Showing Posts Upvoted By Danikat.8537:

Are sale gemstore items really sale?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: drunkenpilot.9837


So my question is, is it really worth it to buy a sale item from the gemstore when everyone is buying it, therefore increasing the conversion rate?

Short answer:
Probably not.

Longer answer:
Currently, no.
Usually the gold=>gem exchange rate fluctuates around 100g for 400 gems. Assuming this as a baseline for gem store purchases, a character slot that’s not on sale is worth ~200g (800 gems).

Currently, the gold=>gem exchange rate is 129.85g for 400 gems. At that exchange rate, the gold price of a character slot under the sale is 207.6 gold. So at the moment, you’ll spend about as much gold on one as you usually would when there was no sale going on.

That being said, if you are purchasing a character slot with USD or some other real world currency then it truly is a sale. The same can be said if you already had gems on hand from a prior gold=>gem exchange at a lower rate or the average rate.

(edited by drunkenpilot.9837)

Where's elona/Cantha?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pifil.5193


I’m reminded of Spinal Tap’s “but this one goes up to eleven” bit.

Questions about the community of Guild Wars 2

in Community Creations

Posted by: Inculpatus cedo.9234

Inculpatus cedo.9234

You could always put a survey up, like most others doing a paper do. You’d probably get more responses that way.

Good luck.

Legendary Recipe Adjustments

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Illconceived Was Na.9781

Illconceived Was Na.9781

Any info on when and what the next weapon will be? Or at least will my mesmer like it?

I can guarantee these things:

  • We won’t get a second warning.
  • Whether it happens this Tuesday or in August, some people will be annoyed about it (and some of those will rant about it here).
  • Six months after the change, someone will necro one of the original threads and someone else will start a new thread about the unfairness of it (perhaps both in the same week).

Therefore, I recommend that if you are at all interested in either legendary, you finish Tier 3 ASAP. Don’t wait, don’t put off for tomorrow or next week. Or, resign yourself to a certain amount of frustration.

To be clear: I have no problem with ANet’s plans to adjust the recipes to be consistent. I just hope they (and we) are ready for the reactions (reasonable or otherwise) to the change.

John Smith: “you should kill monsters, because killing monsters is awesome.”

Things I Want

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Katastroff.1045


Dear Anet,

I’ve been playing GW2 for about 4 months now, and i come to the forum on a daily base and i decided to make a list of thing that are currently wanted by players:

- Auto-crafting of everything with auto-buy from TP.
- Auto-sell of every minor/major runes to a merchant or the TP (according to witch one is the most profitable.
- A rework of all armor skins.
- A rework of all the skills and combo fields.
- A total make over to dungeons.
- Press F to win but challenging content.
- Intergrated GPS for HoT content.
- A 1 year plan on things to come to GW2. We want to know EVERYTHING but please no spoilers.
- The ability to buy anything on TP for 1 bronze coin and resell it for 10 gold.
- Bring back the fountain in LA. ( please add floating rubber ducks too)
- PvP where no one dies and both teams win.
-Mounts like rainbow unicorns and motorcycles.
- Rubber matresses that bounce you back to where you fell from in jumping puzzle.
-Heroes so we dont have to use the LFG panel.

I could make the list longer, but there is only so much a small team can do in one day.

Looking foward to patching my game on Thursday,

K. Stroff

Why simplify things when its so easy to complicate them ?

Gem Store Suggestion - Organize my bank

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


I wish we could give bank tabs names. I’m OCD like that and enjoy keeping things tidy and in their rightful place.

Thoughts on precursor crafting...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Elothar.4382


I pretty much agree with what others have said. I crafted a precursor for The Bifrost. Would not ever do another. I’ve purchased another precursor off the TP and crafted the legendary since then…and this is what I’ll do in the future. Still, I’m glad that I did one, if for no other reason that to say I tried it. Others I know have really enjoyed the precursor crafting process. I think it’s great that we have a choice…which I believe was Anet’s intent when they introduced precursor crafting.

so.. about the blue fire forge?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Inculpatus cedo.9234

Inculpatus cedo.9234

Find a Stick! Make a Torch! Meet a Ghost! ; )

A new Sticky

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Illconceived Was Na.9781

Illconceived Was Na.9781

I’m guessing that among frequent posters that have already commented in this thread (Inculpatus, Danikat, Tumult, & myself):

  • Only about half of us have read and remember more than half the stickies.
  • At least 75% of us are probably already doing what the sticky recommends.

The main value of a sticky note is so that frequent posters can link to it rather than having to type out the same details.

Consequently, if you want to see a sticky on the topic of considering cost, benefit:cost, and aligning to ANet’s vision… I’d recommend that you write up something yourself. If it’s good, then I know that I’d be likely to quote-from/link-to it and I suspect so would the other frequent posters.

If post is linked/quoted enough, Gaile might even do so herself, elevating it to virtual stickiness.

John Smith: “you should kill monsters, because killing monsters is awesome.”

please help me

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: HardRider.2980


Sylvari – we glow at night

We are heroes. This is what we do!

