Showing Highly Rated Posts By pdfrod.1948:
After finally delivering the final blow on this boss, I thought I’d share my tale:
May it serve you well brother.
Commentaries and suggestions welcome.
We decided to remove them from the spawn points because far too many people were just bouncing into WvW so they could use all the services there for extended periods of time without actually going out and fighting in the map, which just exacerbated the queue issues for many servers.
I think this could be solved with a “Teleport to Lion’s Arch” button.
I’m glad I read this thread, because I thought for sure that unique meant the same as in GW1 (a very rare item).
My team tried Simin last night.
However, Simin always vanished at 50% .
My team tried it and then Simin would vanish every single time she hit 50% (regardless of how long we took)Is it a bug?
It’s not a bug. When Simin hits 50% a 1 minute timer will start. So you have 1 minute to put the sparks and bring Simin’s health bellow 50%. If the minute has passed and Simin’s health is still over 50%, then she will hide again when you bring her down to 50%.
Stop standing in Lions Arch trying to find groups. Go to the actual area and finding groups should be quite easy..
It’s not. Yesterday I couldn’t find a single player in Caledon Forest or in my guild to join me for a run of Twilight Arbor. It feels like 90% of the people doing dungeons at the moment are aiming at Fractals.
Nice job!
When is 3-manned Simin video coming?
you guys are honestly equating the difficulty of a dungeon to the difficulty of WvW kills, underwater slayers, and gatherer? ROFL!!!
seriously. i failed my first attempt at CM today. you know what i did to go cool down from my frustration? KILLED TWO DRAGONS.
something is askew somewhere.
i would gladly take 50 monthly kills in WvW over needing to do dungeons for my monthly.
I much prefer doing dungeons than 50 WvW kills.
Do you remember when the game is started and the areas had a lot of player? I want it back!
Posted by: pdfrod.1948
Underflow servers could alleviate the problem, but I feel that a new take is needed to resolve the fundalmental flaws in the current server management system.
From what I’ve seen in the forum, players main concerns boil down to the following:
1) It’s desirable to have a reasonable amount of people in the map they’re on to shake away the feeling that they are out there alone, and so that there’s enough manpower to do dynamic events.
2) Too many people on the same map can also be undesirable, because of overcrowded events, lags, etc.
3) It should be easy to meet with friends in the map.
So what I propose is system similar to the one that exists in the outposts of Guild Wars 1:
When a player enters a map, let’s say Queendsalde, he is moved to Queensdale server #1. However if server #1 is already full, the player is moved instead to the highest populated alternative server that isn’t full (Queensdale #2, or #3, or #4, etc.). This takes care of concern 1), by guaranteeing that the player is moved to the highest populated server.
It would also be possible for a player to see which alternatives servers there were for the current map, and arbitrarily move between the ones that aren’t full. This caters for concern 2) by allowing a player to move to another server if he feels that the current one is too crowded, and also concern 3) by allowing the player to move to a server where he can meet his peers.
Note that with this system Home servers would no longer have any effect on PvE; they would only be relevant for WvW.
Home servers for WvW only. For PvE let the system automatically distribute players among servers.
Perhaps put a trainer NPC next to the armor repair?
What I keep seeing, maybe it’s a bug, is that she goes invisible at exactly the same point on her health bar every time, whether we dps fast or slow. And that point is right around 50% health.
Which means, even with a good spark run, she’s healed notably over 50%. Granted she may have only 60-65% of her bar, but she’ll still go invisible right at the 50% mark again.
Is this normal behavior, or did we find a glitch in the encounter? I timed the cycles between her invisibile phases, and it could be anywhere from 45 sec to over 3 minutes, but she’d still enter the phase at exactly 50%, just like the first time she is encountered.
Same here. We tried to do it the “normal way”, by bringer her down to 50%, run the sparks while she regened, and dps her again. But no matter how little she regened, everytime we brought her down to 50%, she went invulnerable and started regening. It seemed that we were stuck in a 50% endless loop. Is this a bug?
The only way we managed to bring her health below 50% was using the 4-1 sparks method, but that seems like a workaround rather the normal way of doing it.
(edited by pdfrod.1948)
Perhaps this encounter was intended to be about mastering sparks mechanics, but as it is right now, it favors much more bringing high DPS than mastering sparks. Therefore I suggest the following fixes for this encounter:
- Get rid of the 4-1 trick;
- Make Simin lose a bit of health when the sparks are put in place. The amount of health lost would depend of how fast sparks are put in place. Example:
– Perfect sparks run -> Simin loses 10% health;
– Slow sparks run -> Simin loses 1% (or even 0%) health.