While it’s been true for a while, especially following the recent (fantastic) Aetherblade update, it’s very easy to find players complaining about the difficulty of some achievements. Players ask for the dungeon to be made easier, for achievements to not be placed in Obsidian Sanctum, and for the achievements to be available for longer than 2 weeks. I’m not sure how you all feel, but to me, it sounds like the players are asking for ENTITLEMENTS, not ACHIEVEMENTS.
An Achievement is supposed to mean something – they certainly can (and some should) be ones that everyone can do, such as mastering crafts and completing story quests. Those kinds of achievements show that time was put into certain aspects of the game, and that’s totally cool. Aetherblade had ones like that as well, with the caches and Aetherblade slayer achievements. No problem.
Some achievements, however, need to exist to show the completion of a difficult task, such as mastering a complex dungeon in a short amount of time. Achievements like Faster than Light and Unfriendly Skies (Personal Space was, unfortunately, exploitable) are exactly such achievements – and they are cooler because they mean something. Players want them because they mean something, but unfortunately, many players seem to think that because they want them, they should get them.
Sorry guys, but it doesn’t work both ways. Either they are cool because they are tough, or trivial because everyone can get them. You already get an achievement for completing Frizz’s Lab at all, why do you think you should get the other one for free too? Take this to the extreme, and we start handing out 193 achievement points for simply logging in during an event. What is even the point anymore?
Long story short, if an achievement is too difficult for you, then you need to either accept that you won’t achieve it, or work until you do. Achievements are fun because they provide challenges. Many players seem to be completionists who also feel entitled to having everything complete without working for it, but they don’t understand how self-defeating that is. Make every achievement easy, and nothing is actually an achievement anymore.
To the players who completed Faster than Light and Unfriendly Skies, congrats. To the players who completed Personal Space legitimately, double congrats! Completion of a difficult achievement is rewarding and should not be undermined by players who feel entitled. I sincerely hope ArenaNet doesn’t listen to those players and continues to produce content of reasonable challenge (such as Aetherblade Retreat) with extra-challenging achievements to EARN.
Please share your thoughts on this here.
We went to eternal specifically to show your server that eternal isn’t everything, we wanted to shut your eternal crew up, they got really kitteny for the whole week. We wiped you guys many more times once I was there, until u capped SM, we only wanted open field and not to fight in your SM choke but we got forced to u guys defended that SM nicely though, but in the open field before SM, we had you. And I wouldn’t expect any less, we peaked at 75 in teamspeak in eternal (was average around 65 before u got SM) I wouldn’t expect a mostly put Zerg to wipe us with that many in teamspeak. Like I said, we went to eternal to exhaust your chest thumping all week for your eternal crew, we have the right to chest pump for a day for destroying your eternal Zerg :p
In all seriousness keep an eye on when the videos are posted on Borlis.org, use it as a learning tool to maybe try new things, or something to strive for. I am hoping the ts voice is implemented in the video as well. I am not saying this to brag, I am saying this to raise the skill level in your server. Copy paste the video on your forums if you feel it’s useful.
Our focus last night was to wipe Zergs not towers/keeps, unlike the rest of the week.
When we focused on eternal, our PPT was 200-240, when we focused on the BL with the same numbers, our PPT was 300-400 during prime time even, change up your focus in SBI, and work on expanding your teamspeak, it really does make a difference
Find a way to get all of your guilds to transfer to your centralized teamspeak is he first step. It took months to get all the guilds to get to ours, our old teamspeak was pathetic, we made a new teamspeak and catered it to fit the guilds needs, and they all joined the new teamspeak immediately. We are fortunate to have such high numbers in our teamspeak, it’s safe to say we get 80-90% of our numbers in wvw inside our teamspeak, I can almost guarantee that’s higher then any server out there
I had fun this week SBI, I was not intending to trash talk if it came out as that I apologize. We learnt from you guys as well, you guys did some stuff that we Havnt seen before and we will be able to add them to our book of knowledge, and I hope you guys learnt stuff as well.
See you around SBI, and AR we will see you soon, stupid AR/BP curse
Guild: Ominous Threat
Server: Fort Aspenwood
BP: RAR! We are going to attack SBI in Eternal Battlegrounds!! RAR!!
