. I was thinking here, Last Stand only works if you have Balanced Stance on your skill bar? Because if it’s like that, it seems like a useless trait…

Traits for Discipline: Heightened Focus

So, I use 4 signets (Healing, Fury, Stamina and Dolyak) to get my precision up +160 (and a bit more, Fury gives precision) and get a good critical change and berserker’s gear give me a good crit dmg and power (and a bit of precision too)

My defense consists in having the passive regeneration of healing signet + adrenal health (my traits make me keep adrenaline always full) and the dolyak signet too reduces incoming damage.

I’ve been doing very well until now, but I wanted to know why you guys think, because I always see everyone talking about this build as it was kitten. When I join a party it’s like “huh, 4 signets? What a noob!”

Vengeance should not result in death.

in Warrior

Posted by: natanfk.1649


Well, I use vengeance only when I’m about to die, but I really think it’s useless, but I noticed you don’t ALWAYS die

If you manage to KILL the opponent who downed you while in vengeance, it seems to me that there’s a chance the “vengeance” will go away.

There were a couple of times where I used vengeance, killed my opponent, and then waited to die and I didn’t die, and I saw that the vengeance icons was no longer on my “boons”.

Critical damage vs Critical Chance

in Warrior

Posted by: natanfk.1649


My warrior is full zerk equip, but he has good survivability in WvsW and pvp.

My trait build is actually 10/30/20/0/10

I use 4 signets to improve precision in +160 (trait that gives +40 for each signet, and one of the signets reduces incoming damage) and another trait that gives me passive health regen according to my adrenaline level (I also use traits to make the adrenaline level go up fast), so I get healing signet + health regen by adrenaline + damage reduced by one of the signets and my zerk warrior can resist a lot more damage than most of the usual zerks. It’s not exactly a tank, but he’s able to do a lot of damage while not dying SO easily.

But I gotta admit, I really get a lot of trouble on FoTM, but maybe it’s because I did it only one time and I didn’t how it worked. But I remember finishing it naked, because I died SO many times.

Critical damage vs Critical Chance

in Warrior

Posted by: natanfk.1649


Yeah, I think I’ll stick with the ruby orbs then, they are incredibly cheap…

Thanks for the help, I didn’t know about these orbs

PS: The problem not will be to change the armor and leggings I have exotic rampager… the CoF ones are really “expensive”, it will take a while

Critical damage vs Critical Chance

in Warrior

Posted by: natanfk.1649


Well, I made a few tests with some different sets. My conclusion is that yes, I really should change to a total berserker set, I’ll do it ASAP.

But in my tests, the best results were achieved by the use of Superior Rune of the Scholar in the armor set.

Check this out, all tests were with full berserker set, ruby orb on weapons with exotic trinkets + berserker jewel

With ruby orbs:
Power: 2154
Precision: 2009
Crit damage: 85%
Crit chance: 65.05%
Damage: 23.2%
Effective Power: 4984.08

With Superior Rune of Divinity
Power: 2094
Precision: 1985
Critical Damage: 85%
Damage: 23.2%
Critical Chance: 63.9%
Effective Power: 4865.45

With Superior Rune of Scholar
Power: 2199
Precision: 1925
Critical Damage: 81%
Critical Chance: 61.05%
Damage: 35.52%
Effetive Power: 5363.33

Scholar seems the best choice, as keeping a decent critical chance (and the calculator where I did it doesn’t count my signets, that give +40 precision each, increasing the crit chance), a bit lower but very good crit dmg, but with greater power, damage (maybe the calculator of the site is counting the damage with full health?) and effective power.

Critical damage vs Critical Chance

in Warrior

Posted by: natanfk.1649


Ruby orbs instead of runes? That’s kinda unusual… But I see your point, you could get 120 power and 84 precision and using a full berserker gear without losing much critical chance…

But how you got THAT much crit chance and crit dmg? lol

Critical damage vs Critical Chance

in Warrior

Posted by: natanfk.1649


Hey guys, I’m looking for a way of optimizing my warrior damage

I’ve read that increasing or decreasing critical damage depends on your critical chance, and it’s the same the other way around.

So, I have 67% critical chance and 50% critical damage (without buffs)
And some people say my critical damage is a bit low… (I still haven’t finished my set, I’m thinking about getting superior rune of the ogre and ascended berserker accesories. My favorite is the divinity, but is expensive as hell)

As for my equipment, I use a bit mixed AC and CoF exotic, so I can balance my critical chance with critical damage. Maybe I should use a full CoF for a better critical damage instead of 67% critical chance? Is 67% a bit too much?

Power: 1954
Attack: 3054
Precision: 2237

Sorry about my bad english.