Showing Posts For ArcticRed.3068:

Are Rangers a Priority? No.

in Ranger

Posted by: ArcticRed.3068


I dont usualy post in these types of threads but….

I have played most of the classes to lvl80 now and i can say 100% without bias that the ranger class (while being my favourite class) is definately the most underpowered.

I am talking purely WvW here, but i own 3 full armor sets and the weapons to match and there is absolutely no freeking way that i can pump out the same damage as any of my other level 80’s.

I have zero chance of beating a same skilled thief, mesmer, guardian, Elem or Engineer.
The only classes i seem to be able to beat with any regularity is Necro (because they are as kittened as us) and warrior (because none of them seem to have a ranged weapon equiped, they are all running GS/Hammer or GS/sword n board).

It is truly ridiculous in my eyes why the ranger seems to be kittened in so many ways.
Our DPS is well below average, pet AI is kittened.
We arent the best ranged class or the best melee, we dont have the best bunker specs or heal specs, we arent the best party buffers or enemy debuffers.

There is absolutely nothing we excell at.

So what makes me keep coming back? I dont have a fking clue to be perfectly honest.

new skins

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: ArcticRed.3068


I like the order of whisper armor

Where is the merchant who sells this, my character is order of whispers.

new skins

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: ArcticRed.3068


Hi all,

I have taken 5 different toons to lvl 80 doing little to no PvE content. I have finally decided on my main toon and want to start meking him look good. He is fully kitted out in exotics but he looks just like everyone else…. i want something a little different.

So would somebody be so kind as to point a PvE newb in the right direction for the shinies
I see people running around with shiny swords and armor and im interested in which dungeon is the easiest to farm for these skins.

Im a ranger btw if that makes a difference.
Tnx in advance for any help.

What class troubles you the most

in Warrior

Posted by: ArcticRed.3068


So nobody has too many problems with thieves here?
Mesmers wouldnt trouble me tbh, i have one and can spot the real one a mile off. My guardian struggles vs them because he has no mobility and low dps.

tropical bird

in Ranger

Posted by: ArcticRed.3068


I was in a massive 3 way zerg yesterday when i noticed one of my enemy seemed to have a “juvenile tropical bird” as a pet.
Has this jist been added? If so where do they spawn?

Or was i just imagining it with all the adrenalin going to my head lol?

What class troubles you the most

in Warrior

Posted by: ArcticRed.3068


Im talking pure WvW here.

On my other characters its mainly P/D thieves. Apart from my guardian who eats them but struggles vs Mesmers.

I have just started a warrior and plan to lvl from 30 upwards in WvW so i was wondering what class i need to look out for

A question for the BM's

in Ranger

Posted by: ArcticRed.3068


I just got my ranger to lvl 76 and am wearing full lvl74 beserker exotics and jewelry.
My weapons are the lvl70 Berserker SB and LB.
I use precision food and sharpening stones / oils.

In WvW i realy struggle to burst down most classes unless they have their back to me and i use QZ and SB.

So i was wondering… i will be hitting lvl80 soon and i mostly roam in WvW. Im solo 50% of the time and the rest of the time i tag along with the numerous zergs.
Because of my playstyle i was going to go BM heavey for solo raoming.

BUT, will i be able to kill anything lol?
My crit atm is over 50% and i hit like a truck but am extremely squishy, but even hitting like a truck im finding it hard to burst folk down
Warriors and Guardians just shrug my damage off then whirl or 100b me to death lol.

My current build is;TgAg0CnoqxUjoGbNuak1A
Using eagle and raven

Any help appreciated guys, i wanna get my armor choices right first time if i can.


Hornet Sting causes culling? Or was it hack?

in Ranger

Posted by: ArcticRed.3068


I havent come across this problem with any rangers, however there is some form of stealth hack / exploit that a thief is using atm vs my server (SFR).

He enters our keeps and destroys all the siege equipment solo even with an army around him. He stays perma stealth (im talking 20-30 seconds here) and only materialises when he is destroying the siege equipment.
AoE doesn’t seem to affect him at all.

The worst part is, he gets reported server wide every time he is spotted and he is still there

Before anyone says thieves can do this and it isnt an exploit, let me explain that he destroys all sieges in one keep, then all of a sudden he is inside another without any walls or gates being damaged.


in Ranger

Posted by: ArcticRed.3068


Hi all.

I have taken every profession to lvl80 now apart from necro and ranger.

