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IOJ/Blackgate/SBI - ScoreThread

in WvW

Posted by: Ashes.6418


Coming from BG, I can say that’s just as BS as all the other cross-world alliances people complain about. We spent a good chunk of time earlier this evening working on getting our orb back from Janthir with in our own borderlands.

Doesn’t sound like a very alliance-y thing to do, stealing the orb with in our borderlands. Man up, SBI, you should know by now there are no cross-world alliances.

Guilds transfer from Blackgate to Dragonbrand for WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Ashes.6418


Made an interesting observation on BG over the last couple of days. This isn’t my opinion, this is just what I’ve witnessed.
I roll around the Borderlands usually because EB is full a lot. I help defend and everyone’s generally pretty cheerful. Commanders come in and we take orbs with flying success (sometimes) and such.
Then I go to Eternal Battlegrounds, and the chat is all people raging at each other in similar scenarios to what have been described above. I’ve seen people bashing guilds and commanders for being incompetant, the same ones that are so useful in the borderlands and everyone playing the blame game. I don’t know enough to know who is right and wrong in the situation however.

It is a very interesting difference. It’s like they’re two entirely different communities, the borderlands and the battlegrounds. I think I’ll be sticking to my borderlands for now.

There is not enough talk about FA.

FA holds it’s ground in EB during prime-time. Discuss.

FA definitely a strong server. You guys have a better night presence than DB from what I’ve seen, especially in the borderlands where I hang out most of the time. We usually dominate DB during the night, but FA keeps up there. Seems like you’re gradually slipping further behind, but you keep fighting!
I also enjoy my fights with FA a lot more. Seems like more of your players are geared and know what they’re doing (as opposed to our last weeks match-up, where I melted face)
Lost my first 1v1 all week to an FA Guardian tonight, was a pretty fun duel, if only I wasn’t trapped in close quarters with him!

Dual Pistol DPS

in Engineer

Posted by: Ashes.6418


If you’re not specced for condition, don’t bother with the second pistol. Shield and Off-Hand pistols are for two completely different play styles, don’t compare them, and certainly don’t give the Off-Hand pistol a bad name by slandering it when you’re not specced correctly to use it.

That’s like me using my condition build saying the Rifle is weak because I don’t have enough Power and Precision to make full use of it, and the Rifle doesn’t have the conditions to make use of the 1423 condition damage I have.

Elixir Build?

in Engineer

Posted by: Ashes.6418


H, B, S, R
Is what I use.
Taking Cleansing Formula 409 is better than taking Elixir C, imo.
Elixir U’s gamble is too rich for my blood.
And X is pretty garbage. I use supply crate, but it’s not that much better.

Need help with PVE engi builds

in Engineer

Posted by: Ashes.6418


funny enough this is almost the same build i run in spvp, i never really tried it in pve but i guess ill give it a shot now. one of the elixirs i run goggles in its place. but ill try your exact here in the upcoming days.

The advantage of using Elixir S and R over Goggles is that they are both effected by the 20% faster cooldown on Elixir trait and they both provide a stun blocker. S also makes you immune for 3 seconds and R refills your endurance to full.
For toolbelt skills, stealth and stability from S is good in PvP, and decent for dropping aggro in PvE. But R is brilliant, being able to res your allies mid-battle or royally screw over other condition builds by standing in the field.

Engineers Vs Rifle Warrior

in Engineer

Posted by: Ashes.6418


Point is, Engineer is meant to be the techy-long range class, but it constantly forces us into a dangerous melee range.

After carefully perusing our weapon skills, I’m pretty confident in saying that we are NOT meant to be a long-range class.

Do I really have to point out the Firearms talent that increases pistol and rifle range?
Do I really have to point out the Explosives talent that increases grenade throw range/explosion range?

If you want to be a close range Engineer, that’s fine. But don’t be complaining that you die before you can do anything.

Every class has these generic traits. Same with the cooldown reducing ones and duration increasing ones.
Just because we have a trait that reduces fall damage and releases a bunch of grenades doesn’t mean our class is supposed to be a human-airstrike either. Even with the increased range traits the pistol still fails to reach the base range of a Ranger’s bow. The Engineer is not a long range class by any stretch of the imagination.
In fact, the very notion that we have to trait into getting increase range would suggest that it’s not something which is a core part of the Engineer mechanic, and it is -optional-
And there are way more useful traits in the Firearms line than increased range.

