Showing Posts Upvoted By nihasa.5067:

Patch after Patch...

in Engineer

Posted by: Ederyn.3107


New balance changes ….new contents…New armos…new maps, but not even a word about Jaggernaut and Deadly Mixture traits bugs. ( introduced with the last feature patch)

Are they gonna be fixed someday…in someway?

Supply crate makes you turret

in Engineer

Posted by: dancingmonkey.4902


I’ve seen so many engis in PvP trying to say " I’m not turret but triple kit" and yet use their crate in the first 3 seconds of the fight.

So I’m just gonna remind you that the use of the supply crate in 1v1 makes you a turret engineer. Like it or not but its the truth . Usually the engineers that lack skill will use the crate as " I win button " in 1v1 and the good engis will save it for team fight or a support utility for their allies.

Sincerly thief, that has been crated in 1v1 in the first 3 seconds by bad engis.

I had you tell me that recently. Do you remember what happened?

Well let me remind you. I slash danced on your corpse, while you were waiting to repawn, as I capped the point. Call me a gadgeteer, call me a turret engineer, call me a kit master. I could care less. I am just glad knowing the fact that I smashed you repeatedly, and that is part of your ire for the profession.

Immobilize OP

in Profession Balance

Posted by: shadowpass.4236


immobilize is fine, I just hate it when I get immobilized in the air and can’t do kitten while im getting attacked

I was a power ranger before it was cool.
Guild Leader of Favorable Winds [Wind]

+200 Range for flamethrower

in Engineer

Posted by: dancingmonkey.4902


Using a real life comparison to justify a balance change lost me instantly and left me shaking my head. By that logic, grenade kit would have to have a shorter range then rifle and so on.

The comparison to guardians auto attack on staff though, has sold me on backing this idea.

Best profession

in Profession Balance

Posted by: coglin.1867


1- Warrior
2- Guardian
3- Mesmer/Thief
4- Guardian/Warrior
5- Mesmer/Thief/Ele (depends most on the race)

Aww, poor engineer. They have 3 threads about the engineer being OP on the first page of the balance sub forums, but don’t make this list.

A video on what weak PvPer’s and WvWer’s want.

Sadly every class is imbalanced

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Jim Hunter.6821

Jim Hunter.6821

So anything that is challenging to fight against with your chosen build/profession isn’t balanced. Anything you can easily beat with your chosen build/profession is balanced…

Pretty much sums up every thread on this forum doesn’kitten

Also known as Puck when my account isn’t suspended

Enable the use of Magic Carpet/Broom

in WvW

Posted by: Caedmon.6798


I understand that some toys like the Èxecutioners Axe toy are disabled since they can be exploited.But i dont see the point of keeping Magic carpet and Broom disabled for use in WvW aswell.Can they be re-enabled so people can actually use them ? Speaking for myself i mostly would be great to actually be able to use this item every now and then.

Outnumbered - Make It Useful

in WvW

Posted by: CrimsonNeonite.1048


Stat increases would ruin small scale stuff for those people who prefer to that kind of stuff. So I don’t know how you can make Outnumbered useful, yet keep it from being OP.

Maybe stuff like +5 supply or something along those lines, but nothing that makes a group or individual players an advantage on the pvp side of things.

Plays completely opposite professions to his main Teef.

(edited by CrimsonNeonite.1048)

[PvP/WvW]The only thing that is truely OP...

in Profession Balance

Posted by: yolo swaggins.2570

yolo swaggins.2570

This thread is meant to address a misconception that is currently wreaking havoc in every form of PvP in this game. What I am going to talk about probably THE source of most of the toxicity that exists in the PvP and WvW game modes and I have hopes that putting this problem to light will help the players become a little more wary of complaints.

So without further delay, I present to you the source:

It is pride. The inability to accept that you, as a player, have faults and are unwilling to admit that there are personal factors you can improve upon (like experience).

How the problem of pride relates to the misconception is this…

PvP is a game mode where you are pitted against another player using the game as a medium. Since the opposing side is controlled by a living player, the game becomes competitive. Both players striving to come out on top.

