Czano Asura Mesmer
dramas goes here
We said the same thing about Kaineng, and I can asnwer that statement:
PvE’ers and Fairweather players make up 70% of HoD’s WvW population.
THey’re farming the tower lords, karma, and silver. They don’t give a kitten about 1 or 2 red names. You’re just Karka to them.
However, VLK is full of roamers. We’ll gladly have some small skirmishes with you guys. Time and place.
Same with GoM. We had an AMAZEBALLS match against Kain and YB where we ended 2nd, and since we weren’t first the fairweathers then left and decried our commander saying we all suck etc.
Then we had IoJ and SF, and a few trolls came and ruined morals of the few fairweathers that did come.
Now… our EB is just the few dedicated WvW players we have and trolls. It makes me want to cry when we have momentum and some troll starts in about how XYZ commander “is kitten and can’t play offense for kitten” and kills a the momentum. Because 20 minutes later we’re outmanned because everybody goes to Crown pavilion or whatever asinine PvE thing there is going on. I think hard about crying; and then I don’t because I’m a man.
We’ll finish second again this week, because AR, much love but you are a fail.
Not a failure, just a fail.
Last night I chased a GoM ele that was attacking the southern camp up to the windmill where they were dueling where I proceeded to finish him off. Although I had people from my server telling me not to as there were duels going on I considered it a justifiable kill. I want to tip my hat to the other GoMs there that did not step in and I tried not to hit them in return with any AOEs. I can just imagine his anger at his teammates for not defending him but it is kind of lame to use dueling as a cover for attacking camps.
As well just before I quit for the night I met one GoM mesmer at the sentry by the southern ruins while on my mesmer. The sentry was ARs and it was sort of a 3 way fight for a few minutes. I managed to flip the sentry and after a long protracted fight my mesmer prevailed. I want to say I really enjoyed that fight as my mesmer is new to WvW, still with masterwork trinkets, but I can say I am happy with the build so far although you nearly had me a few times.
Eh, maybe the kitten was attacking south camp, but GoM has always held fightclub at the Windmill….
@vivaCaligula, Art thou mad, kind sir?
saw this and automatically thought of our forums…
Hey guys. Wanted to go ahead & post this here. I’ve been considering it for a while, and over the last several weeks have had many offers from other servers to transfer to theirs. I’ve even had a few of them offer to pay for my way, just wanted to say thanks & that I appreciate all your support. However, after careful consideration, I’ve decided to transfer to Ebay. I have a lot of friends here, many of which have been wanting me to come over for quite a while now. I enjoyed my time in AR, the roaming has been fun for me. But after actually starting to play WvW a little bit (you know, trying to help the server, at least a little) I’ve become more & more disheartened. It’s difficult to actually play, and I just wasn’t having that much fun anymore. That’s what it’s all about, so I transferred over a few hours ago. I know a lot of people in AR will be happy to see me go (most of WAR, at least, I’m sure), but for the few that don’t totally hate me, it’s been fun playing with you all. Keep up the good fight. This week’s terrible matchup was a big factor in me leaving, I told myself I’d stay if we got ET/FC/AR. Since we instead got two giant, zergy servers, I considered that my calling. However, due to this bad draw, your chances of actually getting ET & FC next week are higher, so good luck! I know you will all keep going strong. I will transfer back someday! In fact, I have to, I forgot my 7,000 koi cakes in my guild vault, so it’s a promise. I’m sure you will be a much stronger server when I come back. Keep givin’ em hell, even if it’s only a little of it.
Geez Zane. Ebay?!?! Really?!?! Of ALL the servers you could have gone to, you went to the tools who trolled the kitten out of us for MONTHS?!?!
If you come back, I’ll kill you myself. Not sure how, but I’ll find a way.
Ebay!?!?! Oy…… O.o
1. what i think my commanding is like…
2. what my commanding actually is….1 1/2. What the companion commander sees….
Don’t ask me for supply anymore!
Have a cute and take a midol :p
1. what i think my commanding is like…
2. what my commanding actually is….1 1/2. What the companion commander sees….
@ Lilli, kitten your timelords!
@ Muni:
PS: The caps are literally the most important part of this post.
