Not only did they clear it first thanks to their weeks of testing and bragged about it on their website/twitter/reddit but they also took advantage of it by being able to sell the specific loot from the raid first, therefore setting their own price.
What a bunch of doochebags.
I would like to post this as a reminder to DnT
I warned you guys, you all ignored.
Anet deliberately played you like a fiddle and I tried to stop you guys but you didn’t listen. Your obsession with “being the best” has robbed you of the very opportunity to transcend the competition and become something greater, something known, something of a beacon of sorts in competitive gaming but you guys threw that all away from some meaningless world first.
Obal must be rolling in his grave.
I have found over the last 2 and a 1/2 years I have had this conversation plenty in-game and… this is just a discussion, nothing more. I just never thought to bring it here on the forums until now.
Who else finds this similar to myself?
I am 36 years old, female… I am disabled with MS (Multiple Sclerosis) and CP (Cerebral Palsy, though mild)… I use to work… a little over 10 years ago, but life obviously had other plans for me. My husband helped get me into these games back in the day, though he never played them, as a way for… me to keep my mind occupied, focused on other things besides my health.
Now, these days, I live in these games. I put much time and much effort into what I do while in it. But in-game I have come across a lot of other players. who are not like me, and quick to downplay certain things players like me do. One of the reasons being it is a huge waste of time, waste of effort and if any of us spend real-life money on this game, we are fools.
For me, I have to disagree and for the sake of others who are in a similar situation as me… For me, this game allows me to focus on something other than the pain I am in. Once upon a time, I never thought I was as good a player as many others but now… I feel differently. And when new updates are slated to come out in the future, I am excited, cause I can’t wait to see how my world is going to change. And when Anet introduced Taimi, yes, I was almost certainly in tears with joy cause… I feel Anet helped bring a real life fact into the game, that with the way they have built her, was not often seen in any other MMO that I ever played.
Thank you, ArenaNet, for that.. it made me feel as though I was not still shoved in the corner watching the rest of life fly by, unable to take part in it because I am ill and physically unable to. Many things I cannot do in real life anymore, but in this game, I can do all those things and then-some. I can play, run, fight, craft, donate, help people.
This game is a way of life for me, and I know I can’t be the only one who feels this way. If I was not meant to live in the world the way most do, I praise ArenaNet for giving me another world I could live in and be a valuable member of, in which I am no longer invisible to the world.
This… can’t be wrong.
(edited by Jaymee.1560)
I rarely complain about changes, and i always try to see a good way of utilizing them.
But, i’m sorry ArenaNet, this is just dumb.
Can you even imagine leveling a Mesmer right now? Pushing the traits to level 30 was already a huge hit for new Mesmers, and now the first 10 levels will feel like a godkitten nightmare on top of that.
Then there’s the “dumbing down” argument. Like the poster above me pointed out, literally every game out there requires you to learn 10-15 skills by the time you’re level 20, and they just keep coming. No one complains about them, people just adapt, and learn.
This on the other hand is quite literally an insult to the intelligence of an average gamer. We already have 5-6 buttons to push at most at levels 1-10, and you think that’s too much?
That’s the most unnecessary change to this game i have ever seen.
HAHAHAHAAHA….imagine leveling a mesmer now. I’ll quit the game before I have to do it again.
Some things to be cautious of:
-She is a young girl, right at the age where she will really start feeling the effects of media pressure on women, to be sexy and unhealthily skinny. Guild Wars 2 is no exception when it comes to negative media—the female characters are often hyper sexualized (see female humans, female norn). Make sure she has a healthy understanding of what is real and what is not, a good body image, and the awareness to resist the casual sexism inherent in a game like this.
-Guild Wars 2 has a good community—but that does not mean it’s free of horrible people. There will be trolls, perverts, and people who are simply much older than she. Take precautions to keep her as safe from this as possible.
-The storyline of Guild Wars 2 may be too mature for some kids. Use your best judgment here.
At any rate, I definitely would not let her play WoW. WoW has a more toxic community and is more sexist then Guild Wars 2 by far. I started getting involved in online gaming around her age, and was introduced to some truly vile things which I didn’t have the understanding to cope with.
Whatever you do here, the key is supervision, supervision, supervision.