I do this mainly through Wv3 and have noticed a few things on my lvl50 ranger. The most glaring one is the total lack of stunbreakers or escapes in general.
On my mesmer i have tons of escapes and breakers, the same on my Ele.
My Thief (now deleted) never died unless to a zerg appearing from nowhere.
My warrior could also escape pretty easily if needed.
My guardian hasn’t got much in the way of blinks or mobility but he makes up for it with sheer tankyness and simply refusing to die.

On my 50 ranger im dead unless its a 1v1. All classes have the ability of chasing me down, and if they have CC i find myself justhaving to wait it out.

Are there any utilitys that i have missed… any blinks, stun breaks, invisibilty. Anything at all realy?
This isnt a QQ btw, i seriously want to know if im missing something here.
It just feels alien to have one or all of the above abilitys on all the other classes and then nothing on this one.

I must be missing something surely.
Can someone enlighten me please?

Short Bow bleeds

in Ranger

Posted by: ArcticRed.3068


It only bleeds when you hit them from the side or behind. Although they are very generous when they say side and behind which is basically any direction rather than directly in front of them.

Ahhhh ty man, that has solved that then

Was beggining to think it was bugged

Short Bow bleeds

in Ranger

Posted by: ArcticRed.3068


Is there a known issue with SB giving the bleed effect.

I have only been playing my ranger for a couple of days but in that time i have noticed that the SB only bleeds my target 50% of the time. Is this a known issue or is it just me?

Thinking Starting a Ranger

in Ranger

Posted by: ArcticRed.3068


“-Is there diversity in Ranger builds? If so can you share a quick summary of one you know or one that you enjoy/made. (no long paragraph needed, just wondering if there are choices)”

There is. You see, the good thing about our class is that no matter what set-up you use, you will always perform sub-par to other classes. It’s truly a brilliant game design!

The build I currently use and enjoy is a traditional ‘bunker’ beastmaster build, with a greatsword and double axes. It’s a really fun playstyle in my opinion.

“- Is the Ranger good in WvW/PvE?”

Good? No. Sortof viable? I suppose.

“-What do YOU like about your ranger?”

Pet companion and the whole natural survivalist feel. Definately not the class utilities or traits, haha. Sad face.

I see lots of negativity on the Ranger boards, and at least on the WvW front it was justified a while ago … but imho now it is no longer justified.

On my Guardian i used to trounce rangers easily, now they can fight me to a draw. They must be bunker specced because i just cant seem to damge them, but they cant kill me either.

On my Ele, i used to always be on the lookout for Thieves. But once i learned the Ele D/D class effectively i now actively seek them out to kill them. I have died 5 times in the last week in WvW and guess what…. four times it was to rangers. They would burst me down to 30% and then their pet would catch me when i ran to heal up. Not sure of the spec with these guys but they use Longbow and hit like a freaking truck.

On my thief i play P/D or P/P with SB. Its more of a wear you down build, it works awesome against other thieves and heavy armor wearers. But again Ele, Necros and well played Rangers can beat me. But thats balance. I don’t play the D/D build on my thief, i like a challenge and D/D just aint challenging if u have the right gear and spec.

The common theme i have noticed over the last week is that since release i could count on one hand the amount of Rangers that have killed any of my Toons in zerg vs zerg…. 1vs1 i can’t remember a single instance tbh.
But in the last week i have been killed 1v1 by Rangers on my Thief and my Ele.

I even rolled a ranger yesterday just so i could get a sense of their skills etc so i can figure out a counter.

"Reflect damage"

in Guardian

Posted by: ArcticRed.3068


Actualy the OP is misleading, he asks about “reflect” skills. Reflect = take no damage but direct it back to your attacker.

Retaliation, to put it in simple terms = someone slaps you in the face, then you (retaliate) and slap them back. So you BOTH get a slap and a nice red face.

retaliate = you both get hit
Reflect = only the guy doing the hitting gets hit

If you had....

in Guardian

Posted by: ArcticRed.3068


I would reroll a warrior. We will continue to get nerfs because anet has no idea what they are doing. Do yourself a favor and play a profession that won’t be nerfed -> the warrior who can do everything a guardian can and more.

I have a lvl80 warrior, and i prefer my guardian 100% more in WvW.
The only thing i hate is the lack of mobility.

Im just trying to find that “sweet spot” on my guardian where my build + armor + weapons all come together to do what i want them to, which is to help me survive and kill solo.

I usualy come to the forums and ask these questions in all MMO’s once i have found the class that suits my playstyle. Im not a theory crafter, im rubbish at that side of things. However once i have been pointed in the right direction i can usualy tailor the build to suit me and become realy effective.
The AH was a good build, it was slightly wasted on me because i mainly solo though.
Im looking for the optimum solo build.

