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I absolutely love this game. And I don’t plan on quitting anytime soon. However I do feel with the lack of content I feel the expansion overall provided for the price that we paid, I do feel I was expecting a bit more frequent and content additions/changes to the game. I feel this update was a bit small and was the only hope to provide something to work on/towards for the next three months or so.
The balance patch was a bit of a let down. I didn’t see anything game changing that improved any professions aside from the thief buffs which I feel was deserved. Tempest/Chrono got gutted. But the changes that bothered me the most were the nerfs to the Revenant. I understand they might have been a bit above average, but with the hard counters the Rev had such as intense CC/Condi in spvp, I feel the changes were quite heavy handed with no positive buffs/reworks in sight. I’m quite disappointed in the lack of Ventari/Jalis reworks as I feel both Legends have such potential. Also the Nerf to Burnzerkers was insane and just goes to show that the only build it seems we’re supposed to run is simply PS.
I love this game, but until something changes I just don’t see myself doing much more than logging in for my daily rewards and hoping for something to change with this game.
Most people would definitely like the sustain with their current raid experience imo. Love the food, thanks for the info sir!
I had no idea they even existed until I saw DnT’s video. The food is actually pretty awesome, I don’t even think there is an ICD and since sword hits multiple times it can heal for quite a bit!
Anybody else check out DnT’s new video from the Revenant perspective? He’s using this heal on crit food that also gives power. Seems like insane sustain with the very high crit chance Revenants are able to get through glint and their traitlines doubling the effects of fury. Just wanted to see what everyone’s thoughts on the matter were and whether or not they would be stocking up on these food buffs before they spike in price.
Ventari could use a bit of love, the tablet moves a bit slower than I think it should. The reflective barrier is good, but costs quite a bit of energy for the upkeep, I would add a bonus on deactivating the barrier or add healing for each projectile destroyed or something. I also think the tablet should be able to be controlled while evading with UA or blocking with shield 5. Also the radius of the tablet heals is quite small, I think it should at least be doubled.
Overall though I loved playing a cleric rev in PvE and WvW, and I even created a glint/ventari bunker build that worked quite well for stronghold and conquest. I’m definitely gearing out for glint/shiro set and a glint/ventari set for my rev. I might even make two because I’m lazy.
And Mallyx I didn’t even bother after it was nerfed into the ground, I’m hoping a rework for this stance because atm I don’t really see a need to run it imo.
Yeah it’s probably just preference for the grandmaster on retribution honestly, I just saw a 4s icd instead of a 30s for some weakness and went with the trait that offered a bit more sustain.
I found the flock runes were actually pretty amazing considering that stacks with the healing your tablet does as well every 10s so it’s actually quite a large heal. Nobody else seemed to look at the runes that offered bonuses on heal skill use for the tablet, but I also tried I think the adventurer runes for the extra vigor which worked well with the stability on dodge roll trait as well. But I found flock was better imo.
Here is what I was running. I was up in the air about either using Flock runes for the 1.7k burst heal every 10s with the tablet, or dwayna runes for 7s of regen that I think was around 2k healing every 10s.
I actually had quite a bit of success holding points and handling 2v1s and sometimes 3v1s. The sustain of the shield and the herald heal is insane and the tablet bursts with the fragment heals was amazing. My guildie (on an AH Guard) and I held an entire team at their home point for the duration of around 4 minutes on forest by ourselves. I think the tablet could use a bit more tweaking, such as being able to move the tablet around during evade windows and blocks, and possibly tweaking the projectile barrier so that it either has some other effects when projectiles hit it or some sort of bonus when deactivating the skill. But I loved it, I would honestly say I liked it more than the shiro/glint burst spec and can’t wait to try it out some more on release.
Exclusive sPVPer here and honestly, I liked the rewarding playstyle of the tablet with the herald. You get more than enough support and heals through other means such as shield 5 and the facet of light in glint stance that the lack of a self heal in ventari is barely noticeable. My guardian friend and I were able to 2v5 with that tablet out in spvp with a cleric ammy and flock runes. And there were many occasions that I held my own against 2-3 players by myself for quite a long time. The sustain with the tablet is amazing and rewards skillful play. I love the mechanics and the only thing I would change is the excessive degen for the projectile barrier, I would make it -6 instead of -8 energy and maybe add an effect to ending the barrier as well. I would also make it castable during blocks and evades to promote a more active playstle, especially in spvp or wvw.
So I am absolutely in love with Ventari, I think it performs very well and each skill has a very specific purpose. My only two gripes with the tablet are the fact that while using evade skills such as unrelenting assault, or phase smash or even surge of the mists for the shield, you are unable to control your tablet while doing so, I think this would add a unique opportunity for creative use of the tablet.
I would also like to see either a reduction in the energy degen that protective solace uses or some added bonus to it such as healing per projectile destroyed or an added mechanic to destroying the projectile barrier for the player and allies. I also think the radius of the tablet skills could be a tiny bit bigger as well. Overall it feels like a balanced legendary stance for the rev and will hopefully see some play in the raid encounters once they are re-enabled.
Yeah totally goofed and didn’t see the 1s CD in the trait panel.
My buddy and I have been testing the trait for potential burn guard setups but when using a guardian focus we are only getting 1 of the three blocks with shield of wrath to stack burning. Is this a bug or are we missing something? He is having the same issue with both his ranger and his guardian when we are testing.
Also the fact that shield of absorption doesn’t count as a block for projectiles is kinda BS.
Anybody have any info on this? Or are we overlooking anything?
Maybe there is a hidden 1s cooldown?
The whole point of having a season reward chest is to give people a incentive and reward for earning their WvW meta achievements, the rewards should scale depending on which spot your server placed. There should be a distinction between winners and losers. I’m on Maguuma…we failed HARD this season and I think it’s completely unfair for the servers that earned their spots to be given bad rewards to the losers don’t whine.