Showing Posts Upvoted By Danikat.8537:

Why i wont level in gw2 anymore.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: penelopehannibal.8947


Levelling in PvE the way ArenaNet intended is fun for me.

Blood & Merlot [Wine]

How do you name your characters?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rauderi.8706


Too funny, Ashen.

I sort of stumbled a little with one of my characters. I thought a good name for her (a Norn) would be Cold as Charity so I called her Charity Coldas. When I later rejoined my guildies they were all amused and asked about her cold bottom. I honestly didn’t see it when I named her. I am Australian and we don’t use that word for bottoms – well we do but it is spelt differently and pronounced with a long A. I have always hoped I don’t offend any sensitive soul who might see it and think I meant it differently.

You could just tell them that the other ‘s’ is lost somewhere in Oceana ping times. :P

Many alts; handle it!
“I’m finding companies should sell access to forums,
it seems many like them better than the games they comment on.” -Horrorscope.7632

How do you name your characters?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chameleon Dude.1564

Chameleon Dude.1564

Often by losing hours upon hours in a Sindarin dictionary.

The concept of a traditional MMORPG is dying

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SkyShroud.2865



gw2 and wow aren’t exactly traditional mmorpg

Founder & Leader of Equinox Solstice [TIME], a Singapore-Based International Guild
Henge of Denravi Server

Alternative Mesmer Graphics please?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kayberz.5346


Lol more kids insecure about their sexuality/masculinity that have it programmed into their head by society that pink and/or butterflies are “feminine” and that associating yourself with either of these somehow makes you less “manly”
Classic, pretty much this exact thread pops up every few months

Bubble Glider? Really?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Donari.5237


Well, in the Glider Suggestions thread there was a lot of support for a bubble glider (maybe more for a soap bubble ala Glinda the Good than a water bubble, but still). I don’t recall anyone saying it was a bad or unrealistic idea when it was proposed there.

List one thing you love about GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Guhracie.3419


Coddler’s Cove

“Be angry about legendary weapons, sure, but what about the recent drought of content?”
-Mike O’Brien
Because we can’t be angry about both?

Stories not Account Wide - Should Be

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nick Lentz.6982

Nick Lentz.6982

I will try to be polite….No.
you are choosing to have multiple characters, if you dislike doing more than one story, then either delete 14 characters, or suck it up buttercup. There is a point to having individual stories. you made your bed.

Guardian of Maguuma
Grand Warden of I Crit Under Pressure.
message me for an invite ^_^

Young Kids that can't follow Instructions

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DoctorDing.5890


Filter what out? The people in a jumping puzzle? What are you doing in there, standing in the jumping puzzle and barking out instructions that they are ignoring?

Rofl. That wins the “mental image of the day” prize for me.

“You! Yes, You boy! Learn to jump better or get out of my game.”


The Unlimited Gathering Tools is tedious!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Just a flesh wound.3589

Just a flesh wound.3589

Any character. Not all characters.

Be careful what you ask for
ANet may give it to you.

Not worth $50 for vets , suggesting new model

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Ayrilana.1396


Giving discounts to existing players is pointless as they may as well just offer the product at a lower price point. It’s common practice for companies to target new customers with deals in order to get their business.

[Suggestions] Please Bring Back these Gem Stores Items

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Terra Dactyl.2047

Terra Dactyl.2047

Nice to see a long requested item back for sale.
Feeling sorry for anyone whose self worth is tied up in a gem store purchase from 3 years ago.
#Itsonlyagame #Seekhelp #FindsumBunnytolovemaybetheywillloveyouback

Read closely. I’m not only thinking about one item. I’m just guessing that they might as well re-release the fused weapon skins. Or re-implement other stuff that has been exclusive before(Season 1 minis, karka-hatchlings…)
Not exactly what I’d like to see, but if(!) the majority wants it that way then there is nothing one can do about it.