In a competitive game like GW2 PvP and WvW, you are guaranteed to run into a player who capitalizes on the required mentality for PvP. These players are usually hard to kill because they actually strive to win. If for any reason said player gets killed, they either find a way to beat it with everything they have at their disposal or they play whatever killed them and continue on winning.

Said player is the kind of PvPer that every PvP mode needs.

Now this is where pride comes in and how it causes this misconception. When a player gets beaten but is absorbed with pride, that player will deny most if not all fault within themselves and place blame on outside sources. Now this isn’t a big deal by itself. However, this problem becomes more severe the more often this behavior is enabled.

And it is not hard to enable it.

A player whose experienced the same kind of grief as another player who previously posted said complaint on the forums will see the thread as a form of confirmation, thus reinforcing their beliefs. Any incoherent, rage-induced complaining then is reverberated throughout the forums and the fallacy eventually becomes a widely believed delusion even to the players who know for a fact that it is false.

Developers can also enable this behavior by listening and acting upon it. By basing balancing decisions off of the complaints of loud minorities, you confirm a problem that never existed. Their belief that the problem lies within external sources instead of both external and internal sources is now reinforced.

Both forms of enabling (combined) leads to chaotic balancing. But more importantly, it lets players comfortably assume that Arenanet WILL nerf something if they complain hard and loud enough.

This SHOULD NOT happen. Nobody should allow this kind of behavior to go on especially when the players themselves have more than enough resources and options to work with their issues in combat. It breeds poor (actually kittenty) sportsmanship, honor, etc. among the community. Everyone pays the price and everyone is to blame.

Liaison for [Teef]
“Please stop complaining about stuff you don’t even know about.” ~Nocta

(edited by yolo swaggins.2570)


in Profession Balance

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


Engineers have plenty of access to burning. The toolbelt ability on flamethrower is already a burn aswell.
What Napalm by design was, was an area denial. Punish enemies for walking through the fire field. Ofcourse the single tick of burning, negated completely if the target had any amount of -condition duration, never really warded anyone. The tiny amount of damage that no procs doesnt change this.

Personally i wouldve liked it if Napalm inflicted cripple. Now it would actually give cause not to go through the field, and can be used by the Engineer also a means to catch up to people trying to escape, by napalming their exit route.

Versus players - why Ranger changes are good

in Profession Balance

Posted by: vincecontix.1264


Nope allows bad playerd to contribute to the level of other zerker playing there class well. No step up for burst, no positional req, they do it from range and on 8 sec cd.

Shikamaru X Thief, Warrior, Mesmer, Engi(FT leader)
Highest ranked reached 28 soloq
Isle of Janthir

Juggernaut trait not applying toughness

in Engineer

Posted by: Hvaran.6327


Ugh, so most of the buffs don’t even work, and we’re just testing the old flamethrower basically? :o

No. It is probably just the numbers in the tool tips and hero panel that do not work. At least that that is the case with deadly mixture. Juggernaut gives the might. So your definitely dealing more damage. The only possible stat missing could be the 200 toughness. It is possible that it is simply not showing up in the hero panel. I have not tested it yet though. So it is equally possible that the defense on the trait is not working as well.

deadly mixture bugged tooltips it’s 100%. Glame jet hits harder though.

Jaggernaut additional toughness works ONLY if u got some other tougness additions:
-bloodlust buff (wvw)
- Strenght In Numbers (guardian trait)
- buff food.

So it doesn’t work in:
-wvw (without listed buffs: sin, bloodlust)
- Obsidium Sanctum
-pvp (without sin)

Handarand – Handacooon – Handa Panda – Handa Genie

necro worst elites in the game

in Profession Balance

Posted by: dancingmonkey.4902


When you get an elixir that gives you a random RnG chance for one of the elites you call trash or the worst warrior elite, you call me.

juggernaut trait doesn’t increase toughness

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Cake.1305


Was playing around with a flamethrower build after last patch buffs to it, but noticed the juggernaut trait doesn’t increase the toughness.. could some confirm this is also happening with them ?!

juggernaut trait doesn’t increase toughness

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Nocturnal Lunacy.8563

Nocturnal Lunacy.8563

I can also confirm this. I thought it just wasn’t updated on the stats screen.