RIP City of Heroes

player statistics on MAX crafting

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Inculpatus cedo.9234

Inculpatus cedo.9234

Looks like this informal survey produced the opposite results to the OP’s. Go figure!

Im Bored

in Living World

Posted by: Inculpatus cedo.9234

Inculpatus cedo.9234

It seems odd, to me, to voluntarily do something one hates, when one does not have to.

Each to their own, I suppose.

dont go with the 1 serious/1joke legendary

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Goatjugsoup.8637


i think people who think the new rifle is a gag weapon are getting mixed up between the idea of a joke weapon and the idea of a strongly themed weapon.

anet did address this in the ama though and said they were not doing a 1:1 serious to joke weapon thing.

Most wanted in game additions: Beastiary, readable books

dont go with the 1 serious/1joke legendary

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Frenchtoastersticks.8061


but the joke ones are my favorite…….

Legendary weapons

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Telemin.7380


Press ‘O’ while in game. Brings up your trading post. Go to buy more gems. Buy gems. Exchange gems for gold. Buy legendary weapon off trading post.

The trading post interface is its own web browser. So that right there, is the website you are looking for.

Edit* Screenshot of some ones TP that got infected with Malware. So yea, its a web browser. (not my own screenshot)

Teh Ouchies

(edited by Telemin.7380)

Sorry to tell you this (new dyes)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Illconceived Was Na.9781

Illconceived Was Na.9781

Anyone who purchases dyes within the first 24 hours they appear is not usually looking for a discount.

John Smith: “you should kill monsters, because killing monsters is awesome.”

Mini Celestial Rooster, here we go again.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kronos.3695


For those who aren’t aware of this, the patch of yesterday introduced another RNG ACCOUNT BOUND minipet, the Mini Celestial Rooster.

This is not the first time that something like this is happening, and everytime the community didn’t take it too well, as you can see in a pair of clamorous examples:
Mini Gwynefyrdd
Mini Mr. Sparkles

Now, not only we have another RNG minipet into the Black Lion Chests, but it’s even account bound, so players like me (minipet collectors) can’t finish the collection unless they spend a ridiculous amount of real money or gold and still not being sure to get this minipet.

What do you guys think about this move?

PS: for who will bring out of this gliders of the previous seasons (like grasping) as example, I’ll just tell you why they doesn’t fit with this argument: gliders are ONLY obtainable via gemstore.

Kronos Ledaloth, Leader of Bloodstone Keepers [BloS] - Far Shiverpeaks (EU)

YouTube Channel

(edited by Kronos.3695)

New to GW2

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: altermaven.7385


This was a little bit of a curve to me when I just started. Some important things you should know, however, to make your transition a smooth one:

+ Take your time with the game. Get used to combat, movement, intereactions.
+ It’s okay to be a bit overleveled. If you’re in an area that your level is too high for, you’ll be scaled down to an effective level near what the monsters’ levels are. This maintains a challenge; but do know, experience for anything you do (except hearts) is adjusted for your actual character level in that area. (If you’re Level 30 and you’re scaled down to, let’s say 15, rewards and experience will be scaled up to you being level 30.)
+ If you feel you can’t tackle something, don’t force yourself to do it alone. True if you encounter champion-rank monsters which often require a few people to handle effectively.
+ Participate in events, and speak to task owners (reknown hearts) when you’re done with the area. You might be able to acquire some better gear with karma you’ll acquire. Most of the karma — a currency — you will gain are obtained by successfully participating in events and helping out with the hearts in the area.
+ The wiki is your friend. Use /wiki anytime in the game to access the Guild Wars 2 Wiki in your browser. From there, you can get information on something specific.
+ Don’t be afraid to ask questions! You’re doing right coming here, but players in the game can also help answer questions you have, if you’re unsure of what to do, or what a certain thing is.

The most important thing is at the top of the list. There’s no hurry when exploring Tyria. Take your time, explore what weapons and skills are available to you, but more importantly, don’t be pressured into following something specific — if it works for you and it works well, don’t change. But if you’re stumbling, remember that we’re here to help you with what’s wrong. :)

Your time in Tyria will be a pleasant one. Just remember to take it easy.

“To be rid of chaos, all must restore the balance.”
Part of the [PORT] mystical tour – “Marilee Mangletooth.” What main?
Something something Autechre fanatic.

(edited by altermaven.7385)

Do I have to Delete my account?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Snow.2048


Just because the xp bar is full doesn’t mean you have to stop? My bars are full half the time and I actually have points to spend…

Back in my day, when you hit 80 it was pretty much stopped as well, you got skill points for ‘leveling’. Instead of grinding masteries you could maybe just do something and have fun and treat the game like it was a game. Or quit, whatever goats your float.

forum [spoiler] ??

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pifil.5193


There are two types of spoilers, in-line spoilers which occur when you mark some words in a line of text as a spoiler like this.

A block spoiler appears when there’s an empty line (and no text) immediately before the spoiler tag.

Block Spoiler

New to GW2 any tips for getting started?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Behellagh.1468


Repeat after me. This is not WoW, or any other MMO you’ve ever played.

