Showing Posts For Azzrael Deathbane.4965:

Cosmetic mounts

in Suggestions

Posted by: Azzrael Deathbane.4965

Azzrael Deathbane.4965

Moderators close one thread and another one opens… for gods sake, please use the search button provided

“Once more into the fray. Into the last good fight I’ll ever know.
Live and die on this day. Live and die on this day.”

Karma for zone completion

in Suggestions

Posted by: Azzrael Deathbane.4965

Azzrael Deathbane.4965

This is a great idea ANet; What about those who alreday have 100% map completion.

I am busy focusing on getting my legendary and do not wish to roll another toon just for karma. is there any chance of rewarding those players that have already completed 100% map completion with Karma rewards PLEASE….

“Once more into the fray. Into the last good fight I’ll ever know.
Live and die on this day. Live and die on this day.”


in Suggestions

Posted by: Azzrael Deathbane.4965

Azzrael Deathbane.4965

Mounts like the broom are fine, glorified town clothes basically. I actually like the idea of an Asuran hoverboard or Charr moped for messing about in Lions Arch on.

Not really liking the idea of them actually doing anything though.

Must admit, i am against mounts i GW2, however, they would be cool; especially hoverboards for asura

“Once more into the fray. Into the last good fight I’ll ever know.
Live and die on this day. Live and die on this day.”

Things that did not happen

in Suggestions

Posted by: Azzrael Deathbane.4965

Azzrael Deathbane.4965

Just because they listen doesn’t mean they implement. I’m guessing that dye’s are character specific because people buy the random dye pack in the gemstore so they can get more color options early. If you only have to get the dye once for all of your characters that’s less gems/money you put towards dye. They do have to make their money somehow.
Maybe once they get more items like the Quaggan backpack in the store pulling in cash they can make dyes bound to your account instead of your character?
Don’t know what to tell you about karma. Account wide karma sounds reasonable to me.

Umm yea good points, however, i am sure that ANet are not solely relying on selling dyes in the Gems Store for their source of income.

Two simple things like Karma and Dye to be account bound is not pushing the boundaries.

“Once more into the fray. Into the last good fight I’ll ever know.
Live and die on this day. Live and die on this day.”

The Flameseeker Prophecies

in Suggestions

Posted by: Azzrael Deathbane.4965

Azzrael Deathbane.4965

There is a legendary shield called The Flameseeker Prophecies it has a nice glow and animation but it would be nice to have footprints or a sound to it.

ahh thanks, did not know that existed

“Once more into the fray. Into the last good fight I’ll ever know.
Live and die on this day. Live and die on this day.”

The Flameseeker Prophecies

in Suggestions

Posted by: Azzrael Deathbane.4965

Azzrael Deathbane.4965

?? Not sure what you asking here mate. Am i missing a trick? Are you talking about the legendary titles associated with HoM?

“Once more into the fray. Into the last good fight I’ll ever know.
Live and die on this day. Live and die on this day.”

Things that did not happen

in Suggestions

Posted by: Azzrael Deathbane.4965

Azzrael Deathbane.4965

Thanks for the patch; a lot of good stuff in there, however, there are still parts that IMO are missing which are really needed.

1. Account bound Karma. This has been asked for many times, but yet we still don’t have this.

2. Account bound Dye. As above

What is surprising is that I sat and listened to the Twitch live stream and it was stated that ANet listen to our requests, yet no matter how many times I have seen these subjects on the forum requesting it, there is still no sign. Come on ANet, throw us a freeking bone here.

“Once more into the fray. Into the last good fight I’ll ever know.
Live and die on this day. Live and die on this day.”

Suggestion: Asura Weapons

in Suggestions

Posted by: Azzrael Deathbane.4965

Azzrael Deathbane.4965

I agree, given the weapon size I believe the solution is to strap all one handed weapons to the back. I would rather see this, than have two full size one handed axes or swords dragging along the dirt.

“Once more into the fray. Into the last good fight I’ll ever know.
Live and die on this day. Live and die on this day.”

