(edited by Asko.4120)
I’m pretty sure it hasn’t always been this way. I’m currently in a cleared w3 instance with a 1000 vitality Revenant and my hp is 17,916 instead of the baseline 15,922. A guildmate verified my observation on his engineer in a non-cleared w2 intance reporting the same HP numbers. That extra tankiness is explained by the 8% max HP boost that Desolation has reached through wvw.
Please fix this asap, the extra HP makes the tighter encounters significantly less sensitive to errors and that way waters down the whole raid experience. Furthermore it is pretty weird that the difficulty of the raid varies vastly depending on the day of the week and the success of your server in a completely unrelated game mode.
Edit: attached a screenie. I also went through some old screenshots (newest ones from about 3 weeks ago) in which regardless of class and build I always had the profession baseline HP regardless of the day of the week. This definitely seems like a bug that was recently introduced, and in a screenshot from last Friday I can see my warrior have an elevated HP in and uncleared instance of w3.
(edited by Asko.4120)
Come on, don’t be shy!
There’s a fix scheduled for this but it is too early for a “soon”… Need another week before another round of “soon” starts going out.
So the fix for now is to not play fractals? If it takes a week to solve this at least remove the fractal from the rotation.
We are still recruiting!
Bumping the recruiting thread.
I can honestly say the rewards for fractals and the rng of the levels isnt as bad as everyone is making them out too be. They are fine rewards for the most part with " minior " things that could be improved..
As much as I would love to talk about changes and see them happen, its not gona happen when all thats prefered is " better" rewards.
I don’t see how you can perceive these drop rates to be anything near reasonable.
1494 chests opened at 41+ and no tonic?
3,55% chance of getting a fractal skin, with a total chance of 0,19% of getting the weapon skin you actually want?
On top of this the gold reward is a joke and uninfused rings still drop.
Bump for great visibility!
The Pet seed doesnt go into the forge unfortunately
What am I supposed to do with this? I got the 3 other components ready for the next backpiece but this pet seed doesnt rly give any clue how to proceed.
It cannot be planted in the Chaos Infused Pot nor can it be combined with any other items, and if you double click the Pet Seed, it points to fractals.
One guild can send multiple teams if there are enough interested players available!
So participants will be able to use all consumables (like Power Matrix or Tome of Knowledge)?
Yes, every consumable is allowed apart from the ones from the gem store (Bobblehead laboratory still allowed)
For… #15characters
For… science!
For Great Visibility!
Bump for great justice.
Greetings everyone,
We are Immortal Kingdom [KING], a high-level PvE guild based on Desolation EU.
We specialize in Fractals, a number of our members were Fractal Level 80 pre-reset and following the reset we had the world first players to get back to Level 50 . The majority of our members do a 50 every day and many do a second run at 40 as well. We look to be finishing any run in 45 minutes, and an average run takes 30-45mins.
On top of fractals you’ll find our members often forming parties to do daily dungeon tours, we have regular fast runs on most dungeon paths. You’ll also often see our members participating in or even commanding at the more challenging world boss encounters (Teq/Wurm).
We have full guild missions unlocked and run missions every Sunday and Monday.
What we are looking for in you:
- We are a hardcore guild and we expect you to be hardcore too: know the encounters, run the meta builds, have a good selection of weapons with fitting sigils and appropriate foods/potions in dungeons. Also we expect you to be able to go into fractals level 50 on at least one character.
- Represent great majority of the time and join runs with guildies – we will not be used as a source of PUGs for you
- TS3 – We have a server of our own and we expect you to take part in the conversations and fun. We do require you to have a microphone and to be able to use it too.
- Being flexible in classes, being able to play what the current party needs. At the moment we are in the need of Elementalists, Mesmers, Thieves and Guardians.
Upon joining you’ll be set as a recruit rank. While a recruit you’ll be under trial. In order to graduate to full member you’ll need to run with the guild in at least 2 Fractal 50s. If neither Fractal run involves Grawl, Cliffside or Uncategorized then 3 runs will be required.
To apply, send a forum message or ingame message to me with somewhat containing:
- Whats your name? We would like to get to know you!
- What is your account and character name?
- Tell us your main profession, explain the gear, build and trait choices you make and tell us why those choices are good
- What is your Fractal level?
- We use TS3 in all of our dungeon or fractal runs, would you join us in TS?
- Where did you hear about KING?
