(edited by nekos.2584)
Another gem in Anet’s " massive WvW " patch / update.
Has anyone else had this problem?
I was just chasing down another ranger in wvw and after swooping to him to close the gap I noticed I got miss after miss with the greatsword auto attack. He was well within attack range and I wasn’t blinded.
Anet decided to balance ranger god like DPS by making rangers function much like their pets, can’t hit moving targets.
I think people are misunderstanding the reason for why this armour was added and maybe should look more at the positive side of the improvement.
First people QQ that they have to do PvE to obtain the exotics with different stat combinations. So Anet puts in gear with different stat combos that allows you to stay in WvW yet people still QQ. Seriously if people rage quit because they got what they asked for but didn’t get a shiny skin that’s just sad tbh.
People want to play a game that’s fun and if a large portion of people think " cool " skins for their armor is fun Anet better give it to them… Or they leave for a game that will give them those skins or things they have fun with.
(side note)
you have some brown stuff on your nose.
This reeks of “bandaid content”. If I were to make an educated guess, they wanted to do more with WvW itemization with this patch, but ran out of time and/or had limited resources to work on it, so they threw some basic existing skins together so players at least had something to go along with the additional stat options. In my view, they don’t want to move dungeon skins to the WvW vendors, because they probably want players to run that content and want those skins to be associated with those dungeons.
Hopefully they task their art guys with some PvP specific skin sets at some point, but with the limited WvW resources Anet seems to have allocated towards this game I don’t see it happening for quite awhile if ever.
Ascended? Man I don’t know when that might happen.
Disappointing for sure. Ranks and gimmicky abilities are just not going to be enough to draw people back into WvW or keep them from continuing to get bored and quit (in my opinion).
They already pushed this " massive WvW " patch back. They had plenty of time. It only took me a week of playing this game to figure out Anet is incompetent at best and what we got in this patch is about the best we can ever expect from them.
If they allow us to turn into a tree , naturally , the pet would stand right next to us giving us away. Can we at least get a pet animation for K9 pet’s and have them lift their leg and pee on the tree ? It would provide some amusement before the enemy owns us.
As you can see in this video – this ele is destroying 3 (!!!!) Thiefs simultaneously !!!!
Those thieves need to learn 2 play. They need to make an ele and learn how to counter them…
No one is saying some ele builds are not over powered also. What we are saying is that thieves are over powered and the thief community is doing every thing they can to keep it that way.
Last night and this morning in SoR BL i had a lot of lag, not nearly as much as others are claiming. In EB i also had minor skill lag at times and i would assume packet loss since some skills wouldn’t even cast.
I don’t know whats going on but just a guess… Anet is messing around with the bandwith and the lag will go away soon enough when they are done doing what ever it is that they are doing.
I’ve been waiting for BG to make it back to T1. After last time we faced them i can’t say anything but good things about that server and the people on it. Now, with more even numbers, I can’t wait for this weeks match to start. This should be fun =)
P.S : Due to the high amount of traffic across current Tc/K/BG and JQ/SoS/SoR threads of this upcoming match-up, ive decided to kick-start this thread to keep postings unified.
so typical of a JQ guy to post about next week before this week is finished.
No wonder everyone hates JQ.
So typical for a loser to even care…
I don’t think this transfers will provide an auto-win for BG in T1 (that is IF glicko system would let them enter t1, we’ll see). But I think it would rather even the odds against JQ who at the moment has impressive coverage in all timezones. This would in theory net more numerous fights in T1. For the hardcore wvw players who like this types of match ups they wouldn’t have to worry about logging in 14+ hours in wvw to stay in the tier.
That’s just my take on it.
People over estimate JQ’s coverage. Don’t get me wrong we have a lot of people on at all times but contrary to what many believe we don’t have ques for all BL’s at all times or anything. This morning we didn’t have ques for any of the BL’s. Late night , 2am central time, EB is usually the only BL i ever have to que for. Like i said we have a lot of people but not nearly as many as people outside our server claim.
Either way, it’s going to be fun facing BG with more even numbers. They earned a ton of respect from me last time they were in T1 and with the addition of some of the SoS guilds… I can’t wait to face them. =)
Also, any one have any idea how long will it take for BG to make it back into T1 after all the guild transfers ?
1-2 weeks, 3 weeks max.
BG will probably move up as early as this Friday’s reset. It’s only Monday and the rating gap between SoS and BG yesterday was ~50k and is now down to 28k.