Having lots of problems in 1 vs 1s.

in Guardian

Posted by: ArcticRed.3068


How to deal with dd eles? The good ones. I can’t seem to touch them.

Touch – meaning catch or kill? I play both guardian and d/d ele. You won’t catch an ele if they want to get away, just too many options to get away and burst distance. When I’m fighting on my d/d ele I want to draw the fight out since I’m doing smaller damage but good healing. We have 2 knock downs, so stability is good to have. Also, our largest damage dealer is the churning earth which has 5 second cast time, obvious animation and a long cool down. It can be dodged if you time it right. Also a lot of the damage is from the bleed stacks it puts on, so purging conditions is pretty good too.

One of the most memorable times I had fighting a guardian was when I tried to zip around a group of 3 that were capping our camp. I saw he was a hammer guardian and I thought, meh, I play that and I don’t think anything can stop me. Instead I focused on the mesmer which I thought was the greatest threat. He did hammer 5 + JI and I didn’t realize what he had done. I saw the ring on the ground, saw him right next to me and kept trying to zip out of the ring. I didn’t realize what was happening till I died and then looked at the combat log to figure it out. I can only imagine he was chuckling.

I play both aswell so im realy surprised you didnt know that you can dodge through the ring.

If you had....

in Guardian

Posted by: ArcticRed.3068


If you had a fresh lvl 80 Guardian and could choose all the armor, jewelry, weapons and BUILD from scratch what would you choose.

The scenario im setting is for solo / small group PvE and WvW.
For PvE the build needs to be able to take on 2-3 Orr mobs solo at a time… nothing too stressfull there.
In WvW im looking for the same build to be able to solo camps and 80-90% of the roaming thieves i come across.

I have made quite a bit of cash on my other toons while leveling and doing W3 and have finaly settled on my favorite toon, the toon im going to be investing 90% of my time into…. and that choice is my guardian.

I find myself solo quite alot, even though im a member of a guild. I always seem to go off on my own tangent and before i know it im roaming solo. The fact is that i cant run from a thief, hell the truth be known… i cant run from anyone with this toon lol, its just soooo slow. So, why run? I prefer to stay and fight.

Any build and gear advice would be welcome.

I used to love it

in Elementalist

Posted by: ArcticRed.3068


Anyone with a gaming mouse, a couple of weeks of practise and an IQ higher than their footprint will find that the skill level needed to play Ele once muscle memory is learned is on par with all the other classes barring Thief… Thief is ludicrously easy to play.

Anyone with an IQ higher than their footprint knows 10finger typing and is therefore able to press more than 4 different buttons.

You play ur mouse with ur third hand? 0-o

Erm…. yeah.
So what do u use for ur mouse if ur 10 finger typing?

I used to love it

in Elementalist

Posted by: ArcticRed.3068


Anyone with a gaming mouse, a couple of weeks of practise and an IQ higher than their footprint will find that the skill level needed to play Ele once muscle memory is learned is on par with all the other classes barring Thief… Thief is ludicrously easy to play.

Anyone with an IQ higher than their footprint knows 10finger typing and is therefore able to press more than 4 different buttons.

You play ur mouse with ur third hand? 0-o

I used to love it

in Elementalist

Posted by: ArcticRed.3068


LOL @ you if you think ele is anything else then the most complex class in the game. Even the devs said it has the highest skillcap by design. And WVW isn’t pvp, it’s a zerg. It doesn’t count for anything.

The most complex purely from the standpoint of having the most keybinds… that is if you live in the 1990’s. If you play with a gaming mouse or gaming keyboard then the only thing that remains challenging is the fact that you have 4 attunements to cycle through. While other classes only have 2 (engineer excluded).

Anyone with a gaming mouse, a couple of weeks of practise and an IQ higher than their footprint will find that the skill level needed to play Ele once muscle memory is learned is on par with all the other classes barring Thief… Thief is ludicrously easy to play.

I used to love it

in Elementalist

Posted by: ArcticRed.3068


when elementalists were considered a rare and skilled class…. nowdays they are everywhere, not fun.

I find your thought process rather funny.
When was Elementalist considered a rare and skilled class? I live in WvW and there are always 100 Eles AoE’ing keeps lol… hardly rare or skilled.

Lately i will admit that most have given up their staffs for D/D, and most suck at it. But they will get better.

Lol @ you for thinking you where rare or skilled for playing they class

I used to love it

in Elementalist

Posted by: ArcticRed.3068


I find it so hilarious that Ele has become a FOTM class.