(edited by Averaelas.1876)
That was a great ninja GoM. I was babysitting Golanta and klovan and wondering why you were sieging up gol… saw the swords on our keep so I went to check and boom, inner was at 30. Gate goes down and DOSE OMEGAS. Looking forward to a fun night… we know those are still out and about somewhere on EB.
I wouldn’t be too concerned, our local golem scientist just logged on and is still trying to figure out if golems hit the ground harder than a human body from top floor of SM.
Its related to the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow.
That was a great ninja GoM. I was babysitting Golanta and klovan and wondering why you were sieging up gol… saw the swords on our keep so I went to check and boom, inner was at 30. Gate goes down and DOSE OMEGAS. Looking forward to a fun night… we know those are still out and about somewhere on EB.
Not enough blue….
Also, All naysayers understand we are holding Ansiímist Castle until Friday.
(edited by Averaelas.1876)
Once we take stonemist…
Hello IoJ! THIS is HardCore
Thank you for making me dream of vengeance come true.Also, CoSA could never do a thing like this. SF too kitten to go after IoJ.
Y u do dis.. This only make it worse for you in the long run :c
I have much more respect for you, IoJ than I do for SF.
However, when we lost our keep I was just like every other pug and couldn’t handle the /laugh from your side.Sowwies. No hard feelings right?
You should kitten slap them. ANet, can we get a kitten slap emote?
On GoM…you come for the WvWvW – and stay for the .gifs.
I feel as though I miss half of the jokes in these threads because I don’t watch Dr. Who.
Then I remember, I don’t like Dr. Who.…………..How does one not like Doctor Who
Or Spieling Peter for that matter~
I’m gonna marry him and we’re gonna have babies.
On GoM…you come for the WvWvW – and stay for the .gifs.
I feel as though I miss half of the jokes in these threads because I don’t watch Dr. Who.
Then I remember, I don’t like Dr. Who.
In before Muni says his is bigger.
In before Muni says his is bigger.
Averaelas.1876 you still mad Zombieland left? Seems you are since its been 2 resets and you still are talking about [WvW]
Lulz, mad
Clearly you aren’t one of us.
Also, no, I just like to drink and fight.
Alright, I get it. You’re angry.
I vaguely remember you all doing something 10x worse, though. Do the pictures look familiar? I believe that was something like 80 golems.
Want to consider it even
[REDACTED] Summary of Original Text: “Someone left the server with which we were not happy”
We welcomed happier days of small, mobile strike teams. Teams that worked, didn’t cause lag, didn’t make us zergball kittens like our lower tier compadres, and the endless failed golem zergs. Why? Because ain’t nobody got gold fo’ dat. Also because we like doing work, not wagging our e-kittens. In before Muni says his is bigger.
Rumor has it IoJ got a HUGE numbers bolster, and despite this, we’ve played well against you guys. Yet, you bring the sins of the son onto the step-father. We didn’t raise him. We just liked banging his mum. The little kitten is JQ’s problem, not ours, now. You want to ‘exact revenge’ take it up on them when you’re next matched with them. They wanted him, they can have him We’d have put him up for adoption or opted for a late term abortion (is the 20th trimester to late?).
Its not even Friday yet. So, it is with a heavy heart that I quote my favorite History teacher as we lead up to 1865: “Well boys and girls, as we might have said in the South, ’Dey’s gwin be a wah!’ An dey was. But, we musn’t speak as such lest we sound like IoJ for they are a silly, uncultured server.”
I might be paraphrasing.
(edited by Averaelas.1876)
One time while I was commanding in EB, we had the blue corner. During this time, we were in a very unbalanced matchup, and our keep was golem rushed. I knew it was coming, so I built so much siege it wouldn’t let me build anymore.
While many of us were building siege, 90% of our population in EB got bored. So they decided to attack the grub. About midway through combat on the grub, the golem rush came. Hordes of golems were knocking on the keep gates, yet no matter how much I spammed chat, IoJ wanted the grub.
We lost our keep during that golem rush, and only had about 3 arrow carts manned as they entered our keep. Then just before my allies killed the grub, our enemies jumped down and wiped them.
Many times I have been asked to kill the grub. It became a point of contention – something I would never ever do again. After people asked so many times, I told them, “If we capture ALL of EB, I will bring everyone to kill the grub.” At this point in time, it was very unlikely to happen.