Suggestion: Asura Weapons

in Suggestions

Posted by: Azzrael Deathbane.4965

Azzrael Deathbane.4965

bumped this thread

“Once more into the fray. Into the last good fight I’ll ever know.
Live and die on this day. Live and die on this day.”

Rate the Norn Name Above You

in Norn

Posted by: Azzrael Deathbane.4965

Azzrael Deathbane.4965

LMAO, what a great name especially for a norn

“Once more into the fray. Into the last good fight I’ll ever know.
Live and die on this day. Live and die on this day.”

Legendary Weapon updates

in Suggestions

Posted by: Azzrael Deathbane.4965

Azzrael Deathbane.4965

I agree with all of the above, These weapons need a complete re-think. I am just about to start on my epic voyage for Sunrise (once i have my norn to 80 that is) I would like to think of it as an epic voyage, not something i could buy of a trading post.

“Once more into the fray. Into the last good fight I’ll ever know.
Live and die on this day. Live and die on this day.”

We Want Mounts!!!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Azzrael Deathbane.4965

Azzrael Deathbane.4965

IMO, No to mounts

“Once more into the fray. Into the last good fight I’ll ever know.
Live and die on this day. Live and die on this day.”

Mounts n stuff in the Gem store. _Pl0x/Rights

in Suggestions

Posted by: Azzrael Deathbane.4965

Azzrael Deathbane.4965

To the guy who says there is no need for a 1000+ mount threads. My question to you is really…. why? People obviously want them lol, and are voicing their opinion. So should we not have a suggestions forum section just because you disagree with it? Makes sense guy. Also, 1000+ mount threads are still a suggestion. It’s just a suggestion that a lot of people support… you just happen to be opposed to it. The only real argument I’ve read in this thread is from WarlockMaster. At least he was eloquent enough to put what he wanted to say in a concise manner. He also made some good points. It Arenanet does put mounts in the game, I would like to see a spin on it. I’d like to see something unique from it, something the other MMO’s doesn’t have.

It’s not that fact that there are a thousand threads on this subject, it’s the fact that you can’t be bothered to use the search button to find them. Just for your info, not all treads on this subject are locked.

Your right, this is a suggestion thread and I have suggested no to mounts, it’s my opinion and I don’t agree with you. Get over it.

“Once more into the fray. Into the last good fight I’ll ever know.
Live and die on this day. Live and die on this day.”

(edited by Azzrael Deathbane.4965)

Mounts n stuff in the Gem store. _Pl0x/Rights

in Suggestions

Posted by: Azzrael Deathbane.4965

Azzrael Deathbane.4965

@ warllockmaster:

Very well put, couldn’t agree more

“Once more into the fray. Into the last good fight I’ll ever know.
Live and die on this day. Live and die on this day.”

Best thing you've had from Weyandt's Revenge

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Azzrael Deathbane.4965

Azzrael Deathbane.4965

I have had nothing but greens and blues drop from JP chests and i have completed all of them, some even twice

“Once more into the fray. Into the last good fight I’ll ever know.
Live and die on this day. Live and die on this day.”

Mount reward for 100% map completition

in Suggestions

Posted by: Azzrael Deathbane.4965

Azzrael Deathbane.4965

obviously the OP is in the majority of people that dont know how to use the search button.

The subject of mounts has been widely discussed already. Can we plz stop opening new threads on this subject.

“Once more into the fray. Into the last good fight I’ll ever know.
Live and die on this day. Live and die on this day.”

Rate the Norn Name Above You

in Norn

Posted by: Azzrael Deathbane.4965

Azzrael Deathbane.4965

All very good nominations:

Mine is a norn warrior who goes by the name of

Azz Raelson

“Once more into the fray. Into the last good fight I’ll ever know.
Live and die on this day. Live and die on this day.”

Anther Mount Post, Cosmetic

in Suggestions

Posted by: Azzrael Deathbane.4965

Azzrael Deathbane.4965

IMO cosmetic mounts or mounts that serve a purpose are pointless, if you want to have a look at the world of tyria and not use waypoints, then walk

“Once more into the fray. Into the last good fight I’ll ever know.
Live and die on this day. Live and die on this day.”

