Showing Posts For rickswarrior.3240:

About dx10/11 support

in Suggestions

Posted by: rickswarrior.3240


OK like I said last 3 posts would get infractions and were removed even though they were valid and should not have been removed or infracted

About dx10/11 support

in Suggestions

Posted by: rickswarrior.3240


I will likely get more infractions over these past 3 posts even though I see them as clean and viable posts that would be acceptable in any other type of forum including churchy forums.

About dx10/11 support

in Suggestions

Posted by: rickswarrior.3240


I also want to add if you are still using xp with dx9 hardware you are not a true gamer add to it the hardware within system more than likely is uncapable of playing gw2 period if it can it will likely perform like a terd rolling downhill.

amd fx 8350 and asus sabertooth 990fx r2.0

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: rickswarrior.3240


I also know that nb overclocking usualy results in the best performance overall and often stabilizes overclocks in other areas lol

amd fx 8350 and asus sabertooth 990fx r2.0

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: rickswarrior.3240


yes I know I was just stating the simple solution to get it to post without any overclocking aka the poor dumb and sure way to get it to post I am a very heavy overclocker and have learned not all are the same and at the hint of you mentioning overclocking to fix an issue they decide to ignore you dumb on theyre part but happens alot

Any news on DX10 or DX 11 mode?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: rickswarrior.3240


I want to point out I have a petition going for getting dx10/11 support remember it is to post your support of it or not not a conversation spot I made one specifically for having conversation on subject also

About dx10/11 support

in Suggestions

Posted by: rickswarrior.3240


PLZ don’t take offense to this anyone but that is like taking a double amputee and sending them to battle (war) it is just unfair and not right. The facts are by them forcing our systems to run game crippled is not fair or right either we paid for our hardware and the game and we deserve to see the potential of both not be forced to regret the purchase of the game (GW2) ( I say this because nearly any other game doesn’t do this ) and also it isn’t right to be forced to run game with the performance we do get.

About dx10/11 support

in Suggestions

Posted by: rickswarrior.3240


Yes I agree with using a controlled group to beta test a dx10/11 version of game but I also want to point out they promised us dx10 near beginning of beta then hinted at dx11 yet gave us dx9. I think us the players should have option as to what version of (direct x ) ingame we are running according to our hardware if we are running dx10/11 hardware why should we be forced to run dx9 and have our systems crippled.

About dx10/11 support

in Suggestions

Posted by: rickswarrior.3240


well honestly I know of no laptop capable of playing gw2 very well unless you get into the $3000+ range laptop wise like fully decked out alienware laptop and such and honestly this realy isn’t a game that is very easily played on a laptop.

I say this because touch pad mouse and small screen and very time sensitive gameplay+ the insanely low fps = disaster or a complete hatred of the game I happen to have a near top end alienware m17x with I7 at 4.2ghz along with 2x hd6970m in it and 256gb ocz vector ssd drive and well it still cannot barely play this game so desktop is best chance in this game lol.

(edited by rickswarrior.3240)

About dx10/11 support

in Suggestions

Posted by: rickswarrior.3240


yes I agree I have a mid-high end pc and my system still struggles badly often in wvw huge zergs I get 10-15 or so fps if im lucky regardless of settings graphics wise. I have tried everything from tweaking to all out adjustements even fresh install of everything drivers you name it including os / game with no solution so it is simply on therye end and after my research I believe it is because the dx9 / gw1 engine being way overloaded for what it was ever designed to do.

dx9 in itself was never very resource efficient ( dx9 offloads a lot of tasks the GPU/graphics card should do (what it was optimized for)to the CPU ) ( which cause super high CPU usage and on a tri core optimized game that is performance sensitive on 3 cores extra load added=poor performance) the gw1 engine was very good back in day but for gw2 they added so much to it the engine is constipated literaly trying to pass a buick thru a straw it just wont happen.

About dx10/11 support

in Suggestions

Posted by: rickswarrior.3240


they can only take suggestions / advice on the forums for legal reason. I have email confirmation on this but you can sign up on both of the petitions but the forums is only place they can use for legal reasons hince the petition I made within forums

Response Via Email (GM Untharin) 03/21/2013 11:24 AM
Hello Rick,

Thank you for taking the time to contact us with this. Sadly we are not able to accept suggestions via any other means due to legal concerns. As such it is the only avenue available to you. I definitely understand not wanting to get flamed by forum trolls, and I wish there were another thing I could offer, however there is not. If you require assistance with anything else please feel free to let us know.