So apologies SF and GoM. As more and more people got in their heads that we would kill the grub, we gained momentum. I don’t think I’ve ever seen IoJ as a whole play more skilled or work the hardest to get all of EB tonight. After months of them asking and me telling them no, they really wanted to kill that kitten grub.
Once we capped all of EB tonight, we omega rushed the grub and flashbuilt rams on it for “moar damage”.
Thank you GoM for not interrupting our omega rush on the grub
. No hard feelings
sigh The hard feelings will come when GoM teaches you what hardcore truly is.
Much love,
Ansii stop, even I’m not that gay and I talk about things with boys in mapchat :<
That being said, there are and will be hard feelings. You want grub, find a commander and tell us. kitten. I’d have let you guys have grub. We only fight grub on Thorsday. Its part of our ritual. We’d have given you grub to leave our kitten alone you mangey kittens.
Edit: SF Quarantine is still in effect.
We’re going to start kittenting on the faces of your roamers corpses out of spite. Enjoy.
I’d like to thank you for making one of my biggest GW2 dreams come true tonight. You’re like Oprah right now to me. Tonight, we were able to use Omega golems on the grub. I can die happy. That is all.
Thank you, from the bottom of my heart.
Get the kitten out my keep.
Edit: I see you outside my spawn. get the kitten out there too Vis.
GoM gets +10 for gifs.
+5 more for that one
Everyone’s posting gifs! more gifs!
I dunno whats more disturbing, that you might have accidentally posted our dirty whispers if you had taken that screenie a few moments earlier, or that someone is inside Naruto…
Shouldn’t you be… ya know… commanding or something?
You don’t listen to me. Also, we never broke up. We have to break up for that to be relevant babe
BUT WAIT! Moose is back!
Broke through IoJ SM door
1 Golem, Victory Lap, Zerg Chasing
Conclusion #2: Moose OP
Conclusion #3: The patch didn’t work, didn’t nerf moose enoughSF, why do you try to be like Moose.
Commander stomped in less than 1 minute.Please refer back to conclusion #2 and 3.
I dunno whats more disturbing, that you might have accidentally posted our dirty whispers if you had taken that screenie a few moments earlier, or that someone is inside Naruto…
I will agree to stop putting holes in SM if someone on SF will mail me 150 ancient bones.
Yes, this is extortion.
Yes, you can choke on my kitten.
Yes, I’m gonna swiss cheese dat kitten.
OMG that is brilliant! This game would be so awesome if you could extort the other server for gold at any time. Want us to stop spawning? Make an offer. Want me to stop spamming /sit on your body? Make an offer. I am so glad I thought of this and posted it months ago…
Shut up ARM :p
I will agree to stop putting holes in SM if someone on SF will mail me 150 ancient bones.
Yes, this is extortion.
Yes, you can choke on my kitten.
Yes, I’m gonna swiss cheese dat kitten.
OMG that is brilliant! This game would be so awesome if you could extort the other server for gold at any time. Want us to stop spawning? Make an offer. Want me to stop spamming /sit on your body? Make an offer. I am so glad I thought of this and posted it months ago…
Shut up ARM :p
I will agree to stop putting holes in SM if someone on SF will mail me 150 ancient bones.
Yes, this is extortion.
Yes, you can choke on my kitten.
Yes, I’m gonna swiss cheese dat kitten.
soooo? which server is winning?
In-game, or on the forums?
Forums obviously, Who cares about in game
Keeping track of how many infractions each server has in a thread is a pretty fun game in its own right. It’s GW2: Office Edition.
Edit: I think we’re winning!
Nice vids btw man ;o
Thanks! Unfortunately, the quest for Quip has cut into my recording time a bit, but I’m finally almost done with all that pve junk and should be able to start uploading videos on a more frequent basis pretty soon. Might give that streaming stuff a shot, too.
I’m definitely winning if we’re counting infractions. In fact I think I’m going to do a GW2 Forum Skippy’s List and call it Lae’s List. Including every single reason and way I’ve gotten infracted.
Oh! And kitten you SF. You want to hold our castle? Fine. No walls until its blue.
And a Treb of War in Speldan.
You could call it a magnificent erection.
(edited by Averaelas.1876)
I’m done.
kitten the forums.
kitten this match up.
