Showing Posts Upvoted By Fay.2735:

What exactly is an exploit?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Robert Hrouda.1327

Robert Hrouda.1327

Content Designer

Is switching to an alt at the end of a dungeon an exploit?

currently no – it’s just rude if you don’t tell your party first and act as dead weight in the final fight. People do it to level up their lower characters, because it’s a big burst of exp for dungeon completion.

This has happened to me a few times when playing, and usually from someone who doesn’t tell the party, and swap characters at like 25% boss HP. They bring in some level 20 character and stand off to the side while the 4 of us fight a boss. I typically respond by not fighting and just standing around them doing emotes and jumping, or trying to kite the boss into them if they are close enough to the encounter

SUPPORT Mesmer Spotlight

in Mesmer

Posted by: Chaos Archangel.5071

Chaos Archangel.5071

We Mesmer are an extremely versatile group, capable of excelling as tanks/bunkers (Immortal Mesmer), burst damage (Shatter-cat), and much more. We are the only class that can manipulate Confusion into a viable build, and we can manipulate boons better than any other class.

There are plenty of Shatter Mesmer builds, Confusion builds, Phantasm Mesmer builds, even Mantras have been gaining more and more attention; I think its time that another type of Mesmer, who’s popularity and viability has been steadily growing, to gain a bit of spotlight.


The support-based builds created around Signet of Inspiration and often (I’d argue manditorily) climbing the Inspiration tree for the incredible support traits it offers. Inspiration Mesmers are the masters of boon-support, capable of applying 6-8 boons at once. Many players, even other Mesmers, do not know that this type of Mesmer exists.
Many that do know of their existance question it’s viability, especially since it’s one of the most difficult Mesmers to play.

Boon sharing is only one form of Mesmer support. Though boons becomes a lot easier if you tell the group to gather on Chaos Storm and they see the Sig of Insp. results consistently. That also helps train less skilled players to stick together, learn to combo off eachother, and pay more attention to eachother’s skills. The best form of support is helping someone learn and improve.

Between reflects (Feedback, traited focus), boon sharing (Sig of Inspiration), Mantra heals (Inspiration X), Condition Removal (Phantasmal Disenchanter, Null Field, Shattered Conditions), and damage/death prevention (Phantasmal Defender, Illusion of Life) You’ve got all kinds of hand-holding options for your allies. And you can do most of that without much sacrifice to whatever is your favored playstyle. I’d advise going 0/0/20/20/0 for whichever build you make, that way you get a nice 20% boon duration and a way to trait into any of the above support options. Oh, make sure to drop Chaos Storm on downed allies while you rezz them if you’re using a staff.

I wanted to compile a list of Inspiration Builds & testimonials to their viability. Please feel free to share any builds or stories I may have missed in the comments.

(edited by Chaos Archangel.5071)

Fundamental Issues with GW2 (opinion)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

TLDR: “Make GW2 into GW1/WoW clone with trinity, manabars and remove thieves because I haven’t figured out how to counter them”

No to all, thank you.

New Guild Upgrades

in Suggestions

Posted by: Katsumoto.9452


Few idea’s I feel are very much needed:

1) Guild halls. Self explanatory, a place for the guild to hang out.
2) Guild arena. Simple again, a place where you can setup duels within your own guild, and dictate the numbers. 1v1, 2v2, 10v10 and so on.
3) Guilds having the ability to see the last time someone was online/representing the guild.
4) Guild commanders. A commander icon only guild members can see.
5) Guild logo’s with more customization.

That’s just a few idea’s that IMO are sorely needed in this game.

Aurora Glade [EU]

Fountain around LA statue makes no sound [merged threads]

in Audio

Posted by: Chellae.8401


Before the statue’s destruction during the Mad King event, the fish fountain around it used to make these ‘ploppy’ sounds as the water bounced around, and occasionally being spewed upwards all around. Now the statue and fountain is finally rebuilt but it’s completely silent. I assume this was an oversight and if it’s brought to the devs’ attention, they’ll add it back. :]

Ok seriously.... (Divinity's Reach)

in Audio

Posted by: Rekuja.6318


You guys really need to remove the sexual moans coming from the female npcs, and I’m not even over exaggerating when I say this.

I can’t craft without having to mute my sound because every 2 seconds theres a loud and sexual moan coming from different female npcs….

