Showing Posts Upvoted By ArchonWing.9480:

Poll to remove siege disablers?

in WvW

Posted by: Celsith.2753


I guess I give you a scenario. You’re a roamer, you see 5000 JQ coming to bay and your home BL is dead and you know the ktrain is in EB. You can buy your server those precious few moments to disable, whisper the EB commander for help and give your server time to respond.

My question is why remove the siege disablers?

In your example here you’re using siege disablers to compensate for a larger problem: population imbalance.

If population was balanced properly then siege disablers definitely should be removed as they encourage map hopping and blobbing.

If JQ had 200 players and FA had 200 players then you should be punished for not having a defensive force on your home BL.

However, because JQ has many more players than FA at the moment (during SEA anyway) – the siege disablers make sense. Having said that, JQ players make extensive use of siege disablers so it makes the job of your smaller guilds trying to ninja objectives much more difficult also.

TL;DR – what you really need is a more balanced population.

I agree, no arguments here.

I disagree. Your 200 FA were fighting those JQ on another map. JQ zerg map hops to try to pvdoor a keep on another map. Brave scout disables enabling your zerg to follow and continue to fight.

Its not the defenders fault their equal pop was on a different map because thats where the attackers were 4 minutes earlier.

Siege disablers are one of the few additions to the game that actually helps the defender as much as it does the attackers imo.

Predatory Instinct [HUNT]
Thundercat Snarf – Thief

Gift of Battle - state of WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Mogrey.3891


Players had a couple months warning that this was going to happen. There’s no need for every player to have been able to summon the vendor one last time.

That “warning” was ONE line of text buried deep inside of a 40 page long patch note.

Also, prepare to have this thread merged and buried in the WvW section in 3,2,1…

ex you get charged more for something in small letters in a new contract (let’s say internet). who’s fault is it?company’s or your’s for not reading your contract? they could have it somewhere in the news section but they said it. and reddit talked about it a lot. many of us knew it.

i’m a poor and lonesome ranger.
Mogrey Norn Ranger [DS]

WvW, some things you should know!

in WvW

Posted by: SpellOfIniquity.1780


WvW has many different ways it can be played. From strictly PvE to strictly PvP, a combination of the two and even things that are separate entirely.

While it is true that the basics of WvW is zerg -> spam 1 -> get karma, there are many other ways one can immerse themselves in the game and in the community.

Here, I’ll be doing a short summary of each of the different areas of WvW trying to be as neutral as possible. For many, this thread will contain nothing they don’t already know but for others, it may help to feel more comfortable and aware.

Let’s start with the most basic of basics, Zerging.
Teamspeak (<- link to download provided here) is a priority for any co-ordinated zerg so that the team can hear verbal commands from their squad leader(s). This will allow them to instantly get information on what they are being requested to do without the commander having to type the orders and without the zerg having to read it.
Although TS is not the be all and end all, it does help immensely and without it you will be at a disadvantage.

If you are not on TS, here are some tips to help you to contribute and to survive:

  • Keep your eyes on the commander always. Where ever s/he is, you should be following.
  • Always be on your commander, not ahead of them when travelling. It is important that you let your commander lead the way as in some situations, they may want to stay hidden.
  • If your commander drops blueprints, put your supplies in to them immediately. Remember to only build what what your commander drops unless they say otherwise.
  • Consider the durability of your build. If you are squishy (low defenses) you will want to remain closer to the back of the group while in combat. If you are tanky (high defenses) you will want to be closer to the front.
  • If your commander suddenly stops, get on top of them as tightly as possible. This is a “stack.” There can be a number of reasons to stack but the primary ones are: to share boons/buffs, to limit enemy AOE’s and to keep the group together so that individuals do not venture too far ahead or lag too far behind.
  • When you see fields (fire, water, static, etc.) during a stack, blast them. Do not place your own fields if you are not in TS as you may be placing one(s) the commander is not asking for. This can overwrite the field that they need. So remember to only blast fields unless you are reading/hearing exactly what the commander wants.
  • Learn to develop an eye for the flow of a fight. It is hard to say how one can do this but it often comes with experience. The more fights you are involved in, the more familiar you will be with when a push is happening, when a bait is happening, etc. It is important that you (eventually) learn how to recognize the flow of fights so that you can predict when/where your weapon and utility skills will be needed.