I wouldn’t say it is a FOTM class.
I have a lvl80 thief, mesmer, guardian and warrior. Im in the process of lvl’ing an Ele (lvl61 atm). And i can say without a shadow of a doubt that the classes i see while im questing are 60% ranger and the rest thief or guardian.

It is extremely rare to see another Ele leveling up.

What's the deal about D/D Ele??

in Guardian

Posted by: ArcticRed.3068


I run a meditation build and 99% of the time in w3, and I see a lot of people now playing D/D ele because they say is the bomb right now, but every time I found myself fighting against one is like “what’s the deal of this??” they dont do anything. They always predictible, they run on lighting and knock you down, then I say “what the kitten?” I must have lost half of my HP, but I look at is like a hit for 200-300 that dont even moved my health bar, then they run back avoiding counter attack. I dont see a point in play a D/D ele, just to knock down ppl. I got hit a lot more by staff ele.

Check this guy out.

I play Guardian and Ele, my Ele is lvl61 in yellows and i beat a lvl80 guardian yesterday solo.
I use the same build as the guy in the link but im not as skillfull as him.

WvWvW as a heavy PVPer

in Elementalist

Posted by: ArcticRed.3068


You are a heavy PvP’er but you joined a guild where nobody PvP’s?
And why did you only start WvW when you where already 80 if you hate crafting and PvE?

Im similar to you in a couple of aspects.
I also love to PvP, so what i did right at the start of this game was make my very first toon an AoE’er with good survivability…. so i made a warrior. She is parked in Orr and never leaves. I play her for 1-2 hrs a day and make enough gold to outfit my (PvP) Toons and keep them in oils and food

If you dont want to go down this route (leveling a warrior to 80 takes a few days) then i dont know what to say tbh. All MMO’s require you to do some PvE or Crafting… nobody is gonna give you a full set of lvl80 shinies for free.
TBH most MMO’s have a steep gear grind, far steeper than this game. I found it ridiculously easy to outfit all my characters in Exotics (i have 5 lvl 80’s btw)

roaming build

in Guardian

Posted by: ArcticRed.3068


I have been away at work for two weeks and just got back, four days ago.
In those four days i have been leveling an Ele…..

Anyway, the reason im posting is that my build now sucks in solo WvW roaming lol.
I had a AH build wearing knights gear and a mixture of jewelry. My toughness was 1.8k,
Crit was 58% and my HP was 11.4k.

I realised that the last few patches had kittened my build up so i went 0/30/30/10/0 (monks focus) and swapped out some jewelry to give me 13.5k HP and 52% crit.
Im just performing so far under par it just isnt true lol.

Can anyone ( who roams solo same as me most of the time ) give me an idea of the new solo friendly builds without me having to spend a kitten load of gold changing all my armor etc.
Im looking for that sweet spot that i used to have… a build that doesnt win every encounter but can give a good account of itself in most situations.

Eagerly awaiting any replies


in Elementalist

Posted by: ArcticRed.3068


I created an Ele a few days ago as my WvW toon. I chose him for the mobility and the steady damage.

The thing is, im using sigil of air atm for my mobility, when i start WvW roaming i will need this slot for defensive skills. so apart from RTL where does an Ele’s mobility come from?
I fought many ele’s in WvW with my other toons and they could always break away and run if they needed to, but looking at the skills on my " fresh out the box" Ele i just cant see where the mobility comes from.

Any help?

lvl 30+

in Elementalist

Posted by: ArcticRed.3068


Thanks for the advice guys, gonna get a respec now

lvl 30+

in Elementalist

Posted by: ArcticRed.3068


Hey guys,

I started an Ele lately and got him to lvl30 today. I usualy play melee so i went D/D thinking it would be ideal for my playstyle. Sadly it isn’t, i die quite alot to single same lvl enemys and even more vs 2-3.

So i have started using staff for grinding out the levels. When would you more experienced Ele’s say D/D is good in PvE?
Maybe im specced wrong atm 10/0/0/0/10

I want to play WvW when i get to lvl50+ and was hoping to get used to the D/D skillsets now, i don’t want to have to reprogram myself away from staff at later levels.

Any and all advice welcome.

20 point inspiration

in Mesmer

Posted by: ArcticRed.3068


If you’re talking about barrage, it doesn’t get reflected.

Im talking about “warden’s feedback”

Guess I got confused by your wording or something. My bad I guess.
Even with that trait the warden is the only reliable reflect really.
Since Temporal Curtain height is balls.