Forever Against Stacked Servers
Virual [VRUS] Alien Lunatics [StFu] Nocturnal Sxaddx [Nuts] Ft. Aspenwood
That which is dead may eternally lie, but with great aeons even death may die.

juggernaut trait doesn’t increase toughness

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: dancingmonkey.4902


Yup it is a problem. As well there are some buggy things with deadly mixture. It is only effecting the Flame jet. The funny thing it, when you apply the trait, it lowers Flame jets damage in the tool tip by 15%. Although in actuality it has proven to increase the damage

That lack of 200 toughness and lack of 15% damage on 3/5 skills is a problem.

juggernaut trait doesn’t increase toughness

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Adzija.5287


Just tried new patch and yea, pretty much all traits that are related to flame thrower are either bugged overall or just have bugged tooltip. Both Juggernaut and Deadly Mixture have have some sort of bug related to them.

Juggernaut doesn’t show any toughness gain and Deadly Mixture shows lower damage on auto attack with flamethrower.

I did notice that when you are downleveled you do get Juggernaut bonus but on level 80 areas it just doesn’t show.

juggernaut trait doesn’t increase toughness

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: hailsatan.2865


Ive got all these and two other bugs i noticed listed, sorted and detailed on this post if you guys wanna help me support it.

juggernaut trait doesn’t increase toughness

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Hvaran.6327


same here

no armor or toungess bonus on Jaggernaut trait while using flamethrower in WvW(when u got no bloodlust) or PVE or Obsidium as nihasa mentioned

when u got bloodlust in wvw u are getting tougness from trait

and deadly mixture when traited shows some weird numbers i traited it untraited, traited untraited and in the ned flame jet tooltip has risen without it …

Handarand – Handacooon – Handa Panda – Handa Genie

(edited by Hvaran.6327)

Balance and Overall Feedback: Balance is a culprit

in Profession Balance

Posted by: nearlight.3064


Can I have your stuff?

No I owe a friend some gold and I might come back in 6+months.

Necromancer Main
Taking a break from GW2 to play various
Nintendo games..

RIP Warrior Class

in Profession Balance

Posted by: dancingmonkey.4902


Killed? Hardly. You are simply a mere mortal now, like the rest of us.

ANET you just did a great justice with the game. Whoever Okayed these changes should be given a bonus. And your whole balance testing team should as well.

juggernaut trait doesn’t increase toughness

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Regord.2319


I can confirm this too.

Just one more touch for flamethrower

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Rozbuska.5263


What? really, nerf retaliation more? for wvw?
It has already been nerfed and now you want a nerf to promote the usage of flamethrower that gets buffed and now you are afraid that you do too much damage and the usage might kill you?

And eat that again dumb kid:

Tekkit Mojo – Engineer
Tekkit’s Workshop

Juggernaut trait not applying toughness

in Engineer

Posted by: dancingmonkey.4902


Was playing around with a flamethrower build after last patch buffs to it, but noticed the juggernaut trait doesn’t increase the toughness.. could some confirm this is also happening with them ?!

Yup. All of the traits for FT are bringing up wrong numbers when applied. I sent in several bug reports (join me in doing so, please). I did learn that deadly mixture is in fact giving a 15% damage buff to Flame jet, although it reads as if it gives a 15% nerf.

Juggernaut trait not applying toughness

in Engineer

Posted by: Cake.1305


Was playing around with a flamethrower build after last patch buffs to it, but noticed the juggernaut trait doesn’t increase the toughness.. could some confirm this is also happening with them ?!

Engineer's Deadly Mixture trait

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: hailsatan.2865


Did you notice the new napalm dmg isn’t boosted by the trait either?

Engi bug with trait "Deadly Mixture"

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: David.3259


Great Update thank you guys just wanted to point out a small oversight on the engi with the increase of the flamethrower auto attack with this update, if you take the trait “Deadly Mixture” increased flame thrower damage by 15% it actually lowers your auto attack to a 15% increase off the old damage modifier ie without trait auto attack says 10x 1910 with my build when I select that trait it says 10x 1480 all the other skills are increased by 15% but the auto attack is lowered. If you guys could fix this bug that would be amazing. Thank you.

-Riddik The Brave

Engi bug with trait "Deadly Mixture"

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Ryethiel.2637


Yup, broken…