(edited by Weindrasi.3805)
Someone needs to make videos of these with the Dr Who Theme song, possibly just an endless loop of the beginning part of our chars floating~
Here ya go:
Great… Now I just had to…
@WildHeart.8209: I hope you don’t mind I borrowed your screens. They were great for editing since they didn’t show any PC.
Everytime I look at my infinite continue coin in my bank, my stomach churns that I can’t use this valuable and almost necessary (for trib mode) gem store item that I bought for with real money.
Due to timing the last release of this wonderful and time sucking game mode, I was only able to get 3 green trib mode skins with my limited amount of free time. I basically made my mesmer themed around SAB skins, complete with the Asura T3 chest for extra glowiness! Its kinda sad to me though that I couldn’t get all of the trib mode weapon skins used by mesmer since I mix and match them a lot, and not having a pistol or focus or GS skin (was a PU condi scrub at the time) is really messing with my character’s groove.
Okay devs, I honestly don’t understand why you can’t let us have world 1 and 2 and their tribulation modes available while we wait for the new worlds and their new colored skins to come out. Is the 8-bit 3D graphics style to expensive to maintain? Because if thats the case you might as well sink the content graveyard of SAB beneath the waves. Its been 10 months since the last glorious installment, which is SIGNIFICANTLY LONGER than the gap between world 1 and 2’s release.
In short, the Super Adventure Box should be available to use permanently with all of its previous worlds and skins available. You can even prevent the blue super skins from dropping at all to maintain their economic value and just let us work towards tribulation mode skins and old acheivements. Its a big time investment to work towards the skins, and 1 month was not enough time for most of us to get everything we wanted from it.
Taking a break from GW2 to play various
Nintendo games..
To every developer that worked on Entangled: WELL DONE!
Great story, great characters , great cutscenes , and great use of other map’s then only dry top!
Personal Story, WvsW , Guild Missions, Living Story and so much more.
(We have Teamspeak and a forum ) join us!
Here are some great ones from reddit
-krait tonic
-marionette tonic
-guild banner tonic
-a tornado (ele elite)
-a tree
-all fractal tonic forms
-avatar of melandru
-Norn bear
krait for you
26x lvl 80 Characters
Most fabulous Character:
And another one for posterity!
Writer/Director – Quaggan Quest
My sentiments exactly Dr. River Song.
Even Peter Molyneux learnt that lesson.
I don’t believe that, instead I would like to believe that his company hires big, burly men to tackle and gag him every time he gets near a phone or networked computer to prevent him from communicating with the real world.
Call me crazy, but I do believe some info about the next update, even if it’s just “hey, we’ll give you a potato in 4 weeks” would calm down the people impatience… such is the gw2 community hunger.
While we’d love to give you a time and date of when we’re sending out the potato, remember that during the development process we may discover that a baked potato would be even better. So instead of getting the potato of your dreams you end up with something completely unexpected.
It often happens that a mashed potato with gravy is even better still, unfortunately gravy requires more dev time. So we end up shipping a mashed potato without gravy to meet our promise of ship time or we push back the time and date of when we are shipping again and again. You get your mashed potato with gravy but it is delivered much later than it was expected.
Worst of all that is when we realize that potatoes are way too mainstream and that yams are where it’s at now. And I think we all know how reactions seem to go when we ship yams instead of potatoes.
So in a lot of cases the best we can do is tell you that we are still in the kitchen cooking things up, we’re reading your feedback, and that we’re excited to get the meal out to you soon™.
for WvW Playboy bunny raids
So I’d love to see an actual fix for the warden’s problems…and then a second fix for the stuff you broke this time while trying to fix the stuff you broke the first time.
So, the warden actually has new broken behavior.
The reflect from the traited warden will not reflect properly unless the source of the projectile is standing right on top of it.
(edited by Pyroathiest.4168)
Hello All!
I bring you news from the planning team at Gamer’s Giving Back and volunteers from all over Tyria!
We have fully updated our website at for our event – but here are the details of the event – so far!