GM Untharin
The Guild Wars Support Team
Customer By Web Form (Rick Cooper) 03/21/2013 11:14 AM
I also would rather not post in forums i say this because i am not wanting to cause a kitten storm people saying yay nay and then forum post be closed for annoying ranting and such i am just putting my 2 cents in and trying to get a response in a real term not just brushed off .

(edited by rickswarrior.3240)

About dx10/11 support

in Suggestions

Posted by: rickswarrior.3240

rickswarrior.3240 XBOX 720 specs

both are amd based and feature amd GPU’s in the dx11 lvl so if they plan to go console they will be forced to go dx11 support wise with gw2.

About dx10/11 support

in Suggestions

Posted by: rickswarrior.3240


Why else would they cater to a dead platform / dead hardware other than targeting console which is blowing up in theyre face and regardless if they go to pursue console will be forced to do dx10/11 (xbox 720 dx11 ) (PS4 dx11 or equivalent ) both using a amd cpu xbox will have a 8core amd along with a 7000 series amd gpu now for the PS4 they have not released full specs or info on it yet that I have found but they have let a few things out like the cpu and and possibility of dx11 / equivalent.

Help! with my pc

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: rickswarrior.3240


I will say a lot of the issue you are having is because they are forcing a dx11 gpu (graphics card ) ( it impacts dx10 cards also but not near as bad )to run dx9 which cuts performance in 1/2 and aslo dx9 offloads a lot of stuff GPU (graphics card ) is suppose to do onto the CPU which adds to the issues aka insane CPU usage and remember the game is very tri core dependant and is performance sensitive on those 3 cores so the added load from running dx9 adds more overhead impacting all around performance of game / fps / and often network due to overload of those 3 perf sensitive cores in otherwards game doesn’t know what to do then has a conniption fit and you know what the outcome is you have experienced it.

Heavy Lag with High End Laptop

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: rickswarrior.3240


I will say a lot of the issue you are having is because they are forcing a dx11 gpu (graphics card ) ( it impacts dx10 cards also but not near as bad )to run dx9 which cuts performance in 1/2 and aslo dx9 offloads a lot of stuff GPU (graphics card ) is suppose to do onto the CPU which adds to the issues aka insane CPU usage and remember the game is very tri core dependant and is performance sensitive on those 3 cores so the added load from running dx9 adds more overhead impacting all around performance of game / fps / and often network due to overload of those 3 perf sensitive cores in otherwards game doesn’t know what to do then has a conniption fit and you know what the outcome is you have experienced it.

Heavy Lag with High End Laptop

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: rickswarrior.3240


I have started a petition on the support of dx10/11 PLZ add your support to it

Currently the game runs on an antiquated DX9 engine that is limiting the game in a few aspects.

There are performance increases to be had by using a newer DX10 and/or DX11 based engine that Guild Wars 2 runs on. This change would be a start for relieving the CPU bottleneck that people encounter in crowded areas of the game. In addition to the performance increases, we would see more stunning visuals.

Full Version:
While the game runs well in certain parts of the world, other parts of the world are seeing performance degrade. By moving to a new engine based on either DX10 or DX11, the engine can take advantage of some of the new features that are included in these new iterations of DirectX. There are optimizations in DX10 and DX11 compared to the legacy functions of DX9 that are improved upon, thus alleviating some of the CPU use. One of the reasons DX11 was created was to help developers utilize multiple CPU cores more efficiently. This should help the cores that are bogged down with work to have less work to do but still achieve the same result.

Currently Guild Wars 2 heavily uses 3 cores, but in the past few years we have seen an increase in the number of cores a CPU has because CPU makers have yet to find an efficient way to get past the 4 Ghz speed barrier. Speeds beyond this limit generate too much heat for some systems and stability issues are created. Naturally CPU makers have continued to improve upon their designs, but had to do so horizontally (more CPU cores) instead of vertically (higher frequency speed). Many of you may have experienced a decrease in game performance when participating in large dynamic events, such as the dragon events, or participate in large world versus world battles with close to one-hundred people participating. In those specific times of the game, more likely than not, your CPU is simply not fast enough to compute all the actions happening on the screen which results in the decreased performance you may see. By expanding Guilds Wars 2 to use the available CPU compute power more efficiently, the game can take a step towards being a more mature game that will stand the test of time.