Anther Mount Post, Cosmetic

in Suggestions

Posted by: Azzrael Deathbane.4965

Azzrael Deathbane.4965

No its not different, Trawl through the hundreds of posts on this subject.

“Once more into the fray. Into the last good fight I’ll ever know.
Live and die on this day. Live and die on this day.”

Anther Mount Post, Cosmetic

in Suggestions

Posted by: Azzrael Deathbane.4965

Azzrael Deathbane.4965

OMG comon, another thread Jeesus. This is the second thread on this page. OP you really need to use the search button or look at what is currently being posted. There really is no need for this.

Please ANet do something about this issue.

“Once more into the fray. Into the last good fight I’ll ever know.
Live and die on this day. Live and die on this day.”

(edited by Azzrael Deathbane.4965)

Animation to weapons

in Suggestions

Posted by: Azzrael Deathbane.4965

Azzrael Deathbane.4965

I don’t know … It’s like, I would like to use the elite warrior signet but the effect makes me look like i smell bad! What if there’s an upgrade you really want to use, but you hate the way it makes the weapon look?

The keyword here is subtle. The effects shouldnt be “hey look my weapon grows so bright I can barely see anything” more like a subtle red glow if you use sigil of fire, 1 or 2 sparks jumping around on your weapon if you use sigil of air or maybe blood dripping from your weapon for the bleed duration sigil. If you don’t like how it looks you’ll be able to ignore it. Except you’re a perfectionist.
But imagine the game would’ve always had these effects. You would barely see anyone complaining about it.

Agreed, this is the direction i was moving to in my OP

“Once more into the fray. Into the last good fight I’ll ever know.
Live and die on this day. Live and die on this day.”

Mounts n stuff in the Gem store. _Pl0x/Rights

in Suggestions

Posted by: Azzrael Deathbane.4965

Azzrael Deathbane.4965

It’s incredible to me that players get so excited over the prospect of getting mounts introduced in a game.

It has been stated thousands of time before by numerous people that there is no need for mounts in this game. Some would argue that they want mounts for cosmetic reasons, IMO this is just plain pointless. GW and GW2 survived quite successfully without them and proved that you don’t always have to follow the normal MMO mould to make a game great.

Its time to get over it now and move on.

“Once more into the fray. Into the last good fight I’ll ever know.
Live and die on this day. Live and die on this day.”


in Suggestions

Posted by: Azzrael Deathbane.4965

Azzrael Deathbane.4965

Haven’t we got something similar to this already with some of the legendary pre-cursors?

“Once more into the fray. Into the last good fight I’ll ever know.
Live and die on this day. Live and die on this day.”

Animation to weapons

in Suggestions

Posted by: Azzrael Deathbane.4965

Azzrael Deathbane.4965

bumping this thread again.

In answer to your question taril. I dont see transmuting a weapon being a problem as it gives you the option to carry the enchantment over to the new skin

“Once more into the fray. Into the last good fight I’ll ever know.
Live and die on this day. Live and die on this day.”

A very concerned Guild Wars 2 member & fan

in Suggestions

Posted by: Azzrael Deathbane.4965

Azzrael Deathbane.4965

My only comments with your post is number 4.

I liked WoW for that aspect of the game, however, Guild wars 2 is a different beast. First off, there are no factions, all players are on the same side so there cant be any ‘ganking’ in the pve world.

Secondly, WvW serves as a purpose for you to get your thrills by killing other players.

“Once more into the fray. Into the last good fight I’ll ever know.
Live and die on this day. Live and die on this day.”

Use Gold Buyers to catch more Gold Sellers

in Suggestions

Posted by: Azzrael Deathbane.4965

Azzrael Deathbane.4965

This isn’t even a debate. Anyone trying to defend illegal gold buyers is doing so for their selfish reasoning.

Agreed, this post is a pointless one. Gold sellers and buyers should be banned, If you want to buy gold, then log in, go to the gem store, buy gems and then convert it into gold, thats what i do, if i need gold.

