We lost consistent summoning of Jagged Horrors when Rise! was changed in beta to shambling horrors on a timer. Sound familiar? The difference then and now is that almost everyone praised the change as good, and sort of glossed over all of the reasons for the change. Lost to time, we are now in a position where people are basically clamoring for Rise! to be changed back. I see people on reddit basically asking for a skill that summons Jagged horrors consistently on a 45-60 second timer. It’s silly to me that there is no memory of balance changes. I still want necros to be strong but I have to agree with another commenter elsewhere that the devs are probably looking forward to the next expansion/elite spec to give Necros another play style at this point instead of trying to make Reaper or base necro on par with Ele or War in terms of damage.
You are not the first I have seen make the reference to rise.
I can not speak for everyone, but I certainly did not forget about Rise. I didn’t have a problem with that change. That was more of an “aww” moment, because it was fun, but not necessary to be viable.
The poor comparison makes me wonder if you or others who have made that statement (while asking “doesn’t anyone remember?”) has stopped to look at the data of what the recent balance patch has done to a necro’s dps in a raid setting.
Try to think about it this way… when they nerfed Rise? I could still go to Tangled Depths and other Hot locations and take part in the content there (the big content at the time.) Such is not the state of Necros after this balance patch.
I see the comparison you are trying to make at the end there and yes, I hear some other players making it too. Although, I don’t think comparing Tangled Depths (open world pve) to Raids is apt. No one really cared about Necros in open world much, it was always in instanced small group content that they got singled out (PVP, Dungeons). However, your implied point about not being meta in Raids anymore takes us back to the question of, should Anet balance for the player driven Meta, against it, or some other option? Was Anet nerfing ice bow 4 and fiery great sword in the dungeon era a good thing or a bad thing? Was nerfing all the charge moves against a wall a good thing or a bad thing? Should Anet adjust skill power around what the maximum potential players find a skill to have or around what power level Anet believes the skill should have? In other words, why not just leave Mark of Horror as is since some players found that what damage it added allowed it compete with other class dps?
I don’t think these questions have answers that are black and white. We’ve been arguing about these philosophical questions of balance since the dungeon era when Necro was highly unpopular and haven’t established anything more than players will continue to make their own rules about how the game should play, and the devs may or may not agree with those ideas.