SBI: Where is BP??
AR: They are over here, they appear to be completely colorblind.
BP: RAR!! Take that SBI.
AR: Dude, you know we aren’t SBI right?
BP: Shut up SBI, we totally have your keep!! RAR!!
AR: Oh lord …
In general it’s pretty common for EB to have a queue to even get into, having a sizable group of players fighting an NPC is an equally sizable group of players who can’t get in who would actually be help
The whole idea of having PvE daily chests, JP’s and exploration objectives inside WvW is in my opinion a terrible idea as it encourages non-combatant “tourists” who take up valuable player slots but do not actually help
Garnished Toast
Not to mention you have a lot of skilled players, always nice fight with AR. And on top of that, you keep it civil. Not once I have been /laugh or sit on by AR (happens quite a lot with some servers).
It’s OK they were probably the worst group vs 1 I have ever fought.
Sorry that it happens to you. I can only hope no offense taken.
Honest question: I want our server to be better @ WvW, so besides being bad sport, what else did we mess up?
Rating says SBI should win while our score says the opposite, must be something we did very wrong. What did you saw from AR/ BP perspective?
Is it we die too fast? Not organized enough? Lousy defense?I wish you(both AR&BP) can share and in the end we all have a better game. Thanks.
The one thing I notice more than anything from SBI is the lack of upgrade strategy and lack of cap timing. Not all SBI, but a large portion. You guys are decent on the field, but unfortunately in WvW it’s a PPT game. Capping under the 4 minute mark and doing the very basic upgrades on your camps/towers makes a world of difference. It’s rare I come across a supply camp held by green where there was the first 5/10 silver upgrade dropped. I can solo a basic camp quite easily, and relatively quickly, and before the PPT rolls over as well. If the general attitude is “it’s just going to flip anyway” then, well, it’s going to flip. I know when I’m on I do everything I can to make capping a point painful, because most groups are just going to move on to softer/easier targets. That’s really the main thing I see from SBI, from an outside perspective.
EDIT: So many people are missing the edit at the bottom of my next post I’ll just make it the first thing that shows up here. I have used the words dps meter throughout these next two post. Anytime I say dps meter, I also mean amount of health revived meter, healing done meter, dodges meter, buffs given meter, debuffs applied meter – essentially a complete picture of what people contribute in dungeons. A dps meter would be only one facet of the overall implementation.
I think that gw2 should implement a dps meter. Two things I want to establish about this meter before I continue: 1. You will be able to choose who can see it, whether it be your entire party, just yourself, or no one. 2. You will be able to link dps from previous encounters.
My first argument is that gw2 is ultimately a game focused on self-progression, like most MMOs. Part of this progression is being able to identify your dps going up, either from getting better gear or becoming better at your rotation / choosing a more optimal trait setup and such. Yes, you can see your numbers as you hit and how they’re going up. It might be true that you can sort of tell how much stronger you’re getting because of gear. It might also be true that you can tell between the damage of trait setups when the difference is obvious.
That’s not good enough. There are different trait setups for classes where the dps difference is not that noticeable (and it’s a testament to how lacking my knowledge of my own damage abilities as a result of the absence of a meter is that I don’t know how much “not that noticeable” equates to). The problem is, not that noticeable does not mean negligible. For higher end difficult content, (FoTM 40+, Arah) having that extra dps would certainly help. I will also note the added benefit to the game of helping out min-maxers. You might not agree with their philosophy that you should try optimal gear/build setups, but you should at least allow them the chance to actualize their own preferences in the game rather than denying them that opportunity.
My second argument is based on a philosophy of group interaction. I think it’s fair that if you don’t want your group knowing how much dps you’re doing that you should be able to withhold that information. I also think it’s fair for groups that want to optimize their composition to be able to choose people based on their dps. Again, I think in difficult content, this is warranted, and also in dungeon farming where extra dps means more runs and thus more gold. A group that ultimately desires people who can do great dps should not be forced to include those who don’t meet their standards because the UI doesn’t allow them to access relevant information, especially when there are legitimate reasons for doing so (For those of you worried about the elitism this could lead to, I’ll respond to it further down). I’ll take a second here to note that this is ALREADY the approach taken by ArenaNet with regard to pinging gear: you can volunteer that information or you can choose to withhold it, but likewise groups are able to pick whom they want based on the decision to withhold or volunteer information.