I’m not the only one that has noticed this, surely…

Anet, please either tone it down or just remove it from the game.. I just had my partner ask me if I was watching a dirty video because it was repeating so badly LOL

Lion's Arch Overflow and Roleplay Concerns

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Halorin.1398



First, I would like to thank and congratulate the developers of ArenaNet for the efforts put into Guild Wars 2 and all of its successes. This game has been very enjoyable to me and created a playground for one of the greatest communities I’ve had the pleasure of being a part of. It’s this enjoyment, and the hope to enhance it, that has inspired me to write this message to appeal to the developers to consider making changes to Lion’s Arch and how its overflow system is handled.

Lion’s Arch is a trade hub with a rich history. It’s the melting pot where cultures converge and where there are allegiances or loyalties to any one specific race or nation. The official Wiki describes Lion’s Arch as the most diverse and cosmopolitan city in Tyria. It is featured prominently in the game’s story, and rightfully so.

The Arch is where all groups and races came together to battle a common threat, so it would stand to reason that the Arch would be a centralized location for interaction. Unfortunately, the roleplaying community has had a difficult time of honoring this part of the game’s lore and making use of the excellently crafted map due to the difficulties presented by the current overflow situation.

I am lucky to be a member of the Tarnished Coast roleplaying community. Tarnished Coast is one of the more populated servers, and as such, has been plagued with an overflow problem in Lion’s Arch. During primetime hours, the overflow queues can take in excess of 20 minutes. This makes roleplaying in Lion’s Arch difficult as members of the community are either forced to wait in queues for an undetermined amount of time or are splintered between a number of different overflow instances.

Tarnished Coast, and perhaps Piken Square, are unique in other servers in that there is a level of importance to having many players in the same instance. It creates a sense of normalcy for players to congregate and interact with each other continuously. This larger sense of community is difficult to accomplish when queues and multiple overflow instances fragment the community.

I ask that ArenaNet consider seeing to the concerns presented here to better enhance the RP community’s experience. Without understanding the technical hurdles, I have thought of three solutions that may improve our experience.

Increase the player cap before an overflow is necessary. On a few nights during primetime hours, I have run around Lion’s Arch in Tarnished Coast’s main instance, and could not find a large pocket of players that seemed to justify the near 15 minute queues members of my guild were facing. The Trading Post, crafting, and bank areas were not overloaded to the extent I could see why queues ran as long as they did, and increasing the capacity may better accommodate roleplayers that want to use Lion’s Arch as a consistent place to interact.

Allow for players wanting to run Fractals of the Mist to congregate in a staging area. Queues for Lion’s Arch jumped considerably with the release of FotM. Creating a larger area for players to find pick-up groups or wait for straggling members of formed parties would take some of the load off of Lion’s Arch’s numbers, hopefully leading to shorter queues to the main instance.

Give an option to select which Overflow to spawn in. This feature already exists by using the party system to move to like instances. It would help roleplayers a great deal to select the same instance via a drop down or some form of prompt. I appreciate the seamlessness of not needing to manually select an instance, but for the purposes of roleplay, it would be a great help for us to be able to always select the same overflow instance to have the sense of normalcy other RP hotspots enjoy.

My thanks to anyone that reads this or considers any of my suggestions. I’ve written this only to help improve my community’s RP experience and to give Lion’s Arch the opportunity it deserves to be a place for roleplayers to enjoy.


Name Change Contract: When's it coming?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: poisonedsodapop.9348


A while back I contacted customer support inquiring about the possibility of a name change. I figured it wouldn’t be possible but if you don’t ask you’ll never know. Their response was the feature was highly requested. This was probably in November so I figured the highly requested feature would be added in December with the huge Wintersday update. Here we are in January and though I have MUCH love for my plush quaggan backpack I was really hoping an item that was already in the game would finally be released. You can look on the trading post and find the item and the functionality is already in the game for people with inappropriate names. I see a lot of people are asking for it and we have these full makeover kits which exclude name changes (clearly because it’s a separate item). Yet not the “highly” requested name change contract.

So my question is, when will we finally see this item make it’s debut in the gem store? Many people want it and it’s sure to sell well.

Name Change Contract: When's it coming?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Phalanix.7542


Guild name change would be nice too.

Your top 3 desired races?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ooshi.8607


I will not speak of over-sized chickens, no polar bears in drag or underwater Forest Gump lookalikes.
I will state why the Skritt should be the new playable race.