In addition to having the game run more efficiently and provide a smoother experience, the game would look even more stunning, graphically, than it already does. This is because of some of the more advanced feature sets that were created for DX10 and DX11 could be used in conjunction with the art style of Guild Wars 2. Overall, we would get a richer experience from Guild Wars 2 and truly make it the game everyone wants to play.

There are performance increases to be had by using a newer DX10 and/or DX11 based engine that Guild Wars 2 runs on. This change would be a start for relieving the CPU bottleneck that people encounter in crowded areas of the game. In addition to the performance increases, we would see more stunning visuals.

The following link shows what the Steam Community (a large portion of the PC gaming community) is using in terms of hardware as of February 2013. One particular graph shows that over half of the Steam Community are using a DX11 compatible graphics card and over a third is using a DX10 compatible graphics card.

Thank you for your support, and I hope to see you in game!

if you are interested in the issue i have started a petition in the forums this is a link to the direct forum petition
which is only way to do so according to arenanet GM’s confirmed by email. I also want to mention they promised dx10 then dx11 support ( this was beta / pre beta ) on release yet left us with dx9 and well we are paying the price for it now with the issues we have now with resource usage mainly cpu due to antiquated dx9 / gw1 engine the engine / dx9 were never meant to do what they are forcing it to do on modern hardware that performs poorly on the older software / engine / dx9.

This is proof why dx10/11 would bring a huge performance increase / efficiency

I also want to say dx10 GPU’s ( graphics cards take advantage of a lot of the optimizations of dx11 but wont have ability to run all the extra pretty stuff it adds.

What this meens is it gets the added efficieny that dx11 adds ( better resource usage efficiency ) meening less cpu usage and more fps stability while also reducing all around overhead usage resource wise which meens an increase in performance across board.

(edited by rickswarrior.3240)

Help! with my pc

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: rickswarrior.3240


I also want to say dx10 GPU’s ( graphics cards take advantage of a lot of the optimizations of dx11 but wont have ability to run all the extra pretty stuff it adds.

What this meens is it gets the added efficieny that dx11 adds ( better resource usage efficiency ) meening less cpu usage and more fps stability while also reducing all around overhead usage resource wise which meens an increase in performance across board.

(edited by rickswarrior.3240)

Help! with my pc

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: rickswarrior.3240


I have started a petition on the support of dx10/11 PLZ add your support to it

Currently the game runs on an antiquated DX9 engine that is limiting the game in a few aspects.

There are performance increases to be had by using a newer DX10 and/or DX11 based engine that Guild Wars 2 runs on. This change would be a start for relieving the CPU bottleneck that people encounter in crowded areas of the game. In addition to the performance increases, we would see more stunning visuals.

Full Version:
While the game runs well in certain parts of the world, other parts of the world are seeing performance degrade. By moving to a new engine based on either DX10 or DX11, the engine can take advantage of some of the new features that are included in these new iterations of DirectX. There are optimizations in DX10 and DX11 compared to the legacy functions of DX9 that are improved upon, thus alleviating some of the CPU use. One of the reasons DX11 was created was to help developers utilize multiple CPU cores more efficiently. This should help the cores that are bogged down with work to have less work to do but still achieve the same result.

Currently Guild Wars 2 heavily uses 3 cores, but in the past few years we have seen an increase in the number of cores a CPU has because CPU makers have yet to find an efficient way to get past the 4 Ghz speed barrier. Speeds beyond this limit generate too much heat for some systems and stability issues are created. Naturally CPU makers have continued to improve upon their designs, but had to do so horizontally (more CPU cores) instead of vertically (higher frequency speed). Many of you may have experienced a decrease in game performance when participating in large dynamic events, such as the dragon events, or participate in large world versus world battles with close to one-hundred people participating. In those specific times of the game, more likely than not, your CPU is simply not fast enough to compute all the actions happening on the screen which results in the decreased performance you may see. By expanding Guilds Wars 2 to use the available CPU compute power more efficiently, the game can take a step towards being a more mature game that will stand the test of time.

In addition to having the game run more efficiently and provide a smoother experience, the game would look even more stunning, graphically, than it already does. This is because of some of the more advanced feature sets that were created for DX10 and DX11 could be used in conjunction with the art style of Guild Wars 2. Overall, we would get a richer experience from Guild Wars 2 and truly make it the game everyone wants to play.

There are performance increases to be had by using a newer DX10 and/or DX11 based engine that Guild Wars 2 runs on. This change would be a start for relieving the CPU bottleneck that people encounter in crowded areas of the game. In addition to the performance increases, we would see more stunning visuals.