- Why do you want to join KING?
We are looking forward to hearing from you!
(edited by Asko.4120)
Everyone who has ever done any work in real life should know that timetables, schedules and deadlines are always subject to change and are dependant on so many things that any long-term estimations are far-fetched at best.
I would be fired if I continually failed to meet deadlines.
I don’t understand this word continually. Also nowhere Anet promised a hand on the bible that any of the features they have announced are set in stone. They always say that things are subject to change and unforeseeable events and circumstances might postpone the launch of some features. I really don’t undertand why so many people on the forums are so naive that they take everything Anet even hints being working on as promises.
That is true though. Also the latest word we have about precursor crafting and new legendaries is that they are working on them and want to make them happen so I don’t see any reason to not trust that. Everyone who has ever done any work in real life should know that timetables, schedules and deadlines are always subject to change and are dependant on so many things that any long-term estimations are far-fetched at best.
Never trust datamined stuff or hold it as an evidence of anything.
Of cuorse a company presents their products in a positive light. Name a company that doesn’t do that please. I personally haven’t been disappointed with any other patch than Fractured so far because that was actually a patch where half of the announced content wasn’t delivered (announced ~1 week beforehand).
There was a word, you just missed it. I can’t find you the quote right now but a dev said in Septempter-October -ish that out of all the planned features precursor crafting is the least likely to make it by the end of 2013. I’ll post the quote if I manage to find it.
Edit: found it:
You will absolutely see a way to create a precursor available in the future. As detailed in our plans for the second half of the year here:
As mentioned at the end of the blog, as always things are subject to change as test and prepare various systems. Most of the stuff covered in the blog you’ve already seen implemented, or steps towards being implemented, however the precursor building (and corresponding additional legendary items) is the one highest at risk to not make it this year.
It is still something we absolutely plan to do!
Perhaps it would help the Ranger thread, if Allie were able to periodically make a post similar to yours: “I’ve just caught up on pages 7-13, now to discuss these pages with my team!”
I think most posters know she’s doing a great job, but a small post like that to show she’s still around would probably calm the masses, by reminding them that she really is there and paying attention.
(In a slightly related note, I will gladly beg you to run the future Elementalist CDI. =D)
Back to this thread:
Do you have any thoughts/opinions/suggestions on the Dredge or the re-rolling issues being discussed so much in this thread?
Hey Videoboy,
I will mention your suggestion to Allie. At the end of the day though it is up to the CDI Topic owners to connect with their CDI group in their own way.
Regarding your questions. As a player I think Dredge could do with some work and I agree with many of the proposals that have been put forward in this area (note this is a not a statement around development in this area).
Regarding the rolling discussion. I am less opinionated about this particular topic and am still reading through the groups proposal’s and discussion points.
May I ask you Chris what is your opinion on the matter and do you have any personal (unofficial) opinioins how to fix it, if it is determined that rolling needs a fix?
I personally don’t see rolling as a problem in general if people want to do certain fractals whatever the reason for that might be.
No more AR hardcaps
I’m skilled enough not to get hit. I can do a 49 with 0 AR. And yet, if I try to do a 40 with any less than 50 I’m toast. These AR hardcaps are just plain stupid. Who thought these up? If you need 55AR to finish a 40 you might as well remove all the agony from 41 to 49 since the agony will bearly tickle.Completely agree here. What’s even worse is that now, with those hardcaps, people don’t even care to dodge anymore.
Before, even at max AR, you had to dodge on the higher levels, or you would die. If you had not enough AR, you could survive if you were skilled enough to dodge.Now, you’re forced to have a minimum level of AR (because of insta 40 & 50), so much that you don’t take any damage from agony on the following 9 levels. So people don’t dodge, they just facetank the damage. And as you said, skill isn’t rewarded. It’s either you have the stuff, or you don’t…
its the only thing i absolutely hate about fractals and the game generally. Everytime i get to the boss level i feel that pure state of hate. It almost made me deinstall the game when i heard of it, if there wasnt my friends playing. Whoever thought this would be a good idea probably has no idea of… ned to stop now. It makes me too sad. Oh, and i dont want this post to be called non-constructive: Pls remove this hard cap and add skill cap (maybe related to agony resistance) instead. e.g. enemy aoe skill with 0.3 s time to dodge and +0.1 seconds more time to dodge for every 10 agony resistance.