I don’t want to say this or do this, i have respect for those staying on SoS… I almost think we / JQ should make sure SoS drops a tier this week. From the looks of it BG owns every thing on all BL’s and will be running up the score big time.
It is way too costly to keep hopping around to win. It’s roughly 35 gold or $25 to transfer which makes multiple transfers in a short period of time seem unlikely.
Good point. This was not always true though. Paid transfers just occurred recently. Before then, who knows how many times guilds transferred. That’s why I was asking/guessing. I am hoping my guess was wrong of course. Fair weather fans are never a good thing.
If people want to change servers they will. The only thing paid transfers does is make those that want to play in the top tier or those who were on a top tier server that died and don’t want to spend $25 on a transfer quit the game. Like every thing else Anet does paid transfers was the worst possible way to fix a problem… But i digress.
I can’t wait for BG to make it back into T1. The last few weeks have not been all that much fun / competitive.
First off i just wanted to say, told you all paid server transfers would not work and do nothing to stop people from stacking servers…
That being said, i can’t wait for BG to make it up into T1 with the SoS transfers. I have a ton of respect for those on BG who fought their hearts out last time they were in T1 but fell short mostly due to lack of coverage. I’m sure this time around things will be much different and a hell of a lot more fun for every one. I can say basically the same about SoS. When they had the numbers they were as good as it get’s. Sad to see that server fall but it is what it is.
Also, any one have any idea how long will it take for BG to make it back into T1 after all the guild transfers ?
Anet, please just release the statistic on wvw population, so everyone can shut up forever
I don’t really care if they released the numbers or not. My only reason for wanting Anet to do so is to shove it in the face of all the SoR that spend more time on the forums crying than in the game fighting.
It’s JQ that is the toxic server ?
If you look threw the threads and T1 posts we never had these problems until a certain server showed up. Even now you don’t see posts from JQ players bragging about how good they are. What you do see is a whole lot of crying from one of the servers in T1 and the other server, who is having internal problems, airing dirty laundry every now and then.
Funny, when I read the thread I see a lot of bragging by JQ and I do not see any complaining from SoR or any internal conflicts on SoS. It’s almost as if you’re making these things up in an attempt to destroy the communities of the other 2 servers.
Wait, isn’t that what this thread is about?
The T1 thread when 3 servers with class are matched up… Why the sudden change when SoR comes around ? Hmmm i wonder what it could be ?
JQ just has too many bandwagoning guilds to make this Tier interesting. Right now its boring. Whoever were the original JQ guilds buying other guilds for 1kgold over estimated how many they needed. They could of saved themselves some gold and we could of had some interesting battles.
Could we please just stop these ridiculous rumours about what happened with the guilds that transferred to JQ. I can tell you for absolute certain that not a single guild that transferred to JQ recieved 1k gold from any of our WvW guilds.
I find this interesting, as just last night I got in touch with an old GW1 friend who is playing on Piken Square (EU server). We were rambling about various aspects of WvW, and he mentioned to me “A JQ guild offered my guild 1k gold to transfer to their world”. The guild declined the offer, they instead went to a different EU server.
I’d find it kind of odd for him to lie about something like that, I mean why 1k gold and JQ? Either way, I don’t actually care. How far a server is willing to go to get transfers is up to them, perhaps other servers should have been willing to pay large sums of gold as well. I don’t see how it’s something to ‘troll’ JQ about.
The 1000 gold for transfers was taken and reposted on these forums by some idiot who saw one obscure post in a thread that was completely ignored on another forum. Sadly those that were bitter about losing grasped onto it because it’s human nature to blame every one else for your own failures. The link to the post is in one of the T1 thread from about a month ago.
(Side Note )
A little quote from a man who knew a thing or two about propaganda.
“Make the lie big, make it simple, keep saying it, and eventually they will believe it.”
-Adolf Hitler
SoS has always been one of the classiest servers around. Really it’s JQ that is the toxic server in the bunch which no one seems to like. Their attitudes and most of their guilds just seek drama and attention.
I’d say ignore them and just enjoy the game with your friends and guildmates.
It’s JQ that is the toxic server ?
If you look threw the threads and T1 posts we never had these problems until a certain server showed up. Even now you don’t see posts from JQ players bragging about how good they are. What you do see is a whole lot of crying from one of the servers in T1 and the other server, who is having internal problems, airing dirty laundry every now and then.