Great double-teaming SF and IoJ.
I think Moles have been left untouched for what…
30 minutes now?
-_-Also, yes. My party icon is fabulous. Just like me.
It was great watching IoJ fall on the “stairway” to heaven from watergate with 6 AC’s.
Good fights.
Pretty evenly split. I’d call that collusion.
IJ isn’t allowed to have nice things.
We actually like SF. So IoJ, prepare to die.
I’m a term believer in “its better to give than to receive” Everyone is giving me good fights From the other two servers. I also would like to thank you all for feeling e,tea nice and giving us over on SF free gift bags. Keep up the good fighting and never back down.
When’s this term up?
i got chased by an IoJ zerg and then killed by the SF zerg all within a 2 minute time period!
They all seem to gravitate to you Honeybuns <3
Day 2: they still haven’t noticed im not actually a table.
This is why I love GoM. You guys always make the match up thread fun rofl :P
Yaks Bend and Kaineng spent the majority of the thread complaining about the gifs.
How rude of them, Obviously Low tiers get +25 to awesomeness for gifs, Its why no one likes the upper tiers.
I wasn’t so much complaining as is one or two kitten hats said “Oh god gif soup”
Lovely showmanship by this IoJ group tonight. Joke’s on you guys that you ran like cowards when we pushed you guys with even numbers. Spawn campers gon’ learn tonight.
IJ has been playing FC/ET it seems. Laughing like that. What a joke.
I love it
I missed you both so much <3
Sooo who else thinks this is bull kitten?
They Nerfed GoM again
Kain Y U DISAPPOINT! Also YB leave us alone. We took second. let us revel in that.
Also, Kain and YB:
I capped SM with a 10 person group from GoM. We intend on holding it.
Victory song. I’m Twerking on third floor.
FGJ geez, you deserve to be on Kain.
FEAR golem army
Is that what constitutes a golem army nowadays? I weep….
That’s no Army. Thats two kittens and their kitten friends.
Kaineng also appears to be downright terrified of Yak’s Bend. So factor in the fact that we have to sacrifice a good portion of our offense to play non-stop defense against the 2nd place server, meanwhile the 1st place server gets a free pass on keeping most of their borderlands fully upgraded all week.
We seem to be winning most of our head-to-head clashes, though, and we’re able to nab top PPT occasionally during peak times, so I’d say we’re doing quite alright. If blue would start playing smart, the scoring would be a lot tighter and they’d actually have a shot at winning the week.
It’s different. If I have 10-15 rallians on me, of which I have may be 5 on Teamspeak, I’m going for GoM. To take today for an example: we held all your towers, garrison and hills at the same time.
Props to the defenders at bay, but we eventually got that too. I had sent scouts to YB BL and GoM BL just before we started on your hills, and the reports made the choice easy.Just look at how later, when we did have bay but lost your garrison again, we went in again with the three omegas. Even after repeated calls they didn’t aim for your ACs but instead targeted the warrior that rushed outside, giving you all the time in the world to build siege at your inner gate. That was terrible execution on our part, and was also one of the reasons why I didn’t bring that group to YB.
Additionally your havoc groups keep showing up on our map. Taking a tower or two (or four) on your borderlands usually gets them to switch back. And because switching maps often costs a lot of players, we just stay and take whatever else is up for grabs. Operation “Low Hanging Fruit” commences and we stick around for a while focusing on you instead of YB.
I’m not saying GoM is bad. If you were, the score wouldn’t be as close as it is. However you definitely are an easier target to get our PPT up and remain in second place. Additionally, I think some of the decisions you’re making don’t work out in your favor.
Yaks focuses on us a lot to keep us from catching up – which makes sense, the server in 2nd place is the biggest threat for the one in 1st place. At the same time you’re hitting us to try to overtake us. So we’re stuck in an endless 2v1 (like WvW is supposed to) – we’re the most interesting target for both servers. If you have to retake your BL that gives us some breathing room to push YB back again.
The problem here is that we have people who are dedicated to Eb and dedicated to BL separately. I do both, but many of us are one-trick ponies. So don’t expect much slack.
If Lilli gets to be Rose, I wanna be Donna.
It’s because she gets to touch Captain Jack, isn’t it? :P
Me thinks Jack would prefer me.
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