Showing Highly Rated Posts By nesh.7234:
I don’t understand the hate.
Dragon Hunter is a great name! I cannot wait to use this title on my warrior and ranger.
Wait, it isn’t a title?
Dragon Hunter may be generic but passable name, but Dragonhunter is big lazy kitten of the name I’d be ashamed to use when someone asks me which specialization I’m playing.
EDIT: misread — I agree that title will be cool to have but as spec name is lame as it gets.
(edited by nesh.7234)
Don’t care about linking (encourages 1337 crowds), but saving trait setup will be kewl
As I commented here (did not saw this thread) I do agree that combat can be made much better.
OTOH I agree with Vayne that going back into “Buld Wars” is not the solution, at least not for the “majority” of players.
In short, AI changes to the PvE can do wonders to the combat feel without even touching current system.
As forums are nice place for the (imaginary) wish lists:
Remove dodge from the heavy classes! PLEASE! : its stupid seeing character wearing a ton of armor dodging around — replace it with real blocks (same endurance), they should be able to take hit one way or another and not jump like rabbits around.
And the point of an MMO is to get epic loot and pwn some noobs right? (Come on, you used to talk like that back in 2003-2004, don’t lie x3)
noob, nope. newb, maybe, sometimes.
Wrong game, wrong community for that type of thinking …
If you want gear progression, no — there is none, ascended being worst offender (and hopefully it will stay like that)
If you want to overgear and “pwn”/gank/grief “noobs” feeling 1337 — nope, never gonna happen (or lot’s of people will go away)
And hopefully they will keep GW way of not touching level cap trough the game lifetime.
LF Cleric? Yeah… the joy of Trinity.
Please explain to me the difference between this and LF zerker warrior, or “you a ranger? -> kicked”…
Funny, all of the PUG runs I did never had that problem … OTOH I always avoid any LFG requiring anything other than x more people for the run (well if they note that they wanna watch cut scenes, thats OK too).
I’m not saying that there are none of them, just that’s there at least that many “normal” LFGs without any requirements — LF healer (being a tank mostly) in other MMOs was … ugh … never again. Also being unable to run with someone because he/she did not finish prereq quests (or did not have quest pack /cough, turbine, cough/), has “latest gear” as it won’t survive gear checking bosses … definitely not fun.
But most definitely biggest problem after playing GW2: not being able to move while using skills is a game killer from now on.
This would be the situation that most people face. Their parents or some friend just put together a slideshow of their cat’s first hairball and want to show it off. You don’t want to hurt their feelings so you say “No no, I’m busy right now. Sounds awesome though!”. Then you realize “holy crap, they (or someone they know) plays GW2. If I log on, they’ll know I have free time! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!”
While not life threatening, it’s far more annoying than it should be and than any other game that doesn’t have such an… odd friends list would make it.
Then you are deserving any annoyance from that … lying never made things better
Having to use other forums as server forums is OK, but it will be much better having the official ones.
Also, as it will be a lot of WWW related stuff there, can we get a “lock” per forum based on the home server (or at least www part of it) — it will also prevent a lot of cross-server flaming.
You do realize that not every gamer plays 8 hours a day, does not have time to grind and farm, some do have real lives and families and jobs and do like to play casual, this kind of nerfing will drive them away cause they won’t be able to make nothing eventually, and buy nothing from the TP with the way the TP prices go, if things just become more rare the prices just go up, and the casual gamers cant afford that and they just quit. Why play if you can’t earn to even support 1 char, let alone multiple chars, and don’t say for fun, cause struggling in a video game isn’t fun, most people struggle in real life and thats not fun, doubt they want to come on a game and struggle here to.
Sure I do, as I’m one of them (~400hrs played and I’m playing from the start). I never had problems to get my 2 lvl80 geared and to keep others supplied. And I only “boosted” my finance in game selling 500ish gems for gold in total.
Yes, I cannot buy legendary (and I’ll newer do as there is nothing “legendary” in buying them), I don’t have all ascended accessories (just 2 from laurels), and I still don’t have superior runes except on weapons … and I don’t care. I can do any content I want (except high level fractals), be useful in WxWxW and even score some kills in PvP.
If they spend less time (I’m just guessing) trying to please “gimme gimme” crowd and work on more (especially temporary/once-off) content this will be even better game (and it’s great already).
But grind/gold/… is for the separate discussion, not about temporary content.
With no personal reward? I’m not going to get anyone to show up for that. I’m asking people to go through the exact same amount of work as they’d go through for a full bounty (more, in fact), except for zero reward.
(and related to other similar posts)
Above is part I cannot understand: if there are no individual rewards, no one will participate — somehow I think that’s the guild of people which should not exists in the first place…
I’m in (IMHO) small(ish)/medium sized guild so we can do T1, sometimes T2 (depending of people online) and even have a shot on T3 … why I’m/we are doing them? Because they are fun! Not for 50s / rare / whatever, that’s nice to have but even without that I’ll be participating because it is fun.