Maybe people on some of these servers should take a look in the mirror before pointing fingers at others because i guarantee if the score was different the conversation would be too. And that tells the real story.
Well, anet said they’re not gonna play whack-a-mole…
Shame they said that AFTER nerfing ranger into oblivion when closed beta ended, and kicking him in the balls with the “shortbow animation fix”So lets hope for some good general buffs on weaker classes.
And still people in PVP complain about the trap/condition ranger. Which is the one decent build left.
That’s going to be nerfed because it’s an " apex predator ". Watch the state of the game video regarding rangers. It will become very clear what the problem with class balance is. Hell it will become very clear what the problem with the entire game is.
I wouldn’t hold my breath for any class balancing coming on the 26 and if there is any class balancing Thieves will get a 50% damage increase on all their attack skills.
I think SoR gonna win this week!
I think SoR is going to complain about being out manned this week.
Food and potions can be created using mats from wvw. Although some of the mats are exceedingly rare in WvW.
Consumables usually only can be obtained by doing PvE events, and arnt balanced for WvW.
I do think balanced consumables should be allowed. And fun consumables, like fireworks. Scale Venom, spike fruit, gears weren’t balanced.
Nekos, you wouldn’t ban fireworks would you? A lot of people like to use fireworks in wvw during fun events, like the dolyak parades
No i wouldn’t ban those but they don’t give any advantage in WvW where as food does. Some people make builds based in part around the foods / consumables they use.
I really don’t care either way though. I’m not a fan of consumables in WvW but there are many many more important things to address concerning WvW. The debate on stat food can wait in my opinion.
Anyways, Why doesn’t Anet just remove all consumables from WvW ? Personally i hate them all and think they have no place in WvW.
I agree. The only consumables that should be allowed in WvW are food and potions. All other cons should be disabled for WvW.
I’m not a fan of any of the consumables, even food and potions, in WvW. That’s just my opinion though. Foods and potions are not exactly game breaking or anything. Not like Gears and spike root fruit or what ever they are called.
Its part of the game and, in truth, probably closer to reality than some might think. Its always been a given that a front line fighter in era in any army has a veritable army of support behind them. From food to weapons.
Why should it be any different here?
I find this to be an intriguing idea.
Just like every time you finish a Dungeon, you get extra rewarded with Gold, Tokens, XP and Karma – WvWers could recieve similar rewards after each week of WvW matches. The rewards could depend on the personal contribution of a player during the week and the place that the server took in the Match.
That’s actually a really good idea.
(side note )
The PvE’ers can go shove their thumb up their butt for all i care. Why should they be rewarded the most for playing the easiest part of the game ?
Hopefully this will quiet down the “Anet doesn’t listen or care” crowd… well I can always hope.
Oh please. One of the developers got owned by some one using some of these consumables and rage nerfed them…
Anyways, Why doesn’t Anet just remove all consumables from WvW ? Personally i hate them all and think they have no place in WvW.
1) So you’re saying WvW players who have no real interest in PvE should force themselves to do PvE for 2 weeks to get geared to be competitive because they cannot do that in WvW? …
They actually can get exotic gear from wvw with karma orr gear and/or turning in badges. It just takes longer.
Point was that it did not take “endless hours” in pve, only two weeks, and that includes levelling 0-80, which you could do in wvw, just takes longer. Compared to other games, this seems to be a laughably low amount of effort on your part.
You can but it’s quicker and easier to gear up in PvE.
The gem numbers would be the cost to transfer TO that tier.
Tier 7: 250 gems
Tier 8: FreeIf this system hit, another Kaineng-esk rise in 3… 2…
There are a million ways Anet could have implemented WvW but they made the choice to implement it in the worst possible way, and it’s no surprise. GW2 is literally the game that should be looked at when developers want to know exactly how to ((( not ))) do things.
Anet is not the first nor the last to implement the server based system. However, I too think server match-ups is fundamentally flawed and they should have used their guild system to create weekly matches.
I agree completely.
Again, WvW should have never been server vs server. Like you said, server vs server has been done before. The problems GW2 is facing with WvW / server populations are the same as those other games faced.
" those who don’t remember the past are condemned to repeat it. "
Maybe look at the plans for WvW in March.
Yeah, this.
I’d also point out that Anet went ~5 years into gw1 without really providing any benefits whatsoever for gvg except kitten size. So, frankly, I’m glad to get any sort of rewards.
