… so I don’t have to turn it on every time I change maps! :P
For we have held fast our ground and our loyalty to Tyria each and every day…
And it is time the Six show their blessings. Freedom for ALL doers of great and wondrous things!
Agreed. I’m surprised at some of the responses here and elsewhere. The argument is basically, “Let others catch up while you get nothing.”
That seems rather one-sided. But let’s go with that. When will ‘everyone’ catch up? When can we then raise the bar as far as the cap?
Except that you still get 2 gold and 3 spirit shards for doing your dailies, among either karma, mats, PvP/WvW reward track potions. You aren’t getting nothing if you have maxed your daily AP. You are still getting quite a lot from them.
Don’t cherry pick. That has nothing to do with this discussion. We’re talking about AP. They can keep all the gold and spirit shards involved. That’s not the point of this thread. Nor the point of progressing your achievement tab.
Your example has nothing to do with what you quoted. Nothing to do with the cap. And nothing to do with this ‘waiting for everyone to catch up’ excuse.
You’re the one cherrypicking here. You claim that the argument is “Let others catch up while you get nothing.”, which is simply not true.
Just because you are not getting AP from the dailies anymore does not mean you are getting nothing from them. You can’t claim that you get nothing from them, as that is cherrypicking and borderline pedantic. Using your arguments, I should be compensated extra for doing more than 3 dailies each day because I’m “getting nothing” for the extra dailies I do.
Dailies reward everyone, you can’t justifiably deny that. And besides, its not like a newer player is going to catch up to the people who have maxed out their AP from dailies anyway, its just not going to happen, even if ANet just maxed out the daily AP for everyone, these players missed out on all of the extremely generous AP from season 1 releases. They are never going to come close to you.
Let’s make this simple. I am AP capped for my daily AP. You are not.
I log in.
You log in.
I get nothing.
You get something.
We both did the same thing – I did it for longer and am still doing it now yet I’m no longer rewarded for it.
Why?Cause you’ve been successfully conditioned to login and do dailies. You don’t need that food pellet anymore, you just tap that little buzzer to your heart’s content.
I don’t do dailies for the AP, I do them simply to do something. I do them for the 3 shards that I then use to promote mats for profit. I do them for the token karma or reward track bonus. I certainly don’t do them just to have a big number or the fugly weapon and armor skin. I’m surprised when I get a chest cause I’m not playing for the AP total.
The 2 gold now is a nice bonus I wish they started years ago but I tend to give half of that away to friendly mesmers on days when I finally get frustrated by a JP and take the shortcut they offer.
No I haven’t.
I don’t log in because of dailies – I log in because of rewards. You stop givine me rewards and I will stop logging in.If my daily log-in AP and rewards go away – so might my log-ins.
This is an MMO – i am kept here and still play because of a sense of progression. The less I progress the less I feel inclined to play.To put it simply – no food pellet – no monkey button press. You might have been conditioned to do dailies “just to do something” but I and a lot of the people I know do them exclusively because of the rewards. Rewards go? I stop.
Do I still do dungeons? Not really – ever since the rewards got nerfed first.
Do I Still do EOTM? Not really – since the rewards got nerfed.
I play for rewards – no rewards? No play.I certainly don’t do them just to have a big number or the fugly weapon and armor skin.
I agree – the weapons are bad and armor is ugly but the radiant back piece is the best looking back piece in this game.
I’m surprised when I get a chest cause I’m not playing for the AP total.
Congratulations – they’ve almost conditioned you to play for free.
The 2 gold now is a nice bonus I wish they started years ago but I tend to give half of that away to friendly mesmers on days when I finally get frustrated by a JP and take the shortcut they offer.
When they started this I started doing dailies on my second account. More reward = more play.
If the gameplay has devolved to where 99% of the game is no longer worth playing beyond login and daily rewards, then I think it’s time to find a new game.
I mean, if most of the game doesn’t even matter to you, then there really is no point bothering to cater a reward system to your needs.
Honestly, I don’t see an argument for lifting the cap beyond you wanting more AP.
for there you have been and there you will long to return.
(edited by ArchonWing.9480)
Personal opinion follows:
If you are logging on just for daily AP, stop. You are no longer enjoying the game, you are doing it as a grind, burning yourself out even farther. Take a break for half a year. Come back then and replay the old content which you are no longer dead tired of as well as the new content that will be released in that time.
ANet would benefit as well – a burned out person who is logging on just for daily rewards is unlikely to spend $ in the gem store. It is far better to have happy customers that take breaks rather than burned out grumpy ones that don’t.
I have taken breaks from GW2 (two breaks for 3+ months at a time with several shorter ones). Still enjoy playing a game that does not require you to log in daily to stay even remotely competitive. /filthycasual
Can we please have invisible dyes be implemented in Gw 2, it would give us a great way to customized our outfits, just having the option to hide certain parts would make outfits look different and that is one of the major reason most players love armor versus outfits. the invisible dyes, would give us the ability to not look like everyone else.
1. Oh my god what is wrong with her face, it looks like you tried to make a manga char but failed horrible
Stuff of nightmares indeed.
I think the Bladed Armor sets are the absolute worst armor sets I’ve seen in the game, period.
There are just so many immersion-breaking and flat out ridiculous and utterly USELESS adornments on the armor pieces that make you wonder how your character hasn’t killed themselves already just by walking around. I’m especially hinting at the heavy chestplate for Charr in particular.
The set in itself is cheesy, as others have mentioned, extremely distasteful in appearance and overall had the potential to be so wicked and intimidating… sadly it is not. It’s more like a cheap action figure set out of a cereal box with parts that don’t make sense at all.
I wish ANet hired REAL armor designers. Yepp.