My personal opinion on this is, that rare and exclusive items are really important for a good game. The gw2 celebration hat for example is quite rare to see in cities. (
Its cool to see a character wearing it once in a while, but it would be certainly less special if you’d find atleast one infront of a bank everytime you visit a city.
Or finding a hardcore charr with metalplates, spikes – and pink bunny ears.
They will be now more common and just take a look at the gemprices…

But hey, thats just my opinion on it. If the majority of the community wants certain items back I can’t blame arenanet for their decisions.
I hope you understand my point of view,
happy easter.

rare/exclusive: The only reason bunny ears and the sunglasses were ever “rare” and “exclusive” is that they were only ever previously sold as town clothes. Most people didn’t use town clothes at all, so they didn’t buy town clothes skins.

“support from the start”: See first point. I’ve been around since launch as well, and have dumped… probably a few hundred dollars on gems for a handful of skins and some convenience items, a lot of which was when the ears/aviators/sport sunglasses were still in the gem store (bag/bank slots). I would have bought the ears and both sunglasses in a heartbeat (and did today with the ears) if they were helmet skins instead of town clothes (which I never used). The only thing that realistically shows you were around to support the game at the start is the baseball cap. The other items only show that you used town clothes enough to buy some at ~200 gems a pop at some point in the first 16 months the game was around (which isn’t really even still the start).

Immersion: Please. There’s been a bow that shoots unicorns, a disco ball mace, etc. since launch, feathery wings everywhere, people turning into various creatures at random (tonics)… “immersion” is loooooong gone. A set of bunny ears or a pair of sunglasses is barely noticeable compared to most of the stuff that goes on on a regular basis.

Honestly the ears don’t fit any of my characters’ current looks, but I bought them anyway in case I want to use them in the future (and in the hopes that high sales on these will convince them to actually bring back the sunglasses too if they’re still on the fence, since those do fit both of my mains)

irrelevant but interesting question

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aidan Savage.2078

Aidan Savage.2078

Ever wondered where all the NPCs in this game who buy your junk items get the money from?

I wonder what they do with all the junk.

Someone somewhere must be building some kind of gigantic war machine out of broken lockpicks, cogs and spikes.

How do you think the steamcreatures came into being?

How We Got Here (Long)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


There are a number of different ways to play an MMO. Consequently there are a number of different factions who expected different things from an MMO. I’ve danced around a lot of these ideas in posts prior to this, but only as I was waking up today did some of these ideas gel. This post is about the disconnect between different groups of players.

I’m an older gamer who cut my teeth on pinball long before computer games or even video games were a thing at all. My introduction to RPGs was through pen and paper, not arcade games. As a result, PvP isn’t infinitely fascinating to me, nor is raiding. Not because I want to take the easy road, or because I don’t want to put effort into something (anyone who knows me can vouch for that), but because my entire approach to gaming is based on trying to recapture pen and paper Rping, rather than playing a video game.

Actually single player games are more suited to my personal taste than MMOs. Because when we got together as a group to RP, with a real life GM, we didn’t play for dice rolls, or trying to the same D&D module over and over. In fact, we didn’t have modules at all. We had a dungeon master who created a world/story that we moved through. It was much more like a single player game, but with friends.

Here we are, now, 40 years later, and I still want to capture that experience, and for a long time, that’s precisely the experience Guild Wars 2 delivered for me. A living, breathing world I could move through, with friends, exploring, hanging out, having a great time.

Never in all my years of Rping did we fight the same battle over and over again until we beat the boss. That simply wasn’t the game. I guess I’ve sort of thought of MMORPGs as a massively multi player RPG, rather than a massive multiplayer war game (PVP), or a massively multiplayer dungeon crawl, because my D&D group wasn’t really about dungeon crawls. Dungeons were never an end in themselves. Dungeons were a way of telling a story that furthered the campaign we were playing. The Fellowship of the Ring didn’t repeatedly try to get through Moria until they made it. They got through Moria as part of the story. This is why I come to MMOs. I want to play through a story with my friends.

As such, it’s less about putting in effort to beat a single boss over and over and more about enjoying a living breathing world, as much as that’s possible in a computer game. That’s what drew me here. That’s why dungeons and fractals were never my focus. Not because I’m lazy. Not because I can’t beat a dungeon or a raid or a fractal, or I’m not good enough to PvP. It’s because my entire approach to the genre comes from what I want out of a game. I’m pretty sure I’m not alone in this.