Now with T0 there is yet another fun thing to do and that’s great
Yeah it will be nice for ArenaNet to drop everything free into our lap and that we don’t have to work for anything, but (IMHO buying legendary is wrong too) … I won’t be part of the game like that.
Main difference, and one of the many reasons I’m here and not in some other MMO, is that I can play the game my way and still not be gated from the content I want to do because I don’t think that grinding one thing over and over again to get the item and then just start same thing again for another one…
It’s a good advice. You’ll get help ingame – forums are mostly full of whiners, haters and trolls. Well, not everyone here is unhelpful, but you know.
My only advice: Take the class with the playstyle you enjoy most. And buy new bags (10 slots) as fast as possible, because your starter bags won’t hold much.
How free is this game…..when you say buy bags, will i be able to use ingame gold and not micro transactions??
Everything can be bought for a in-game gold. In game gold can be traded for the gems (cash shop currency) if you want something from it and don’t want to spend RL$, and that’s just cosmetic, few boosters (not needed IMHO), additional bank/bag space and gathering/salvage convenience tools. It’s not microtransaction heavy as other games around.
I did it few days ago on my guardian and it was hard, but not impossible, alone and died just few times. Thing is that most of the mobs will de-aggro when you retreat trough the gates which I used to pull vets one by one to the gate area and kill them there without too much problems.
Use ranged to pull vet to the inside of the gate and then whatever you like to kill them … rinse and repeat
WTB option to have that music permanently
And great tune, almost in the line with other “classics” from the 8bit era I loved.
Big kudos to ones who come up with it
So dungeons aren’t part of the world but WvW (=mists) somehow is?
It will be great to add all dungeon paths to map completion (tie it with Dungeon Master) — that will add (at least) some meaning to the “Been There, Done That” title.
Also, legendary should be BoA and not tradable, or they can keep it like now but add that characters without “pre-req” for them (map/dungeons, craft, PS…) cannot equip them — if already bought they should loose all stats till required achievements are done. Only then legendary will mean something, and not like now, mostly mark farm/spender/… ranks.
OT: I never did PvP much (or at all) before — entered WxWxW to check maps, and … now I go there as often as I could because its fun which I did not excepted to find in PvP
Or some skill could give a buff that makes you see stealthed players for a while.
Whoa whoa whoa whoa there. That’s a pretty overpowered idea mate. Be careful where you swing that mind of yours.
I played at least one MMO (RoM) with that in and it just added more tactic to it — one profession had a skill which can be used to detect stealthed characters, rouges had stealth (much less useful that thief’s tho) and scouts had skill to detect them, so in situations when dealing with stealthed characters players (teams) at least had option how to deal with them. Also, if stealthed character received any damage (including DOTs) it will be kicked out of it.
Right now (to recap tons of other posters) there is no counter when character get’s into stealth except blindly swinging or throwing AoE in hope to kill them as they can receive damage and keep stealth. Or run away … yeah tactic …
- being rooted in place while attacking — cant ever get back to that
- no dodge — how I managed to play before!?
- no LF healer blah, blah, blah (was tank mostly in other MMOs)
I play this because no other game is worth playing. However this game is starting to get old as well. So tired of MMO’s that force people into grouping with others to get through level grinding. And so tired of elitist’s who think they are the ultimate gamer and look down at others having problems.
Level grinding? Where? It’s best leveling experience in all of the MMOs I played last 10+ years (2 80, 3 50+, very causal play from the start), fast, (almost) linear, and for the most of the time I did not even noticed that I’m leveling.
Forced grouping? This game “forces” grouping only for dungeons (by design requiring group to work) and group events (sadly, zergfests which do not require group coordination). Everything else is solo-friendly.
Also, number of “1337” people is much lower and they are way nicer than ones I met in other games — at least, here they are “quarantined” in CoF p1
Edit: better wording on grouping.
(edited by nesh.7234)
Anyways, CoF p1 really needs to buffed to make it harder.
I agree, but these forums are going to insufferable for a few days after the increase in difficult is implemented (if it ever is).
Definitely worth enduring, CoF p1 spam is more annoying
i think being able to switch out utilities that are recharging while out of combat would be fun and that it would ease some frustration
retain the recharge timer of the swapped out utility to keep it balanced
Even use the longer recharge time of the one switched to if needed. Just let us switch OOC regardless of timer please.
I personally would have went with Warden. Traps can then be themed as a cousin to Wards (an established Guardian skill type).
Essentially you then have a specialization who has become extremely good at using Light constructs. Converting their Virtues into constructs (Spear, Wings, and Shield), shooting constructs from a bow, and creating more complex wards (traps). And providing traits that affect your staff/hammer/sanctuary/wall of reflection wards.
(still reading rest of the thread)
+1 for naming it Warden it fits theme much more and it’s not lame fantasy trope title like name.
there is already (big) thread at