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We don't like Trahearne *Spoiler Warning* [merged]

in Personal Story

Posted by: revial.2938


It’s not just the T-dawg that’s annoying. Pretty much ever single character you meet is annoying, because the GW2 writers have somehow managed to field the largest collection of pansy goody-two-shoe self-righteous d-bags ever in the history of fantasy story-telling.

I suspect, if I was five years old, and still somehow had a semblance of innocence, I might find the characters and story endearing. I further suspect that such people make up an incredibly small percent of the active player-base of this game.

I do not know what was going through the minds of the writing team, but they are-by far-the weakest link in this great game.

Personal Story: Nothing you do matters.

in Personal Story

Posted by: revial.2938


The story you play through as you level to 80 is hands down the worst RPG/fantasy story I have ever experienced. It’s a shame that such a fantastic MMO, that has some great atmospheric dialog you can choose to stop and listen to while you quest, has a story that was apparently written for a six year old who was home-schooled.

I can only hope future expansions will allow us to be something that doesn’t have a white stick shoved so far up our bummholes.

As for the “choices”, they are so pointless. Every character I level now just presses “skip to the end”, as the story is pretty much the exact same once you’re out of your race story.

Is this fun?

in WvW

Posted by: revial.2938


I’ve tried, and tried, and tried, and am completely failing to see this from the viewpoint of Anet, as to why they haven’t removed free server transfers. All the BS about playing with friends is just that: BS. You can play with “friends” already, without transferring servers, it’s WvWvW that is sorely affected by server transfers, and there is not even one remotely compelling reason that I’ve heard for people to be allowed to freely transfer servers due to WvWvW.

Normally, even if I vehemently disagree, I can at least sort of understand why something is being done, but Anet’s refusal to budge on server transfers just leaves me all ???

Anyways, there’s been about a billion posts with suggestions concerning server transfers, so you have to assume Anet has some idea that it could be improved. I further assume they’re not completely stupid, so I can only conclude they’re purposefully leaving server transfers free because they actually think it adds to the global WvWvW experience. I 100% disagree, but this viewpoint is the only reason I can think of for why they allow server transfers.

Dec 14 - BG/SoR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: revial.2938


I’ve spent the last two days on a level 11 (who’s now level 35), and a level 12 (who’s now level 16). I’m doing my part to handicap my server’s (Black Gate) fighting strength.

Also, don’t you all get tired of the whino smack talk? Normal smack talk is great, but when your smack talk is just a bunch of excuses disguised as smack, it adds nothing to the discussion. :/

SoR is putting up a decent fight the last few hours. They’ve spread themselves out pretty well, while we were getting all myopic. I’m not sure I buy any of their whining about being out-gunned. Yes, we were wiping the floor with them and IoJ when the servers first came back up, but things are settling down to be a fun fight between us and SoR atm.

I suspect that if IoJ and SoR made even a half-hearted attempt at an alliance of sorts, we’d be in trouble. As it is, IoJ may as well not even be in this fight, so far.

As for our own server, we’re not consistently strong enough to put up a good fight in Tier 1. When we’re on, we’re probably as good a match for any of the Tier 1 servers, but we do have large time gaps in our proficiency level, as shocking as that may seem to the servers that keep losing to us in Tier 2.

Clones doing 0 direct damage

in Mesmer

Posted by: revial.2938


Just started a new Sylvari Mesmer, and all her clones do 0 direct damage as well.

Feedback: Mobile Two-Factor Authentication

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: revial.2938


I think it’s great you used google’s authenticator. Probably a pipe dream, but would love to see it standardized so I didn’t have to have so many different authenticator apps. You’ve done your part. Now all the other MMOs I’m using apps for need to do theirs!

Also, worked fine, with no hiccups.

(edited by revial.2938)

WvWvW Needs Paid Transfers Pronto

in WvW

Posted by: revial.2938


A greatly increased CD on server transfers would be fine as well. Four times a year, and if you want more, you pay for it would also be fine. Basically, anything would be an improvement over the current system.

So is any class capable of escaping thieves in open world?

in WvW

Posted by: revial.2938


Why bother trying to escape?

How about putting up a fight? If you aren’t capable of taking off at least half the HP of your opponent, regardless of what class they are, in a 1 v 1, you are:

1) Not level 80. Go level.
2) A horrible, horrible, just horrible player.

If you think you’re going to die, regardless of the reason why, at least put up a fight. Why put up a fight?

1) Because you’re not a kitten.
2) Because a hurt enemy increases the odds someone else comes along and kills them.
3) Because a hurt enemy increases the odds they need to skip ganking the next person or two as they go hide and heal.

I never really understood people who just try to run away. The game isn’t a 1 v 1 deathmatch, and approaching it like it is is awfully myopic.

WvWvW Needs Paid Transfers Pronto

in WvW

Posted by: revial.2938


What the title says.

Don’t really think it needs an explanation, and if it does, I fear for the future WvWvW development of this game, as it means the current devs in charge of WvWvW are…well, I’m going to go with not too intelligent, because if I wrote what I really felt about the people who’ve allowed the current situation to become so pervasive, I suspect I’d be banned from the forums for a very long time.

Yes, I’m on Black Gate (controlled every single point across every map earlier when I was on). I suppose it could be a little worse. But, steamrolling people because so many players just keep transferring to whatever server they think is going to win is not my definition of anything remotely resembling fun.

Greatsword Change [merged]

in Guardian

Posted by: revial.2938


The change was dumb. Auto attack isn’t fun. If you want retaliation to be mostly a situational counter, design it as a skill a person learns and then slots, independent of weapon. You’ve greatly reduced our damage by increasing the cooldown, and I’m not sure anyone thought a GS Guardian was a top tier damage machine to begin with.

Give our GS symbol some other effect, and bring its CD back down.

Have you even looked at the length of CDs for most weapon sets and classes? Auto attacking all the time sucks.