If you want to be a long-range Engineer that’s fine, but don’t complain when all your weapon skills bar two are utterly useless.

Need help with PVE engi builds

in Engineer

Posted by: Ashes.6418


You’re probably not going to like my suggestion, since you’re already in full exotic gear and it’ll be an expensive switch but…

-Run a condition/power/vitality build with dual pistols, and melt face in PvE and PvP.
-Elixir H, B, S & R is all you ever need. Supply Crate for ultimate.
-0/20/20/30/0 in traits.
-Carrion gear with matching socketed gems (Chrysocola)

Of all the builds I’ve tried none have been more reliable to me than this. I’ve used it to complete 100% of the map solo, and have over 500 kills in wvwvw with less than 150 character deaths.
It doesn’t make you invincible, you still have to play smart, but this build has all the necessary tools to survive and still dish out increadible damage to multiple targets.
Knowledge of kiting is highly recommended.

I still don’t have enough Ecto to craft my exotic jewellery yet.


Seeing map/armors/stuck/weapons or other art issues?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Ashes.6418


Rigging issue with Female Humans during an idle animation.
Shoulders are rediculously squashed when she puts her hands on her hips.


Which race has the sexiest engineer armor at 80?

in Engineer

Posted by: Ashes.6418


I definitely feel like Enginners get the short end of the aesthetics stick. Personally I think most of the Medium armour sets are either really ugly on my Human, or are more suited to a Thief or a Ranger. I would never wear the T3 human armour on my Engineer, only ever a Thief.

The armour that I found that suits me the best is the Noble armour set. Level 80 Rare set from leatherworking. I just finished my Exotic set and immediately transmuted to the look of my Noble


Why does this exist again...?

in Engineer

Posted by: Ashes.6418


Having an ability that can be countered by people paying attention is not uncommon. The entire Mesmer class can be deconstructed by people who pay attention to which copy is moving like a player.
I don’t expect the cloaking device to be a fool-proof clutch that allows me to escape whenever I want. I’m not a Thief.

Your suggested change to the cloaking device would make it far too overpowered— even if it was a 1 second cloak. Any build with a multi-hit attack that stacks precision would be completely and utterly trumped by the engineer (Thief, Ranger, Warrior) Soon as they crit, they lose target, skill goes on cooldown.
Remeber that Cloaking device has no cooldown— this would happen on EVERY single crit. You would be stealthed more often than a Theif using this trait.

Not only that, but when you’re fighting in a pitched battle it is clear when you get immobilized, so you can stop attacking and keep your cloak. It’s not so clear when you take a critical hit, you’ll break your own cloak most of the time.

Why does this exist again...?

in Engineer

Posted by: Ashes.6418


I disagree on Cloaking Device. I never play without this trait— both in PvE and PvP. It has saved my hide more times than I can count, and only very rarely do enemies actually stop to attack you where you are immobilized, the only time you ever get hit is when they were already up close to you when they immobilize you, which does not happen that often.

Even if they do start hitting you when immobilized, you can pop Elixir S without breaking your stealth and become immune to damage. You can also chain Cloaking Device with the toolbelt of Elixir S and confuse your enemy even more when you do not reappear where they imobilized you.

I would enjoy it if the stealth activated on critical hits also, but don’t take away it’s existing functionality.

"My most useful tool is my ____"

in Engineer

Posted by: Ashes.6418


The level 80 Rare helmet from Leatherworking looks identical to the monocle, so if that’s the one you’re looking for you can always craft it again, or have it crafted for you.

Question for the pro's: How do you handle a thief?

in Engineer

Posted by: Ashes.6418


Unload condition damage onto them and watch them melt.

The fun thing about glass cannon Thieves is that for all their damage, they can’t take a punch. I build my engineer with a lot of Vit and Toughness, so a thief has to put out a lot more damage on me than I have to put out on them.

