Showing Posts For Ashkew.6584:

To the Bristleback complainers...

in PvP

Posted by: Ashkew.6584


It would be nice to see actual ranger attacks with risk/reward mechanics (with damage compensating for pet nerf)

This would actually be nice, also risk/reward mechanics would be nice for most classes instead of spamwars

To the Bristleback complainers...

in PvP

Posted by: Ashkew.6584


i got a lot of complains about druid being to tanky and pet doing way to much damage for a tank build. So i took tiger, put on zerk amulet, used opening strike trait+signet of the hunt (75% extra damage on next attack) on tiger f2 (10k hit) and maul (9k hit).
I was glassy as hell, but guess what, still got rage whispers about to much damage and to much sustain and how i am bad and just facetank without brain.
Ppl only be satisfied with ranger when the class is destroyed and not to be found in pvp.

pvp balance.. OPthings to nerf

in PvP

Posted by: Ashkew.6584


No. Ranger doesn’t need compensation itself for pet nerf. They need to also nerf other OP specs to compensate.

Such as? I see you are not very constructive, neither you know anything about rangers, just nerf the class, cause you are too bad to beat it?

It doesn’t take a genius to figure out that those pets are better than all other pets. Clear imbalance.

The bigger problem of this game is not just imbalance. It is the powercreep that completely makes it a spamfest. Start nerfing things now. I know short-sighted ppl like you will be unhappy about nerfs. But in the long run, it benefits everyone who wants to enjoy the game.

Also, I play a lot of rangers myself as well. In this era, all meta builds are super easy to play at a decent level. Claiming other ppl don’t understand how to beat a certain class is ignorant and stupid.

I heard helseth mentioning the spamfest aswell, and i think the problem lies there. The fact that everything does to much damage on a to short cooldown. there is no punishment for missing a burst. Ppl don’t put thought into there attacks because of the spam nature of things

pvp balance.. OPthings to nerf

in PvP

Posted by: Ashkew.6584


You forgot the fact that we just had a balance patch and the next one will be in probably 4 months.

Do People Still Play This Game?

in PvP

Posted by: Ashkew.6584


yea, noticed the few streamers i follow, like helseth doing more blade and soul too. Started b&s myself too, because unranked is awful.
Though kitten b&s requires me to level pve to play pvp, which is just as painful as gw2 unranked i guess.

Two druids combo ---> Rezzing like Jesus!

in PvP

Posted by: Ashkew.6584


I think jesus rezzed a bit slower, also he ressed after defeat cause there was no downed state in that time. It even took like 3 days to get himself to respawn. So i say druids even better healer then jesus tbh.

Protect Me nerfed?

in Ranger

Posted by: Ashkew.6584


i didnt use it either, i use it now. it works great and gives some nice offensive oppertunities too. Im very happy with this rework and good cooldowns aswell.


in Ranger

Posted by: Ashkew.6584


Im using something similair only with no glypths but all shouts and soldier runes.
Working great i have to say.


in Ranger

Posted by: Ashkew.6584


Even more evades if you stow your gs on the third autoattack, you get 3 evades in a row that way. But i have to get some concentration pills to pull that off under heavy focus

"Search and rescue" i like it

in Ranger

Posted by: Ashkew.6584


So i was doing some pvp, battle of kyhlo, and i was on close. My team m8 went down on mid so i gs3 leap and staff 3 to the clocktower. Im standing downstairs outside and press search and rescue and my team m8 instantly teleported to me for a ress.

Awesome skill, saved many lifes today

Official evidence for nerfing rangers

in PvP

Posted by: Ashkew.6584


“Official evidence for nerfing rangers” title should be: “Claims about evidence for nerfing rangers”
But really this is just a propaganda type of attempt or troll

Dont worry, when the report is published you wont be saying this

You’re right, and when you publish research instead of conclusions drawn from research you’re not showing yet, i won’t.