All of these tips are also valid if you are in TS but are far more necessary to know if you are not.

Scouting is a vital part of WvW strategy. An effective scout can be the difference between a win and a lose, a safe structure or a lost structure and a life or a death on the field. It is not something that everyone enjoys doing but for those of us that do, here are some tips to help you improve on being an asset to your server:

Be detailed when relaying information. If a structure (tower/keep/castle/camp) is being attacked, you do not want to simply say, “X is being attacked.” Although it will get the basic point across, it may not be enough information for your commander to decide whether they should come to help or not.

Being detailed with your information means stating; numbers, direction, guild, current gate/wall health, siege being used and any other information that might be applicable. Although all of this is not always necessary to say, it can greatly help your server mates in deciding how much help they will need to send to support you.

Some examples of information to provide would be as follows:

8 – 10 YB at Brav, rams up, gate 50%.
15+ [Os] moving north along the west wall of SMC.
2 Thieves at Umber.

Example 1 = Numbers + server @ location (Brav = Bravost) + siege used + gate health.
Example 2 = Numbers + guild + direction they are moving by the structure(s) closest to them.
Example 3 = Numbers + profession(s) @ location.

Scouting is also more than just communication. Although it is not always necessary to do the following, there are other things you can do to be a helpful scout.

  • Escorting dolyaks
  • Building defensive siege in towers/keeps/castles
  • Defending supply camps
  • Helping passing roamers if they are in danger
  • Repairing towers/keeps/castles if they are damaged (but only if they are no longer being attacked)

Next let’s talk about roaming.
Roaming is as important as any other role in WvW but perhaps the most dangerous. It is a hobby that demands a high level of skill and understanding in order to be effective as it often deals with many different threats.

If you are interested in pursuing this kind of activity in WvW, here are some things you will need to know:

  • You will not win every single fight.
  • You will get outnumbered frequently.
  • Design your build with mobility and cleanse in mind. It is important to be able to move around the field quickly and to shed conditions when you are overwhelmed.
  • Learn your limits. There are no builds that are 100% effective against everything. Get familiar with what you can and cannot beat so that you can avoid death without tempting it.
  • Fight on your terms. Fights will happen between you and other players at many different locations. Some will be in such a place that your opponent can retreat to recover, to rally friends to outnumber you, use the terrain to manipulate you or to outgun you with siege support. Consider where you are about to engage so that you can turn the environment in your favor and not theirs.
  • Pay attention to your scouts and your commanders. They will help you to avoid (or to find, if you wish) zergs or other groups that will outnumber you.
  • Be a pest! A good roamer is an annoying roamer. Flip supply camps frequently, kill dolyaks, tie up scouts/other roamers by occupying them, contest waypoints, flip sentry’s, lay supply traps, kill siege in structures, etc.

Roaming is about as complicated as scouting with as many different nuances. I could cover every aspect of both but it would take an entire separate thread to do so so just remember to learn and to evolve! You will learn the rest as you go.

Lastly, let’s talk about the controversial dueling.
It can happen anywhere, sometimes in ideal places, sometimes in less than ideal places. Duels happen when two players meet that respect each others skill and wish to have an honorable practice. When one player begins with a /bow, this usually insinuates that they wish to have a friendly skirmish and a /bow in response signifies the other participants approval.

Some people feel that “red is dead” while others view their opponents as they view themselves, just playing the game. In the event that you either interrupt or happen upon a duel, here are some things you should know:

  • Often there will be more than two players. The two that are in the duel and others that are standing idle nearby watching the fight unfold. If you see that there are other players with a neutral presence, this is the first indication that you are seeing a duel.
  • If you happen to interrupt two players that are having a duel, a few things might happen. Your teammate may rage at you, they may tell you to stop or they may simply back away. If they tell you to stop, you should definitely stop at the risk of upsetting them. If they back away, you can either choose to continue with the potential to embarrass yourself or you can sheath your weapon and attempt to flee. There aren’t really any right answers here from either party as this is a game and can played as one pleases. Just know that by interrupting a duel, intentionally or unintentionally, you can upset other players which shouldn’t be something you want to do. If they are rude to you, there is no need to respond. Walk away and ignore their insults.
  • Do not stomp (finish/spike/defeat/kill) your opponent if you are the victor. One of the major aspects of dueling is that neither party has to be killed if they lose. They are put in to downed state and allowed to recover so that they can either leave or start another duel.
  • Players that are observing a duel are usually quite playful if you are kind to them. If you see a neutral player that is on the offending team, you can usually have a bit of fun with them by using tonics, toys or other gizmos to interact with them. Remember that they are players just like yourself and will likely respond to a bit of horsing around with some good humor of their own.