The following link shows what the Steam Community (a large portion of the PC gaming community) is using in terms of hardware as of February 2013. One particular graph shows that over half of the Steam Community are using a DX11 compatible graphics card and over a third is using a DX10 compatible graphics card.

Thank you for your support, and I hope to see you in game!

if you are interested in the issue i have started a petition in the forums this is a link to the direct forum petition
which is only way to do so according to arenanet GM’s confirmed by email. I also want to mention they promised dx10 then dx11 support ( this was beta / pre beta ) on release yet left us with dx9 and well we are paying the price for it now with the issues we have now with resource usage mainly cpu due to antiquated dx9 / gw1 engine the engine / dx9 were never meant to do what they are forcing it to do on modern hardware that performs poorly on the older software / engine / dx9.

This is proof why dx10/11 would bring a huge performance increase / efficiency

(edited by rickswarrior.3240)

Computer FPS issues, should be better.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: rickswarrior.3240


PLZ pass the link around to get more support for the petition it will be greatly appreciated proof dx11 support wil bring benefit to game by means of more ffitcient resource usage

Computer FPS issues, should be better.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: rickswarrior.3240


I have started a petition on the support of dx10/11 PLZ add your support to it

Currently the game runs on an antiquated DX9 engine that is limiting the game in a few aspects.

There are performance increases to be had by using a newer DX10 and/or DX11 based engine that Guild Wars 2 runs on. This change would be a start for relieving the CPU bottleneck that people encounter in crowded areas of the game. In addition to the performance increases, we would see more stunning visuals.

Full Version:
While the game runs well in certain parts of the world, other parts of the world are seeing performance degrade. By moving to a new engine based on either DX10 or DX11, the engine can take advantage of some of the new features that are included in these new iterations of DirectX. There are optimizations in DX10 and DX11 compared to the legacy functions of DX9 that are improved upon, thus alleviating some of the CPU use. One of the reasons DX11 was created was to help developers utilize multiple CPU cores more efficiently. This should help the cores that are bogged down with work to have less work to do but still achieve the same result.

Currently Guild Wars 2 heavily uses 3 cores, but in the past few years we have seen an increase in the number of cores a CPU has because CPU makers have yet to find an efficient way to get past the 4 Ghz speed barrier. Speeds beyond this limit generate too much heat for some systems and stability issues are created. Naturally CPU makers have continued to improve upon their designs, but had to do so horizontally (more CPU cores) instead of vertically (higher frequency speed). Many of you may have experienced a decrease in game performance when participating in large dynamic events, such as the dragon events, or participate in large world versus world battles with close to one-hundred people participating. In those specific times of the game, more likely than not, your CPU is simply not fast enough to compute all the actions happening on the screen which results in the decreased performance you may see. By expanding Guilds Wars 2 to use the available CPU compute power more efficiently, the game can take a step towards being a more mature game that will stand the test of time.

In addition to having the game run more efficiently and provide a smoother experience, the game would look even more stunning, graphically, than it already does. This is because of some of the more advanced feature sets that were created for DX10 and DX11 could be used in conjunction with the art style of Guild Wars 2. Overall, we would get a richer experience from Guild Wars 2 and truly make it the game everyone wants to play.

There are performance increases to be had by using a newer DX10 and/or DX11 based engine that Guild Wars 2 runs on. This change would be a start for relieving the CPU bottleneck that people encounter in crowded areas of the game. In addition to the performance increases, we would see more stunning visuals.

The following link shows what the Steam Community (a large portion of the PC gaming community) is using in terms of hardware as of February 2013. One particular graph shows that over half of the Steam Community are using a DX11 compatible graphics card and over a third is using a DX10 compatible graphics card.

Thank you for your support, and I hope to see you in game!

if you are interested in the issue i have started a petition in the forums this is a link to the direct forum petition
which is only way to do so according to arenanet GM’s confirmed by email. I also want to mention they promised dx10 then dx11 support ( this was beta / pre beta ) on release yet left us with dx9 and well we are paying the price for it now with the issues we have now with resource usage mainly cpu due to antiquated dx9 / gw1 engine the engine / dx9 were never meant to do what they are forcing it to do on modern hardware that performs poorly on the older software / engine / dx9.

