Showing Highly Rated Posts By Terkov.4138:
Right… bow is “pro-nature” weapon. But you seem to forget bow has been invented to hunt animals and rifle first targer were humans! So how does bow fit for nature defender?
And get out with definitions based on traditional thingies. This is game, not classic RPG. I made ranger because I wanted marksman kind of character (and ranger has longes range in game), just as in every game I play – even GW1.
Why should I be put into some druidic theme if I don’t even use such skills or traits? My ranger is purely bow-oriented. If you imagine this class other way it’s YOUR opinion, not fact.
To sum it up… I don’t see reason to don’t have another OPTION (yep, option, if someone doesn’t want to use it he doesn’t have to) in weapon selection.
Btw. isn’t GS strange for ranger? I understand axe or hammer, but GS is most anti druidic/survivalist 2-handed weapon I could imagine
I remember there was a nic topic about pigs here, explaining F2 skill etc. I wonder, do you guys use pigs? Why/why not?
I’m playing LB ranger, mostly WvW, sometimes dung or two. Atm I’m running with 2 wolves, mostly for KD. Now, I decided to try pigs (the one with stealth skills on F2, and one with healing) – they have same KD (maybe even better coz of 3 sec KD) as wolves, bleeding I could use on npcs with buff (nothing big, but better than nothing if I don’t have time to swap bet before) and F2 is usefull in siege (stealth could be nice in field, but picking up while running is buggy).
What do you think?
One of the major issues with Longbow is it requiring 50 trait points to grab its traits:
30 in Marksmanship for Piercing Arrows and Eagle Eye
20 in Skirmishing for Quick DrawThe Shortbow has the same problem:
20 in Marksmanship for Piercing Arrows
20 in Skirmishing for Quick DrawBoth Quick Draw and Piercing Arrows only affect the Longbow and the Shortbow. So both the Longbow and the Shortbow need to spend at least 40 trait points to get their relevant traits.
The solution is quite obvious if you see it:
Longbow Mastery (replaces Piercing Arrows – 20 point into Marksmanship)
Longbow arrows pierce and Longbow skills have 20% less cooldownShortbow Mastery (replaces Quick Draw – 20 points into Skirmishing)
Shortbow arrows pierce and Shortbow skills have 20% less cooldownWith this both the Shortbow and the Longbow only need 20 points to get piercing arrows and less cooldown on their skills instead of 40. Talk about improving build diversity!
With this change, If you still want to use both Longbow AND Shortbow together and want both to pierce AND have 20% less cooldown, then it’ll cost you 40 points. Which is exactly the same amount as before the change.
Currently the game basically tells you to go dual bow with how the Piercing Arrows and Quick Draw are set up.
Not until the fix the existing ones.
So we will never get new ones? I’d rather have more broken pets, than no new pets and still broken old ones :p
Don’t feel sorry, it will just be boring, because I am not inclined to even bother spending time in WvW when we are so thoroughly mismatched. Both Piken Square and Riverside can field mor people on 1 map than we can on all 4 combined. I will be PvEing this week. Maybe A-Net can get it right next week.
This says it all. I liked the small fights we had the last 2 weeks. Now its just big blobs against a few of us. If you already check the maps, u can already see the outcome of this match-up.
Thanks Anet, well done on this mess.
For this reason, I’m out.
So am I.
After playing ranger for 3 years in GW1 (too lazy and check exact time) and over 2,5k hours in GW2, I disagree with your post.
And I’m also too lazy to even explain why. I did it sooo many times on this forum.
Finally! I have to admit I’m very (positively) surprised howmuch WvW changes are rolling and how they are mostly the good ones!
Lol at how my second post addressed the flood of loons citing the description and they’re just incapable of reading/processing it.
All classes have similar offensive potential at any range they have access to (all classes have access to 900 and all but Thief at 1200). The difference between the classes in terms of specialization is in versatility, not power. And Rangers are the clear winner there.
You people have no idea what you’re talking about.
And why do you think you interpretation is the right one?
Anet shows ranger as archer class → ppl looking for archer class play ranger.
What’s the problem? Because someone on forum connected profession name with range? I’d understand if you were GW1 assassin and someone wrote the 3 first letters define your class, but here idk what’s your problem.
F2 topic:
What if all 4 skills of pet were much (MUCH) fasterand got balanced by reducing damage? From what I understand, it should make F2 more responsive. And as bonus it’d also help pets hit moving targets
GS topic:
Evade on swoop sounds cool for smaller fights or to escape, and I agree about RNG feeling with auto attack evade… but on the other hand, GS is our main weapon in current WvW big fights meta (if we even get a spot :P ), and the built-in evade is strong asset there. If we were to replace it with anything other, it’d make rangerseven weaker in this part of game. But if we had blast finisher on maul… xD
And btw, in case it got skipped here, it’s worth mentioning problems with traiting bow builds – in LB case I need 50 points (piercing, eagle eye and CD reduction), just to have my main weapon traited, and I can’t even get last trait I’d need for LB – Remorseless. I belive it needs some merging.
It’s very nice to see such gear discussion with Devs, I just hope you won’t get tired by it too fast, with all those requests and suggestions, when one is opposite to another ^^
(edited by Terkov.4138)
Since always you can buy gems and exchange them for gold = noone cares.
They add items that you buy for gems that can give you more gold = big cry.
Gems ALWAYS were option to get more in game gold by using real money. This pick changes nothing. And no, gold doesn’t win anything in this game.