Stealth-Do we have a counter?

in Engineer

Posted by: Ashes.6418


Stealth doesn’t make you immune to damage, I usually roast people with my blowtorch when they stealth. If they’re using stealth as an aggressive move rather than to escape, it usually hits them. People aren’t smart enough to flank.

Engineer easymode

in Engineer

Posted by: Ashes.6418


Fanboy warning…again with the “l2p idiots”. Pay attention kid, or can you see anything at all through the grenade smoke? I DON’T WANT TO PLAY A GRENADIER!!!

Argumentum ad Hominem. If you have a problem with his opinion, argue that, do not just insult the guy. He’s posting his opinion and you’re attacking his character for it, and that makes you a bad person.

Grenade builds are not the only viable Engineer builds. Throughout beta and release I have been using an Elixir build to great success. I’ve completed 100% of the overworld solo with my Engineer (just need one more bugged skill point).

And just because we think the Engineer is currently good, that does not mean we’re blind to all the bugs and flaws of the class. It just means we’ve found a way around them, we’ve adapted our play styles to something that works.

If you look at all the other classes I think you’ll probably find that not every build is viable or as effective as other builds either.

Engi in sPvP: half broken kits & a pain to play?

in Engineer

Posted by: Ashes.6418


I’d say it’s more a case of “you’re not doing it well enough”
It’s too early to rule out kit-stacking as a viable PvP build, it has a rather high skill ceiling to synergise the kits and swap between them for maximum effect. It’s kind of like using an Elementalist to their full extent, swapping between attunements fluidly through combat and not just spamming it.

The logic that “I can’t use it well, therefore it must be weak” is flawed.
That being said, kits are currently garbage, and the only turret worth using is the Healing Turret.

Personally I use an Alchemy and dual pistol condition build. Very effective in PvP, a lot of survivability and it eats all those glass cannon builds people are still using.
I also use an invention/rifle build for ultimate CC and raw damage.

Both of these I have had a lot of success with so far.

Off-hand weapons: Pistol vs Shield

in Engineer

Posted by: Ashes.6418


Blowtorch’s dmg is awesome but you have to be in the same range with those high dps melee classes… which it is the last thing i would want to do ….

That’s only a problem if you make a glass cannon build. Regardless of what build you’re using, you need toughness and/or vitality. Glass cannons of every class fall over flat, there’s no point in dealing huge damage if you can’t take it in this game.

Off-hand weapons: Pistol vs Shield

in Engineer

Posted by: Ashes.6418


To begin with, the off-hand Pistol’s two skills conflict with each other. One skill is designed to keep enemies away, while the other one is most effective when they’re in melee range.

This shows a lack of understanding of how the off-hand pistol works.

Glue shot isn’t for keeping enemies away. It’s to keep them standing in place.
The Blowtorch skill does more damage when your enemy is close to you. It’s also a conal attack that is not easy to aim. Dropping a Glueshot to keep your target still and then dropping a Blowtorch on them.

Granted, this is a more PvP-centric tactic.

Blowtorch inflicts burn, which is the most damaging condition. It is on a very short cooldown, and hits up to three targets.

Meanwhile the shield abilities have long cooldowns, #4 forces you to stand still to reflect projectiles, and #5 will only block the first hit.

But in all honestly you should not compare the two offhands. They are used for different Engineer builds and strategies. I play a condition build, so I would never pick shield over pistol.

Why are engineers just so bad?

in Engineer

Posted by: Ashes.6418


Out of curiosity, what build are you using, Bloodtau?

Lets see your engineers!

in Engineer

Posted by: Ashes.6418


Captain Eva Jones on duty.


Level 13 engi questions

in Engineer

Posted by: Ashes.6418


dual pistol is the best I’ve found for PvE. I combine with Elixir’s H, B, S and R. Stack power and condition damage, and kite things in circles. You can solo large mobs of monsters when you learn how to kite correctly.

Rifle is better for single target damage really.

Wrong stats in traitbars?

in Engineer

Posted by: Ashes.6418


What I dislike about the trait-stat allocations is that if I want power+crit, I’m pidgeon holed into being an explosives Engineer. If I want vit+boon, I’m pidgeon holed into being an Alchemist Engineer. The fact that our traits are tied to both builds and stats drops customization a lot.
I play an alchemist condition damage stacking Engineer. I desperately want power + condition duration, but the explosives trait line is absolutely useless to me because I use Elixirs not bombs.