(edited by rickswarrior.3240)

About dx10/11 support

in Suggestions

Posted by: rickswarrior.3240


I wonder why you couldn’t I know a few people playing gw2 now with xbox 360 controlers it is because there is so few skills on bars . I also want to point out dodge and all is simple double tap direction you want to dodge and walla you dodge chat typing is where I see issues. I want to point out in massive fights and such who wants to stand there getting owned because you had to message someone sign into Ventrilo ( voice chat ) or something and never loose attention to the fight / combat .

About dx10/11 support

in Suggestions

Posted by: rickswarrior.3240


I want to add this also I have a petition going for adding dx10/11 support to game

I started it after chatting with gm’s of arenanet and being advised only way to do so was oriented at the forums DX10/11 will add a lot better performance to game and help eleviate a lot of the resource usage especialy cpu wise and will allow game to run better all around.

(edited by rickswarrior.3240)

About dx10/11 support

in Suggestions

Posted by: rickswarrior.3240


The above review explains why it is far more efficient and also how and why it offloads a lot of resource usage ( meens better overall performance ) and explains also the same amount of work dx9 forces onto CPU the GPU ( graphics card ) can do 5-10x more efficient / faster than the CPU can so 1/10th the extra load added to to GPU ( graphics card ) vs the 5-10x time / work the CPU takes to do so. I want to point out it is only logical letting the GPU ( graphics card ) do the work ( what it was designed to do / optimized for ) makes a lot of sense and equals a far better result / overall performance .

About dx10/11 support

in Suggestions

Posted by: rickswarrior.3240

rickswarrior.3240 is one review on just this

About dx10/11 support

in Suggestions

Posted by: rickswarrior.3240


I want to say something most people running a low end gpu are also running a lowwer end cpu so balancing the resource usage will be a huge benefit hince why I say putting the tasks associated with theyre proper hardware (hardware that was designed specifically for that set of tasks / are optimized for those tasks ) (by the hardware I am referring to the gpu / graphics card ) for example dx11 brings a lot better resource efficiency to the hardware / tasks / resource usage as long as you don’t add to it the extra stuff like tessalation and such (pretty stuff associated with dx11 ) you then get better balance of performance across board.

About dx10/11 support

in Suggestions

Posted by: rickswarrior.3240


I say this because a lot of the functions the GPU (graphic card ) is suppose to do dx9 offloads to CPU instead of allowing GPU ( graphics card ) to do its job a CPU cannot do the task as easily as the GPU ( graphics card ) can. The GPU (graphics card ) was designed for the task and will fly at that set of tasks while a CPU will struggle with same task and dx9 forces the CPU to tackle part of the GPU’s ( graphics card ) tasks which equals a lot of extra cpu usage ( aka makes cpu struggle ) makes fps / game performance decline.

(edited by rickswarrior.3240)

About dx10/11 support

in Suggestions

Posted by: rickswarrior.3240


I have to point out you are exactly right and as an optimization dx10/11 support would elieviate a lot of the cpu usage also dx9 with a game with this much stuff running in it gw1 had part of this issue also but wasn’t so bad because it didn’t have the extra stuff so dx9 functioned ok not best but not worst but the added stuff to this engine literaly demands dx10/11 support to bring a huge amount of optimizations to game that would lower cpu usage a lot around 25% or so.

About dx10/11 support

in Suggestions

Posted by: rickswarrior.3240


and I want to also point out the dx9 client we have now is not polished nor is it fully functioning they are making the gw2 engine (aka gw1 engine with a lot more added to it ) do way more than it can technicaly do so a huge overhaul is actualy needed and within that overhaul the addition of dx10/11 easily setup to have option to do dx9 on users choice.

I also want to point out dx10/11 support would enourmously benefit us gamers with it using less cpu and more gpu aka using the proper hardware for its proper use dx9 offloads a lot of gpu stuff to cpu hince cpu bottleneck (insane cpu usage ) ingame at sec.

About dx10/11 support

in Suggestions

Posted by: rickswarrior.3240


well this link shows end support dates and most support for xp is already gone hince most games will not work on xp anymore newgame wise. I also want to point out extended support does not include driver updates and such so on that part I believe a lot of driver support is already gone

(edited by rickswarrior.3240)

About dx10/11 support

in Suggestions

Posted by: rickswarrior.3240


they can only polish an antiquated dx9 terd engine so much then we end up with what we have now they added to the gw1 engine and added a lot more load than that engine was designed to handle hince a lot of the fps drops insane cpu usage and lets not even get into the wvwvw stuff look at world of warcraft ( dx10/11) yes there was low fps in insane instances like 40man raids and such but the lowering of settings helped on that wow engine lowering settings nearly does nothing on gw2 engine.

the issue is they are making the gw2 do stuff it flat out is not capable of with dx9 step to dx10/11 a lot of that issue will be gone

About dx10/11 support

in Suggestions

Posted by: rickswarrior.3240


I also want to point out 70%-80% of players are already running dx10/dx11 hardware forcing dx11 hardware to run dx9 literaly makes no sense and seriously hurt overall performance of the dx11 card often around 50% less performance / fps than it would with dx10/11 support now dx10 hardware doesn’t lose to much performance running dx9.