I played games like Dungeon Master, the old infocom games, Prison (on the amiga). Prince of Persia. I liked puzzle games, and later games like Tombraider, which again, told a story. Which is probably also why I like jumping puzzles so much.

“Go play a single player game” is one of the comments I see a lot of these forums, followed by comments like “you want the rewards without doing any of the work”. The funny thing is, yeah, because I didn’t come from a game with challenging content that gave me better rewards. I came from a game where you progressed through the story, with friends, and got rewards as you played…not played the same dungeon over and over again, which we never did.

Some people might ask why I don’t RP in Guild Wars 2. Because RP in Guild Wars 2 is less like the Rping I did with pen and paper and more like cooperative writing. Rping has evolved into a very different beast, and it doesn’t fulfill me in the way that an RPG would. Games like Skyrim or Dragon Age or The Witcher are far more the type of experience I’m looking for…but with friends. And in none of those games are the best rewards locked away from me. And I’d be pretty annoyed if they were.

I’m sure people who came through mobas or FPS’s are more likely to not worry about dying in PvP. But I hate dying in PvP, because of where I came from. I’m sure people who came to this game from raiding in WoW are more interested in challenging content that they have to bang their head against by memorizing a pattern and moving out of red circles while attacking a boss before the rage timer goes off. . But I don’t think anyone should assume that because some of us want to play the type of game we’ve seen MMOs to be that we’re lazy, or we’re entitled or we want to deny people challenging content. We simply don’t want to be locked out of story and lore and loot because we’ve come here by a different route, and we’re looking for different things from our gaming altogether.

If years ago, a DM came to me and said, you can play in my world, but you can’t the best drops unless you run this one dungeon over and over again until you beat it, I’d have told him I wasn’t interested in playing in his world. This is where the disconnect between me and some other players come from. This is why I’m passionate about how this works in Guild Wars 2.

I’m going to stay away from future debates on raiding, because raiding is like a completely different game than the game I started playing. Dungeons were too for that matter, which is why they were never my focus. But if you want to beat raids, it’s sort of hard to do that without focusing on them and that would ruin the game for me.

Guild Wars 2 was once the game I wanted to play because it filled the need for an online RPG better than any other MMO. And that’s still largely true. Out of all the MMOs on the market, nothing fulfills me like Guild Wars 2. But with the addition of raids and the focus on PvP, something admittedly lacking in the early years of the game, it’s also moved away from my ideal.

Does everyone deserve content for them. Sure they do. Does everyone deserve exclusive rewards just for their content that no one else can get because they’re looking for a different in game experience? That one I’m not so sure about.

Either way, I’m going to be posting less here, because raiders aren’t wrong for wanting focus on raids, PvPers aren’t wrong for wanting focus on PvP and people like me, we’re not wrong for not wanting to be driven into game modes that do not interest us just to get specific rewards.

Edit: typo

(edited by Vayne.8563)

Suggestion: Mounts [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zohane.7208


You could have titled this thread “Mounts” instead so people wouldn’t have been confused into thinking it had to do with something else.

Gunnar’s Hold
Guild Leader for Tyria Liberation Council [TLC]

Anatomically correct asura

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Invictus.1503


In regards to your title, they ARE anatomically correct. Apparently their anatomy is not what you would like. Human female breasts are actually an unusual trait in the animal kingdom.

It’s better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than to open it and remove all doubt.

3 years no precursor drop!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shylock.4653


i have been playing this game since beta and i did not get any precursor is that part of the game design or is it because you want us to buy it always coz i feel realy lost !

RNG isn’t tied on time, it is tied on tries. So if you play a lot in short time you have better changes than playing very little over long time.

[Satire] My New Game: Outside

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gaile Gray

Gaile Gray

ArenaNet Communications Manager

Have you guys realized you can never really quit this game? You’re stuck with it forever.


Ah, there they are: The person who says "You think you can quit “Outside” but we know you’ll be back."

Finally a game were the Oceanic population doesn’t complain about severe lag though.

The challenge I see for Oceanic players is your region has some miiighty unusual mobs! I mean bouncy things with pouches! Dogs in mean-dog disguises! Who knows what skills to use on them?