I will admit a lot of the more recent armorsets have detail that just isn’t fluent throughout the entire set or overly obnoxious bits sticking out; especially to do with the shoulder pieces.
This. A thousand times this. And not only Heavy armor but Light too. I am so sick of the long, puffy skirts that clip with every single weapon or clip into the ground when I’m in combat. Oh yeah and do I have to mention the Medium trenchcoats? I wish I could mix-n-match Light tops with Medium pants…
This is what happens when you continuously short-change your playerbase. If they had been producing content instead of fixing everything they broke with the release of HoT, they might still have players left to actually buy gems. They can pump out outfit after outfit, but vanity items don’t keep the game alive. Content keeps the game alive.
I will gladly go back to supporting the gem store once the legendaries I already paid for are released. That’s assuming they ditch the 2000gem cash-grab bundles and put the items I want to buy for sale. I’m looking at you, soul river glider I never got to buy.
The guild system works perfectly fine. I don’t see the issue you’re talking about. I thought this would be a rant about random people clearing guild stashes (which happens often, apparently).
Great suggestion.
It probably came together with the patch and I didn’t see anyone mentioning it but finally Impact Strike will show the selected Finisher and I think it’s awesome!
Every decent player with a pet, clone, etc knows they are completely safe when they use them as a buffer to the thieves P/P medium range attacks. This is a fine strategy against long range attacks (many of which have piercing options) or classes that have built in defensive sustain, but a P/P thief has to get position, manage enemy defensive sustain and deal with a horrible AA all while being fairly brittle.
I grow weary of all the nerfs endured on this class but the nuclear nerf on P/P just sucked the life out of the game for me. It has been a year or so since they removed Ricochet and hardly a day goes by where I struggle to understand why they did it or how it improved the game in any way.
“Youre lips are movin and youre complaining about something thats wingeing.”
This is a good idea
I agree also – the random venom trait in shadow arts does not make sense.
it just looks like someone accidently swichted those traits out
Leeching Venoms goes hand in hand with the theme of Lotus Poison, Potent Poison and Dagger Training traits in Deadly Arts since it’s all related to poisoning your weapons. Revealed Training is related to the stealth mechanic, which Shadow Arts is supposed to augment. Swapping these two positions would allow venom support users to decide weather they want to use a stealth build or an evasion build.
Hidden Killer from CS is more appropriate to be in SA than Revealed Training.
I actually suggested all three of these changes in my Trait Shakeup thread two months ago.
“Youre lips are movin and youre complaining about something thats wingeing.”
+1 Swapping these two traits would greatly help my stealth/venom support roamer remain viable.
In the final version, its a skirt.
Yes please +1.
With the way a venom build works, there’s really no reason to spec Leeching Venoms. You can slot a venom by itself more effectively now but the one trait doesn’t provide enough utility to take the whole traitline. You just won’t be stealthing around with a venom build.
I could get behind this as well.
I am proposing that Revealed Training should be moved to Leeching Venoms’ spot in SA and vice versa. I think this would fix the main problem I have with the new LW3 build, which is that I have to sacrifice faster stealth movement and stealth on steal for faster venom recharges. The problem I see is that having these two traits where they are now makes it much harder to do a hybrid stealth/venom build using DD ans SB, not to mention each trait would make more sense in the opposite specialization.
I agree with that one ! It’s a simple change that doesn’t constraint us to use two trait lines to boost venoms.
Just “wow”. MO, you have delivered! Thank you guys for listening, and doing all these changes. I know there are still going to be rough edges, and things for people to complain about, but WOW! So many QOL changes here, that im just amazed.
Still seems odd to actively encouage people to not log into a game where active log in is the lifeblood of the genre.
For the love of God, no. And if you need to ask why?
And that was on the top of my search in Google. . . .
^ this x infinity
| 61 Asura | 5 Charr | 2 Norn | 1 Human | 1 Sylvari |
President -- ArenaNet
Hi all,
I signed off on the first episode of Living World Season 3, and we’re getting ready to announce the episode and its release date. I’m super proud of the team for hitting this milestone. Over the past few weeks the team has been processing up to a hundred pieces of feedback each day, working to get all the details right.
Reaching sign-off on an episode doesn’t mean we’re done. Now we integrate the episode content with the other updates that ship in this release, and with localized text and voice-over, and we do final testing of all that. To give a sense of the scope of this process, this update has about 1,500 distinct lines of new voice dialog, each of which must be recorded, integrated, and tested in each supported language. For the player character’s voice, we separately record each race/sex combination in each language, so that means 40 actors for each line.
With this release, we’re bundling a Living World episode with additional content for other areas of the game. You’ve seen that we’ve been following a pattern of releasing a bundled update each quarter; this is a content-focused continuation of that kind of thing. Of course, we’ll give this release a name, not “July Quarterly Update”. And we may be able to increase the pace, ramping from four bundled releases per year towards six, so we’ll move away from calling these “quarterly”.
Some of you may look back nostalgically at 2013 when we shipped updates every two weeks. That year we shipped a wide variety of things: nine or ten releases that we’d today call a Living World episode, plus updates to systems and content for other parts of the game, plus festivals. So it was the extreme unbundled version of this. It was nice that there was always something new, but I’m personally not wistful of that cadence, because we sacrificed so much to be able to ship that frequently. With Season 3 our goal is to deliver content sustainably, at quality, establishing a pattern we don’t have to take breaks from.
It feels great to be shipping Living World again. Thanks for your patience through the recent content draught. Having been through it, I’m sure you understand why I’m focused on sustainability.
Stay tuned for a more formal announcement, and for more details from ArenaNet and our partners.
Well done, well done amazing tease at the end…powerful and scary. I really did shed a tear of happiness (or two…..okay, it was at least five