I don’t think people want rewards so much as they want to compete / fight on an even playing field. I would wager large sums of money that the over whelming majority of people playing WvW could care less about any rewards they may get and only ask for the " rewards " so they can be equally geared with every one else and not have to waste countless hours in PvE.
I don’t quite understand you. You say they don’t want rewards, but they want rewards to be equally geared?
You can level and gear a character from 0-80 in full exotic gear in <2 weeks in this game, assuming you’re not power levelling with crafting. This seems unparralledly easy to me.
They only thing that can take “countless hours” would be ascended gear (which i assert is unnecessary but thats a whole nother can o wurms), but you can get those from dailies now (which takes ~20min a day, often earned easily in wvw), and Anet has indicated will eventually be able to be earned from wvw.
What i meant was that the main reason a lot of people want rewards in WvW is so they can have the gear they need to compete with out having to play the PvE side of the game. I hate the PvE in this game. The story mode is kinda OK the first time threw but after that i wanted nothing to do with it. Sadly I’m forced to play PvE instead of playing the part of the game i do like just to gear up. It’s an old outdated way to do things and another step backwards this game took.
Maybe look at the plans for WvW in March.
Yeah, this.
I’d also point out that Anet went ~5 years into gw1 without really providing any benefits whatsoever for gvg except kitten size. So, frankly, I’m glad to get any sort of rewards.
I don’t think people want rewards so much as they want to compete / fight on an even playing field. I would wager large sums of money that the over whelming majority of people playing WvW could care less about any rewards they may get and only ask for the " rewards " so they can be equally geared with every one else and not have to waste countless hours in PvE.
The problem with WvW population imbalances, like just about every other major problem in this game, is that WvW is fundamentally flawed in it’s design. WvW should have never been about server vs server or " server pride ".
There are a million ways Anet could have implemented WvW but they made the choice to implement it in the worst possible way, and it’s no surprise. GW2 is literally the game that should be looked at when developers want to know exactly how to ((( not ))) do things.
Anet is literally running this game into the ground and i have a feeling it’s intentional. GW2 is a box sales game and the less people that continue to play the better / cheaper it is for Anet. All hey need to do is keep some people interested and hype up the next expansion to reel customers back in.
Well, in theory the cash store would be a way for them to keep making money off of people who keep logging in every day and playing but in practice there’s nothing in the cash store that tempts me in the least. I bought keys one time and never will again because most of what it did was give me a bunch of junk that’s still sitting in my bank taking up space.
I dunno what the solution is there but I have wondered the same thing you bring up — that Anet may be letting the game shed players because there’s not enough money in keeping them, versus just bringing them all back for the next box expansion.
Personally, I would pay $10/month for WvW alone if it could be expanded and turned into a long term game with depth and consequence.
Oh there is plenty of money to spend on the game. The question is how much of it is Anet willing to spend / take out of their profits to fix the game ? I would bet it’s as little as possible.
Anti stealth skill for some classes, like Ranger get single player see stealthed players for 30sec and Engineer get AOE skill so everyone around him se stealtehd players for 10sec that i would like.
Rangers should then also have a skill that break stealth, they shoot shoot 1 on a stealthed player and everyone see him.
Yea and Eles should get an ability that removes ranger pets for 30 seconds. Necros could get an ability that locks eles into one element for 30 seconds. Wars should be able to make mesmers not be able to clone and maybe Guardians should get an instant AoE that destroys all engineer equipment in a 1200 radius.
Ele’s and all other classes already have that ability. It’s called moving…
So there’s no point using stealth then?
Are you seriously arguing that there is no point to using stealth because someone, somewhere might have an ability to see you through stealth for FIVE seconds? There are such abilities in other MMO’s and it does not invalidate stealth there – it will not do it here either.
At the least it will stop thieves from being OP in WvW, at most it will make thieves rethink their gameplay a small amount. No difference from the impending AoE nerfs and the stupid gameplay changes they’ll bring for Eles. necros, engineers and the like.
My post was just an example anyway, Anet clearly has no intention of putting something fun and tactical in the game, preferring “mildly interesting”.
See stealth should be a passive passive ability that’s up 100% for the time for 1 or 2 classes, Ranger IMHO.
That being said there wont be a see stealth ability of any kind and if there ever is Anet will give it to thieves and add a 30K AE proc to it that goes off every time any one goes near the thief… Because Every one else needs to learn to play and it’s to hard for thieves already since they have to press 1 or even 2 of their Iwin buttons.