This is what made fractals 30-50 way easier than everything before the fact that you didn’t Need to care about bossattacks anymore. I think one of the most important things is to make Agony again a gamemechanic as it was on 60+ before where agony attacks had a meaning. If you wanna leave it a gearcheck just leave it at all
This is simply false, and for the record I’d like to state that agony is a pointless gearcheck mechanic to begin with imo, as it punishes players with bad gear very harshly and when you have a good gear and enough AR you don’t have to care about it at all.
Patrik, at current scale 49 and at old scale 48 you have to and had to care about agony attacks because if you are running full zerk most agony attacks would 1shot you anyway even without the agony, and at 60+ this was always the case (apart from Archdiviner’s aoe circles). Also agony attacks apart from Jade Maw’s passive agony didn’t scale after 48 so you are wrong in that regard too.
And as it has been said many times already by many players, agony is a pointless gearcheck mechanic unless it is drastically reworked:
I’d suggest removing the agony resistance altogether and adding 4 stages to all the boss fights instead with hindurances that pile on each other.
Boss HP 100-75% – normal fighting
Boss HP 75-50% – endurance regen is reduced by X
Boss HP 50-25% – movement speed is reduced by X, previous effect is stronger
Boss HP 25-0% – weapon skills recharge rate reduced by X, previous effects are stronger
Tbh the examples I came up with are not that good or interesting, but you get the idea. This way agony would require players to adapt their playing style, use dodges and skills very sparingly and mind their positioning better, meaning that agony is now a skill-check mechanic instead of gearcheck.
(edited by Asko.4120)
Just a quick note to let you know i am up to date.
I am assuming that you all feel that for example a Dredge rework is higher priority than say a rework to rolling?
Yes yes, double-yes! The sooner you fix dredge the happier the community will be.
And for the record I don’t think ‘rolling’ needs to be fixed – however if it is possible you could do some things at swamp:
a) make it a bit longer to equalize the length of T1 fractals a little bit. You could add a jungle passage after the wisps with trash mobs and some kind of puzzle, just throwing an idea.
b) boss fights – Mossman is (imo) the 2nd hardest boss of the fractals and Bloomhunger is the easiest, this could be somehow balanced a bit (make BH more difficult).
c) related to previous point, please fix the bug that allows players to bug Mossman underwater as it is a big reason for rolling swamp (who doesn’t like to afk during a boss fight?). Maybe you could make the whole underwater passage inaccesible after the boss has been triggered (like Cliffside endboss) or you could add a small jungle corridor that would make enough distance between the water and Mossman so that the boss would reset if players would go into the water but that players couldn’t abuse it to ooc/respawn/reaggro like they already do at bloomhunger.
Agreed. Discussing the fact the dredge is frustrating and takes a long time barely helps the process of Fractal evolution beyond the idea that people dislike long time gates. Dredge can be fixed to the liking of players and devs alike, getting there should be part of the evolution of fractals.
One topic I’m not sure if someone has brought up or not, but would solve some of the rewards/currency issues players are having:
A vendor that gets unlocked after completion of the final Fractal. This vendor has things that can be bought based on the difficulty that has been completed, and bought using fractals currency primarily (depending on the value of the item.) As an added way to make it interesting, have the available wares vary depending on what fractals people ran through especially the first one.
Pie in the sky idea: Sell stat infusions from these vendors, or dye kits to color existing fractal weapons, or some other way to show prestige from completing difficult content.
The concerns, comments and feedback surrounding Dredge are something that we are well aware of. Thank you very much for giving us further insight into this area but our time as a CDI on this topic is better spent elsewhere.
I don’t mean to sound like a jerk, but if you are ‘well aware of’ the player displeasement with the current implementation of the dredge fractal, why haven’t you done anything about it for the last year?
I can’t even begin to count all the topics opened to voice player concerns about the fractal and still there has been no change. Actually that is not entirely true, you have ‘fixed’ numerous tricks players used to help making the fractal slightly shorter.
