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Necromancer is Mediocre I'm here to help!

in Necromancer

Posted by: sharky.5860


Looks quite interesting. Would this work for pve too?

And what Sigils do you use? Might be a good idea to link your build

And how did you find out you get chaos armor? Is it written somewhere? Maybe I’m just blind.

(edited by sharky.5860)

Necromancer in end level dungeons. Seeking some guidance

in Necromancer

Posted by: sharky.5860


Hi all,

what’s THE Necro build to be useful for a group in dungeons? I know everyone talks about conditionmancer, but honestly….. we’re not very good at stacking conditions compared to other classes.

This isn’t a complain thread, I’m seriously just want to support the group as good as possible as a Necro.

So any experienced Necro’s here who have run several exploration modes without feeling completely useless are welcome to post their builds/gear.


Reading the patch notes made me queasy

in Necromancer

Posted by: sharky.5860


I didn’t read your post but i’m starting hating anet… on the otherside all classes got a change except for necro which COULD mean they are chaging the necro completely..if not.. thanks anet for you ignorance

Death Shroud weakens & complicates builds.

in Necromancer

Posted by: sharky.5860


We choose to play the necro in this game not because it is easy, but because it is hard.

it’s one thing to unicycle, it’s another thing to ride a broken unicycle

Underwater combat with a Necro.

in Necromancer

Posted by: sharky.5860


Now I don’t even try anymore

That’s about the worst thing a designer responsible for a profession can get to read. It’s true, though.


Necro is absolutely useless at the moment in every aspect of the game.
It feels as if interims have designed the class or some game design schools designed as part of a project…. just lame.

I like necromancer the way it is, for now.

in Necromancer

Posted by: sharky.5860


I will never leave my necro but if you like where we are then you haven’t experienced more polished professions and don’t realize how bad we have it.

Nope, I do realize how bad we have it.

Than don’t create threads like this!

ArenaNet employee scrolls through forums and find your thread “Oh look, he’s happy with it. Hey guys, get back to fix Guardians, Necro’s are happy as it is”


It’s the opposite from RL work where you can do 100things good, but if you screw up once everyone will remember how you screwed up but not how you did 100 other things good.

Guardians getting some love. There is hope!

in Necromancer

Posted by: sharky.5860


So Guardians are getting some love, it seems ( link ).

I have high hopes a moderator will have a look in our forum too. Maybe they really are balancing classes already. Yay!

Won’t happen. Why? Because nobody gives a s**t about the least played class. Who would you want to make happy as a company… The 2 customers that use product A or the 50 customers that use product B?


My Necromancer Feedback

in Necromancer

Posted by: sharky.5860


Without reading all posts ; I love my Necro but the OP is right as well as the guy from team Paradigma.

I will keep playing my Necro in PVE sPVP tPVP and WvW. I like the style and the gameplay. But in the current state, you will not win a 1v1 against a player with the same skill level of another class.

According to the dev’s the Necro needs lots of love, they stated that after BWE3. I assume they either don’t have time to do it, just don’t care, or listen to the fan boys who push the issues the Necro has down.