Where and When:
April 19th from 1pm-5pm CDT
Divinity’s Reach – NA Servers – Henge of Denravi and 1 Overflow hosted by TTS
- EU Servers – Desolation ( awaiting confirmation Overflow)
Tentative Event Schedule
1:00pm – Kick Off and Introductions (Trivia ingame, Both Gw 1 and 2 , will run every 10 minutes or so between mic breaks)
1:15pm – On-air Interview with MS Society Member
1:30pm – Roman Race Begins in Guild Wars 2 / Magical Mystery Tour to Cure MS in Guild Wars 1 On-going for event
2:00pm – Signup for Battle for Balthazar Begins
1:45pm – Costume Contest Begins for both GW 1 and 2
2:30pm – Battle for Balthazar Begins in Guild Wars 2
3pm – Deadline for Unique Recipe to Cure MS for Guild Wars 1
3:45pm – Creation of “M.S.” ingame and “QUANGA” Line in Divinity’s Reach and Crazy Conga in Guild Wars 1
4pm – Thank Yous and Kick-off of After Party!
Ingame Events( Don’t worry if you can’t be in the zones where stuff is going on – more details below about other ways you can participate)
*Map Chat Quizzes with ingame loot rewards
*Roman Race for Cure – riddle and lore related race in Divinity’ s Reach
*Battle for Balthazar – Costume Brawl of the Grandest Kind! ( the prizes are awesome – you just wait and see :O)
*Roman/Toga Costume Contest – With the 2 theme colours for MS being Red( Canada) and Orange ( International) we want to see your best Toga /Roman costume that can be a combination of any armor or a combination of Town Clothes!
Social Media and Livestreaming will be livestreaming the event during the whole day! They also will have opportunities for people to win prizes by watching their stream – so if you can’t join us ingame or can’t get into the area – you can still win! is our radio hosting site and we will be streaming radio that day with even more prizes and information about the event! \o/
Twitter ? Make sure to follow @gamergivingback and use #endms and #gw2toga as Hashtags to have your messages go live on – they might ALSO win you a prize – so get tweeting!
Our facebook page will also have announcements and updates : You can find it via our website!
If any players, guilds, alliances or community groups still want to be “Gamers that Give Back” we are still collecting ingame loot donations up until April 18th. Donations can be sent via ingame mail to Yailith.4056 or contact me via
Our final Volunteer meeting is April 13th at Noon Server time on GW-EN ventrilo.
You can also head to and donate $10CDN or more for a chance to win prizes from our donation prize list! Here is the link for the donation website :
Once again – thanks for all the support for our events and see you all ingame!
Rhonda and the Gamers Giving Back Team
dueling system for sure
Lol no he didn’t. April fools.
I have awoken from a short sleep a bit groggy and Confused.
For some reason I wish to play Mesmer even more than before. . . My head was bleeding (possibly I was knocked out) Luckily the blood didn’t reach the text on my shirt “Berserker stance” it seemed to be immune. After wobbling around a bit I was able to keep myself from being knocked down due to my balanced stance. I feel like my dream was causing me a great deal of damage, but T. Bear taught me how to endure pain. I realized that this was all from the some clever Mesmer(possibly Fay my arch nemesis) trying to control my thoughts which caused me to go into a rampage. I was consoled quickly by the champion genius which calmed my mind and body like a healing surge. The genius whispered to me one thing and one thing only that I will take to my grave. . . . HHHHHHHHHHHHAAAAAAAAAMMMMMMMMMMMM/BBBBBBBBBBBOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWW!
The time is coming that my bow and hammer will crush many a foe, but who knows maybe I will dust off my Mace/Sword and Long Bow. Only time will tell. :P
Hey all!
Gamer’s Giving Back 5th Annual Toga Party for MS (Multiple Sclerosis) is coming at you via Guild Wars 1 and 2 in a location to be determined in GW 1 and Divinity’s Reach in Guild Wars 2!
However- before we release the details of this awesome event – we want YOU to bring your guilds, friends and what not out to our Volunteer meeting this Saturday, March 1st and be part of our planning committee!
We will be meeting at 2pm Mountain Time on GW-EN Ventrilo. For more information about the event, how it works and what you can do – email
Thanks all! We hope to have as many servers on board as there were at Pink Day in LA because we love giving back! Gamers Rock!
Rhonda aka M A L I B U Barbie \o/
What halo are you talking about? I don’t see anything. Are you sure you used the potion?
On a regular note. Yeah, the scaling is a bit off on that one. Way too tiny.