Every intelligent person among us will surely recognise the fact that Asura are the superior race in Tyria. This is not only due to their OP cuteness, but because the world of Tyria is evidently built with someone with the correct anatomical size in mind. The Skritt would give us another choice at playing a correctly sized individual. Not only that, if you look closely next time you speak with a skritt take a closer look at his smile. Tell me that is not even cutter than the cutest asura.
Secondly, skritt got tails. Only the Charr have got tails. Everyone knows that tails are OP. If like most people you want to have a character with a nice beautiful tail, but would not like to play a charr because they are anatomically challenged, then skritt are the way forward.
My final reason is that clearly the Skritt were just made for co-op play. Sometimes I feel that Guild Wars doesn’t give you enough reasons to group. Can you imagine a horde of Skritt just going forth in Tyria just shouting at the top of their perfectly sized lungs:

- Guarding! Guarding! Guarding.
- Hey stinky feet. Got shiny for me?
- Yes shiny? No shiny?
- You smell funny.

Mantras: Potential for more.

in Mesmer

Posted by: Jester.1236


Fay does great with her build. I do well with mine. We know you have a “unkillable” build. But thats not the way everyone wants to play. Fays build is stellar at healing. And does great damage. You just put statements out there, that are incorect. We get it, you like your gimmicky retaliation build. Not everyone does.

Mantras: Potential for more.

in Mesmer

Posted by: Gaiawolf.8261


Can’t have your cake and eat it too.

Well then what do you expect me to do with it? That’s why you bake it in the first place. That’s like saying I can’t charge my mantras and expend them, too. They don’t do anything unless you charge them first.

There are plenty of subpar skills and traits ( all classes do), and we have plenty of posts outlining them. I don’t think it’s too much to ask to buff some underused abilities to promote build diversity.

Lone Wolf Mesmer | Warrior | Engineer | Thief
Dissentient [DIS] ~Tarnished Coast

An option to disable right click targeting

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sin.1524


I target something with left click and as I’m constantly moving the camera with right click, it’s constantly targeting things I don’t want targeted. I’d love it if ArenaNet disabled right click targeting or at least added an option for it, because it’s really annoying.

Suggestion: At the topic states, a toggle to disable it. A HUGE amount of people believe that simply making right click target on mouse release instead of mouse down, that it would fix the problem, but I still feel I would randomly target things. Example being when I target something, turn my camera just a little to get a different view, and release on a huge group of people (that I obviously do not want to be targeted.) Perhaps we could have an option for all 3?

Here is the Reddit thread (I would have posted here earlier but was unable) if anyone wants to read more feedback:

Audible Alerts Needed

in Suggestions

Posted by: jmrathbun.7263


With wait times for WvW reaching to an hour on our server, it would be very helpful if the pop-up announcing availability were accompanied by some sort of audible signal so one could do other things with one’s computer without the risk of missing one’s opportunity to travel.

EU All Mesmer Meets Fri 21:00 GMT

in Mesmer

Posted by: Shanaeri Rynale.6897

Shanaeri Rynale.6897


This is a follow on post from the pre-guesting events held on Gandara over the past couple of months

Now guesting is in, we’re throwing this event open to anyone with a mesmer and who fancies coming along for tips, chat and doing fractals, Dungeons or whatever.

Server to Guest to : Gandara
Place to meet : Lysssa’s Waypoint in DR
Time : Every Friday at 21:00 GMT
Contact : Shanaeri Rynale.

Hopefully we’ll see you there.


Guild Leader of DVDF since 2005

Guild Feature: Offline Time.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Venom.2650


I tried looking this up in the search and didn’t find any topics of it.

Add a feature where it shows each player/member how long they been offline for example, testuser.2324 offline for 2days, 4months, etc. This would make it easier for guilds to see which members are active and don’t have to guess which member hasn’t been online for a while.

Editing the Guild Message of the Day

in Suggestions

Posted by: Achrmaeiad.8164


The current way that changing the Guild Message of the Day works is clunky and needs some updating. The issues and fixes as I see them are below.

Major issues:

  1. The edit box that pops up does not include the current MotD. This makes it far more difficult to make minor changes than it needs to be. You currently either have to completely retype the message or have it saved in a separate file which you can copy and paste from.
  2. The edit window appears over the current MotD and cannot be moved in order to view it.
    Suggested change: Include the current MotD in the edit window.

Minor issues:

  1. Line breaks do not appear in the edit window until you continue typing after pressing enter.
  2. Text in the edit window is left justified, while the completed MotD is center justified.
    Suggested change: Show line breaks as they are made and center justify the text in the edit window or left justify the final MotD.

