Showing Posts Upvoted By InfamousBrad.5879:

Canthan New Year

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: FacesOfMu.3561


I’d love to see the Canthans in Tyria celebrating. Not dress the town in decorations, but setting off the occasional firework when you’re near, and a dragon mask on their door or something would be wonderfully awesome.

People vary.

Request Action: Abuse of Report Function.

in WvW

Posted by: MikeFerguson.8921



I want to clear something up here, we do not auto-ban people without investigating the account first. Our CS staff reviews reports that come in and if they find questionable activity, they take whatever action they deem appropriate.

You may receive an automated response if you appeal actions taken against your account, but any action we take is reviewed and enacted by human beings.

It is true that we have reinstated folks that were banned erroneously for questionable activity, but we don’t take action against an account unless a very solid reason presents itself upon review.

Please note that I’m not commenting specifically on the actions take against those accounts mentioned in the OP and I have no information on why any action was taken in the cases mentioned. I just want everyone to understand that we don’t ban people just because they get a lot of reports against them, our CS folks have to find and confirm actual infractions before we take any action.

Paid transfers did what free couldn't do!

in WvW

Posted by: styx.7294


The only problem the lower tiers have is listening to the upper tiers whine and worry about how bad we supposedly have it.

Do us all a favour and send us gold, clear your conscience, and go on with the rest of your lives.

Gate of Madness

Paid transfers did what free couldn't do!

in WvW

Posted by: salluks.6017


The impacts of paid servers will be a long-term feel as opposed to immediately felt. Current players will finally settle into a “home” and newer players will begin to fill the rest. As long as the game continues to draw players everyone should feel the benefits over time.

before, if you were bored of losing or stale game or whatever reason, you could give it a shot from a different servers perspective, that’s what most people did.

now, people would just stop playing, right now, populations and timezone problems are a far bigger issue than Anet likes to acknowledge.

And the Payment cost based on population is so misleading!, ill give you 3 examples

1. SFR – tier 1 server, medium population, high WvW activity , so less cost on transfer
2. Blacktide – High population, but dead WvW, high cost to transfer
3. Desolation – High population, average WvW activity, High cost of transfer.

(edited by salluks.6017)

Only an engineer...

in Engineer

Posted by: Silentsins.3726


Only an engineer brings a crowbar to a gun fight.

01-18 Devona's Rest / Kaineng / Ehmry Bay

in WvW

Posted by: Cactus.2710


Thanks for the answers from the Kain folks. I’d like to think that everyone will be better off next week after reset, but with all the turmoil going on I’m not sure anyone really has a clue what it will look like.

I will say this, though, and I posted pretty much the exact same thing in a different thread:

A large map with lots of different objectives gives each server lots of choices … choices that make strategy and tactics important and provide opportunity for both large and small groups (even roamers) to make a significant difference. For me, that’s where the fun is. A tier with hoards of players in it is the equivalent of a small map … a tier with fewer players in it is the equivalent of a large map. It seems to me that the most desirable conditions for any server are to have a reasonably uniform population around the clock and be in a tier where the populations are similar among the three servers. Other than that, I personally see little benefit in being in a higher tier, and I suspect that I will always be happier in a middle tier or even lower one.

D/D Thief who prefers mobility to stealth … so yeah, I die a lot
Stormbluff Isle [AoD]

Ehmry Bay: a tale about T4 and true community

in WvW

Posted by: Humpink.2306


I have read many posts on here from folks who ask guilds and players to transfer to their server because they need oceanic guilds, or NA guilds, or anything in between. Those posts usually start with “we have such a great and tight knit community” or some variation of that statement.

Ehmry Bay was down at T7, and worked its way up to T4 even though we didn’t have the numbers for it. The ascension of our server was as much about the dedication of the WvW guilds we have/had as it was about the ineptitude of some of our opponents.

Ehmry Bay never had an actual oceanic WvW presence, HIRE was on the server for a month and that did help once we were in T4, but they arrived after we had already made it to T4 with very little else but a strong US (West Coast) group and the help of a small oceanic contingent from TDE that would do WvW on a schedule.