I only tried wardens feedback recently, i didnt want to spec too far into anything apart from DPS or Toughness, because i wasnt well geared. But now i have the gear where im still more than viable and can pick traits just for the traits and not for the extra dps or survivability.

Time will tell, i only just started using it but it is working wonders atm.

20 point inspiration

in Mesmer

Posted by: ArcticRed.3068


If you’re talking about barrage, it doesn’t get reflected.

Im talking about “warden’s feedback”

20 point inspiration

in Mesmer

Posted by: ArcticRed.3068


I rolled a Guardian as an alt recently and went to WvW and realised that during sieges i couldn’t realy do very much apart from laying the “wall of reflection” skill at the door.

Anyway, it got me thinking about my mesmer since the LOS nerf/fix on the berzerker.
I wear full knights with a mixture of jewelry. My crit is 46% and my toughness (was 2.1k) is 1.8k. I respeced and took 20 points in inspiration for the reflect and reduce cd on focus. It is awesome, can’t believe i haven’t used it before.

When im being chased i lay it down and not only do i get the obvious speed buff, but i don’t get any pew pew in the back either
During sieges i lay it down where ever the enemy is AoE’ing and watch all the lovely numbers. As a guardian you have to jump from the wall to lay this at the gate, as a Mesmer you can do it from 600.

I was on the wall today and took a ranger to 40% HP then when he did his AoE i laid it down and watched him kill himself lol.

Has anyone else tried it recently?

How do we kill mesmers?

in Guardian

Posted by: ArcticRed.3068


My main is a Mesmer and i have a low level guardian.

In my experience the only guardians that can come close to beating me have to pressure me,like a couple of people have already said, just ignore the clones.

Firstly the mesmer will deploy 2 clones and a Phantasm immediately, ignore them and make a beeline for him. Now he will do one of three things.
1) He will hit shatter, you will know he did this because the clones will all start moving towards you. This is quite simple to dodge if you know what to look for.
2) He will dissapear for 3 seconds leaving a clone behind, you will know he has done this because there will be .5 of a second before the cloan becomes visable. So just AoE the area and wait for him to pop out of stealth, he can’t get far.
3) He will use blink (teleports him a short distance away) this can realy confuse the crap out of people.

Basicaly the clones dont hurt you much, so leave them alone and concentrate on the mesmer, they hurt much more if you kill them than if you dont.
If the Mesmer is glass cannon spec (low toughness) and you keep your eye on him and watch out for the shatter, then he is toast. If he is specced toughness then he will usualy wear you down after a long fight.

My mesmer is specced toughness so thieves can’t oneshot me and i find it works realy well vs Guardians and all other melee. The only melee that beat me are the ones that aren’t fooled by the clones and dodge the shatters.

Guess the build

in Guardian

Posted by: ArcticRed.3068


Ty, Ill look into the build.

Guess the build

in Guardian

Posted by: ArcticRed.3068


I was playing in WvW yesterday solo on my Mesmer when i noticed the sword icon on a supply camp nearby, so i went to investigate.
It was a solo guardian so i thought “cool” ill kill the dude then move on.
Five minutes later and im still beating on the dude and he is still soloing the entire camp lol, admitedly he seemed to be a great player and knew his class well.

This aint a QQ btw lol, im asking because i have a lvl2* guardian and i would love to know the build that he was using.
He was GS then mace/shield and i just could not get the guy below 60% HP, this was with my Geared Mesmer and the 5 camp NPC’s.

Eventualy when he had taken the camp and it was me vs him and 5 NPC’s i had to cut my losses and move on.
He couldn’t do anything to stop me from running, im assuming this is because he was in combat the whole time so couldn’t swap his traits out that he used to kill the camp.

Anyway TLDR: I was wanting my Guardian to be my secondary WvW class and would love it if somebody could shed some light on the build this guy might have been using. I realy enjoy being hard to kill, much more than i enjoy seeing pretty numbers

Wall of reflection and mesmers

in Guardian

Posted by: ArcticRed.3068


It has to be projectiles… ie. Arrows or Bullets.
It doesn’t work vs spells.

How is Guardian's "spot" at the moment?

in Guardian

Posted by: ArcticRed.3068


oh and of course………

you get to be like the only person on the map who can actually solo a thief

My Mesmer kills thieves all day long solo, unless they are 100% geared and traited for BS. If they are they can usualy kill me before they render on my screen.
On my Necro they aren’t a problem at all tbh, especialy the 100% BS guys, they go down with 2 AoE’s.