Anet is literally running this game into the ground and i have a feeling it’s intentional. GW2 is a box sales game and the less people that continue to play the better / cheaper it is for Anet. All hey need to do is keep some people interested and hype up the next expansion to reel customers back in.
(edited by nekos.2584)
I’ll say it once here like I’ve said it many times elsewhere:
a) most people that complain about thieves should just roll a thief to learn the combat mechanics, which are different from every other class in the game and a hidden source of much of the confusion.
b) that gimmicky thief that just rolled you is just that: a gimmicky gank specialist. I don’t know of any legit WvW thief that sits there and rolls players back-to-back-to-back, laughing, in such a way that actually benefits the group/zerg/server he/she is on. Most of those players are there just to kill you and give you grief, which sucks, because they’re better off going to PvP instead of wasting our time and urging the likes of many of you out there to call for more thief nerfs.
I want to thank this guy and the many others that understand that it’s really not that hard:
Here’s another protip for those fighting thieves:
Keep moving. It’s kinda difficult for a thief to land a backstab on a guy who keeps moving and keeps rotating and looking around. Heartseeker on high health targets will waste initiative and not really do much for said thief.
Also basilisk venom is an ELITE and can be stunbroken. Bring a stunbreaker. If you don’t, you’re just asking for death against people who can CC.
I play a guardian who runs at 16.5k Hp with 3000 armor (screenshot shows 17.6k cause of our wvw buffs), which in terms of durability is pretty bad. 15k HP, if you know, is the base HP of mesmers/engis/rangers.
These are general tips, and I think heartseeker shouldn’t be spammed as much (damage reduction for high health targets, maybe increase for lower health, switch places with death blossom maybe) and culling needs to be fixed, but otherwise they’re not THAT OP. 1 thief taking out multiple people is very much an anomaly and not the norm.
Oh, and this I found hilarious. C&D doing over 3x times the damage of backstab.
(in case you were wondering I killed the lv 80 thief that did this to me by myself)
More suggestions besides just moving… which is a great suggestion itself: stop being alone (when with guildies and we see a thief with signets approach, I just say stack up. That thief runs away. Know that no true ganker will come after a group of people like that and get away with it cleanly.), learn distances and dodge when they Steal/shadowstep to you, blind (oh kitten, that stops C&D?!), um… AOE!, etc. Because honestly—and I mean that in as literal of a sense as I can, because this isn’t a lie—I’ve been facerolled ONCE in the past two months by a Thief. Once. That’s because I wasn’t paying attention. It’s really not that hard once you learn to stop complaining.
Sooner or later they’re going to break the class thanks to you guys, even though ANet has said more or less that that’s how the class is designed.
Have fun flaming the Thief that doesn’t play the backstabby gimmicky build but knows that your complaints will inevitably break us legitimate players for good!
So it’s balanced to require a group to defend against one thief?
Well Duh of course it’s balanced. Didn’t you know that thieves are just the most skilled players in the history of MMO’s and every one else needs to learn to play the game. How ignorant of you to think anything less than a zerg could ever kill these oh so skilled thieves. To be honest, thieves actually need a buff to their DPS because that can’t really 1 shot all classes from stealth and actually have to press more than 1 button…
Oh BTW i hope you caught the sarcasm.
Stealth in any PvP game is just a bad idea on so many levels. I wonder when game developers will figure out stealth can not ever be balanced ? It’s either to powerful or totally useless and causes nothing but problems for both themselves and their customers / players.
I guess Arenanet is behind the times when it comes to MMOs. They’ve shown quite a few times that they haven’t learned from mistakes other MMOs made early on. Its ok though because Arenanet is new to the MMO market right?
They are not new to it they just suck at making and balancing MMO’s and i point you to GW2 as an example.
And one of the most important things in this game its tab target , they told from betas you dont need it? well aoe’s doesnt need it but every crap 1 target skill needs it or 90% of time you fail to land that skill (see mesmers changes/nerf), how many times with ranger im using my bow and the …king shot goes to my feet?? thats a joke you know, make no tab at all . period.
There are 500 different ways to target some one in this game and each and every one of them is horrible at best. This is actually my biggest complaint with this game. To actually make this game playable you have to download an app that makes the game play like a kitten FPS…
That leads into stealth. When a thief or mesmer stealth re targeting them is just half the battle. The horrifically bad targeting system in this game is one of the many reasons why these 2 classes are so over powered.