(edited by Ezpz.7612)
2) PVT ele damage is pathetic. Sure they have some decent burst damage, but once you compare it to actual bursts, a perfect ele burst is worse than single button presses on actual burst builds. Also, not everyone runs PVT gear, I’ve consistently run rare MF gear when my server flopped between tier 1 and tier 2, it served me just fine, it just requires you to not be an idiot (too hard of a requirement for most WvWers I realize).
3) Eles have attunement CD, they go 30 into arcana so it isn’t so bloody obvious when you can kill them
If you are sitting with a single weapon and never swapping, you are the same as that ele who sits in fire attunement all day.
Tier of WvW means absolutely, completely NOTHING. I’ve been in every single tier, I have played against nearly every server. Top tier servers are top tier for 2 reasons: decent commanders to organize groups, and tons of people. If they don’t have tons of people, I don’t care how good you are, you will never be “top tier”, because zerging > skill. And then you need decent shepherds to lead the sheep around to their next pasture. Lots of people online (needs to be around the clock too, need the night crew) + commanders = tier 1, that is all you need; skill be kitten
Our guild has 495 active members, no unknowns, and a waiting list of 50 people. There are three teams of volunteers with a total of 22. We also have a board of eight and two guild leaders. We do all the guild missions every week and organize six events ourselves every week. To manage this is a lot of work and the guild interface is almost useless. Here are some things that are really frustrating:
Mailing system: If I want to send an email to the whole board, I have to do it one by one with a limitation of two per minute. When they reply, the original message is gone. So sometimes when they haven’t been online for a couple of days, it’s confusing to witch mail they are replying. Today I sent all of the volunteers a thank you present by mail and at the end I was furious with the mailing system (witch lead to this post).
Chat: If I want to talk to more then five people at the same time, party chat is not an option. Teamspeak server isn’t always possible and what do you do then? At one point I just gathered all the people I wanted to chat in to Divinity’s Reach and just used /say.
Guild Roster: It doesn’t show the account + character names so sometimes it’s confusing to know who is who. It also doesn’t show the last time somebody was online or how much of their play time people represent our guild. It also doesn’t show when somebody joined the guild.
Guild bank: You can’t see per user how much they deposited and how much they withdraw. We are contemplating if we have to start keeping an external logbook for the guild bank.
Guild calender: it’s not even there so when and where we do our events always has to be spammed through the guild chat. After the twentieth person that asks ’where’s the event today’ it really gets annoying.
Influence: Where does it come from? We are a PvX guild and want to distribute the output of the influence usage according to the origin of the influence. So how much do we use to keep up WvW buffs? Al we now is we get an average of 150k per week. And off course, those two build slots are ridiculous. We have to up speed six times more then what we can actually build. Also we still don’t know how we are going to use all the merits that we gain. We will probably just put up a hero’s banner once a day, the other stuff is just silly.
Message of the day: It’s almost useless. Couldn’t we have something similar to a daily achievement chest when members first log in for the day. That way they at least see the message. It’s also very limited in characters. We can’t even put our whole week schedule in it.
Out of game communication: not possible, where’s that extended experience app?
Currently we have to use a lot of out game systems to keep the engines running:
Member list and influence calculation tool in Excell, shared trough dropbox
Planning of meetings through Doodle
Getting feedback with Google Forms
Calendar, forum and mailing system on our Enjin site
What’s App groups on our mobile phones
We even have a board member who’s busy programming an overlay for the game so we can use it to communicate. We are also still looking to find an easy way for a to do system.
I don’t expect to be able to do all of the above trough the game itself, but a lot of it could easily be implemented. Currently, my husband and I spend more than 20 hours a week to manage everything. It’s a lot when you also work full time.
PS: English is my third language and I’m dyslectic. So hold your spelling and grammer crap, I did my best.
I’ve played them for longer than I care to remember. And I’ve learned a few things that pretty much all MMO games seem to have, and do, etc…
MMO rules of the road..
1) BS is the most popular profession in any game. Take anything you hear in game with a grain of salt. Like ALT-F4 makes you stronger, etc..