I even remember a developer quote that said something like ‘we are looking into options to help reduce the length of the unnecessarily long fractal (dredge)’ way before the Fractured patch but the opposite was done
(edited by Asko.4120)
Top 3:
1. Fractal Reset:
I don’t think that is supposed to be discussed here, and as you seem to have missed it I got a quote for you:
Isaiah CartwrightAs we were looking at the fractal reworks we wanted to change the relative values of how hard it was to work through the fractals, because of this we wanted to bring everyone to a common starting point. We knew this was going to be controversial but we really wanted everyone to be on an even play field and once we got the feedback about it we started looking into ways we could mitigate this risk. This is a common practice we do with all releases and risks and sometimes like with this one we were not able to do anything due to time constraints and tech. It’s wasn’t our goal to devalue peoples time and effort and when reworking stuff sometimes these types of tradeoffs happen. We wanted to create a new scaling paradigm that would give us more room in the future for adding fractals and we felt the current systems was harder to scale. Our original design was for players to go past 50 but this wasn’t able to happen in time.
Link to the original post: https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/gw2/CDI-Character-Progression-Vertical/page/2#post3368875
Not sure if there is hate mechanics, but mobs should target the guys doing the highest DPS. Lots of times, I see mobs targeting guys with high toughness. I noticed myself getting attacked more when my armor was high vs. zerk gear. Zerking is low-risk, high return, which is why it is the way it is currently.
It is not low risk. Try fractal 49 just for fun and see how ‘low risk’ it is.
Look it is this thread again. Zerker doesn’t need a fix – you take defensive stats assuming that you take damage, and if you trust your skills enough to be able to survive without any defense you are free to do so and enjoy the benefits. It is working exactly as intended.
What is needed however is to make conditions a viable alternative in PvE but I’m sceptical about the possibilities to implement that considering conditions are way OP in PvP. I don’t think it can be done without completely splitting PvP and PvE balancing but as it seems atm Anet isn’t willing to do that.
(edited by Asko.4120)
My top 3 subjects for discussion:
1) equalize fractal lenghts – this means rebalancing fractal tiers and cutting dredge fractal in half
2) Improve rewards:
Cof1 – 7 minutes and 1.26g
AC1 – 8 minutes and 1.76g
SE1 – 6 minutes and 1.26g
Arah3 – 12 minutes and 1.76g
Arah1 – 15 minutes and 3.26g
Fractal 49 – 45-60 minutes and 1.4g with an abysmal chance for a weapon skin.
3) This is not really a suggestion, but a reminder: fractals are full of game-breaking bugs which really need to be fixed.
(edited by Asko.4120)
Associated Risks
I see no risk in making the changes above.Somewhere, a Game-Design Faerie shrieks and falls down dead every time someone says ‘these changes are risk-free’
The pressure plates_ – we know how the puzzle is intended to be done, but due to the endlessly respawning dredge and not being able to dodge while standing on a pressure plate the final room is unnecessarily sensitive to errors (more than would be reasonable). Suggestion: make the pressure plates in the last room significantly larger so that you could dodge on them without making the console reset.
While I agree with your sentiment on the Bomb and Clown-Car fights, I’ll point out that the Pressure Plate battle is one of the few places in the entire game where glass-cannons are not rewarded out of all proportion with any other build. It’s not that the fight is hard per se, but that the encounter actually calls for 2 characters to be able to withstand a bit of a beating without relying on dodge-spam. That also makes it one of the few places where Support can make a difference. Knockbacks, interrupts, mass-Aegis, strong healing… If the enemies weren’t Drege this would also be a amazing fight for anyone with AoE blinds.
In this case I think that the fight needs to be better explained to the players (Readable sign outside the gates?) and possibly some environmental weapons added that can be picked up by the heroes who will stand on the pads that give them better tools to perform their role. Like a Big-Honkin’ Drege Riot Shield that gives you good hold-your ground-skills on buttons 1-4 (dropped by pushing button 5).
In other words don’t make it more easy, make it more fun
Believe me, I’ve tried facetanking it with a full pvt/soldier armor on a guardian and it lead nowhere. even through all the guardian blocks the dredge can still nuke ppl at 49 or old scale48. Also, facetanking is not fun but active defenses like dodging would be :P
Proposal Overview
Reduce the length of the Underground Facility fractal. (sry for the wall of text but I couldn’t make it any shorter without leaving something out)
Goal of Proposal
The goal is to make the Tier 3 fractals more equal in length and reduce the frustration players experience while in the Underground Facility. As it stands, just the clown car part of the dredge fractal takes as long as completing either the Volcanic, Aetherblade or Thaumanova fractals. Getting dredge as the 3rd fractal makes the whole run take 20 minutes longer than it would take with any other 3rd fractal.