And the most important thing of all

Remember to have fun! It’s just a freakin’ game and no one has to hurt or hate anyone. Explore, evolve and make friends, whether they’re on your server or on the server you’re against. Don’t take things too seriously or you risk ruining the fun for more people than just yourself.

Take care and I hope this does some good for someone out there (:

Necromancer, Ranger, Warrior, Engineer
Champion: Phantom, Hunter, Legionnaire, Genius
WvW rank: Diamond Colonel | Maguuma

(edited by SpellOfIniquity.1780)

location of crafting stations?

in WvW

Posted by: Illconceived Was Na.9781

Illconceived Was Na.9781

I would say the same to anyone who thinks it’s a good idea to remove crafting stations because they believe it increased their queue times.

I’m saying that ANet has data that shows them that people at crafting stations increased queuing times. And regardless of whether I trust them at their word (although, it strikes me as counter-intuitive not to on something like this), there’s absolutely no chance they’d waste valuable coding and QA time on removing the stations unless they had compelling reasons to do so.

Is it horribly inconvenient for those of us with parked toons that made use of the crafting stations to avoid running back and forth? Definitely inconvenient, but I’ll get over it. If even 10 people queue for 10 minutes less each night, I’ll consider it worth my trouble to spend a few minutes per parked character, a few times a month. In my opinion, it’s better for the game to remove barriers to actively play WvW than it is to provide convenience to those passively earning rewards via parked toons.

Banking remains available in the PvP lobby and (for HoT owners) in Guild Halls.

tl;dr the fact that ANet invested effort into removing the crafting stations is evidence that it affected queue times for enough people that this was worth their limited time to adjust things.

John Smith: “you should kill monsters, because killing monsters is awesome.”

Servers that are abysmally bad at WwW

in WvW

Posted by: Lord Kuru.3685

Lord Kuru.3685

Here’s a template for anyone who wants to reply:

We’re matched up with the worst servers XXX and YYY. All they do is blob in a single enormous zerg. Yet our guild groups with fewer than 10 players easily wipe these blobs — that is when the blob doesn’t turn tail whenever they see someone from our server. The only reason they are “competitive” is because they nightcap when literally no on else is online. Have fun PvDoor heroes!

Just substitute your opponents for XXX and YYY.

Survey on the WvW map queue

in WvW

Posted by: Josh XT.6053

Josh XT.6053

Also it’s this same guy complaining in multiple thread daily about the crafting stations being gone from WvW. Go somewhere else man, no one here has any sympathy for it. Anyone who was crafting was not helping WvW players. You can go craft in Lions Arch where you’re not being detrimental to your home server.

Solution to queues is go to a different map. Only 3 servers have the power to queue all 4 maps on NA and they’re all tier 1, and they don’t even do it much outside of reset night.. If they do and you’re on that server – TRANSFER. Stop complaining about your own server being stacked, do something about it.

Asphyxia [XT] – Fort Aspenwood Roamer
Twitch Stream – AsphyxiaXT
My Builds at

Survey on the WvW map queue

in WvW

Posted by: Tongku.5326


I have been monitoring this for a few days, now.
EST in the evening: I see a queue for EB, now every evening, 25 at the moment, it has been steady all evening and one of the other maps had a queue as well.
So far, I could not measure any impact on traffic by removing the crafting stations.
The queues are just as bad.
We need a solution, that really address the problem, not a bandaid.
Anyone has the same observations? Let me know.

I think I have the perfect solution which you should brought up to the A-Net devs. Since they took out crafting stations out of WVW, they should put them in raids, fractals and dungeons, where any random pug at any given moment shoudl be able to pop on the map and sit at the crafting station while bumping one group member outside of the instance.

