Showing Posts For picklock.4973:
great idea i like it!
I was planning on coming on here to say your idea stinks but i’ll have to eat my thoughts -.-
dont know what class specific runes are?!?!
they are runes specifically for just a certain class…
i feel that they should make new runes after all the class build changes and make some that are catered specifically to 1 class, i think it would make a lot of things easier for the devs and everyone if they did then maybe we would see a lot of people making other builds
(edited by picklock.4973)
Do you think class specific runes will help some classes and making builds easier?
Hate it!!! please get it off my game
Anet just wants people to tell what class you’re playing by just looking at your char
haha, true brahmincorle +1
lol, we dont need new skills or classes if anet cant even get the ones we have already working correctly
Have you ever been kicked out of a dungeon or fotm grp b4 it has even started because of your class?
I wanna see the class thats commonly said
i didnt read much of your post after i read “I love GW2, i’ve been playing since release and it’s great overall.” because all i know is that you must be playing a warrior or guardian
Trying to see how many people are actually waiting for a new game to stop playing gw.
I’m trying to wait for camelot unchained or eq next
im just waiting for a new game with all the anet build changes that causes you to change gear i have really given up on this game
lol you can get dyes from pvp and from dailies.
how do you have 3 lvl 80 chars and yet not know how to get dyes?
Map completion scrolls for 800gems that also gives you 50% less sp
WOW Anet im on a roll for making you all money!!!!
lol we didnt ask you to turn £17 to convert to gold and really if you think we need you that badly at events then you really have something coming to you
i have an easy fix just go BLACK & YELLOW!!!!
(edited by picklock.4973)
Im happy your tag is more a curse than a blessing :p
I think we should see housing contracts in the game that’ll let us go into a zone that lets us build and manage a building plus it’ll put a new skill into the game aka “Construction”. These contracts can be sold for 1000 gems and it’ll have materials like iron, cotton, and green wood moving and being sold in the game all the time
Gw you should be thanking me for this idea and give me 2 bucks for every housing contract sold
I think the constant new character builds that really don’t change much of anything of the class but saying it’s an improvement is depressing like elementalist.
Changes to classes without making new runes is depressing also, why cant we have class specific runes?
if the watchwork pick gives a sprocket why cant they give the molten pick a chance to get a bar of the node you’re mining? i really find this so unfair because now i know its just best to wait and buy last then to buy something when it first comes out
no way, anet wants people to go do things so this wouldnt help at all. if you want more dragonite then go do the new tower and farm for keys
Can we get a skin locker to store these nice new armor/weapon skins?