T4 ended up being a brick wall that simply could not be broken down without better time zone coverage and greater numbers around the clock. The result was that people burned out, drama flared up, and with the news that free transfers are about to come to an end some guilds left because we were simply not pro enough.

It’s true. While we have many excellent WvWers, most people on Ehmry Bay do not treat the game as a job but rather as entertainment. The true hardcore players that would put in 16 hour days have left. What we have remaining though is the community so many other servers tell you about, the difference being that we can actually back that claim up.

Ehmry Bay doesn’t have mega-guilds with 500 active players. We do have some guilds which routinely bring 20-ish players to the map, we have many more guilds who bring a group or two, and we have the same crowd of pugs that every other server has.
We also have infrastructure with a public voice comms server for WvW/PvP/PvE, where guilds can request their own private channel with admin rights for that channel, so you don’t need to run (and pay for) your own voice comms setup.

We have the most active server forum community among all GW2 server forums. On those forums we don’t turn every word into “kitten” and we don’t censor/delete inconvenient post just because it may make our server look bad to potential transfers. On the Ehmry Bay server forum what you see is what you get.

Here’s a post one of our members recently made:

“People seem to forget what community / family really means. People who you fight with constantly, but happily team up with and defend from people outside the family.

Sometimes a little drama goes a long way to making something stronger. You have people from guilds who have “drama” with each other teaming up right now on this thread.

Ehmry is great. We’re dysfunctionally right on point.”

We have many small guilds who have carved out a WvW niche for themselves without that they need to roll with a zerg (which we rarely have enough people for anyway). Here’s what a commander from RE (on Kaineng, which is currently steamrolling us) had to say about one such small guild:

“I for one am impressed with some of the guild tags I have seen, PUNK being one of them, even though we succeed in fighting a nice cohesive turtle, it is still nice to see that type of organization in this match up. I personally didnt know how to react to it at first …”

So to sum this up;
If you are someone who doesn’t mind waking up to a map that often has been taken over by nightcapping.
If you are someone who just wants to log in after work, maybe do some breakouts, set up some siege, get a few badges and die a few times.
If you are someone who is in a small or medium sized guild and you are tired of some mega-guild constantly telling you how you should play your game.
If you don’t care about tiers, and if you don’t care that the guy next to you may not be a pro GW2 player.

If you instead care for a mellow place to play GW2, where WvW players are truly making an effort to improve communication and coordination between them without to step on anyone’s toes and where we have a strong and active forum community that goes along with it, then I invite you to check Ehmry Bay out.

Displaying boons and conditions on pets

in Ranger

Posted by: Hoyvin.3241


I tried searching for it, and I couldn’t find anything specific, but is there any way to display boons and conditions on your pet without targeting it?

If not, then why can’t ANet make it so boons and conditions display above the pet hotkey display?


in Asura

Posted by: Dinny.5310


Funny you should mention this, I was going to make a technobabble generator based on the rules/conventions of asuran technobabble in Guild Wars canon. If there’s actually some demand for it, I might end up making it after all.

In the meantime, here is a list of the major inventions/innovations of the colleges. You can look to these as examples and maybe even refer to them specifically.

Creations of the College of Statics: positional relays, quasi-enchantment aligners, theosophy scopes, metasurvey incantations, cross-incantation braces, levitation buttresses.

Creations of the College of Dynamics: canoptic enhancers, lunographic fasteners, torque abjurers, enigmaticons, karmic pressure gauges, kinetic spellchurns, magiphysical armatures.

Creations of the College of Synergetics: quantagrams, di-polar spell matrices, conjuration vertices, prestimystic readouts, mojonic control rods, self-restricting enchant loops.

The formula is usually (prefix) (article).

Dinny [Asura/Guardian] – Annachponae [Asura/Thief]

Owlsdottir is an innappropriate name? Why?

in Norn

Posted by: magicthighs.5372


Why not just try Owldottir instead?

Or Ugladóttir.

Regina Dentata (Guardian)
Melenkurion Abathas (Thief)
Desolation (EU)

Charr name generator

in Charr

Posted by: Mobott.5908


I haven’t seen anything about this on these forums, so I thought I’d post it for those who don’t know about it.