I will also say that any system capable of running gw2 likely will not be xp and wont likely be running dx9 hardware if they are I feel sorry for theyre performance and I bet they are literaly pulling theyre hair out trying to play it lol and getting migraines from the stuttering and low fps.

About dx10/11 support

in Suggestions

Posted by: rickswarrior.3240


xp supports dx10 and I believe 64bit xp supports dx11 so forcing us to run our upto date hardware with far inferior software is like sticking your head in a barrel of water ( and drowning ) and saying you wanted to see bottom of barrel why would anyone in theyre right mind do this with a new game.

I also want to point this out dx9 offloads a lot of functions the gpu is designed to do onto the cpu so yes a lot of the issues by going to dx10/11 would beresolved main issue with game is it is insanely cpu load heavy if you remove 15-25% load off cpu and put it on the gpu that was designed to do the task how would that not benefit.

I also want to point out gpu can do the tasks far easier than a cpu can with far less stress to it which meens less lag higher stable fps and a much more playable game and a lot less load on the cpu meening all around better stability.

About dx10/11 support

in Suggestions

Posted by: rickswarrior.3240

rickswarrior.3240 look at the first option of dx9 not the updated optimized ones I believe game is running on the first dx9 which I know for a fact gw1 was.

amd fx 8350 and asus sabertooth 990fx r2.0

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: rickswarrior.3240


yes I know but generaly sets of rams wont do 1t with 4 sticks was why I had that in there about 2t if someone cant get it to post going down the list I made offers a fast easy remedy in most cases.

About dx10/11 support

in Suggestions

Posted by: rickswarrior.3240


Yes I agree but it realy upsets me that they promised (during beta ) dx10/11 on release of game yet kept the old crummy dx9 which is realy hurting us performance wise.

(edited by rickswarrior.3240)

amd fx 8350 and asus sabertooth 990fx r2.0

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: rickswarrior.3240


i want to point out i am 6hour stable on prime95 with the setting to test ram as much as possible and trust me prime usualy will cause a reboot within a few minutes if there is a ram issue.

amd fx 8350 and asus sabertooth 990fx r2.0

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: rickswarrior.3240


the above tweaks also often allow you to run 32gb of ram on the asus sabertooth 990fx r2.0 board . I know first hand lol i have 32gb of ram i know overkill but i said what the hell lol i had to change to 2t period to get any more than 2 sticks to run even 1333mhz ram on this board the 1866mhz ram i had to manualy set in bios to 1866mhz and then also had to loosen timings 1 number higher and bump volts a hair by 0.05 aka 1.55v to get it stable and able to boot.

amd fx 8350 and asus sabertooth 990fx r2.0

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: rickswarrior.3240


i was just stating common things to do if your ram will not run at 1866mhz with 4 sticks options to try not set rules. hince set to 2t / loosen timings / last resort up volts to ram these are listed in order to try lol volts i dont like to raise on ram lol. The tweaks i just listed are very common practice to get higher stable clocks on ram.

amd fx 8350 and asus sabertooth 990fx r2.0

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: rickswarrior.3240


the cure to get the ram to run at 1866mhz for 2×8gb sticks usualy is a slight volt bump on ram if you are after 4 sticks very few can get that stable but for starters bump voltage to around 1.6v if it is oem 1.5 then set the ram timing delay from 1t to 2t then try again if no go repeat and loosen timings a bit.

About dx10/11 support

in Suggestions

Posted by: rickswarrior.3240


i want to point this out also the average pc gamers hardware dx wise is 70% use dx11 hardware / 20% use dx10 / 10% use dx9 even a 6-8yr old oem laptop / desktop computer usualy has dx10 or dx11 gpu built into it from factory dx9 is a software from december /19/2002 why would they still be using it they say it is to support the old xp users which if someone is still using a 32bit xp pc more than likely wont play game period.

I say this because people with very high end pc’s with win7 / win8 64bit and high end quadcore or more cpu’s and mid to high end gpu’s are struggling with this game still dx11 support would fix alot of the issues with this game.