Stealth in any PvP game is just a bad idea on so many levels. I wonder when game developers will figure out stealth can not ever be balanced ? It’s either to powerful or totally useless and causes nothing but problems for both themselves and their customers / players.
March is near and I haven’t seen any news regarding WvW update -.-
March is a way too far away.
They must do something NOW.
It is really bad for Anet to give so few attention to the WWW comunity.
It s been month we ask for help there.And now?
Lots of players and guilds are loosing intereset in www and actually quitting the game.
But yeah, we will have the TP Preview in a few days. How sad.
Epic fail coming soon for this game.
Just speaking for myself, i don’t think i will make it to the march update. This game is just bad on so many levels I’m literally bored with it after about a month… And this isn’t even touching the mountain of problems with the game.
I don’t seem to have the same problems with culling that most people do but i still do have problems with culling. So i guess i have to vote same.
Anyway, it’s sad when in 2013 a game can not have 100 + people on the screen with out lag or in this case culling issues. I played a game called Legends of Kesmai in the late 90’s on a computer with an onboard graphics, 8 MB… yes 8MB of ram and a dial up connection. Every once in a while we would get a few hundred people together to go kill one of the dragons in the game, with out lag or culling issues.
Anet should be highly embarrassed but i would imagine they are to busy counting their money for that.
Hey I just met you and this is crazy. I miss you in wvw so game email me maybe?
For every i quit , i don’t like ( insert part of the game ) post there are thousands if not ten’s or even hundreds of thousands that feel the same exact way but don’t care enough to post their thoughts. They just leave.
I’m going to let you in on a little secrete. The people who are frustrated with a game and voice their opinions are not the pathetic ones. Those who are of simple mind and can not see the flaws that are driving people away and killing the game are the pathetic ones. Just something to think about …
You bring up an amazing point. The ones who do go on the forums to post their thoughts are often ones who still care about the game. They want it to succeed and by giving their opinion I think they are hoping it helps the developers eventually make the game better.
Thought I do agree with OP. WvW needs a lot of work to be considered a respectable PvP venue. Right now its a fun hack and slash. March is supposed to be a big improvement for it, though if its not and they mess it up the damage could be very bad. Especially with The Elder scrolls online coming and their faction vs faction vs faction on a huge map idea. It could prove to be some really astonishing competition if they get it right.
Well said and you Sir are correct.
Did you like ignore what I wrote?
Yes actually i did because i don’t need to read the same thing the thief community repeats over and over again because they are just so good at the game and every one else needs to learn to play.
I’m going to let you in on a little secrete
ohh ho hoho Ill show you some secretion….if you know what i mean wink wink
Games live and games die… its the circle of life baby!!!
I play thief and ill tell you that ive been throughly ( if not enjoyably) spanked by every profession. nope im not a gc nor a tanky tank tank.
The people who are frustrated are the gc’s at back of a zerg getting slayed by thiefs who excel at “coming in from the rear” ( lol check that one out lolol)
problem isnt so much with the game, but rather more so within the individal gamers. They think they should get new items weekly, attacks should only come from the front .etc.
A prime example was when i was playing battlefield 3 and got hatemail spam from a kid after i killed him. He got mad that I flanked him rather then run down a hallway from which he was spaming machine gun rounds down.
So yes i am a heartless bitter indiviual that will not cater to your emotional needs and wants.
in the meanwhile ill be enjoying my time running into enemy zergs, tearing it up …..or getting slaughtered by the mass with a viking like grin.
And my point is proven …
I shudder to think how strong d/d eles would be if they nerfed the damage gear in wvw.
yeah maybe you cannot kill em, they cannot kill you either..
not much of an issue..
builds that focus everything they have on survivability just make me laugh..You play the most ungodly over powered class in MMO history. You have no right to laugh at anything…
I play a guardian and basically if i don’t go for a full bunker build thieves will take off 10K hp instantly stealth, regen, do it again and kill me. The problem isn’t the gear it’s the people working on class balance. They flat out suck at it. There are a few classes that do just way to much DPS and and have way to many ways to escape or defend themselves and a few that do next to no damage unless they give up all defense and go total glass cannon. The class balance in this game is horrifically bad and if you listen to the state of the game video and Jon Sharp and Jon Peters it’s no surprise.
