Showing Posts Upvoted By Doggie.3184:

link Li 200+

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zoid.2568


It needs to stop. If you can link enough KP it’s enough proof that you have killed the boss multiple times and have the experience for that specific raid boss. Linking Li makes no sense as people could have bought raid runs or killed all other bosses except the boss you’re needed for.

Stop with Li requirement. It’s the cancer of the raiding community and their mentality. I’ve seen good raid players but this kind of mentality is an abomination. ArenaNet needs to do soemthing about it.

[Suggestions] armor skin ignore weight

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DreamyLove.8947


does anet can allow player use any weight skin on there char?

we already have outfit make all class can looks like same
so why not allow us can use other weight skin on our class too?

if can , it will very cool
ppl can mixed skin, make more diff style

if anet thinking this will let they lost something
maybe can let this cost 5/10 Transmutation Charge too

so they can make some ppl keep buy it form gem store

(edited by DreamyLove.8947)

I spent 1000+G on boonshare mesmer yesterday

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ZanchinFissure.7981


You’re too hard on yourself, Cpchow. And on everyone else. The queen doesn’t expect perfection. Why do you?

Keyfarming had that burned in my head. Well done sir.

Unlink New Weapons from Elite Specs?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Justine.6351


Is there any reason (mechanic and/or balance) not to unlink introduced weapon sets of the elite specs from the need to equip the elite spec?

Just thinking that once you start an elite specialization it would unlock the linked weapon on the account and you could use it on said class without the need to slot the elite spec going forward.

Just a thought.

I spent 1000+G on boonshare mesmer yesterday

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: OriOri.8724


Even if Chrono’s get nerfed through the ground, they are still the only source of Alacrity. As such, they have a permanent home in raids. As it stands, they straight up said that the adjustments will be minor and not the sweeping reductions that would be necessary for the kind of nerf that would have to happen to make Chrono’s and mesmers completely value-less in raids as you assert.

I can think of quite a few people who would love for Chrono to get nerfed out of being viable for raids just so they can actually play their main class and not have to always be the chrono. I also found it hilarious that “Feel my Wrath” was so OP having a 1/6 uptime before HoT yet chronos were allowed to have 100% for about a year.

In fairness, all elite specs are OP, not just chronos.

I spent 1000+G on boonshare mesmer yesterday

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Alec B.8905

Alec B.8905

the reason so many people seem so mad is because the small minority who does raids are getting so kitten and complain the most when their builds get nerfed. while the majority who do other things don’t really care because it gives their classes the option to do other things. it is quite funny how salty the raiders are getting over this small announcement which was needed.

I spent 1000+G on boonshare mesmer yesterday

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: misterman.1530


1000g? On what??

I spent 1000+G on boonshare mesmer yesterday

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: OriOri.8724


Honestly if you are prepared to spend 1000+ gold on 1 characters gear, you should either be good enough mechanically at that class to where you will still be useful, or you should have been prepared for just such an event to happen

Build diversity, please

in Revenant

Posted by: Akeno.4962


There has been lately quite a large number of threads discussing about how inefficient core revenant is: except Shiro, the pvp legend, every other is dismissed because they don’t perform well compared to other classes. Not only that, revenant has one of the fewest weapon choices in the game. This has left herald as an autoattack power build that sustains buffs passively. It’s probably the class with the fewest number of meta builds, proving there’s a lack of build diversity.

There has been two major design decisions that have caused the actual situation, in my opinion:
-Devs took into account that Glint would always be a stance choice. That would lower the number of “viable” combinations from 10 to 4. What’s more, Glint right now doesn’t complement every build: provides healing to the group only as regeneration, doesn’t sustain conditions and helps you endure damage with a high-cost “perma-protection” or consuming the facet of light. A low-cost perma-fury favours power builds.
-Revenant and herald were designed without an option to switch weapons (or so I have read) . This was changed afterwards in the beta phase but they didn’t implement it well. Explains why only mace/axe deal conditions or why staff is the one with more possibilities to heal allies (even if nobody would rely on autoattack’s heal orbs, the option is there).

tl;dr: This is a cry for devs to realise what players think of the state of revenant and to act accordingly. This is also a opportunity to make suggestions for a revamp of the revenant class if anyone wants to, not just patches for isolated legends.