There is no sharing of loot or XP so feel free to help anyone you see in a battle in PvE.

Everyone gets their own shared resource node.

Everyone can rez everyone including downed NPCs.

There is a weak MMO Trinity as multiple professions can fill rolls and everyone handles most of their own healing.

Don’t expect to be led from one area of the map to another or pushed into other maps. The game is very self directing.

Nearly everything you do in PvE gives you XP. Exploring, gathering, rezing, beating up critters.

Learn to dodge and move in combat. Armor doesn’t absorb too much incoming damage and your self heal isn’t very much. So best way to avoid damage is to not get hit.

Lower level areas will automatically down scale so you can do events in lower level areas and still earn an amount of XP relative to your current level. You could level to max without leaving your starting map, but that’s boring.

Don’t automatically use your level 80 boost, if you got one, since this game isn’t heavily loaded with “cool content” only at max level. There is a lot of stuff to do in “core Tyria” all the maps that aren’t tied to the expansion.

The wiki is your friend.

I’m an explorer, it was my purpose when I started to play to clear all the fog of war on the map, get every point of interest, every hero point, every vista and every waypoint on a map.

Don’t forget to have fun.

We are heroes. This is what we do!

RIP City of Heroes

(edited by Behellagh.1468)

Why A New Race Is Highly Possible [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Just a flesh wound.3589

Just a flesh wound.3589

This is a summary of what was said in 2013 about new races and new professions

“In 2013 in an interview with Matt Visual, Colin talked about the possibility of adding another race that the player base really wanted. (and we STILL really want them) After that interview, he went back to ANet and they had a discussion on adding another race vs adding another class. They came to the conclusion that adding another race really did not add much to the game while adding another class added a lot to the game. Which is why they stopped looking at adding another race and went full steam into working on the Revenant.

The reasons for adding a new race would be:
1. A new playable race
2. New stories and lore
3. Adding a few racial skills and elites
4. A new city and zone for 1-15 levels that do not affect the core plot with Zhaitan/LS 1 & 2.
5. Appease fans who are asking for it

The reasons against adding a new race:
1. Hiring a new male/female voice actor to be the voice of the main characters (pricy and gotta work their schedules)
2. Building another personal story (takes time)
3. Personalizing to the race, certain interactions with NPCs (racism, curiosity, etc) (often overlooked and takes a lot of time)
4. Adjusting EVERY piece of armor in the entire game(and those yet to come) to fit the new race (This would take months on its own)
5. Slows down production on all future armors, racial interactions, scenes where your playable character has to speak new lines, etc. (for every set, they have to customize 6-18 pieces of armor for 6 different races)
6. Racial skills are generally far weaker than the normal class skills/used rarely (nornbear pre nerf exception)
7. Setting the precedent that with an expansion you get a new race (meaning someday they would be making 6-18 pieces of armor for 7-8 races… ouch on the budget)

Pros for making a new class:
1. This directly affects the core of GW2. The gameplay, the fights!
2. Completely new playstyle and experience for players to enjoy playing as/with/against 3. Potentially turning the pve/pvp/wvw meta on its head- goodbye GWEN
4. Addition of Revenant lore
5. Bringing in that missing blend from ritualists/dervish from GWf1
6. A new change to team compositions that is drastically different than it would be if it was just a new race

1. Another class to balance skills/traits/specialties
Taking the arguments for one or the other with those facts in mind, I am not surprised that ANet chose to pursue the Revenant instead of Kodan/Tengu. In future expansions they may make the same choice again. In terms of affecting gameplay, adding another class will always have a bigger impact than adding a new race. Because of that we may never see a new playable race. It just forces Anet to dedicate much more resources every time they make something new.

On the flip side, ANet does recognize and even Colin himself would love to play a new race. But can they justify the cost? Perhaps if the community spoke loudly enough."

Link to full after-party notes/commentary –

Coilin is nonexistent now. Additionally this tells me absolutely nothing. All it states is why people like new races….the hardwork required for a new race….for ANY mmo….and the obvious…balancing. This clearly states nothing more, oh and that for the first Xpac they decided to focus on a new class instead of a new race…Xpac 1 already came out….meaning that none of this is relevant anymore. Sorry

Just because you don’t like his answer doesn’t mean it’s not relevant and just because someone isn’t working for a company anymore doesn’t mean that the arguments against it that he used (voice actors, armor, extra time and money from now on to do all new content) suddenly goes “poof.” They explained the reasons why new races were unlikely. Unless those reasons have changed then they are still valid.

Be careful what you ask for
ANet may give it to you.

Wintersday ends when ?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Inculpatus cedo.9234

Inculpatus cedo.9234

No requirement to join in the festivities, if said festivities are not one’s cup of tea. Nothing in-game is removed to accommodate Wintersday. =)

What Guilds Mean in Guild Wars 2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Randulf.7614


I don’t agree with most of this, although Guilds do need some basic functionality additions like improved UI, notifications, guild mail etc.

You don’t actually state what you mean by making it more personal or more relevant, nor are there any suggestions to improve the system. What is it precisely you are looking for?