Showing Posts For postman.6915:

3/1 DR--IOJ--SBI

in WvW

Posted by: postman.6915


I want to apologize to IOJ and DR for SBI running the table and getting everything. Apparently the server has forgotten what the feels like, I sincerely hope we get bumped up somehow 2 or 3 tiers and zerged 24-7 for about 3 weeks. Maybe that will weed out more fair weather players and cause the server to realize it isn’t smart to stack 500+ points for 3 weeks straight.

Hey Lebannen, post man here, one of the UDL commanders for SBI.

We have not forgotten what it feels like to get curb stopped repeatedly for many many weeks. I’m still paying the repair bills from post-exodus after paid server transfers were announced.

That being said the score is not going to keep the guilds that enjoy WvW from doing so. If we move up a tier, then so be it. UDL and its allies are not going to let off just because the score is not favorable for the other servers.

IoJ and DR, we are not apologizing, but rather saluting both of you for some very solid fights over the past few weeks. The fights in IoJ BL at Bay last night were pretty awesome!


Undead Lords [UDL] Stormbluff Isle
Keepin it real since ’94

(edited by postman.6915)

How is this good game design?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: postman.6915


Both of those “wins” are wins for A-Net and not for us.

Let me put it another way, we don’t praise liquor stores for holding sales because alcoholics can buy cheaper booze as a “win for alcoholics”

both of those are wins for A-Net and nothing more, we gain nothing from it

Actually, with Anet “winning” and being successful, I gain a game that I rather enjoy playing, and the endless entertainment of reading posts like yours on the forums. Pure comedy gold.

Thank you Arenanet. Keep up the good work.

Also, please stop this socialist whiteknight garbage and accept the fact that some of us have disposable income and like to burn it on silly kitten like boosts, gems—>gold, and makeover kits.

Get over yourself.

Undead Lords [UDL] Stormbluff Isle
Keepin it real since ’94

Does anyone actually Like Necro???

in Necromancer

Posted by: postman.6915


I love my condition necro for both WvW and PVE. Great survivability, excellent attrition fighter, and nothing beats a well placed epidemic. Watching all of those little white numbers roll off of a group of invaders while bags simply appear at my feet

Undead Lords [UDL] Stormbluff Isle
Keepin it real since ’94

Legendary weapons & level cap increase...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: postman.6915


Agreed. All these greedy slimeballs are interrested in is money and how much to suck it out of the players. They’ve taken a walk down the dark side with EA Games and ActiBlizz. Another company ready for the crapper of history…

Really man, after taking a peak at your posting history, you need to take a step back and go do something else for a while. You have an unhealthy infatuation with all of this conspiracy theory stuff and the gem store.

On topic: I certainly hope that legendary’s are a “forever weapon” for the amount of work they involve. I think that would be a very smart move on their part. I was wondering if they would be introducing new legendary’s with different stat mix moving forward. Would be great to have con damage staff for my Necro rather than the default stats on the Bitfrost.

Undead Lords [UDL] Stormbluff Isle
Keepin it real since ’94

Undead Lords [UDL] Stormbluff Isle

in Guilds

Posted by: postman.6915


Bump, recruitment is still open, visit for more info

Undead Lords [UDL] Stormbluff Isle
Keepin it real since ’94

Undead Lords [UDL] Stormbluff Isle

in Guilds

Posted by: postman.6915


Recruitment is still open, we’re looking to add a few WvW centric players to our roster. Drop me a PM or talk to anyone in game with a [UDL] if interested.

Undead Lords [UDL] Stormbluff Isle
Keepin it real since ’94

Keep Ascended Gear Out Of WvW

in WvW

Posted by: postman.6915


pretty sure Anet already said that Ascended gear will be attainable outside of FotM, and specifically mentioned WvW…….

Undead Lords [UDL] Stormbluff Isle
Keepin it real since ’94

I find Waypoint costs to be punishing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: postman.6915


They aren’t terrible, just manage your money better.

Since launch I have never, not once gone “oh gee, guess i cant go anywhere because I’m out of money and the WP cost is too much”. Either you are doing something very wrong in trying to make gold, or you are dieing way too often and broke from repair costs. Money is extremely easy to make in this game.

Undead Lords [UDL] Stormbluff Isle
Keepin it real since ’94

Undead Lords [UDL] Stormbluff Isle

in Guilds

Posted by: postman.6915


Originally founded in October 1994 in AOL’s Neverwinter Nights, the Undead Lords (UDL) has a long history as a formidable and tight-knit force across the MMORPG genre. Our successful past endeavors include a competitive presence in NWN, UO, EQ, DAoC, SB, WoW, AoC, Darkfall, SWToR, and WAR.