The bumped group member can return to the instance after the person on the crafting station is done.

That should solve all your problems, not to mention be a very fair thing to do after having these in WVW for X amount of years, they should remain in those instances for same X amount of years, after which they can be transferred to another part of the game, perhaps inside SPVP right on the maps …..

Heavy Deedz – COSA – SF

Why the race restriction on lords/supervisors

in WvW

Posted by: Dawdler.8521


Asurans are clever enough to know that true rulers work from the shadows and place the dumb muscles in seats of power.

Hence, Charr gets the keeps because they think they own them, Humans get the towers because they realized it was better to make a deal on the middleground than to challenge the true overlords (and previously mentioned Charr muscle) and Sylvari gets the camps because they’re kittening sallad.

Why you should vote AGAINST shared DBL/ABLs

in WvW

Posted by: Dawdler.8521


becoz ppl are not interested in balancing, thats why they vote for unbalance option

ppl who are interested in balancing are always the minority, in every single game.

Luckily this vote has absolutely nothing to do with balance as the way a border look is irrelevant. We know this because 3 alpines and 1 EB are not in any way balanced. We see that every single day.

So yeah, maybe people interested in balancing are in minority.

And a minority of players also dont give a kitten what happens to the community after desert is rotated in for 3 months.

Seems pretty balanced to me.

Removed crafting stations and vendors.

in WvW

Posted by: Xenesis.6389


Don’t care about the complaints.

1. You can access your bank through the guild register npc, there’s a pull down menu to switch to it.
2. You can access your bank at the upgraded keeps.
3. Rata Sum is the best city to do crafting, with the bank and trading post in the middle of it all. I only ever go to LA for the mystic forge.
4. Better prepare yourself before going into wvw, if you’re running low on foods and oils craft them in your downtime so it doesn’t affect your play time? Or now you can buy them off the provisioner.

Having said that, kinda late on these changes, use to see a ton of people in the crafting area in the early days, not so much these days, I suppose it’ll help a lil on reset night, maybe.

Another derailing post. ^^
North Keep: One of the village residents will now flee if their home is destroyed.
“Game over man, Game Over!” – RIP Bill


in WvW

Posted by: Pinko.2076


I’m on Maguuma.

DR, you shouldn’t miss us.

Just pray you wind up on a server that isn’t so dumb as to watch DB and FA take all the bloodlust.

Maguuma is a T3 server for a reason you know.

Cuz it’s full of too many people you shouldn’t miss.

I’m on Maguuma.

DR. You should enjoy us.

Pray you don’t wind up on a server that cares about taking bloodlust.

Maguuma is a T3 server for a reason you know.

Cuz it’s full of too many people you will miss.

Removed crafting stations and vendors.

in WvW

Posted by: Sarika.3756


So the Guild Registar lets me switch between bank and inventory, but how do you transfer from one to the other besides dragging it in the guild bank and then switching tabs to the other?

Open your inventory panel and drag from your bank panel. It’s more work than a normal bank, but it’s all we’ve had on non home bl’s for ages, so I guess I’m used to it.

Basically, put your normal inventory on one side of your monitor and the bank access area on the other…

Can we have a "use all" option for alcohol!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Decrypter.1785


wish we did in real life also lol

[WM]give us in game ladder

My issue with the reward tracks

in WvW

Posted by: Cirrion.8951


They should just allow you continue to collect reward track points outside of WvW maps (with the contribution decay in place still of course).

WvW and it's current pale state.

in WvW

Posted by: Trajan.4953



This again.

Lets have a look at his Youtube channel and see how he tried so desperately to draw views, now he gets emo.

At best he was a “Never-was” now he is a “Has-been”.

He has some valid arguments but when tied with an “Ima quit” crap it all goes down the toilet IMHO.


Half-naked females, fully draped males.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dante.1508


I’m all for equality.. naked males and females, clothed females and males.. I only ask one thing..

One rule to rule them all..


