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Aetherblade Retreat Exit

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: nbates.4701


Heh, same problem here. Does this dungeon have an exit?

Lost Shores Feedback Thread

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: nbates.4701


I think my main complain, the only critical issue, was lag and insane up-scaling which meant 1 hour of button smashing and not doing much damage. Those issues can be pinned down to too many players connected at the same time. Both can be solved by either having smaller overflows or giving players several changes to play the event so that they don’t go in all at the same time. And this doesn’t mean players should be able to repeat the event, I’m ok with playing content only once, but everybody should have higher changes of playing the events and people who is playing the event should have a smooth experience.

Regarding the story, I didn’t understand what happened during the first reconnaissance with Kiel. At one point we reached Camp Karka and Kield vanished. We stood there killing mobs and eventually disbanded. What was that about?

Also, when did the Ancient Karka appeared? we were planting bombs on the hive and suddenly we were told there was an ancient Karka that we need to manouver into the hive.

Those two last points are probably things I didn’t understand and not plot holes.

GW2 is Fun-Centric, not Reward-Centric

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: nbates.4701


To those asking “what if I like farming and doing repetitive tasks?”: You are lucky, now you can do even more repetition and farming to achieve the same!

The rest of us won’t even notice.

Dear ArenaNet..

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: nbates.4701


I disagree. They designed the game, they have the actual statistics of gameplay (I mean in game statistics, not adhoc forum polls made by users), they have a real overview of the game. So I trust them to know what they are doing.

Just one complain: I wish they informed a little better about changes so we know why they implement certain changes and what exactly they implemented.

rate the dungeon patch 1-10

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: nbates.4701


All these people saying how the changes are justified. Please justify spending 2~4 hours of your time in a dungeon only to get 7 silver in return.

Fun. That’s why it’s called a game and not a job.

Dungeon Updates

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: nbates.4701


I like the patch. I realize I’m in the minority in the forums, but there is a portion of the player base who does not hate what ANet has done in the latest patch.
So thanks ANet, for the great game. Thanks for staying true to your vision of a game for players. You might lose some of the hardcore farmers, but in the long run the players that love your game will find more to love for your efforts.

Only in the forums, people at ANet is not stupid and realize that there was a minority grinding dungeons while the rest of us just moved on to other content. Once they decided to stop the grind fest, that minority came to the forum to complain. The rest of the player base won’t even notice this change because they don’t power play the game.

The reason I’m here is because by chance I happened to report CM as a possible exploit some days ago. so I was happily surprised when I saw this fixed today. I’m glad ANet is doing their work, they are making a loyal customer of me.

(edited by nbates.4701)

Dungeon Updates

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: nbates.4701


rhodoc.2381: No they wont since this is not challenge nor fun.

That’s why I said “Now people will play dungeons for the challenge or move on”. On dungeons like CM they’ll move on because it is boring and unchallenging. AC, on the other hand, is very challenging and fun. ANet will notice that and fix CM.

They’ve already “fixed” CM
I dont have faith on another “fix” if its not a rollback

I don’t like CM. That’s why I only played it twice (To check if it gave the same XP both times) and reported it as giving too much XP. Then I moved on to other content because I didn’t find that particular content to be any fun.

Now, instead of doing that, many people was playing the dungeon just for the loot. That ruined any chance of getting that particular content fixed. What Anet did is the right thing, they removed the reward incentive to REplay the dungeon. Now they can start collecting data to see if people still plays CM for the FUN. They’ll probably find out people only play the dungeon once or twice and leave. Only then they can review the dungeon and fix it.

On the other hand, I think people will still play AC. I found it challenging and fun and will definetly replay it. Even if I get no XP except that the XP for the kills.

Now, I can see there is another posibility opening. Let’s say I like AC but I also want XP… now I have a new challenge… finding an alternative way of wining the dungeon to get the full XP.

TL;DR: Thank you Anet for doing your job to get the product you promised and not just another grindy mmo.

Dungeon Updates

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: nbates.4701


rhodoc.2381: No they wont since this is not challenge nor fun.

That’s why I said “Now people will play dungeons for the challenge or move on”. On dungeons like CM they’ll move on because it is boring and unchallenging. AC, on the other hand, is very challenging and fun. ANet will notice that and fix CM.

Dungeon Updates

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: nbates.4701


Great change ANet, thank you! I actually reported this for CM.

Now people will play dungeons for the challenge or move on. (and you’ll get a better idea of what dungeons are boring). And still, you get your normal reward the first time you play and each time you find a new way of playing it.

Don’t mind the vocal minority. You are doing great.

The Shatterer - In my opinion.

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: nbates.4701


One huge problem is that these events seems to be precisely timed. So tons of players arrive just for the time when the dragon appears, cash in their loot and leave.

Do you think events should increase in difficulty?

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: nbates.4701


I think one of the problems is that most events are solvable just by spamming attacks on the genera area where the event is happening. As soon as you have something that’s not solved by killing mobs many people fail it. One example is “defend”, most people just attack and leave the thing you need to defend unattended.

I saw a funny example on Dredgehaunt Cliffs. There was an NPC named Oliver I think, he needed dredge plans. That means you needed to kill Dredge engineers only, retrieve the plans and fetch those to the NPC. Surprisingly, nobody did that. There was no way of solving this event just by killing, yet everybody in the area was running around, killing dredge. I completed the event on my own by targeting Engineers, stealing from them and sending the plans to the NPC.

After that, the NPC run to his encampment and built a dredge transport to help free the nearby cities. I thought that was cool but it was never obvious to me how much of an impact did that NPC have. What if that was absolutely needed for the cities on the area to be freed? What if there was some kind of mob that couldn’t be killed without a special gun that Oliver brought to the city?

Other examples are, what if there were some minor mobs that exploded if you shoot them, causing damage to friends on the zone? (Yes, this could end up badly) There are many ways to make events harder without throwing more/tougher mobs to it, and I agree we need harder events, right now everything seems stucked on a “win” state, making the world seem static.

Stalled Event?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: nbates.4701


Event Help Rupek and Porgar deliver water to their village seems to be stalled on Sorrow’s Furnace. Screenshot attached.


Balance Issues

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: nbates.4701


I didn’t think this as an exploit, I thought it was just a balancing issue.

Balance Issues

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: nbates.4701


This may not be a bug, since it is quite subjective. But I found at least two zones that give too much XP. Both areas have lots of users camping it.

One of the areas is XXX. This Dungeon is extremely easy (compared with Ascalonian Catacombs) and it gives enough XP to level up. You get about 1 level every 15 minutes.

The other area is theXXX and XXX, these areas have two events that spawn next to each other. x and y. Both events are continously spawning and give a lot of XP. This results in tens of people constantly camping the area.

Edit: I removed the names to avoid possible expoits. If somebody at Anet wants the names please pvt me. Also, reported at expoints email.

(edited by nbates.4701)

The Stone Sheath bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: nbates.4701


Same bug here… if you go with the sheath to the land and go back in water the sheath disappears!