Proposal Functionality
I take ‘proposal functionality’ as ’how to implement the proposal, so here goes:
1) The pressure plates – we know how the puzzle is intended to be done, but due to the endlessly respawning dredge and not being able to dodge while standing on a pressure plate the final room is unnecessarily sensitive to errors (more than would be reasonable). Suggestion: make the pressure plates in the last room significantly larger so that you could dodge on them without making the console reset.
2a)The cannon room is designed in a way that includes you fighting through the dredge, stealing the cannons and blasting the door while fending off the defending dredge. In reality it doesn’t work like that. Stealth is mandatory because the amount of the endlessly respawning dredge is absurd and cannot possibly be contained without a wipe even by an experienced party without stealthing. However unlike in the bomb room, if you decide not to use stealth you can still make progress little by little by firing the cannons even through several wipes. Suggestion: reduce the amount of endlessly respawning dredge significantly here.
2b) The bomb room is designed to be completed in a way that includes you fighting through the dredge while dropping bombs and defending the bombs while the fuse of the bombs go off. In reality it doesn’t work as intended – stealth is mandatory and becomes more and more crucial the higher the level goes because the amount of endlessly respawning dredge is just absurd and cannot possibly be controlled or contained while waiting for the bombs to go off, let alone even getting to drop the bombs without stealth. Unlike in the cannon room here it is impossible to make progress in case of a wipe because the dredge will pick up the bombs immediately if you can’t defend them. Suggestion: close the bomb room permanently; or significantly reduce the amount of dredge and shorten the bomb fuse.
3) The Clown Car. This encounter is arguably the most complained about in the whole game. It seems to serve as a mere time gate, is not innovative, not fun and on top of this is bug-ridden. There is no fun and no point in spending 10 minutes at lvl49 fractal just to kill dredge after killing the trivial boss in the room. Apologies for sounding bleak but this encounter is the main reason why this fractal is by far the least liked. Suggestion: remove the encounter.
Associated Risks
I see no risk in making the changes above. I firmly believe that implementing the changes I suggested above the dredge fractal can be made more fun, less tedious and length-wise be put in line with the other tier 3 fractals.
(edited by Asko.4120)
postponed 3 times already
Hi Asko,
There is no point in the CDI if the members of it are unable to give it the attention it is due. We make a live game and thus ‘things’ come up. Thank you for your patience and I to am looking forward to being able to giving my full attention to the next set of topics.
Hi Chris,
yeah I understand that things can be hectic in the office at times, it is just that I’m a fractal enthusiast and really looking forward to discussing improving the Fractals See you on Monday!
postponed 3 times already
Don’t bot and ur good to go.
I’m pretty sure they will give us a way to harvest Pristine Spore samples on a regular basis like they have done with all the new crafting materials introduced (candy corn, sprockets, quartz)
@ cesmode – wrong. Anet has said several times that they will implement new features and modify balances only after the Scarlet story arc has reached conclusion. That means that changes and new stuff will start dropping in ~4 weeks.
Just a reminder: the game is balanced around having rare stats which means that for non-hardcore players exotic gear should be more than enough and for hardcore players obtaining ascended armor/weapons won’t be an issue.
There won’t be a precursor hunt, instead crafting. A scavenger hunt or similar would be a terrible idea because the time&effort to get a precursor through non-monetary means has to be equal to farming 850 gold to not destroy the markets.
Rally point defense/recapture events bugged
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: Asko.4120
I have been on the Desolation main map 7 times now (for the full time) from the very start to the very end and I am yet to see a rally point defense events start. The Lionguard have been holding the Lornar entrance and also the Fort Marriner but there hasn’t been a single defense event starting. Also I haven’t seen any crossed swords -recapture events in the event Scarlet’s forces had taken some of the camps.
I hope LA will be toast, wouldn’t make much sense to change the landscape in a dramatic way for 2-4 weeks and then have everything turn back to normal.
Also, I’m hoping that in a few weeks I get to post ‘lfg LA p1’ in guild chat
Updated original posts.
Solid Ocean
- Killing the tentacles no longer damages the Jade Maw. I understand completely that they want to make encounter about the crystal mechanic, but killing the tentacles to speed up the encounter rewarded playskill and made the fight more interesting and interactive. This is a change for the worse.
- The dark field & projectile finisher induced lifesteal kill on Maw still works. While the mechanic itself is working as intended I don’t think the event was meant to be finished like this
- If you damage the Jade Maw below ~50% health before all the colossi have spawned, no Colossi will spawn and the fractal cannot be completed as the boss will freeze.