I have to admit, I like those small tree-bound mobs, and I’m glad they’re ambient creatures. I vote that no one takes out those adorable Ko’alaa Furry Beasts or Kee’Weee Longbeaks!

Gaile Gray
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events

(edited by Gaile Gray.6029)

[Satire] My New Game: Outside

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Serophous.9085


Honestly, the NPE wasn’t that bad, till you hit level 16. That’s when I found out the best way to earn gold is to spec into a profession.

The problem is, each one requires “profession xp”, and the lowest paying professions are the only ones requiring 0 profession xp. You can level up in this profession, and get better titles, which increases your gold income, but its in a PvEvP environment. You aren’t in DIRECT competition with other players, but its competition for that title.

But it gets worse. Some professions require some kind of paper you have to grind for. AND IT COSTS TONS OF GOLD TO GET. I mean, holy crap I heard of gold sinks, but this? THIS WAS REDICULOUS!

And worse, WORSE of all is the balance on getting a new profession.

Ok, you ready? You ready for how much sense this makes?

You grind for hours a day getting gold at the crappy professions.
You spend all that gold you earned on some crappy one time paper to get into a new profession.

In other words, you can’t even start at level 1 of the profession unless you already have xp as it! How?! How do you get profession xp in something you are trying to be? What were the devs thinking in this design? You need profession xp in order to apply for a profession you’ve never done before!

In other words, you dumped all that gold for nothing!

Pointlessness of ingame titles

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DaikonSamurai.6714


Titles are not pointless! >:(


Pointlessness of ingame titles

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Haleydawn.3764


I like to think of them more as flavour text for your character, no matter how easy/hard/expensive they were to obtain. For example, I may be rank 80, but my Necro still uses the Reaper title, my Revenant Mist Walker and my Guardian Avenger. So I like that there’s a reasonable amount of titles to obtain.
I think the only ones worth a bit of recognition for sticking to a goal and pushing are the Champion X titles. Shame the rank titles are so easily farmed now in custom, removing the effort for them. They now mean a lot less than what they should, this coming from someone who has never rank farmed for these titles.


(edited by Haleydawn.3764)

How exactly can I help downed people,,

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Mostly Harmless.7046

Mostly Harmless.7046

Maybe instead of laughing at people for not being as leet as you, you could try the magical art of standing next to a downed person and pressing F…

How exactly can I help downed people,,

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Mea.5491


You’ve been playing for 8 months and still don’t know how to help downed people? No offence but how is that even possible?

QA = Failure Testing?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DGraves.3720


The customer is always angry when something small goes wrong.

The programmer is always angry when the customer doesn’t realize that their computer isn’t on fire thanks to them.

Thanks for ruining rare spawns in Drytop

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Seera.5916


If 80% of your fun came from 1 rare drop that was only worth 3g at it’s max, then maybe it’s time to move to another aspect of the game.

Invading (pve) worlds

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: penelopehannibal.8947


Rather than invading the PvE zones (because they would no longer be PvE) I think what would be better is if we have some separate set of zones where home servers can invade each other.

Give them things like maybe, towers, castles and camps, and some sort of way of trying to keep these castles and towers and camps with weapons like catapults and arrow carts. Oh wait.. we have that!

Blood & Merlot [Wine]

GW2 in a moba? O_O??

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BrotherBelial.3094


Gotta jump on board of that Heroes of the Storm cash grab.

First it was every mmo copying WoW. Now it’s every moba copying the successful ones.

RIP online gaming.

Where have you been for the last 10 years? 90% of games only get sails because of the Hype trains. Have a look at how many games you’ve bought in the last ten years, and then think about how different they are to what was said/shown, and if you got them based on the Hype surrounding them. Most game I buy are when Steam has a sail, I buy very few before that.

I can list every game I’ve preordered in my Gaming life.
Guild Wars Prophecies
Guild Wars Nightfall
Guild Wars Eye of The North
Mass Effect 3
Aliens Colonial Marines

That’s it, and only one of them I got because of the “Hype” around it, and it was the biggest let down. I enjoyed the game for what it was, but I’ll never buy a game made by gearbox again.

Please. Tell me more about these ‘sails.’

Out of my post you want to pick that out while I was editing my mistake. Way to go there.

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