2) If you think a mission is too hard, telling others will generally result in being told one or all of the following:
a) Your computer is sub par.
b) Your skills are sub par.
c) Everyone else did the same mission without weapons, blindfolded etc.. See rule number 1.
3) MMO’s are a mixed batch of players. Some helpful, some spiteful, some extremely bored, or lonely, or both. Remember you’re in a world of people using personas and running around with deadly weapons. Don’t expect too much from them and you won’t be disappointed.
4) If you think a high level weapon is not as good as a lower level weapon, they will reduce the stats of the lower level weapon.
5) Draw your own conclusions. If you like the game, play. (Ignore rumors) If not go away. No one likes a complainer. Especially gaming companies. Sound harsh? It’s one of the undeniable truths of gaming.
6) Find positive, like minded players to group with. Go slow, don’t tell them your life’s story and enjoy your time in game. It’s an escape, if we wanted to deal with reality, we wouldn’t be here.
7) My favorite rule has to be this. A female character doesn’t mean the player behind them is female. It also doesn’t mean they aren’t. Does it matter? If you want a date try one of the many dating sites online. This doesn’t mean you can’t meet someone, it just means it shouldn’t be your main focus.
8) You’re in a faceless medium. Stating your opinions is like dropping sugar on the kitchen floor and turning off the lights. All the Trolls come out and will spend hours and hours spouting their rhetoric , so you’ve been warned. Tin foil hats are sold in the lobby. Of the games I’ve played, the Guild wars players tend to be good natured and easy going. However opinions vary.
9) If a change in the game makes you physically upset to the point of anger, you need to walk away. Your favorite skills we be nerfed, your best combos will be ruined, it’s called balance. Which any Gamer with a fair amount of gaming exp, will tell you is a myth. Often sought after, never realized. There are players in any game that can out think the developers in their sleep, and they will always devise ways to beat something. Then the gaming companies go nuts trying to counter their way of doing things. Get used to it, or forget mmo’s.
10) Your gaming experience may change… Most of us know this phrase. It basically boils down to the gaming company can do whatever they want to the game, your character, your skills, and you have no grounds for being upset, because you’ve been warned. The game you bought, will not be the same in 6 months. It’s not a PC game that is the same always.
11) If you like the game you’re a Fanboi, if you don’t you’re a Troll. This rule never seems to change sadly.
12) If the game has a flaw, and it will require fixing, it’s easier to remove the reason for doing whatever, which results in or triggers the flaw. i.e. If a skill triggers a flaw in game, it’s easier to remove the skill than to fix the flaw. O.o
13) Games are not a democracy, they are a dictatorship. Gaming companies have the final say. It’s their creation, their child, and no one likes advice on how to raise their kids.
I’m sure I missed some rules, but these come to mind a lot.
Hey it could be worse, you could have to buy your bullets and arrows etc..
(edited by Evon Skyfyre.9673)
Alright, First World Problems incomming.
I like Guildwars 2, I like it a lot actually. No it’s not perfect, there could be more endgame content, yes. Nonetheless I’m having a blast with it ever since beta.
The only problem I currently have is that I’m sitting on a pretty nice heap of money, and no way to spend it! I really would like to be able to buy stuff from the store. No, I’m not talking about armor and weapons, I loathe pay2win games..
I’m am however talking about armor skins, weapon skins, pets, things that make me look epic.
I’m in a pretty lucky position to be able to throw money at my screen, but it just keeps bouncing back right at me. I also play a few other games like PoE and LoL, and I’m happy to be supporting these companies for the entertainment they give me. It makes me feel good to do something back, and I have a lot to give back, and I don’t think I’m the only one..
Arenanet, let me thank you, please. At least financially.
so why can’t i get these from wvw? 3 months and counting….
you are getting update to WvW in a week…
Ascended gear has no place in WvW… who’s gonna cast agony? Really?
If having a slot to place agony resist was all the only reason we have ascended gear, then why the stat increase from exotic to ascended? Its not needed then.
If ascended stats = exotic stats, but had infusion slots for resist I would have NO problems with this game, or its direction and I would not feel compelled to grind out ascended gear…because I would already have my max stat set.
Ascended gear is the worst thing to have happened to the game.