Hopefully you just gave them idea how to fix pets
Today I discovered I can clear Kolvan lords room siege from hill nearby with my LB Siege was in middle and on closer side, I guess I wouldn’t hit it if it was on the other side of lord.
I think they said it’d be waste of space to store all those names or something. I’m not sure. Anyway don’t hope for change.
We all know the stupid position of stowed Aether. I belive noone actually is happy with current state. Let’s show Devs how much we want this awesome skin to be fully awesome!
Sign here, send bug reports, let them hear us
yes, I know there are mor important things for ranger balance, but afaik it’s spearate team of devs and even if you don’t use SB, help others!
“We are aware of this and can assure you we are working on it” But it will never get fixed.
Ppl said same about culling.
Fix permastealth, then we can speak about giving anything to thieves. They need group support skills, not condition that will make them even better 1v1.
Someone said it doesn’t matter for power builds (and they mostly run them). Not true. Even with 0 cnd dmg it’s still another source of dmg for them. It may even hit for 100 per tick and it will be a lot considering how much movement you need when fighting thief.
And yeah, ofc nothing about rangers…
I’m playing mostly WvW and I’m happy with my LB ranger there. 1500 range, piercing arrows, sigil of fire and LB 5. make running in zerg a pleasure. It gets harder when I run solo to hunt dollies or flip camps, but with GS on swap I can run from most bigger groups (if I see them comming soon enough :p ) and I also win often in 1v1 – ppl totally underestimate LB rangers. 100b warrs or HS spamming thieves can be killed without taking dmg. But I won’t lie: when you meet a good thief/mes/ele, you don’t stand a chance with LB. Guardians and engis can be pain, but I think I never lost a 1v1 with them.
Some ppl here can have other experience. I just say what I know after over 1k hours on ranger, most of it in WvW. Most important thing imo: if you play something long enough, you can actually do pretty good, no matter how kittenty build or class is (unless you meet someone also experienced with their class ).
Proposal Overview
Rebalance of vitality and toughness of bosses.
Goal of Proposal
- Increasing viablity of condition based builds.
- Increasing build/gear diversity.
Proposal Functionality
Lowering health pool and increasing armor of bosses would encourage players to use condition based builds up to stacking limit before going into full berserker team. Rebalance should be done in a way that’d keep kill times same as they are now for full power oriented team.
Associated Risks
- Going from one extreme into another – too high toughness to vitality ratio could make condition builds too good. It’d be mostly fixed by conditions stacking limit.
Explains more than 1000 words. Notice that I used +25% run signet and thief activated his one at some point, yet pet still was unable to hit him.
Plz Devs, do what you want with pet dmg, but make it actually deal ANY dmg to player that has more than half of brain to run in circle.
Or easier way: make rangers deal dmg, not force them to CC enemies so pet can hit them once.
Thanks to my brother (Shim Melkor) for letting my pet “rip him to pieces while I stay Akitten”
Why is “away from keyboard” censored? O.o
(edited by Terkov.4138)
1. Projectiles gain regen for you only.
Whirl finisher gain area regen.
Are you sure? Afaik they give regen to allies they pass through.
Over 1,5k h played on ranger, dungeon master done only with ranger, 33 fotm lvl on ranger. Noone ever said bad word about ranger in dungs to me, not to mention kicking or not inviting.
This kitten again… if they have more numbers, that’s their advantage, not something they should be ashamed of. Everyone has right to “blob” (wtf is this word anyway?), build kittenzylions of ACs or camp EB JP. If you don’t like it, go sPvP or other game, because this is how WvW works.
Win is win (tho it should be more rewarding) and it doesn’t judge the way you won.
I feel bad I have to say it to fellow GH players, but I’m just bored of all the whining you learned from RoS.
This is such an annoying post for me because you have no idea how many times a guardian or warrior has launched foes out of my entangle roots. Yet, only ranger gets the blame for misused CC.
“However, this should not be accomplished by just a damage nerf. Rather, it needs to be done through a transfer of the percentage of damage the pet makes up for versus the player.”
Putting damage into the ranger’s side will make us more op than before you nerfed the pet damage to originally nerf the build in the first place as damage from the actual player is more reliable damage then our automated pet ‘facerolling people left and right’. Why would they do that?
You call for pet nerf and say that it’s a good idea, but then say we need more damage on ranger’s side. It’ll even out if you buff ranger’s side with the pet damage nerf, it’ll be as if you didn’t nerf pet damage in the first place. So if that’s the case, why even make a change at all? I mean, since pets are ‘facerolling’ everyone, right? Just seems like you’re confused.
It’s all about BM bunkers. Pet doesn’t scale with ranger, so we can go full tank and still have full dps part of class. Transfering dmg to ranger would still nerf bunkers and buff weapon-dmg specs.
I think we really need stop to any server transfers. Recruiting in one thing, but being able to join our WvW, waste spot on map, see our /t and /m and occupy siege or waste supplies shouldn’t be possible (or at least not so easy).
If ppl take this game so serious or their moral fibre allows them to play dirty, then it’s not my problem. The thing I don’t like, is the system that makes it too easy.
And plz don’t start class discussion here, this topic is kittenty enough without it.
I’d lie if I said my I can run all dungs with my pet alive, but tbh I don’t have problems with it (0 points in BM!). There are some fights where it’s dead most of the time, but outside of them I can F1-F3 it without problem.
Ofc, I wouldn’t mind lowering CD
Add that Eagle Eye also adds +5% dmg. Not big, but every bit matters.
Oh noes, karma trains can be now stopped easier?!
Fortifications and siege are to be…. besieged! Finally there is reason to use trebs or at least catas, not just rush everything.