Organizing parties in squads?

in WvW

Posted by: SloRules.3560


General idea is that you put all that NEED stability in guardians parties first. Having necros in frontline parties can increase presure, since they will most likely have 25 might. Having tempests in frontline can increase sustain, as well with druids. But yea it’s realy dependant on builds. Any frontliner (class) has atleast 1 midline build and every backline (class) has 1 aswell.

Squad A:
Party 1(commander party):
G(commander), G, G, W, R
Party 2(melee party 1):
Party 3, 4 (ranged party 1, 2):

Squad B:
Party 1(commander party):
G(commander), G, W, W, R
Party 2, 3, 4, 5(melee party 1, 2, 3, 4):
G,G,W, W, R
Party 6(ranged party 1):
Party 7(ranged party 2):
Or if you want ranged revenants and with that more ranged presure you can switch all necros with revenants.

Squad C:
Stop playing and cry yourself to sleep, as your composition sucks. Also pirateship like hell.

But yea probably this is best you can do:
4X E,E,N,N

Edit: Thiefs tend to go to their own subsquad so they can target opponents, unless their using venshare, in which case put them with necros, but bevare of enemies rage.

(edited by SloRules.3560)

Hide ranks

in WvW

Posted by: Josh XT.6053

Josh XT.6053

I really think that everyone should show to their enemies as “Invader” instead of their actual rank. I believe their actual rank should show to their allies only.

This would help out a lot to prevent “driver sniping” which is a really annoying problem. I’m generally not the driver of the bigger group I play with at times, but some days I am. The enemies know our driver, they know his rank and his character model at this point lol. It isn’t usually too hard to pick out who a driver might be anyway, its usually the highest ranked Guardian that leaps is ahead of the pack. I don’t know barely any of the people on the enemy servers and yet I can pick out their driver almost exclusively based on their rank.

I’m a Platinum Raider currently, I am the highest rank person in my guild. I have found myself recently playing a big norn Guardian so that I will get focused instead of our driver (and its working funny enough), but it just goes to prove that people focus the highest ranked Guardian more often than not. I’m built to sustain in larger group play, so its no big deal for me to get focused, and better me than the driver anyway.

Anyway, to the point – the player ranks really should be hidden from enemies. People have been saying this for a long long time. I know the “Quality of Life” did not win the poll, but I’d like to see this on the “to do list” for the next time they do a poll like that or at least something they should consider doing after the scoring changes are done.

To be clear, I personally driver snipe very frequently. If my enemies are going to do it, I have to do it too in order to level the playing field. But if they change the way ranks are displayed, it should help fix the issue – but of course it wouldn’t fully fix it.


Asphyxia [XT] – Fort Aspenwood Roamer
Twitch Stream – AsphyxiaXT
My Builds at

WvW Roaming - temp armor suggestion?

in Engineer

Posted by: Josh XT.6053

Josh XT.6053

This build is pretty solid for roaming, it is what one of my guys in my guild uses for roaming.

The scrapper traitline is not filled in completely (maybe you forgot).

No it’s left open so you can take adaptive armor or final salvo depending on the situation. What build stays exactly the same all the time?

Kinda a little of both. I like Adaptive Armor, but Final Salvo is probably what I would run the majority of the time.

Updated to run Final Salvo

Asphyxia [XT] – Fort Aspenwood Roamer
Twitch Stream – AsphyxiaXT
My Builds at

WvW Film study with a commander

in WvW

Posted by: Straegen.2938


This falls into the best kind of gaming videos. Vanity videos of players editing out their losses and laying a music track are incredibly boring.

Oh and I am calling every downed I run into candy from now on.

Sarcasm For Hire [SFH]
“Youre lips are movin and youre complaining about something thats wingeing.”

(edited by Straegen.2938)

[Suggestion] Repair armor QoL update

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Leviathan.6327


It’s certainly not a huge deal, but it’d be really nice if the anvils would repair your armor as soon as you interact with them. I find it kinda dumb that the anvil asks if you would you like to repair your armor. “Nah, I like having damaged armor. Just wanna talk to this anvil.” It’s like, why else would I be interacting with it? I don’t need a pop up dialogue telling me This anvil will repair damaged or broken armor (you don’t say!) followed by The armor is repaired. Same goes with the merchants that repair your armor. They should automatically repair any damaged armor when you interact with them, and simply ask if there’s anything you’d like to sell.