Charr run animation

in Charr

Posted by: Stahngun.4123


I find their running absolutely atrocious, and even worse when attempting to do jumping puzzles. I really wish to play one, but the running just puts me off.

OMG - The Sylvari

in Sylvari

Posted by: Corvindi.5734


I’m too old and bitter to enjoy Sylvari. They’re all like, what? 25 year-old newborns? So full of life and hope and all that other useless stuff.

“…we don’t expect you to be forced into dungeons at endgame.”


What made you want to play a Sylvari?

in Sylvari

Posted by: Greyfeld.7104


I wanted to make one to have a character of every race.

They’re not really doing it for me though. They’re a little too “wholesome” for my taste. They’re curiosity about the world can be entertaining (and there are a few sylvari NPCs I really like), but the “I AM THE HERO, COME TO BANISH EVIL FROM THIS FOUL LAND!!” approach the personal story takes is gag-inducing.


in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Gaile Gray


Gaile Gray

ArenaNet Communications Manager


can i please use my every mmo game nick, P O R N O, please, i got ban on 3 day, and i wrote to support, noone ansverd and i made one, please let me use that nickname, all my friends know me with that name, please. and btw, now porno is not bad word, it is one of film arts in normal world, same as action or horor movie


Gaile Gray
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events

Would you like your very own Mr. Sparkles?

in Asura

Posted by: Zero Angel.9715

Zero Angel.9715

‘Juvenile Golem’

Would you like your very own Mr. Sparkles?

in Asura

Posted by: Zeeblee.5386


A golem ranger pet would actually be really awesome, but rangers don’t feel all that fitting…

The True and Nefarious Intentions of Tixx

in Wintersday

Posted by: Latorn.4209


This guy continually has serious problems with the “toys” at his workshop so he decides to recruit Tyria’s bravest to help him out? He also just happens to package some of these malfunctioning “toys” and decides it’s a good idea to rain presents down on Tyria that contain these “toys”?

I call shenanigans.

He’s truly using adventurers to simply test his new toy army prototypes in order to take over Tyria. Every day we return to his laboratory to “help” him it seems he’s come up with a new “toy” enemy to test us.

Isn’t anyone else suspicious of how the guy consistently needs to “calibrate” Toxx, and she tends to come back being slightly stronger than before, with new moves and techniques to boot?

This guy is a serious threat, if every child in Tyria receives one of his “toys” on Wintersday morning our capitals will have been invaded overnight without a hint of resistance, fight back now and we only need fear the capabilities of his toy drop pods. The Pact needs to shift their focus to this new and dangerous threat, or else we’re all done for.

How to kill Princess dolls?

in Wintersday

Posted by: Ohoni.6057


That’s the problem, mobs that are intended to be taking 1-1 can have things like Confusion or Retaliation or other “we can fight you but you can’t fight back” abilities, but mobs that come in concentrated packs of 5-6 should NEVER have these sorts of abilities.

Why is it that the versions of these mobs that are in the 5-man instanced dungeon are soooo much easier to take out than the ones that are soloed in the open world? I know they have pipe dreams about players teaming up to take these down, but out of the dozens that I’ve opened, only 2-3 of them have had anyone else around. The zones are just not that densely populated and the boxes either need to be scaled to solo players, or scalable to fit the number of players around.

“If you spent as much time working on [some task] as
you spend complaining about it on the forums, you’d be
done by now.”

(edited by Ohoni.6057)

Banned because of a name issue

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Gaile Gray

Gaile Gray

ArenaNet Communications Manager


Let me make it clear: You were not “banned.” A ban is a termination — a ban or a termination is forever. You were suspended, and with those names, you’ll be required to change every one that was flagged as offensive which, to my eye, is pretty much all of them.

Don’t choose a name that is borderline, because players cannot filter names and we want to make sure that names are reasonable.

And consider your good fortune: You could have / might have been suspended for an increasing amount of time for each name. The support agent who acted on these names was kind to flag them all and put just a single suspension on the account. Choose wisely in the future, please.

Gaile Gray
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events

(edited by Gaile Gray.6029)