Never tried them with a guardian, mine is only lvl22 so i cant coment

Spectral Walk - Recall now works properly

in Necromancer

Posted by: ArcticRed.3068


You can still activate the Spectral Recall half way through falling too lol, time to jump off cliffs in borderlands and recall at the very end to avoid zergs xD

lol you have an evil mind…. me likes:D

Necros are overpowered

in Necromancer

Posted by: ArcticRed.3068


Listen, im not here to argue with you.
You started a thread making bold claims and then left people to guess because you havent backed it up with ANY proof.

Where is the Vid you promissed 3 days ago?
The link you just “redirected” me to doesn’t work (for me anyway).

So i will say again, so far you have provided zero proof to back up any of your claims.
No video, no build link (that works) and no gear setup.
If you aren’t here to show something new and then discuss it, then why post in the first place? kitten?

Necros are overpowered

in Necromancer

Posted by: ArcticRed.3068


He described it with words, and other people just posted the build based on his description because they are supah sleuths!

Thats what i thought, OP hasn’t actualy posted a build or a vid. He just throws “i have the ultimate build!!” out there then lets people start guessing, then he just picks the best one and says, “By god you got it old boy!”

It beats making a post asking for an OP WvW build, just make another topic, “Guess my Ultimate WvW build” then take the best one for yourself, EPIC!!


Necros are overpowered

in Necromancer

Posted by: ArcticRed.3068


in the end, +1, nice build, it’s not a standard cookie cutter and can compete with the hordes of conditionmancers we see swinging scepter1 saying trol-lol-lol in /m channel. don’t see why people have to be abrasive about the subject. There are some useful tidbits of knowledge gained from studying this type of build.

Studying what build?
He didn’t post one did he?

Necros are overpowered

in Necromancer

Posted by: ArcticRed.3068


I have found a build that is sooooo OP it can solo keeps in WvW and only zergs can kill me… even then only if im afk! And if i do die i drop legendary weapons and recipes!
Anet asked me to keep this quite till after the Update, but i just couldn’t keep it in any more.

It also rules in PvE farming, when i show up everyone else logs off if they aint in my group.

Ill provide a vid one day, just keep googling for “OPNecroGodliness” and one of these days it will be on there, in the mean time just take me at my word mkay?

Any hint?

All i can say is Regene……. oops you almost tricked me

Yesterday there where 30 zerging me and 25 zerging the slug, the slug died first!!! And the chest i dropped was bigger.

(edited by ArcticRed.3068)

Necros are overpowered

in Necromancer

Posted by: ArcticRed.3068


I have found a build that is sooooo OP it can solo keeps in WvW and only zergs can kill me… even then only if im afk! And if i do die i drop legendary weapons and recipes!
Anet asked me to keep this quite till after the Update, but i just couldn’t keep it in any more.

It also rules in PvE farming, when i show up everyone else logs off if they aint in my group.

Ill provide a vid one day, just keep googling for “OPNecroGodliness” and one of these days it will be on there, in the mean time just take me at my word mkay?

[Suggestion] Thief Stealth fix/compromise

in Suggestions

Posted by: ArcticRed.3068


i can cast a blind between c&d and backstab.
if you take the combo and are with 4k hp you can stealth and heal yourself and go back to 9/10 k hp …

Realy is pointless arguing with blinkered people, so i wont try any more.

[Suggestion] Thief Stealth fix/compromise

in Suggestions

Posted by: ArcticRed.3068


If im full toughness and no DPS and still getting killed in 4 seconds then IT needs to be adressed, and i will keep asking for it to be sorted out.

4 seconds are so long…. if you were not able to do anything in 4 seconds there is something wrong.
4 seconds are pretty enough to hit 1 key… maybe the one with “decoy” or “mirror images” or “blink” …

Their opener steal>C&D>BS hits me instantly for 14k.
It doesn’t matter what way you slice it, im still sitting with +-4k HP at the start of the fight, Nothing i do can stop the initial 14k burst.

[Suggestion] Thief Stealth fix/compromise

in Suggestions

Posted by: ArcticRed.3068


Because passive defense (armor, stats) is but around one tenth of your total defense.
If you want long fights you need not more armor, but more mobility, more dodges, more awareness.

I know how to PvP. He preloads C&D then hits me with steal and backstab. All 3 hitting me for 14k, that leaves me with 4k health left.
Tell me how i can avoid this please?
You guys always say its everyone elses fault for getting hit this hard.

In the other post i was told this:
You’re a glass cannon thats why you died so quickly.
No im not i have 1.8k toughness.

You dont have enough armor, what’s your armor values.
My armor value is 2.7k, higher than a leather armor wearer.