In-Game Halloween Event with Devs

in In-game Events

Posted by: Gaile Gray

Gaile Gray

ArenaNet Communications Manager

Hey there,

With the launch of Halloween, ArenaNet team members are planning to invade Lion’s Arch to have a mini-celebration with you!

When: Tuesday, October 18, 2016
Time: 2:00 to 3:00 PM Pacific time (-7 GMT)

You might spot devs:

  • Taking some time in the Clocktower
  • Romping through the a-mazing Labyrinth
  • Showing their special pow-ers in the Costume Brawl
  • Trying to have the last say against the Mad King
  • Generally hanging out to visit with players in the spirit of the season

We’ll be spreading out around the world, and will do out best to spend time on a lot of different worlds and servers.

Note: A few of us will also be meeting up in LA earlier in the day, when the festival kicks off, and you’re welcome to join us then, too. Look for that to happen mostly on the EU Servers.

Hope to see you there!

Gaile Gray
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events

(edited by Gaile Gray.6029)

Balance Changes Upcoming

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fashion Mage.3712

Fashion Mage.3712

I guess you guys are back to making bad changes. I’d say “do skill splits for some of these changes”, but I doubt that’s going to happen.

SoI was fun while it lasted. You guys may want to consider buffing all of the underused and/or useless utilities before nerfing things into the garbage can.

I’m getting flashbacks back to the Frost Bow.

(edited by Fashion Mage.3712)

I Love LA!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Donari.5237


I agree that old LA had more, hmm, soul. But what it lacked was anything like a nod to the fact that tens of thousands of people lived there. Now at least we have housing areas that can stand in as markers for residential sections. Before it really felt like a themed beach resort with maybe three or four houses.

I’m sad they have said they won’t nuke LA again because they are done developing assets for later removal. I had so been hoping there’d be just one more makeover, leaving the Commodore’s Quarter alone.

As far as GW1 LA, this may get me tarred and feathered but I’ve been there a few times and as far as I could tell (mind you I was getting rushed through things by guildies who’d played GW1 to death while I was very new), well, to me it was a large grassy area with a few merchant stands, a couple of piers, a fountain, and some sort of fort up on a hill. I was expecting a -city- there based on all the nostalgia I’d seen!

Launch vs. Push/Pull

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Huskyboy.1053


So I’ve noticed a discrepancy that affects sPvP and maybe WvW: launch can be used to move downed bodies, and push/pull can’t. This is actually pretty messed up, there are strategic uses for using this type of CC on downed bodies, and that usage is being blocked by an illogical disparity. This obviously fuels class imbalance, for example revs can push downed foes off point via Glint elite, but thieves and guards can’t pull enemies off-point or out of node fights or whatever. This should be changed to balance them out.

Coliseum & Capricorn Achivements

in PvP

Posted by: Imperator.3475


Since this seems to be the thread for discussing these achievements, I will post here. I have been wanting to post about this for awhile now.

I just want to say how utterly obnoxious these time limited achievements are. First that they are time limited, but secondly, that a separate queue was not made so that those that wanted these achievements/to play these maps could not focus solely on these maps. You can’t play them in Ranked or Custom Arenas either. I loathe PVP as it is, and only play because the pvp dailies are easy enough for the daily while giving good PvE rewards. These maps are a breath of fresh air, I prefer them to all previous maps, but the time limited achievements really diminshes my enthusiasm for them.

I really, really, really hope that you do not keep introducing time-limited achievements for each subsequent map you release.

Cosplay cat ears, but no cat tail?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: sorudo.9054


for the ppl who say “if you want a tail, play a charr”, when the charr can walk and run straight up like the flamewielders i would but no, not the kitty cats we have now.

Cat Ears are here!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bellatrixa.3546


I get the cat ears can feel non-sequitur for a lot of people who didn’t play GW1, but as someone who got them as her first Halloween hat in that game, I’m over the moon to see them in GW2. Give my Necro her elite Cabalist amour back and I’ll be done re-creating my main

Also if you read the trivia on the GW1 Wiki page, the ears were actually requested by ANet staff, not players and you can go complain to John Stumme for listening and making them.

“Even if we find a way to save the world from the
dragons, I sometimes wonder if we’ll ever find a way to save us from ourselves.”