Molten Duo
- After killing the Berserker, the Firestorm can jump outside of the circle and land in an unhittable spot. This wouldn’t be a problem as you can run to the other side of the circle and he will come closer and become hittable. Unfortunately he usually draws aggro on one of the two mostly useless npc and he will simply shoot at the npc from range for several minutes until it finally dies. Again, the useless NPC create an aggravation and unnecessarily extend the duration of the fight. Not game breaking, but just annoying. Solution: since the npc don’t contribute to your success, just make the bosses ignore them.
- AoE effects are centered around Berserker so if he teleports they will also reposition (so you may get “randomly” hit). Visually it works fine.
Reward issues
- The loot table is currently broken as it was before the patch and was not updated. Currently, the shard end chests do not scale loot based on your level and you get the same blue/greens/rares/exotics/cores on 49 as you would on 1. The only thing that scales is the Fractal Relics and daily chest gold bonus.
- Not sure if intended but while the devs announced fractal rewards being buffed the actual drop rate of fractal skins has become abysmal
- Fractal weapon containers are missing
- The new recipes are account bound. I have both recipes now, each new recipe that drops is useless for me, these should be sellable. It wouldn’t hurt the market for the Runes/Sigils since they are very limited by Shards which are a relatively scarce resource.
- Uninfused Rings continue to drop through level 49. An infused ring at 49 is bad enough, an uninfused ring is a slap in the face. This is obviously broken and needs to be fixed.
(edited by Asko.4120)
Aetherblade Fractal
- The AoE cannon barrage encounter is trivialized by standing in a safe spot in the corner between the rock wall and the wooden ‘porch’ on which the Aetherblade cannoneer is standing.
- The final boss can be trivilized by stacking in a corner of the wall and the cupboards that stick out of the wall
- The camera in the final encounter is broken and can’t be zoomed out nearly enough. This was broken in the Fractured! patch, making meleeing difficult and frustrating simply because you can’t see the animations of the boss properly
- If you don’t rescue the scientists in time the fractal might bug out and become impossible to complete. However there is another bug in the same room: sometimes the door to the room with the button and cooling rod is already open before rescuing a single scientist.
Underground Facility
- There are strange attackable particles around the map that put you in combat when using skills like Powerful Blow (guardian hammer) and Call to Arms (warrior wh5) when no enemies are on sight.
- Abovementioned bug is glaring in the infamous clown car fight. Not only is the event hated by every fractal-runner, it is made even more longwinded and agonizing by the fact that the car itself eats most of the aoe damage. Similary to the gate at the start of CoF1 (fixed now) the clown car is an attackable object that will absorb all the hits from skills like a hundred blades leaving the dredge untouched if you stand even close to the car. Also after the combat the hitbox of the clown car persists and you will be put in combat by skill such as Call to Arms.
- Dredge Strazars can shoot through the clown car as if it wasn’t even there. Additionally, they are the only type of mob in the whole game who won’t pull when they lose LoS or enemy gets out of range, instead they will just stand in their place doing nothing and start shooting again when the enemy gets in range.
(edited by Asko.4120)
Molten Facility
- The stones on the steam geysers seem to reset one at a time whenever a party wipes. Hardly gamebreaking but still annoying; the rocks dont move but you have to pick them up and drop them again for them to count.
- The NPC dialogue and boss triggers are bugged which may force a fractal restart. After the corridor with the steam walls Rox and Braham should trigger the dialogue sequence leading to the boss fight but this doesn’t always happen. I’m unsure of the exact circumstances but I suspect that if you enter the arena too quickly the whole thing might bug out, resulting in the boss never triggering and the fractal being impossible to complete.
- The final encounter is trivial – Both of the fire attacks can be completely avoided by just standing in the corner closest to the Weapons Test Engineer and the shockwave attacks can just be tanked in the same spot because they don’t do almost any damage.
- sometimes during the elemental source fight there may be duplicate elementals spawning. Hardly gamebreaking at these levels but when higher levels are opened this should be fixed.
- The Svanir bonfire even when not lit provides a source of heat that negates the frostbite stacks
- The camera has a bizarre zoom out against the Elemental Source from certain angles. While I would love it if we could zoom out to these distances always in all zones of the game, when you can only do it from limited angles in limited places to no real purpose it seems like a bug at worst, poor implementation at best.