Again, it’s nothing big, as it’s more of a minor annoyance than anything else. It would just be a nice convenient little quality-of-life update (at least I think so, anyway). Kinda like how those NPC’s in Lion’s arch will automatically give you the speed boons now and you don’t have to click on any extra unnecessary dialogues.

People with 100k gold

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Blood Red Arachnid.2493

Blood Red Arachnid.2493

The OP has some points and there are some things about the games economy, that I would like to see changed, even if that means that it will be negative for like 1% of the games community..

But if that 1% of the game is richer, than then 99% of the rest of the community together, then theres somethign really wrong in this game.
Clearly, it is more than understandable, that Anet wants us that we pay thignjs in the game with real money, because its more comfortable to get thast way the gold that you need for things in the game quickly.

Not really. A disparity in wealth is only a problem if it creates undue suffering. In real life, it becomes a problem when the poor are no longer able to afford necessities (food, water, shelter, safety, etc). But if you aren’t without necessities, then there isn’t really an issue. If I make 40k a year and my neighbor makes 140k a year, and I am not being deprived of anything necessary to live, then why should I care that they make more? If anything I should be glad to know someone is more fortunate than I am.

And herein lies my problem with all of these claims that the GW2 economy is broken somehow: There are no necessities in GW2. There is nobody who is being deprived of something that is necessary for them to function in the game. Sure, there are many frivolous things that you aren’t able to buy (invisible shoes, for example),but there’s no starving children in the street because invisible shoes are 4k gold. Gold is produced from thin air, and it is quite easy to acquire it either directly, or indirectly via gathering various materials. Everything is balanced around exotics, which are easily obtained through multiple means.

However, this doesn’t mean, that there can’t and should exist mechanics in this game, that keep the economy so far in check,

I’m going to cut this one off a bit early, because this devolves into a paragraph long run on sentence. But here are mechanics that exist in the game to keep the economy under control. There’s the TP tax, account bound and soulbound items.

This is called Monopoly!! And Monopolies are bad for the economy, there you can say what you want, thats fact!
Thats the reason why there exist for that in real life things like cartels, that make sure, that a monopoly doesn’t get created at all in a country, so that small portions of a market can’t rule over the a large market alone.

Not really. A monopoly isn’t necessarily good for an economy, but it isn’t necessarily bad, either. In fact, the real world is full of monopolistic competition, wherein each individual good is manufactured by one company, and the goods themselves are competing for your wallet. I.E. only Apple is allowed to make Iphones, but that won’t stop Samsung from making a similar but alternate product for you to buy.

Anyway, the problem with monopoly claims are that everything in the game appears from thin air. To have a true monopoly, you would need to have control over both the production and distribution of an item. That doesn’t happen in this game.

1: The Game receives a new maximum Gold Limit you can own per Account by 1000 Gold (GW1 had also a Limit, that you could own maximum 1000 Platin for the Account Chest and 100 Platin on characters) GW2 will use now the same System. You can have now maximum 1000 Gold in the chest per Account and maximum 100 Gold on your Chartacters.
This will limit the maximum Gold one will be able to store and will discourage super rich people to get richer and richer, because it iwll become more of a hassle to organize all the Gold, instead of spending it and removing it out of the Game or being maybe a bit more generous and helping out every now and then some poor players out.

This is a horrible idea that will hurt everyone and won’t accomplish the goal you set out to accomplish. I’ve played games with cash limits before. Phantasy Star Universe and City of Heroes, in particular, actually had limits on the amount of currency you could hold at any one time. This didn’t somehow limit players from becoming rich, as much as it just inconvenienced the average player. Here’s how:

#1: Alternate currencies were developed. Instead of trading meseta or influence, they would trade collections of items that were deemed more valuable. If you were to put a gold cap, players would start using stacks of ectoplasm as a currency instead of gold. In GW1, platinum became worthless, and ecto’s became the default currency of that game, too. By continually shifting investment to more valuable items, wealth can continue to accumulate.