You don’t have stunbreakers so it was your fault.
Yes i do, but this is a moot point because i wasn’t stunned, i was taken to 4k HP in essentialy one attack as thay all hit together.

You should have CC’ed him.
You can,t CC somebody who doesn’t render untill you are dead.

Well the rendering issues isn’t the thiefs fault!
True, but the rendering issue takes 1-2 seconds. Should i be able to be killed in this time anyway unless by a zerg?

You should have AoE’ed the area.
I dont have any AoE.

Now you are saying i need awerness.
How does this help me when the steal can be done from range and is instant?
You say i need more dodges.
How does this help me when their first attack leaves me with 4k HP? So i go into stealth, so do they. I come out of stealth after 3 seconds, so do they. I dodge twice, so do they… im still on 4k HP and they are on 14 lol.

[Suggestion] Thief Stealth fix/compromise

in Suggestions

Posted by: ArcticRed.3068


And, again, surviving is not a matter of giving away all your dps, it is about changing your playstyle

Rolling full toughness IS my playstyle, i like to win fights through attrition. I like long fights.
So if i have all toughness armor, jewelry and traits then why is it right in your eyes for me to die in 4 seconds to a thief that decides to spec glass cannon because that is his playstyle?

[Suggestion] Thief Stealth fix/compromise

in Suggestions

Posted by: ArcticRed.3068


More options = more difficult to mention everything = more people deleting their posts and not coming to forums for a few days after one good comment = everyone wins

ArcticRed, please. We are not telling that, for example BS, is weak. We can agree that it should be changed a bit. We do not agree to the fact that most people come here, spitting out senseless amount of senseless information, giving ridiculous conclusions and suggestions without a single thought. Worst part is that anet will have to read this, they decided this themselves by making off forums, so that minimum of informative posts with constructive suggestions may be lost and result in another “pw nerf”.

If im full toughness and no DPS and still getting killed in 4 seconds then IT needs to be adressed, and i will keep asking for it to be sorted out.

[Suggestion] Thief Stealth fix/compromise

in Suggestions

Posted by: ArcticRed.3068


Anet should stop the little games with weapon sets a give a SELECTION of skills for every slot of every weapon set. Until then there will be problem with every aspect of the game. This game does not need that much change to existing things. This game must simply have more options to choose from, so that people will blame everything on themselves for not being able to make a right choice, not complain about being hardly outplayed and blame everything on class imbalance (that is directly result of limited options)

ppl will not blame themselves ever. atm we have glass cannons complaining because they die by thieves instead of take some toughness and vitality.

I mentioned in another post that my mesmer can beat most thieves over a couple of minutes in a fight, It takes me this long because she is high toughness. 1.8k toughness, 2.7k armor so her dps is low but has high survivability…. at least that is what i thought. A BS burst specced thief killed me 4 times in a row in 4 seconds using steal>C&D>BS>heartseeker x2. The damage was 14k for the opening burst then 3k for each heartseeker.
Tell me this is intended? Tell me that me giving away all my dps in favor of survivability, means he can still kill me in 4 seconds.

[Suggestion] Thief Stealth fix/compromise

in Suggestions

Posted by: ArcticRed.3068


Most of the people who complain about stealth just plain don’t understand it. They believe it’s “perma stealth” and think that they “can’t see the theif coming” and think you “can’t be hit”.

This game requires you to do things that you aren’t trained to do from other MMOs. I made a Mesmer alt and my favorite WvW pastime is yanking Thieves from SR with Focus#4. Why has this literally never happen to my Thief when I play him? I can only assume the vast majority of Mesmers don’t know you can do this.

Stealth in this game is a fluid in combat ability. It’s a powerful defense mechanism but it’s our only one. They either completely re-do the profession or they make small tweaks to reveled debuff after fixing culling.

Yeah i like to do this aswell, the GS push ability also works a treat.

The problem with stealth as i see it.
In other MMO’s that i have played stealth classes usualy get ONE escape to use if the feck up their assault, the “ohhhhkitten button”.
In GW2 you can pop in and out of stealth every 3 seconds, meaning you can escape the fight at any time, with the aid of the SB and shadow refuge its very easy to escape when things go wrong.

My problem with the thief in this game is just the insane burst they can achieve while still having stealth and the best mobility in the game.

How do you 2vs2 two thieves?

in Thief

Posted by: ArcticRed.3068


lol so much BS spoken here, people trying to defend the backstab Thiefs burst lol.
I have a Mesmer with 1.8k toughness, i can kill thieves in a prolonged fight if i can stop them from running.
Glass cannon thieves still kill me in seconds.