Pistol and Shield, what do people think of it?

in Engineer

Posted by: Ashes.6418


I stopped using the shield because the cooldowns are far too long for the abilities to be useful.
The reflect forces you to stand still for a few seconds, and the stun skill only effects the first person that strikes you.
Versus a fire-cone, that while can be quite difficult to aim at times, is the most damaging condition and is on an extremely short cooldown, plus an aoe ensnare and 5s cripple.

But it all depends on your build. If you want to build a tanky engineer go with shield. If you want condition stacking, go dual pistol. If you want raw power and crit, go rifle.

Does homosexuality in Sylvari feel rather forced?

in Sylvari

Posted by: Ashes.6418


Sylvari are not human. It would feel more forced to me if they were forced to live by human ideals. They have a different culture to us.

Concerns about Anet account security

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Ashes.6418


So I noticed today when I checked my e-mails that I’ve recieved two attempts from unknown IPs to access my account— one from China and one from Japan.

I’ve always been very careful with my accounts— after ten years of MMO gaming I’ve never once had an account hacked.

So how is it that these hackers are all of a sudden attempting to access my account?
Does the authentication send an e-mail when a failed attempt is made to access my account from a different IP? (i.e. with a wrong password)
If so, how do these people have my e-mail?
If not, how did they get my email and password?
Is there some sort of security leak going on?

I am certain this issue is not on my end, but I am running scans on my computer. at the moment. Fortunately I haven’t been hacked—yet, but I don’t feel very confident in Anet’s ability to keep my personal details safe right now.
Going to change my password after my scans finish; I don’t want these locusts to get a hold of my account.

So what is going on here, Anet?

Repetitive after level 30?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ashes.6418


If a sense of progression is the only thing that makes you want to play the game, then you might need to change your mindset. I’ve used the same Engineer build for about 150 levels (Got to level 40 first two betas, level 30 third beta, and now level 80 Engineer in release)
Still having fun, because the fun is not in leveling up and getting new stuff. The fun is in playing the game, exploring the world and enjoying the lore. The progression is coincidental, it happens as a natural thing that occurs while you play through and enjoy the game.

Suggestion: have "gold seller" as selectable option in report functions

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ashes.6418



If a player has been report for “Gold Selling” by X amount of players – they automatically get banned until a Dev can look into the situation and confirm it.

Example: If at least 20 players report a person for ‘Gold Selling’ or ‘Botting’, they get an automatic ban. That way, a situation can be handled fast and efficiently.

No, power like this should never be given to the players. While the intentions of the function are pure, people tend to be jerks on the internet. Something like this is far too easily abused.

All the player needs is a report function and an ignore function, nothing more, nothing less.

Loving the game but...

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ashes.6418


auto run when you press NUM LOCK

There is an auto-run bind in the control set up, just set to numlock yourself.

turn 180 degrees on a thief that is trying to backstab you

There is already a keybind which allows you to turn around 180 degrees on the spot. I have mine bound to X, so this would not be an issue.

Engineer Bugs

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Ashes.6418


There is a pretty comprehensive list of engineer bugs here:

Mouse not locking to game window?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Ashes.6418


Playing with two monitors and GW2 in full screen, my mouse keeps leaving the game window and minimizing my game when I click out of it. This happens far too often during combat when I am panning my camera around to track enemies and getting me killed.
No other full screen game I’m playing has this issue, so not sure why.

Anyone else getting this issue?
Anyone have a solution?

Engineer bugs compilation

in Engineer

Posted by: Ashes.6418


Not sure if this is a bug, intended (but unmentioned) feature, or just plain bad dice rolls, but when using Elixir X I have observed a clear favouritism toward the Giant form. Since release, I have only gained the Tornado form once, and the Giant form every other time. I have probably used Elixir X upward of thirty times. I also noticed this favouritism toward both Giant form and the Plague form during Beta. Plague and Giant forms were both about equal, and Tornado was very rare.

The tooltip does not mention anything about Giant form being more common than Tornado form— unless I am missing something.
I will do a test sample in the morning drinking Elixir X one hundred times and record the data.