Our guild name and lore is based on Myrkul: the Lord of the Dead, also known as the Lord of Bones, one of the from Forgotten Realms literature. We are his faithful adherents and are eternally undead. Our fully accepted members are given the title of Knight, and our leaders are known as Liches of the Undead Lords.

As a Multi-MMO gaming guild, our [UDL] faction in Guild Wars 2 is a chance for you to get your foot in the door, meet our Members, and potentially join the ranks of our Knights.

On Stormbluff Isle since release, [UDL]’s primary focus in Guild Wars 2 is top tier competitive WvW, while also enjoying the diversity of gameplay options offered ranging from PVE content to sPvP and all things in between.

We do not bandwagon. We do not hop servers. We are the Undead Lords of Stormbluff Isle. We fight fiercely alongside our guildmates and alliance brothers, sending our enemies to Myrkul from the Mists. As a member of the SBI Alliance, [UDL] has helped play a key role in pushing SBI to the top of the server list with our fellow brothers in arms.

We are currently looking to vet both casual and hardcore mature gamers; those that are looking to join a stable, long-term Multi-MMO guild. You will be applying to a guild that has prospered for close to two decades, as a result of the dedication of our members, and the quality of our leadership.

Visit our website at:

Within the “Apply to the Undead Lords” forum, follow the instructions therein under the Guild Wars 2 Faction application. A member of our leadership group will contact you, and invite you to test the waters once we’ve reviewed your application. If you have questions about [UDL] feel free to contact our Gatekeeper and Recruiter Vocare, or any member carrying the [UDL] tag.

Undead Lords [UDL] Stormbluff Isle
Keepin it real since ’94

(edited by postman.6915)

The Portal Bomb

in WvW

Posted by: postman.6915


Yes, turtleing then is what we ran into, I have my WvW jargon mixed up. I see now after posting there are few other threads on it. In this instance it was a stationary group. Certainly have to hand it to them for being able to achieve that level of coordination, regardless there needs to be a better way to counter it outside of building an arrow cart.

Undead Lords [UDL] Stormbluff Isle
Keepin it real since ’94

The Portal Bomb

in WvW

Posted by: postman.6915


We ran into this a few times tonight fighting Blackgate, it seems to be a favored tactic of a few guilds. No idea how to counter it outside of siege weaponry (if that even works). Not sure if the KB from engi mine kit would knock back enough people to thin them out.

Essentially a mesmer ports a large group of players into a single spot, stacking them for heals, buffs. damage etc, basically a god mode tactic. In the screenshot attached the group portaled around the supply camp stacked and wiped anyone close, even with 20 of us there was nothing we could do. AoE doesn’t work, supply drop (engi) does nothing to them, and if you get close your pretty much instantly dead.

They also used this tactic while we sieged the inner portion of the garrison, porting a huge stacked group into the middle of ours and pretty much wiping us.

If anything I think this falls under the “creative use of game mechanics” category.

So how do you counter it? Does mesmer portal need to be balanced, maybe limited to x number of characters that can pass through it? Limit boons to party only?


Undead Lords [UDL] Stormbluff Isle
Keepin it real since ’94

(edited by Moderator)

Engineer bugs compilation

in Engineer

Posted by: postman.6915


Deployable turrets under the Tools lines appears to not be working with all turrets. I was testing builds yesterday and after speccing it only the rocket turret became ground targeted, the rifle, net and flamerthrower turrets where not.

Undead Lords [UDL] Stormbluff Isle
Keepin it real since ’94

are games only made for casuals these days?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: postman.6915


Us “casuals” are the ones that pay the bills, we have disposable income. We don’t eat ramen noodles because we have too. We are a late 20’s-30’s demographic of working professionals with families, careers, house payments etc. There are far more of us than their are of you OP.

Games “cater” to use because rather then spending 60hrs a week raiding dungeons, we spend 60hrs a week working in order to have disposable income to spend on our hobbies, like MMOs.

We complain less, we buy more, we are less of a burden on hardware/Customer Service resources. We buy the game, play when its convenient and leave quietly when we get bored.

There are plenty of games that cater to your needs of masochistic dungeon raiding and gear treadmills. As a casual (I actually prefer “softcore”) I’m pretty happy with:

Guild Wars 2: The working man/woman’s MMO

Undead Lords [UDL] Stormbluff Isle
Keepin it real since ’94