#2: This meant that there were a large set of items that weren’t publicly traded. Due to the fact that, even if you try to arbitrarily cap wealth, work hours and rarity still exist, there will inevitably be an item that the community values more than the gold cap. There will be a lot of items, actually. And these items will never be listed for trade, precisely because they cannot accurately be valued under a limited gold system. To get the top of the line stuff, you had to be in the know, and you also had to deal with the possibility that you’d be scammed due to the complexity of the trade. Players would have to swap accounts several times to facilitate the entirety of the gold transfer before the items would be exchanged, making it dangerous to trade.

To recap, the poor people pay, and the rich still get obscenely rich. Nothing is solved.

2: The Trading Post Taxes get changed to the point, that they proportionally become significantly bigger for players, that are super rich, to ensure that the economy of this game stays healthy and also to discourage people to get uber rich and to try to build up monopolies of so much Gold that they become able to buy out stocks of items just to resell them then greedily for double/tripple the price for what they bought the stuff in.

Again, this wouldn’t work. It doesn’t work that well in real life either. You may have heard the term “swiss bank account”. You see, the “swiss bank account” is infamous because it is highly confidential, so rich people will dump their money into an overseas account to hide their assets and avoid taxes. The same thing would happen here. If you have disproportionate taxes for wealthy players, then the player is just going to dump their money into another account or invest into items in order to hide their wealth, so they can trade at a level that everyone else would.

You also run the problem of punishing players unfairly if you go by total assets instead of just liquid gold. Then, players who don’t have a dime end up being punished because they bought a legendary weapon at some point, and now have a permanent tax because of a cosmetic choice.

Third, if you charge a higher tax in order to discourage wealthier players, this will just hurt the poor players again. Wealthier players will respond to this shifting tax by increasing the price of their goods to compensate. Everything becomes more expensive for poor players, because now the barrier to entry on trade is that much more difficult.

3: Relisting Items and Preordering Items gets changed, underbidding for a lousy single copper won’t be possible anymore. Relisting and Preordering will be now only possible, if the prices are at least 5% higher/lower than what is currently the highest/lowest price. This will benefit especially parts of the market, where people constantly underbit themself to ensure, that people buy from them, but if you can just underbit people with a freaking single coppe,r its no miracly, that players stay always so super high, that many people can’t buy the things from the TP, or first after having done some obcene and absurd money grinding or beign lucky with some loot drops that give them instantly some bigger gold income if they sell it, like a unneeded precursor, or like an already unlocked very valuable dye …

This just hurts competition and stagnates the market. Underbidding people isn’t a problem because you have to eat the 5% listing price. Players in competition for selling a high value good, this can actually consume a whole lot of wealth. Likewise, relisting items and bidding differences of 1 copper aren’t actually a problem. At all. The whole point of a buy offer is to be patient and wait for players who are willing to sell the item to you. If you have a problem with someone always out bidding you, you yourself can raise the top bid by a significant amount. There’s nothing stopping you yourself from raising the price by 5%.

Relisting increases availability, and the free bidding system allows the buy and sell prices to more closely match each other. This system does not need to be fixed, at all.

I don’t have opinions. I only have facts I can’t adequately prove.

(edited by Blood Red Arachnid.2493)

People with 100k gold

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Draknar.5748


I am not lazy. I am actually working hard for my gold in GW2 (which is sad in itself). But with this stuff going on it will be forever impossible for me (and 99% of players) to ever catch up. I can never make enough gold because I can only do it slowly and by the time I get close to buying what I want it gets bought up and relisted at 2 or 3 times the price.

Catch up to what? If you can afford the things you need, then who cares that someone else has more than you?

What is it that you want to buy so badly? There’s no reason you need 100,000 gold. Nothing in this game requires that. Anyone who plays even 10hrs/week can easily amass 60-100g/week (depending on how driven you are—I use 10hrs/week because that’s about all I play and that’s how much I typically make these days).

That’s the problem with kids these days. They think "I work hard (which I’m sure “hard” is a complete exaggeration), I should be making as much as the richest guy, that’s not FAIR!" These are the same people that believe the government should give them everything.

The daily alone is a guaranteed 14g/week. Throw in ascended crafting every day, fractals dailies, dungeon running, heck even just HoT meta for the loot to salvage and sell, world boss farming, T6 mats from laurels, the list goes on and on.