About dx10/11 support

in Suggestions

Posted by: rickswarrior.3240


PLZ post on this it is only way to get them to bring it to the game dx11 support would fix alot of the issues for most players and would benefit in also allowing better support for dx10 / dx9 gpu’s because dx11 once put into affect is easily backwards compatible coming from a coding / programing standpoint.

I also want to point out dx9 does not play well on dx11 hardware and often cuts performance in 1/2 and also dx9 offloads alot of stuff gpu should be doing to the cpu which causes even worse performance and cpu usage goes thru roof.

I will also say dx10 will drasticaly lowwer cpu usage with this game and will also fix alot of the ingame issues period alot of the wvw stuff like super low fps has to do with overloaded cpu and not enough cpu overhead for gpu.

I am basicaly saying if we can get dx11 support it will allow for alot better gameplay due to far more efficient usage of resources for 80% or so of us players dx9 is very poor at resource efficiency which we all know and have seen.

About dx10/11 support

in Suggestions

Posted by: rickswarrior.3240


i am posting this to get ball rolling and maybe get arenanet / gw2 dev’s to see that gen public would like to see dx11 support

when will you bring dx11

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: rickswarrior.3240


I ask because dx11 would realy help around 80-90% of players because 70% would be running dx11 gpu’s / 20% would be running dx10 gpu’s / only 10% of gamers are still running dx9 gpu’s also i want to point out dx11 support would benefit almost all players due to it takes alot of the load off the cpu and puts it where it is intended to be on the gpu.

I also want to point out almost any laptop / desktop released in past 6-8yrs will be equiped with dx10 or dx11 gpu’s dx9 is very in efficient on how it does its work and offloads alot onto the cpu hince the massive cpu usage with the game not inclucing the issues with the game itself.

I also want to point out dx11 is easily backwards compatible to downgrade to dx10 and dx9 from a coding / programming standpoint for options to run different dx for different hardware dx9 was released on dec/19/2002 i think it is time to get with the times this is a newwer game and well with the upgrades from gw1 to gw2 it adds far more stress to system yet loads very little to gpu dx9 also causes dx11 cards to perform poorly.

trust me my hardware i am running is far from low end and well it near middle ground more towards high end of spectrum yet my performance still is horrible this is due to dx9 and poor coding of game period. I and many others think you coded game more towards console then pc hince sticking to dx9 only thing consoles at sec can run. this is my gpu specs ran/tested with gpuz is my cpu / motherboard / and ram specs ran/tested with cpuz

I also want to point out system is 100% stable and has been for a while.

be aware i am about to upgrade to a amd fx 8350 and overclock it to around 4.6ghz x8 yes my cpu and gpu are liquid cooled ( gpu=ek waterblock ) ( cpu= xspc raystorm waterblock )

(edited by rickswarrior.3240)

amd fx 8350 and asus sabertooth 990fx r2.0

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: rickswarrior.3240


I can drop temp to around 45 degrees fahrenheit in summer if i so choose which is kitten cold so add 5 degrees or so more cooling ( aka the chiller ) get 40 degrees coolant temp which is roughly 4.5 degrees celsius as my coolant temp and ambient of 7.25 degrees celsius = alot of ability to overclock for benching and such i know i have dropped room temp before in winter in my pc room to around 23 degrees fahrenheit or -5 degrees celsius by opening sliding glass door in my computer room my computer room has its own seperate climate control from rest of house.

amd fx 8350 and asus sabertooth 990fx r2.0

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: rickswarrior.3240


Yeah but if i keep the coolant only a few degrees below ambient the sweating doesnt happen.

amd fx 8350 and asus sabertooth 990fx r2.0

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: rickswarrior.3240


I want to point out my coolant mix is good to around -15 degrees fahrenheit before it will start to freeze lol so if i drop room temps then crank the chiller i can get some crazy low temps for insane benching and such if i so want. I just brought the good old automotive coolant tester out and well it is around -10 to -15 where it says it will freeze.

amd fx 8350 and asus sabertooth 990fx r2.0

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: rickswarrior.3240


I am sorry i am not paying an extra $10-$15 to knock off 2-3c degrees celsius (till this stuff i have runs out ) so the mx-4 vs prolimatech pk-3 is like 2-3c degrees difference i bought a new arctic cooling mx-4 30g tube for $15 has lasted me thru 5-8 pcs ( a few years )and still have almost 1/2 tube left. I will maybe later step to another thermal compound / paste the mx-4 applies very well and evenly and realy performs well also it doesnt harden or dry up.