I dont understand. I work tirelessly for the community and get no thanks at all. Who else is conducting research into the games balance in a completely unbiassed and scientific way? Yet nobody tells me “gj henry” or “thank you so much henry” or “you are awesome henry”. It is a disgrace

i done some research too, 30% of the community wants necro out of the game, 23% wants there damage reduced by 67%. On top of that 95% thinks necro’s look scary and want them to look like a panda bear instead, preferably with a pink head.
I personally am shocked by these results but facts speak for themselves.

Any thoughts and opinions are welcome.

ps. trust me im from internet

Official evidence for nerfing rangers

in PvP

Posted by: Ashkew.6584


“Official evidence for nerfing rangers” title should be: “Claims about evidence for nerfing rangers”
But really this is just a propaganda type of attempt or troll

Dont worry, when the report is published you wont be saying this

You’re right, and when you publish research instead of conclusions drawn from research you’re not showing yet, i won’t.

Official evidence for nerfing rangers

in PvP

Posted by: Ashkew.6584


It is my pleasure to inform you that the truthfulness of your answer is somewhere between 50 and 100%.

I’m glad i gave you some pleasure.
On a more relevant note to this topic, i do think there should be looked at the relation between damage of pets and armor of the ranger. Being able to hit for 10k or more while being a tank isn’t healthy.

Official evidence for nerfing rangers

in PvP

Posted by: Ashkew.6584


“Official evidence for nerfing rangers” title should be: “Claims about evidence for nerfing rangers”
But really this is just a propaganda type of attempt or troll

Warrior Dies, Cries OP Cele Amulet!

in Ranger

Posted by: Ashkew.6584


“OP faceroll druid ftw” , i was melee ranger without druid traitline.

Nice Bug in Ranked thanks arena net....

in PvP

Posted by: Ashkew.6584


You still had the point so you got that going for u. And this gives you a chance to scream in chat to your team, o wait u already did

#1 thief in the verse

in PvP

Posted by: Ashkew.6584


He said passive not OP

Corrupts: Powercreep or just stupid?

in PvP

Posted by: Ashkew.6584


Just gonna leave this here for future proper use of thw term:

Power creep
The gradual unbalancing of a game due to successive releases of new content.44 The phenomenon may be caused by a number of different factors and, in extreme cases, can be damaging to the longevity of the game in which it takes place. As new expansions or updates are released, new game mechanics, units, equipment and/or effects are introduced, usually stronger than previously existing content. Game developers use this primarily to push the new content, as it gives an incentive to buy it for competitions against other players or as new challenges for the single player experience. As new content with more power is introduced, the average powerlevel within the game rises, making it increasingly difficult for older content to remain in balance without changes. This means older content becomes regressively outdated or relatively underpowered, effectively rendering it useless from a competitive or challenge-seeking viewpoint. In extreme cases whole parts of the game will be avoided by the players, as they are overshadowed by newer content.

My own server mate called me a 'loser'

in WvW

Posted by: Ashkew.6584


When i see a duel i always do a fake stomp and cancel it in the last second just to see them shout at me in chat. But yea best thing to do if you see 5 ppl watching is to watch or walk away. If you dont mind the reputation u can finish them off ofcourse. Actually it doesnt really matter, i got called kitten yesterday because i thought something was a duel and i watched

bunker wars

in PvP

Posted by: Ashkew.6584


if only there was some kind of balance patch in the near future to deal with this a bit

Amulet changes and ranger

in Ranger

Posted by: Ashkew.6584


Mercenary is probably a good option for trapper builds

The Next Necro Meta

in PvP

Posted by: Ashkew.6584


If the third scepter auto could only remove a boon it would be ok, but corrupting seems a bit to strong to me. But we will have to experience it first i guess

The saddest part about this mess

in WvW

Posted by: Ashkew.6584


there has been spend so much hours/ money in the development, if someone flips the switch it is not going to be without some lead designers/devs/management losing there job. Probably a road some ppl (like the ones who will loose there job) will not want to take

Enteral Battleground is still fun

in WvW

Posted by: Ashkew.6584


I moved to low tier(vabbi) after hot because i figured EB would be nice for roaming. And actually it is, blobs arent that big, lots of solo/small party roamers, and i am having good times there. The borderlands are pretty much ignored and if i go there i find literly nothing but npc’s

We need a real mechanic to counter stealth.

in Ranger

Posted by: Ashkew.6584


Aside the discussion about the ways we do counter thiefs/stealth.
Do you think every proffession has the right to counter stealth?