You need to improve your gameplay. I dont get killed by Zerkerthiefs and also play a Guardian.
Also thief surely is not overpovered, its lame, and easy to predict. It is just that a thief adding to a fight or a kite can end it instantly. This is not overpowered. For themselves thiefs are dead meat to anybody who has his toon under control.Oh god another one of these improve your game play posts. How can i improve my game play when a thieves first attack’s from stealth hit me 5 times in less then a second for 1500 each hit ? Come on, what am i going to do , swing my hammer at him and pray i get a lucky crit that will hit for 2K ? That will do so much good when a second later the thief unstealths again and does the same thing to my remaining 2K or so HP.
I’m so sick of thieves and people defending their over powered classes with that lame kitten argument. The class balance in this game is horrific and it’s as simple as that.
Use your shouts, blinds and dodges wisely. Also shield 5.
Yes because i just stand there and press 1 all day…
Most Guardian builds have no problems with Thieves. Don’t blame the profession.
I can stand toe to toe with a thief for a while. That’s not the problem. I’m forced to make a bunker build in order to do so.
Again, the problem is the horrifically bad class balance in this game. When a thief can go full class cannon and survive 5 – 10 people of all skill levels and builds attacking them because of the abilities they were given, there is a problem.
I’m only singling out thieves because they are the most grossly over powered class in the game. Other classes like rangers and eng’s are severely under powered. Again it goes back to my original point, the class balance in this game flat out sucks !
My advice to you is to play a thief before complaining.
Also you should be able to kill a GC DD thief as fast as he kills you. Teh reason being? GC thieves are really REALLY glassy. greatsword 5 follows the thief even if he’s in stealth. Save gap closers for when he unstealths, and hammer 2 OR hammer 5 then hammer 2 for right after he stealths. That thief’s main skill rotation is “use up burst, escape, return to finish job after initiative recharges”. If you mitigate his burst (not that hard to do, just dodge, and aegis will block the first attack anyways; which usually is backstab— he can’t exactly put up a sustained attack so if you AVOID his damage he’s completely useless for the next 10 seconds he needs for his initiative to recharge). And if you pressure him with those simple area CC skills that I swear every single class has, well unless he’s a very GOOD thief (in which case you would deserve to lose) you actually shouldn’t take much damage cause he’s be trying to escape.
TL;DR backstab thief goes burst escape wait burst, Interrupt that rotation by staying on him and gg.
The biggest mistake people make when fighting thieves is assuming the thief is assuming the thief is invincible/gone or otherwise can’t be attacked. Absolutely not true.
By the way, I’m a SUPPORT guardian and I’ve never lost a 1v1 to a backstab thief. I’ll admit to losing my fair share of 1v1’s to OTHER thief builds but never to a backstab thief.
Yep because we all know thieves just stand in the same place while in stealth so i can hit them.
@nekos: mostly the people that are satisfied don’t post their opinion. People who aren’t content make threads complaining and go to forums. And not every game is for everyone. I never liked WoW, should they change it for me till I like it?
This is true. A happy customer is a silent one, one you never hear from. But that’s only part of the story. Unhappy customers are the most silent of all… But what do i know. I’ve only owned a small landscaping , snow removal and trucking company for 20 years.
I hate when people jump on others for voicing their “opinions” just because theirs differ.
Hey I just met you and this is crazy. I miss you in wvw so game email me maybe?
For every i quit , i don’t like ( insert part of the game ) post there are thousands if not ten’s or even hundreds of thousands that feel the same exact way but don’t care enough to post their thoughts. They just leave.
I’m going to let you in on a little secrete. The people who are frustrated with a game and voice their opinions are not the pathetic ones. Those who are of simple mind and can not see the flaws that are driving people away and killing the game are the pathetic ones. Just something to think about …
I’m not against JP’s in the Bl’s but like just about every thing else in this game the way Anet implemented them to the BL’s is less than spectacular.
If they want to keep the JP’s in the BL’s put them in the main map and have completing them mean something to the server. Make them worth fighting over.
And to those defending the JP’s the way they currently are. Please, you’re just one of the many who can’t hack it in WvW or sPvP and need to hide in the JP’s, up on a ledge with your already over powered class and gank PvEer’s who really don’t care to fight / PvP.
I like a lot of the OP’s ideas, #9 for sure. There is no excuse for that to have not been implemented from the beginning.