I am not to worried about minor temp issues i can chill my coolant some if i want to get extreme i have a aquarium water chiller ( ) ( thi is alot smaller than mine )setting here with 1/3rd hp compressor in it ( designed for a 150 gallon aquarium or smaller) and digital temp control so can drop coolant temp to whatever desired temp i want. I will point out if i drop it to low waterblocks will sweat so i am carefull 5-7 degrees below ambient is all i use it for if i want to get extreme. I also have a climate controlled room for my gaming room seperate from house so can drop temps to insanely low if i want then chill coolant also.

(edited by rickswarrior.3240)

amd fx 8350 and asus sabertooth 990fx r2.0

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: rickswarrior.3240


Ty i just so happen to be a member of and have done my fare share of overclocking in past lol with theyre help and in a few cases broke records like my old ati saphire atomic hd 4890’s ( ) i had at 1250mhz on core and 1375mhz on ram 100% stable oem 4890s are like 850mhz core and 950mhz ram these cards are oem at 1000mhz core and 1050mhz ram all oem factory clocked from saphire so i would say that was some fine overclocking there took some finnes and tweaking and modifying lol by modifying refering to volt mods to card itself.

(edited by rickswarrior.3240)

amd fx 8350 and asus sabertooth 990fx r2.0

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: rickswarrior.3240


I also wanted to point out my pumps are rated for a continuos 500lph flow ( ) some have tested the type of pump i am running and they are more around 800lph at open flow and the warerblock i am using i bought for this build is the xspc raystorm one of the best performing waterblocks on market with low restriction and high flow. The thermal paste i use by choice is arctic cooling mx-4 one of best on market comparable to arctic silver 5 after burnin the mx-4 requires no burnin and gets optimal transfers / performance from moment of aplication on.

(edited by rickswarrior.3240)

amd fx 8350 and asus sabertooth 990fx r2.0

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: rickswarrior.3240


well with arctic cooling mx-4 it wont dry out or harden so once a year is a bit extreme maybe once every 2-3 years lol. I also want to point out i love this motherboard it is the sh&% lol and well cpu should come in today at sec i have the 955be in it c2 stepping doesnt overclock for crap but allowed me to get bios and everything setup and my raid0 and such setup and os and all stuff ready drop fx 8350 cpu in and let it rock lol. I think i got the cooling to run it at around 5.0ghz or so 5 core V8 brass copper car radiator 2 pumps 1 in cooling cabinet 1 in towwer.

The pump in cabinet i mainly use to prime system if i ever dissassemble anything in loop in towwer gravity takes effect fluid run down to radiator and reservior. I then fire pump up in cabinet reprime setup then turn main rig on and good to go never have to turn pump on in cooling cabinet again unless i break the loops seal (aka a t line with a cap on it ) i onyl do so if system and pumps are off once seal is broke everything goes to radiator/ reservior no leaks no spills no hassles filling / maintaning system. these are old picks only newwer one is the tripple monitor setup the others were rush setup me and fiance just moved in to our new home i was in a rush to get pc up and going. I used a new 5 core brass/copper radiator i bought for my 1973 gto (i put a aluminum racing radiator in ) the setup in those pics is uggly (still use same towwer rest has been changed ) those were prototype pics lol since then it is much refined and alot prettier. I also want to point out all internal radiators within pc are removed and not in system period.

I run 3/8 ID line in my setup and use a custom coolant blend i make myself 15% automotive universal green mixxed with distilled water then i add hyperlube (automotive coolant additive ) for extra anti corrosion protection and also helps coolant absorb heat. I also add 3-5 drops of dawn dish detergeant per gallon for anti microbeal and also the detergeant breaks the surface tension of the coolant allowing for better heat transfer from surface to surface. I also myself add automotive radiator UV coolant radiator dye if i want to use UV lighting lol.

This mix is one of the best mixxes i have ever came across for anti microbeal / anti corrosion / acetal plastic safe / and cheap as hell and lasts for a few years without coolant changes in past didnt change it for over 3yrs and it is perfectly fine no corrosion no issues with plastic or sludge or microbeal issues. I literaly took that rig apart and expected issues and inspected it with a fine tooth comb absolutely no issues no corrosion no sludge no issues with acetal plastic hell it didnt even fog my plexi reservior which i found crazy.

(edited by rickswarrior.3240)