How about: Salvage instead of BluesAndGreens

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CMM.6712


+1 to salvaging runes and sigils to dust or __________

(edited by CMM.6712)

Cat Ears are here!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: RoseofGilead.8907


Oh some people are way ahead of you. Here’s a charr pretending to be a hylek. I took this screenshot back in January and they’d been working on the idea for some time apparently.

That is strangely adorable.

Cat Ears are here!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Danikat.8537


I may get this one for my wife, but I’ll pass. It’s great that anet is putting some fun costume pieces in the game, the hook hand that was released a while back was just what I’d been wanting! I feel an uneasy shudder building though, how long until we see someone RP a human pretending to be a charr with those ears?

Oh some people are way ahead of you. Here’s a charr pretending to be a hylek. I took this screenshot back in January and they’d been working on the idea for some time apparently.


Danielle Aurorel, Dear Dragon We Got Your Cookies [Nom], Desolation (EU).

“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”

Home instance buried locked chest?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ariurotl.3718


Because everything about Dry Top has to be a major pain. Exploring, searching for randomly placed chests that only appear for a time, pitiful geode gains, amber RNG, needing an active map to get good deals from merchants, the crazy dream that is favor level 6… Everything.

Rumored: Rifle elite spec

in Thief

Posted by: BlaqueFyre.5678


The question is what kind of support can a Thief provide? Might? We have PS Warriors. Quickness? We have Chronos.

Here is where I chime and point out thief is the only class that does not have a passive aura. Thief is also a class that has been struggling with party support and sustain. I honestly think a siphon as a aura, or siphon as a group mechanic would be an interesting and relevant way to make thief more attractive for groups and help out in other game modes.

Maybe revamp Venoms to be actual Auras.

Cat Ears are here!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: kurfu.5623


I loved/love my cat ears in GW1, and I love them in GW2. Thank you, Anet. <3

Oh, so it was a thing in Guild Wars 1 too. Then, what are people uppity about anyways?

There are certain types of people that absolutely hate when other people have fun doing something that they don’t personally like.

How about: Event/Story inventory

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kite.2510


There are lots of gathering events that require you to get some sort of un-salvageable, unsellable item, and when the event ends, those stuff stay at your inventory to be thrown away manually.
In WvW you have such a nice system for the supplies, where they are just a number at the top of the screen.
Why don’t you use this mechanic for the stuff you get on gathering events. Have them be a number and an icon above your character’s head, and fade away when the event ends or you zone out.

On other news, a similar problem of useless items has appeared in recent Personal Story and Living World steps. Some NPC will give you some item as part of the story and forget to ask back for it.
Wether it’s some Itzel musical instrument, or some of Taimi’s magafins that detect some plot device energy signal, and you have to use them on specific locations to progress. Those stuff stay in your inventory and you are not sure if you should throw them away, or keep them. They are even often been classified as unique and you have to type their whole name to get rid of them.

How about have them appear somewhere outside your item inventory space, similarly to the Account Shared inventory slots. Then have them disappear when you finish or cancel that story quest.

…and don’t be toxic!

Cat Ears are here!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Inculpatus cedo.9234

Inculpatus cedo.9234

Always torn on things like this. It’s great some players get something fun they wanted and that it funds the game, but a part of me feels like each time things like these appear it takes the game further away from having its own identity/theme.

I guess it keeps the game going ultimately

Since Cat Ears were a rather popular part of Guild Wars (One), I don’t think their return (to GW2) takes the game further away from having its own identity/theme. More like a nod to its past identity. Just my opinion, of course.

Cat Ears are here!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Felahr.9830


people wearing cat ears can also be just people wearing kittening cat ears. my charr is going to sport cat ears and theres nothing you can do about it. 6 ears unite!

Cat Ears are here!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nyta.4769


They’re so big and cute on asura. <3 <3 <3


Cat Ears are here!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Angelica Dream.7103

Angelica Dream.7103

Thank you so much for the return of cat ears!!!!!!!

Can we back backpack cat tail now? Just lower the location.

What about a black cat-suit armor/outfit to go with the ear?

I am sooo happy for the GW1 ear return

Cat Ears are here!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: RoseofGilead.8907


I loved/love my cat ears in GW1, and I love them in GW2. Thank you, Anet. <3