Badges should just be thrown out the window and instead put in yet another currency. Looting bags and chests that can hardly be seen, especially in WvW, needs to go. It’s one of the many bad ideas that make up the mountain of bad ideas that is GW2.
Commanders, Every one should be able to be a commander ! All that really needs to be done is to put 6 stars next to the commander tag that will fill up / turn gold after completing X amount successful of sieges as a commander. Also, commanders should have squads that any one can join but limit them to 20 or 25 people. Make it so we have multiple commanders doing multiple different things on the map . This would help with both culling and the massive zergs by splitting people up. it would also make for more strategic game play. On WvW maps, again to help split the zerg up and help with culling, Make it so one group / commander has to hold certain positions in order for another group / commander to take a keep. Killing one or both of the groups would end the siege.
Anet could very easily make WvW so much better but sadly i don’t have any faith in Anet making changes to WvW that make sense much less make it good.
(edited by nekos.2584)
I’m still fairly new to the game. I have only been playing for a little more then a month and really had no idea how effective consumables were until i started hearing about the exploits over the last few days… The more i play this game and the more i learn about it the worse this game get’s.
It’s like every bad idea Anet could possibly come up with they put into this game.
If you want your game more mistake-friendly (read noob-friendly), then spec your character accordingly: go stealth spam thief or bunker ele, and you you’ll survive through a nuclear war.
Other classes like rangers and eng’s are severely under powered. Again it goes back to my original point, the class balance in this game flat out sucks !
They are not.. Rangers are very good when played right. Second only to thief and d/d ele when it comes to 1v1 brawl on an open field. They do take quite a bit of skill though, as you have too coordinate pet attacks carefully. You must also have correct gear and build.
The only remotely good ranger build i have come across, played or fought against is the trapper build and that’s a gimmick build that, if you watch to the state of the game video, will be nerfed. And lol at timing pets, especially in WvW.
I shudder to think how strong d/d eles would be if they nerfed the damage gear in wvw.
yeah maybe you cannot kill em, they cannot kill you either..
not much of an issue..
builds that focus everything they have on survivability just make me laugh..You play the most ungodly over powered class in MMO history. You have no right to laugh at anything…
I play a guardian and basically if i don’t go for a full bunker build thieves will take off 10K hp instantly stealth, regen, do it again and kill me. The problem isn’t the gear it’s the people working on class balance. They flat out suck at it. There are a few classes that do just way to much DPS and and have way to many ways to escape or defend themselves and a few that do next to no damage unless they give up all defense and go total glass cannon. The class balance in this game is horrifically bad and if you listen to the state of the game video and Jon Sharp and Jon Peters it’s no surprise.
You need to improve your gameplay. I dont get killed by Zerkerthiefs and also play a Guardian.
Also thief surely is not overpovered, its lame, and easy to predict. It is just that a thief adding to a fight or a kite can end it instantly. This is not overpowered. For themselves thiefs are dead meat to anybody who has his toon under control.Oh god another one of these improve your game play posts. How can i improve my game play when a thieves first attack’s from stealth hit me 5 times in less then a second for 1500 each hit ? Come on, what am i going to do , swing my hammer at him and pray i get a lucky crit that will hit for 2K ? That will do so much good when a second later the thief unstealths again and does the same thing to my remaining 2K or so HP.
I’m so sick of thieves and people defending their over powered classes with that lame kitten argument. The class balance in this game is horrific and it’s as simple as that.
Use your shouts, blinds and dodges wisely. Also shield 5.
Yes because i just stand there and press 1 all day…
Most Guardian builds have no problems with Thieves. Don’t blame the profession.
I can stand toe to toe with a thief for a while. That’s not the problem. I’m forced to make a bunker build in order to do so.
Again, the problem is the horrifically bad class balance in this game. When a thief can go full class cannon and survive 5 – 10 people of all skill levels and builds attacking them because of the abilities they were given, there is a problem.
I’m only singling out thieves because they are the most grossly over powered class in the game. Other classes like rangers and eng’s are severely under powered. Again it goes back to my original point, the class balance in this game flat out sucks !
I’m not at all saying i don’t have problems with culling, i do ! But i don’t have the severe problems others seem to have. Really the only time culling is bad for me is when i stumble on a 40 + man zerg ball. Other than that it’s not that bad for me…
IDK what the answer is or what the problem is but i hope Anet fixes it.
( side note )
I upgraded my CPU and that’s what really made a huge difference for me.