Has this changed?

in PvP

Posted by: Ashkew.6584


I dont think the time played is calculated for matchmaking. Maybe your mmr isnt that high and you in the same pool as those freebies.

Blocked Players

in PvP

Posted by: Ashkew.6584


It doesnt work that way, deal with it. To easy to abuse. Block is to avoid reading there chat, its designed for that not for anything else.

Let's all just move

in PvP

Posted by: Ashkew.6584


Poor guys, thinking a different game like blade and soul will be without these problems?
You know what the say about the color of grass right?
Dont get your hopes up, every game is made by ppl and therefor will disapoint you in some way. But enjoy your time with blade and soul.

I'm warrior Cuz i BELIEVE....

in PvP

Posted by: Ashkew.6584


Props for staying with the class you like, i do that aswell. But i get a bit tired of people complaining about how little skill my druid requires.
I always played ranger, and i wont stop playing ranger simply because its better and easier to play now, just like you wont stop playing warrior when they will be buffed.
Also playing a build that requires lesser skill to perform well doesnt mean you cant be skillfull with it. Easy meta builds are easy to predict and to play in a manner that still suprises and outplay others of equal skill requires creativity and improv skills.

So grats for staying with warrior, but feel sorry for the fact you think that playing warrior equals having skill.

Tired of all the ruby whiners.

in PvP

Posted by: Ashkew.6584


Had a thief on team today, as usual he gets asked to swap because otherwise we would loose. The thief doesnt swap rotated and played great and never died. And the good part, in the end the guys apologized for the comments start. Was nice to have a thief showing up at perfect moments. So yea, just play what you like and get good at it.

How fast is superspeed

in PvP

Posted by: Ashkew.6584


There you go, a different wiki page with more info as a source.

Well of Precog is now Unplayable in PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Ashkew.6584


trolls yes, i remember a troll engi, who would come with me to close, put on sneaky giro so i couldnt cap. trolls will always find a way

[VIDEO] New(ish) to PvP - LF Tips

in Ranger

Posted by: Ashkew.6584


Lots of good advice already given.

So i want to express my amazement about how bad your opponents were, it kinda looked like a hot join match. At start enemy ran to home with 3 ppl. (didn’t triple cap, thank God).
when you went far the necro randomly dodges your random dodge.
well, there is a lot more to be said. But just wanna say this.

its much more safe to play 2 cap (home and mid), especially when opponents are good. you don’t want to go on suicide mission at far with there team respawning. So that means helping out on close instead of going far at start. in this match start you lost one team m8 at far(because you didn’t support him), and lost a team m8 at close and lost close point.

In the end when you capped far, you walk to mid with almost no health, and randomly dodge twice. this gives you trouble and you end up dead because you ran into that ranger with no health and no endurance. what could have saved you there is using longbow 3 on the pet and get over the wall out of sight.

Also, the celestial avatar was used once for heal and once randomly activated without use.
To be honest, and i don’t wanna offend you, but i rather have you on my enemy team then on my team. as soon as you run into ppl who know what to do vs ranged pressure you won’t survive like this. But its a good thing you here to ask for advice so good luck and have fun.

Bunker mesmer, no qq, just some advice wanted

in PvP

Posted by: Ashkew.6584


Thanks guys, was helpful

Bunker mesmer, no qq, just some advice wanted

in PvP

Posted by: Ashkew.6584


So i was wondering, whats the best moment in bunker mesmer rotation to burst them. Also any weak spots in a bunker mesmer build?
Pls dont make this a “nerf mesmer topic”, thanks.

Why do i have to play 2 classes

in PvP

Posted by: Ashkew.6584


Just because you dont like it?

dear anet... you forgot to enable ranked

in PvP

Posted by: Ashkew.6584


Maybe get rid of quickness ressing ?

in PvP

Posted by: Ashkew.6584


So i watch EU esl yesterday, did anyone else got annoyed by all the quickness resign going on.
I mean fights already take long, and so much healing and sustaining going on. When you finally take on down they get back up within 2 seconds or so.