Yesterday i was hit for 14k with steal>c&d>BS and then killed with 2 heartseekers for 3k each, i didn’t see this Thief at and time during the fights as he didn’t even render till he was stomping me. The Thief that did this to me beat me 4 times that day without me being able to fight back.

I have given up all my burst for added survivability, but i still only last 4-5 seconds to this type of thief… is this fair?
I know some of you blind fanboois will say dodge the steal… lmao, you can’t dodge what you cant see coming.
Or CC him … lmao, you can’t CC while dead.

The simple facts are, if i am willing to give up my dps for toughness then the thief should have to adapt his tactics to kill me and go for a condition build. The simple fact that a Thief using BS build can take down any target using the exact same combo’s is absolute nonsense. The only difference between me with 1.8k toughness, and me specced with 900 toughness in Glass cannon spec is 2-3 more seconds of life if a BS Thief decides to attack me from stealth.

So the issue is that you can’t see him, well that is not the thiefs fault but rather a issue that Anet is trying to fix. Should thieves be nerfed because there is issues with the gameplay in general? What will happen once the issue is solved then, well it will be left where it’s currently at.
How much armor do you have?

Did you even read what i said?
I was already 14k down before i would have been able to see him with zero rendering issues. So sitting on 18k HP that leaves me with a 4k pool to work with.
You with me so far? good, stay alert because now it gets interesting.

Because i gave up my burst for this toughness, even if the thief stood still and didnt attack me back it would take me 30sec to wear him down. But i don’t have that luxury, because he can spam 2 hearseekers in the time it takes me to cast one spell to destroy the last of my health pool.

I dont have a problem with any other thief spec, if im winning they simply dissapear… im fine with that. If a glass cannon warrior goes for me he better pray his charge > HB lands or ill wear him down.
There is a hard counter to every skill or spec in this game APART from BS thieves.

Edit: how much armor do i have? Well im a light armor wearer, there is no way of upping armor to my knowledge so what does that matter?

Well whats the issue with telling me how much armor you got? I got 2k armor as a total glass cannon p/p thief and you should have more since you are specced for tank.

If he surprised you then you didn’t keep your eyes open, if he was stealthed and executed his combo he would have gotten revealed buff from mug / CnD and wouldn’t have been able to backstab you since he wasn’t in stealth, thus it’s your own fault for not seeing him coming. A rifle warrior could have shot you in the neck for an insane amount of damage without you having a chance to react as well according to your definition.

Also if you can’t manage to do 10k dmg on someone with less than 2k armor in a very short amount of time you need to really rethink your setup, 30 seconds? I don’t believe that.

Im sitting on 2707 armor, 1787 toughness. Just for your information.

The thief wasn’t stupid, he stayed out of los untill he did his steal … which as you know can be done from distance. From him preloading C&D > steal > backstab (5k>3k>7k) im sitting on 4k HP after 2 seconds of the fight starting. I also still can’t see him (not the thiefs fault) then he hits me with 2x heartseekers taking 2sec that still hit me even if im moving because they are leaps.

This all happens in 3-4 seconds.

Now your argument that a warrior can do this. First of all the “warrior shooting me in the neck” has a 3-4 second cast time, he goes onto one knee to telegraph what he is doing and on top of that I CAN SEE HIM, and he has to have full rage(is that bar called rage?) That is alot of pre requisites for an unspammable attack, the thief on the other hand can do his attack again and again and again.

How do you 2vs2 two thieves?

in Thief

Posted by: ArcticRed.3068


Thieves can be countered because it happened to me, how many times do I have to mention it? I have lost to: Elementalist, Guardian, Engineer, Warrior, Hunter when they knew what they were doing and had correct traits.

Again if you want to prove anything make a video of you fighting thieves. If I do make a video with my thief roaming in WvW you will see me winning most 1vs1 fights because the opponents are clueless players that have no idea what they are doing, I encounter them every day in WvW, probably because people are playing this game more casually than other mmo’s.

Thief is a 1vs1 class, they are useless in long fights, because of their initiative usage and cooldowns. If you can’t accept that you just ignore the facts.

Like i said, i have a thief. I know how they play and how they are countered.
If you are losing to the classes you state then you are either terrible – undergeared or not traited correctly.
On my thief the only classes that could beat me regularly where other thieves or Mesmers. The other Thieves where Glass cannons who caught me unawares, or caught me already in combat. The Mesmers that beat me just wore me down because i play a sustained damage not burst build.

On my Mesmer i win most fights because i understand my class and the class i am fighting, there are ways to beat all other classes. There is no way to beat a class when you start the fight on 4k HP end of story.