Its ANets party and they havnt invited any gold sellers lol.

end of

“Once more into the fray. Into the last good fight I’ll ever know.
Live and die on this day. Live and die on this day.”

Talk about add/don't add mounts to GuildWars2

in Suggestions

Posted by: Azzrael Deathbane.4965

Azzrael Deathbane.4965

For gods sake another thread about mounts,

I have read a lot of comments regarding mounts in other games, IMO GW2 does not need them. What’s the point in having them, for looks? Is it for the “look at my mount, isn’t it great” comments? Personally, if I want mounts then I would return to WoW or LOTRO. I like guild Wars for its uniqueness.

Not all MMORPGs have to be the same. So it’s a definite no from me.

“Once more into the fray. Into the last good fight I’ll ever know.
Live and die on this day. Live and die on this day.”

Unconsumable grandmaster's training manual

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Azzrael Deathbane.4965

Azzrael Deathbane.4965

am i missing a trick, i didn’t think there was an 80 manual

“Once more into the fray. Into the last good fight I’ll ever know.
Live and die on this day. Live and die on this day.”

thanks for the stream

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Azzrael Deathbane.4965

Azzrael Deathbane.4965

Although i am still listening to the Live-stream atm, Just wanted to take this opportunity to thank you for the live-stream question session. this is an excellent tool and shows that you care about what the players want and the game. Keep up the great work guys.

“Once more into the fray. Into the last good fight I’ll ever know.
Live and die on this day. Live and die on this day.”

Developer Livestream Questions

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Azzrael Deathbane.4965

Azzrael Deathbane.4965

Good evening from UK Guys.

Could we have a definitive answer on whether Race changes, Account bound Dye and mounts will be implemented in Guild Wars 2. All of these subjects are constantly being repeated on the suggestions forums.


“Once more into the fray. Into the last good fight I’ll ever know.
Live and die on this day. Live and die on this day.”

Dyes - Please make them account bound.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Azzrael Deathbane.4965

Azzrael Deathbane.4965

I must admit, i would like to see this happen as well. i Have Abyss on two of my other toons and i am in the process of levelling another Warrior (no race change) and i would really like to have the abyss on this toon. The prices on the TP for these dyes is ridiculous

“Once more into the fray. Into the last good fight I’ll ever know.
Live and die on this day. Live and die on this day.”

Missing Unidentified Dye

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Azzrael Deathbane.4965

Azzrael Deathbane.4965

Thanks for the reply Aiden, i have completed all the checks above and still no further forward. I have launched a ticket to try and get to the bottom of this. Thanks again

“Once more into the fray. Into the last good fight I’ll ever know.
Live and die on this day. Live and die on this day.”

Change Forum Display name

in Suggestions

Posted by: Azzrael Deathbane.4965

Azzrael Deathbane.4965

Just woundering if there is an option to change the Forum / display name as mine name is no longer relevant to my Guild Wars 2 account. This was a name was going to use for a Charr prior to GW2 being released. Plus i dont like it anymore lol

“Once more into the fray. Into the last good fight I’ll ever know.
Live and die on this day. Live and die on this day.”

Game store purchases should be account wide

in Suggestions

Posted by: Azzrael Deathbane.4965

Azzrael Deathbane.4965

I am obviously NOT ALLOWED to say that i agree with the OP as i have had my original post deleted by o Moderator. So i will not agree with the OP and say that all things on the Gem store should be soulbound on purchase. and you wounder why people are starting to stop posting these forums

“Once more into the fray. Into the last good fight I’ll ever know.
Live and die on this day. Live and die on this day.”

Lets talk Mounts

in Suggestions

Posted by: Azzrael Deathbane.4965

Azzrael Deathbane.4965

IMO some MMOs such as WoW need mount travel because of the large extensive maps that are in the game. Unfortunately (again IMO) Guild wars 2 is not such an MMO, there are Waypoints, Asura Gates and ofc feet to get from one place to another.