Editing the Guild Message of the Day

in Suggestions

Posted by: ExTribble.7108


It was totally editable in GW1, I don’t see why they didn’t include that feature. They also left out how it appears when you log in, so that all guildies are aware of any new messages without checking it in the guild panel.

So +1, should’ve been there in the first place :P

“Any lump can hack bad guys to death, but it takes skill
and style to turn them into craters and dust.” -Tonn
Number-crunching for ecto salvages – periodically updated

In my view, the game is going in the wrong direction

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: AcidicVision.5498


The daily takes less than an hour on a level 23 character. I don’t see how they could make it much simpler and still require interacting with the game to some degree. The monthly, I could see some amount of legitimate grief because it still requires PvP and Dungeons. But on the other-hand, it’s an achievement for things that are either useless pixel candy or can/will be available by other means. So if you don’t like it, don’t do it. But the daily can be done passively by just playing.

And something to keep in mind with the dungeons…when the game launched there was a lot of QQ about how they took too long and were too hard and nearly impossible with a pug or without voice chat. A few months later people were regularly clearing them, doing speed runs, clearing with little to no interaction and experiencing few if any actual deaths.

The same thing will happen with these new changes. A lot of complaining and over-reacting about the difficulty that will be a moot point because people will have adapted.

The Kismet

Official Unofficial 28th Patch Notes Thread

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Iruwen.3164


I’m a bit disppointed there are no real Mesmer bugfixes. But I’m getting used to being hated.

Iruwen Evillan, Human Mesmer on Drakkar Lake

Broken events in Arah Explorable Dungeon

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Svarty.8019


YES i almost forgot it…how could i:

The whole spark thing on dwayna is extremely bugged. Even if the cage is empty and you lure them to there, nothing happens.

For example, first time is normal, you can lure the 5 sparks to their respective cages. But after that, some of the cages remain active, and some of the activated sparks goes invisible leaving the cages empty. Then you have to start luring them around each cage until it works.

Also confirming the petrifying thing not working when a tear is thrown.
And sometimes, you get petrified two times in a row. You are petrified with a dead eye stare and gets immediately petrified again when you get out.
Sometimes, you can still move while petrified but not attack.

I’m playing this right now, and can confirm that many many times the sparks won’t go in cages, they just wobble around the outside and rub against them instead.

This event would be better if they went in any cages as long as they were pulled into a big circle around the pole.

(I know you specifically asked not for this, but it’s also probably a tad too hard anyway and her HPs should recharge a little more slowly than at present).


Nobody at Anet loves WvW like Grouch loved PvP. That’s what we need, a WvW Grouch, but taller.

(edited by Svarty.8019)

*Spoilers* The Zhaitan fight was extremely anti-climatic

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Searingarrow.4637


Hello Everyone.

There is currently a problem with Zhaitan’s attacks during his final phase.
An upcoming patch will address this issue.

Thanks for your patience

Thank you William. I hope the fight will be much more interesting and complex… I really feel like the whole fight needs to be redone. Please don’t let it be another “kill mobs, fire cannons” encounter… While those fights were great for the dragons before Zhaitan. We want to fight zhaitan himself. Not his minions. We spent the entire leveling process doing that.

(edited by Searingarrow.4637)

Dungeon content for average skilled casuals? ...story mode isn't.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Zefiris.8297


. I consider myself an above average player

This is the problem. Everyone THINKS they are above average. There’s scientific studies about this: The vast majority of people think they are better than the average.

Which, of course, is impossible: Most of them are not.

You are in this group. I don’t mean this badly or to offend you, and it’s not your fault, but you truly are not “above average”, but “below average”. Your problem is not that the dungeon is hard (the mobs sure are not), the problem is that you think you are good, therefore do not work on improving, and therefore have a harder time.

Hi. I’m a female gamer, I work 40 hours a week, and my GW2 time is pretty limited. I am not that good a gamer, my reflexes are objectively rather slow, and I cannot play FPS games because I get confused. I sometimes click abilities, and I constantly forget to use one of my utilities.

Total deaths in dungeons: Less than 10, including me rolling off cliffs in Flame citadel twice by accident.. Story mode dungeons are easy. Their difficulty is in line with what an average skilled casual gamer can handle.

The problem is that below-average skilled people cannot handle it, and since they assume they are above average, they assume the design itself is bad. People usually do not like that the problem is on their end, after all.

I hope Arenanet does not make them easier, because that would make them boring for average skilled casual players like myself. Having a challenge is GOOD.