At this point in the game there’s no reason not to be making enough gold each week to cover everything you want. You may have to save up for a bit to get some high priced item, but that’s normal.

This isn’t a competition. Focus on yourself and not on what a few have that you don’t.

I won’t stop because I can’t stop.

It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….

Suggestion- Name Purge

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Blood Red Arachnid.2493

Blood Red Arachnid.2493

The proportional of benefit to cost is horribly imbalanced. When I said “barely any names were used” a few days ago, I get the feeling that nobody knows what “barely” stands for. In all the names that were purged in City of Heroes, less than half of 1% were ever used again. I can’t get the exact number, since that resource was wiped off the face of the planet, but of the thousands of names purged, less than 100 were ever used again.

This is because, and as hard as this is to consider: a lot of the “inactive” accounts had unique names that other people weren’t vying for. For every fanboy who wants to be named Gandalf the Wise or Chuck Norris or Wolverine, there’s at least 200 players who’ve named themselves Diavara, Van Rahl, Morgol Fangbreaker, etc. who haven’t played since launch, and may come back to this game later.

So, lets consider the name purge, both from a historical sense and from a logical perspective:

Pro: A couple of players who can’t/won’t come up with a name might get the option to name themselves what they want.
Con: The players who would be negatively affected by this outnumber the beneficiaries at least 200 to one.
Con: The vast majority of names that get wiped are unique ones that never get used again.
Con: Out of the all the people who do want to name themselves Wolverine, still only one person will get it. It’s not going to be you.
Con: Every person who does come back will have their experience ruined when they find their account gutted and robbed.
Con: Most of the players who would benefit from this have already chosen a name and have moved on.

Really, no sane business would ever make this move. It didn’t work in the past. It won’t work again for the exact same reasons.

I don’t have opinions. I only have facts I can’t adequately prove.

(edited by Blood Red Arachnid.2493)

Official Feedback Thread: WvW Reward Tracks

in WvW

Posted by: FogLeg.9354


While the increased rewards are great, it still doesn’t really compare to that of PvE. I was talking to my PvE friend and he can make 80-100g in the same amount of time it takes me to make 10-20g. The one booster that provides a PvP reward track gain should also account for WvW now as well. Can’t wait to see what gets added next!

Yes but I rather do WvW for 10g then PvE for 100g. Actually I would still do WvW even if I had to spend 10g.

Roamer Rant

in WvW

Posted by: lil devils x.6071

lil devils x.6071

The object of a large scale PvP mode in a Massively multiplayer game is to have massive amounts of people playing it with you and against you. You should EXPECT everything to be defended. You should EXPECT to be outnumbered. You should EXPECT to have to avoid the blob and all of these things are what make the game mode great, otherwise it would be PvD lame easy mode and not worth playing at all. These are the obstacles that make it more challenging and fun, not what you should be whining about being too hard…

Even roamers should expect to have to coordinate with the other players on their server with them and strategically strike accordingly. If you are in voice comms with the other players on your server, you should know where they are going to strike and where the enemy is to be able to help you determine the best target for you to hit. If your zerg is hitting one target you hit the opposite side of that target. (For example, you zerg hits Bravost, you hit QL ,since the majority of player will likely be fighting them at bravost instead.)

You have to think about your targets and strike accordingly and yes, at times expect to have to group up and not be able to run around PvD solo on easy mode..

[KILL]Killing Tiers Leader [TOON] Toons of Terror Leader [NEWS This Just In Leader

Your Vote Matters!

in WvW

Posted by: Svarty.8019


Vote Bernie! <cough> I mean er… vote for Scoring please:

Nobody at Anet loves WvW like Grouch loved PvP. That’s what we need, a WvW Grouch, but taller.

Compensation regarding scribe/decorations?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: EphemeralWallaby.7643


If you think that there should be some compensation for them reducing the costs, then by the same logic if they were to raise the cost they should somehow charge everyone who had gotten it cheaper.

Cost adjustments for nearly everything in existence are almost never retroactively applied (in any form, including other compensations). It’s almost always from the point of time of the change going forward. There’s nothing unfair about that. The cost is what it is when you paid it, not the lowest cost at all points in the timeline.


(edited by EphemeralWallaby.7643)