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Engineer vs D/D Elementalist Duels

in Engineer

Posted by: ryodanspider.4180


Well played, I been having a lot of success lately with my engi specially against thieves. Only class I really find annoying is Mesmer. At least I can run away from them and I guess that’s sort of a small victory in some cases.

Let's start predicting the next update

in Engineer

Posted by: ryodanspider.4180


Here what I see coming lol. Grenades, for as little as 30 pts into explosive, engineers can now throw more grenades for the exact same damage. Grenades now can be use to fully counter thief, every time the thief is hit he gain 3 secs of stealth per grenade. Mesmer will now also get one clone per grenade, making the Mesmer extremely confused that he won’t be able to figure out the real one himself. Guardians will now be tickle instead of receiving damage by grenades. Warrior will now get frenzy every time a grenade land near him. Anytime a necro is down, some where in the world of guild wars 2 an engineer will be kill instead. If an engineer downs a ranger, he will incur the cost of repair for that ranger multiply by a random number from 1-100. All players that have a lv 80 engineer main will now be limited to that one character slot and must pay a monthly fee to play. Last but not least, engineer will now be charge 100 gold or the equivalent amount in runes for the players convenience for posting in the official forum. Thank you for playing.

The real problem with the Engineer class.

in Engineer

Posted by: ryodanspider.4180


Ejiofor, I completely agree with your post. I find my self feeling the same way. While I can be completely perfect in my rotation and completely out play a thief, Mesmer or elementalist (the new wvw trinity) the cheap tactic of coming in and out of combat completely ruins the experience for me. What A Net doesn’t seem to understand is that this game involves a lot of cool down, and when you use your skills and someone can just pop out of the fight and return in less than 15-20 sec while all of your utilities are on cool down its completely trash. Is one thing to lose to good players that push you to learn and improve your game, but losing to a particular profession/build because of a blatant game imbalance is not fun, challenging for the other player and it just leads to frustration and people just moving to easy professions. I have a huge problem with how our skills are not really on part with other professions. For example, warrior endure pain and our elixir s, same skills yet warrior last two extra seconds and they are allow to attack unlike the engineer. Also, I can’t say for sure but I don’t think thief skill that provide quickness is on part with elixir u, I think we are punish more severely for gaining quickness than other professions, but I am not completely sure on this one.

Engineers are like Robin...

in Engineer

Posted by: ryodanspider.4180


I feel like this class was the hardest nerf this patch, i can’t believe this is the only class that still has to suffer a stat decrease when switching weapon in our case being kits. Speaking strictly as a wvw player I would rather have this kits turn into weapon n being limited to two sets and keep all stats bonus. I hate losing almost 400 attack when I switch to any kits. First we have to use our utility slot to equip what other class have free as a weapon switch mechanic and now that we can finally use sigils we get 30% damage reduction on grenades.

WvW 8 players vs 1 stealth thief

in Thief

Posted by: ryodanspider.4180


From all this posts all I am getting is some people complain about thief, thief player counter-complain. So, all in all apparently the thief profession is fine and balance, we who made the wrong choice need to learn to play a thief even if you dislike the profession and you don’t find it fun. Anyways, I am done counter-complaining the counter complainer. Lets have some fun.

(edited by ryodanspider.4180)

The thief and its gameplay - Your feedback [Merged]

in Thief

Posted by: ryodanspider.4180


My opinion, way to many means to stealth in combat. I never seen a game where a class can constantly come in and out of stealth with such ease. Damage is way too high, only a few classes can spike this high when spec for gc, for example warrior gc can at least be counted and the warrior would lose. Thief on the other hand can simply stealth and if you are lucky run away but more likely he will return within a few secs with more than half of their hp ;and while all your defensive skill are cooling down finish you off . I don’t even mind that their damage is high, and they don’t have cool down and can spam very effectivetly but at least concider putting a condition of not being able to stealth after they hit for a big amount of damage or something for like 15 secs.

Funny video about a broken class

in WvW

Posted by: ryodanspider.4180


Wow, is amazing how open people are to discussion. Those that play thief are really hurt that people find the class completely over the top. Look in my opinion, theift is ridiculous, I have 3600 armor and still can be take from 17k hp to about 5k in two to three seconds. Best part is as soon as i put up a bit of a fight, he stealth and repeat the process or runs away. Stop acting like this class is alright, is not. At this point all we can do is wait till the 14th if some serious balance hasn’t been put in place then this game is clearly not for me. Nonetheless, I wish much success to this company and I do think the game is fun, just not pvp anymore. My two cents.

Status with the Thief in WVW?

in WvW

Posted by: ryodanspider.4180


Warrior burst is actually quite easy to avoid unlike a thief. Thief you never really see backstab coming, even if you are lucky to dodge or avoid it some how it’s usually follow by hearthseeker 2-3 times and steal which hit kitten hard, oh and if the warrior makes a mistake or is counter they probably will die unlike the thief who simply stealth away.

Status with the Thief in WVW?

in WvW

Posted by: ryodanspider.4180


Thief is hand down the best class right now and no is not really balance. Yes they can backstab gc player for up to 14k, and bunker for as little as 4k but then it can follow up with like 4 other attacks that hit for 2 or 3k. If they stealth they heal a lot and repeat the process. I don’t really care that they hit hard bc they really are gc but with so much stealth it becomes impossible to kill them. They need to prevent steath once the thief is in combat like every other game has done to prevent them from just slipping away.

Just not having fun...

in PvP

Posted by: ryodanspider.4180


I really like this game and I hope the new patch on the 14 truly make some significant changes. While I mainly play in WvW, I find it frustrating that two classes have pretty much no down side to it. While warriors can hit really hard, they are easier to counter. Thief right now is almost impossible, at least for my class and engineer. Thief comes burst u down, if u put up and even fight they stealth, heal up and start again. If they are about to lose, stealth and run away. Mesmer too. It too easy to escape when they make a mistake. So I don’t care that you hit for 14k I can go toughness and turn that into 4-7k thats with 3600 armor. But please take away the ability to stealth in combat, and this game would feel more balance. Just my thoughts.

[Video] Thief PvP, Yippie Kye Yay 8 & 9

in WvW

Posted by: ryodanspider.4180


This guy. Always impressive stuff. Like the fact that since aion you can use stealth class properly and even more impress that you are not running the same build as every other thief out there.