- The arms seals do not properly reset to 2 chanters on each side in case of a wipe. This is mildly annoying in the 30’s for a good group. This is pretty tough in the 40’s and will only get more difficult for unorganized groups as progress into the 50’s and beyond begins to happen. This was supposed to have been fixed months ago but that promised change appears to have not happened and been forgotten.
- I applaud the devs for trying to fix the Archdiviner exploit which trivialized the encounter. However, their fix is pretty lame. Essentially, the Archdiviner gets 2-3 seconds of free attacks on the party. On several occasions a party member has been given 3 stacks of agony because he spawned the red circles under him during the stun phase. This isn’t a huge deal with max AR, but for people with imperfect gear it becomes a simple RNG gear check which is not how the encounter was intended to be.
(edited by Asko.4120)
Hello everyone,
as we all know there are still a lot of bugs and issues in the Fractals that are yet to be resolved. Therefore I’m reposting these bugs that I copy pasted from another thread that is now closed due to the Fractured forums being closed.
- Despite numerous attempted fixes, the Mossman can still be bugged underwater to be killed without any effort. I propose a partial map remake to fix this; after you get out of water there could be a small jungle corrider that leads to Mossman’s cabin. When boss is triggered, the corridor is sealed and you can’t exit the arena before the boss is beaten or your party wiped (similarly to the final archdiviner fight in the Cliffside fractal).
- In the Bloomhunger fight if you are standing in front of the boss in melee range when it does its agony attack, the red circles don’t render in time to give a player a warning of the incoming damage. The damage comes first, usually 1-shotting the player, and the circle renders soon after. This can be worked around by standing behind the boss when the agony attack is imminent but imo this deserves a fix.
- Krait still get stuck in the ceiling and you have to hope you can get far enough away from them to reset them or else your progress could be lost. Granted this is the first part of the first fractal, but it is still technically a game-breaking bug and ought to be fixed out of principle.
- If you die during the Jellyfish’s agony attack, there will be no down-state and you will die immediately. This smells like a bug as this is the only combat situation in the whole game where you will die instantly without down-state.
Urban Battlegrounds
- The NPCs appear to have had their HP significantly reduced and their agro mechanics changed. They tend to get caught on the endlessly respawning mobs outside the city and take forever to get to the gate. When they do get there, they die much faster than they used to against the veteran mobs. It’s bad enough that an entire fractal is based around the worst mechanic in Guild Wars 2 (npc ally AI) but when there are changes that make them even less reliable it is sheer frustration.
- Making the npc not roll over and die from Ashym’s Agony attack is a nice change but it makes the fight incredibly easy mode, especially with Time Warp and Battle Standard. Perhaps a middle ground where the fight isn’t an AFK laugher would be better.
- The Flame Burst -attack of the Ascalonian Mages still has no red aoe circle indicating the target area that will be damaged. As this skill usually 1-shots anyone in the higher levels it would be sensible to give the players a proper warning of the impending havoc.
- Some of the kitty golems at the end allow you to rally, and some do not. I’m not sure how they were designed, so this may be intentional. But for general purposes it is a bit unseemly to have 4 bosses who are all identical for all intents and purposes count differently for that kind of purpose.
- Not sure if intentional, but the Champion Etting counts as Ogre instead of Ettin, and Old Tom + Kitty golems in the end are all labeled as Inquest even though there is no trace of Inquest in the whole fractal.
(edited by Asko.4120)
Good evening everyone,
The Fire Shaman event in Iron Marches is bugged and full of griefers which makes this event take 20 minutes longer than it should. While writing this I’ve been killing embers for straight 20 minutes yet again thanks to people resetting the fight.
In this event there are 6 phases, A B A B A B. In event A we have to kill embers and imps etc. to weaken the elemental that the shaman spawned, after the elemental’s HP is reduced to zero we get to the phase B where we fight the shaman who is invulnerable during phase A. However.. there is a nasty bug that makes the HP of the elemental reset every single time the fire shaman is attacked while he is invulnerable. Needless to say some e-thugs are showing their e-dominance by resetting the fight over and over and over again just for the sake of griefing. I’ve been literally sitting here at [The Blasted Heart] for at least 20 minutes stuck in the 2nd elemental phase thanks to trolls resetting the fight.
This bug has also persisted for months now, are the developers aware of this issue?