I think maybe Anet should take a look at maybe restricting quickness to weapon skill use and not channelling a res or a buff. I think this will make a match more interesting and more likely to see some fast turn arounds in matches. It would be even more so if we removed downstate completely, but ill leave that aside.

Just a thought i had, wonder how others feel about that.

balance patch on 1 dec 2015

in PvP

Posted by: Ashkew.6584


Hopefully Revenant hammer and guardian traps nerfs.
That seems to be the most unbalanced stuff atm.

It’s better to not post at all and let people merely assume you’re a hot join tier player than post and remove all doubt.

“We should be too big to take offense and too noble to give it”

Durability is the new Vamp

in PvP

Posted by: Ashkew.6584


“These runes artificially increase your build’s survivability and makes it less punishing to run non-cele amulets in pvp”

Isnt this a good thing, ppl cry about cele all the time.

How do you deal with dardevil ?

in PvP

Posted by: Ashkew.6584


Best thing to try and do next time shiiroi is to avoid calling something OP before you understand the counters, and only ask advice for dealing with something.
There are a lot of frustrated players who will start acting like 12 year olds when you call something OP.
Not many ppl like Cogbyrn who look beyond that and give friendly useful feedback.

Personally i don’t seem to have much trouble with daredevils, but i play druid, and i just wait for right window like cogbyrn described and me and my pet can combine 2 hit the poor fellow. If he’s a good daredevil he doesn’t die, but gets out and finds a fight he can +1.
Good luck trying, and best is to try daredevil yourself in pvp.

Anet's master plan

in PvP

Posted by: Ashkew.6584


There is no masterplan, there is a concept created by our own minds, this concept is “OP”, “Overpowered” . We need this concept to keep pretending we are good, and other random players can’t be as good as we are. So if we get beaten there is always some other factor, it can not be difference of skill.

pet avoid combat/guard hotkey

in Ranger

Posted by: Ashkew.6584


So i just noticed i could assign a hotkey in options for setting pet to avoid combat/guard.
Is this new or am i crazy and missed this all these years playing?

how do you kill a reaper?

in PvP

Posted by: Ashkew.6584


On ranger/druid i win most 1v1s by kiting, using my stealth and mobility just after or when they use gab closing skills. Imob them and keep kiting them. Fighting on point is more difficult, though i can keep the point neutral.

The PvP: Can it go any further downhill?

in PvP

Posted by: Ashkew.6584


Lol the only heartseeker spam i see is usually by f2p thiefs or other rookies. Dont think your examples are making your post credible.

What will we bandwagon QQ about next?

in PvP

Posted by: Ashkew.6584


I get cry whispers on my druid everyday, expecting the nerf cries will come as soon as the dragon hunters days are history.

Post-Beta Druid is Useless

in Ranger

Posted by: Ashkew.6584


Loving the druid, zerk druid, cele druid. Works great, just dont focus only on healing. As for topic starter, whats your intention with this topic, cause saying its useless and not working after beta, without even knowing why just makes me think you dont understand what you playing.

Matchmaking Has Never Been Worse

in PvP

Posted by: Ashkew.6584


queuing solo has been a great experience in gw2for me.

This forum is one big QQ

in PvP

Posted by: Ashkew.6584


Its like looking down on people who look down on people.

But to OP, i kinda agree, i come here and forum makes me feel like everything is broken/unplayable but when i play im just having a good time no probs at all( not a DH )

Why Devs decided to make Warrior so bad?

in PvP

Posted by: Ashkew.6584


Like any example not all elements can be compared ofcourse. Basicly im trying to say, people worked on it and people do not always make perfect things and do not make everything equally good.

But its true what you said, they failes to fit the “pieces” Together nicely. And yea they sold anyway, but thats a trend we see everywhere since people are online and updates can be done easily compared to the times were we played offline and internet wasnt a big thing yet.