If a mount is useless (As stated above) and will not bring anything else to the party except looks, then why add it. If it is just for looks so players can say “wow look at my mount” then I think, we could do without them IMO. I would rather they iron out all the bugs, update current content and introduce guild specific stuff first, before introducing useless mounts

“Once more into the fray. Into the last good fight I’ll ever know.
Live and die on this day. Live and die on this day.”

Race change

in Suggestions

Posted by: Azzrael Deathbane.4965

Azzrael Deathbane.4965

I fail to see why the minor race related portion of the storyline should factor in at all. Shortly after picking an order it all becomes generic anyway.

I’ve played in games that don’t allow it, and those that do. I’ve not seen much difference or any harm done in those that do. Choices made by other players regarding their Chars appearance and race do not effect mine, and I wouldn’t care one bit if Bob the Charr became Jill the Human.

Bob the Charr, i love it lol

“Once more into the fray. Into the last good fight I’ll ever know.
Live and die on this day. Live and die on this day.”

Race change

in Suggestions

Posted by: Azzrael Deathbane.4965

Azzrael Deathbane.4965

ANet has already stated that Race change is not somthing they are going to introduce to GW2.

I am up for race change. I have an 80 Asura warrior that i hate, but I am busy levelling a Norn one atm.

This topic has been done to death and i feel it has ran its course. Pity.

“Once more into the fray. Into the last good fight I’ll ever know.
Live and die on this day. Live and die on this day.”

Adding content to gem store

in Suggestions

Posted by: Azzrael Deathbane.4965

Azzrael Deathbane.4965

Race change is NOT coming mate, this has been widely discussed and ANet have confirmed that this is not being considered in future content.

“Once more into the fray. Into the last good fight I’ll ever know.
Live and die on this day. Live and die on this day.”

Lets talk Mounts

in Suggestions

Posted by: Azzrael Deathbane.4965

Azzrael Deathbane.4965

This game does not require the use of mounts, there hundreds of posts on this subject and this thread needs to be closed or merged

“Once more into the fray. Into the last good fight I’ll ever know.
Live and die on this day. Live and die on this day.”

Noob Thief here

in Thief

Posted by: Azzrael Deathbane.4965

Azzrael Deathbane.4965

@dM thanks, that is helpful. Might have a look at the SB tonight

“Once more into the fray. Into the last good fight I’ll ever know.
Live and die on this day. Live and die on this day.”

Archaeology - new crafting and discovery

in Suggestions

Posted by: Azzrael Deathbane.4965

Azzrael Deathbane.4965

Very good and well thought out post,

i am sold, this is something that will make players frequent the old non popular areas again and brings a little something else to the party

“Once more into the fray. Into the last good fight I’ll ever know.
Live and die on this day. Live and die on this day.”

Noob Thief here

in Thief

Posted by: Azzrael Deathbane.4965

Azzrael Deathbane.4965

thanks for the replys,

I am playing him with D/D and P/P atm, I start with P/P first then when the timing is right move in with D/D, its pretty much in and out from this point on (using dodge and stealth when needed) until he drops, i like this style, however not sure if this is the best way to play him.

“Once more into the fray. Into the last good fight I’ll ever know.
Live and die on this day. Live and die on this day.”

(edited by Azzrael Deathbane.4965)

Noob Thief here

in Thief

Posted by: Azzrael Deathbane.4965

Azzrael Deathbane.4965

I have been playing MMORPGs for many years now and I have always rolled and stuck with a warrior.

GW2 was no exception and I feel it is time to make the change and try something different. I have created a thief and I am currently lvl 20, I am loving this toon, however, I feel that I might not cut it at higher levels as I have no real idea how to play him.

I would really appreciate it if someone would be kind enough to give me a clue on what stats, gear and builds to use to enable me to be an effective thief (Solo and Groups). I am not interested in anything else other than PVE at this juncture.

Any help would be appreciated.

Kindest regards


“Once more into the fray. Into the last good fight I’ll ever know.
Live and die on this day. Live and die on this day.”

Race change

in Suggestions

Posted by: Azzrael Deathbane.4965

Azzrael Deathbane.4965

old threads coming back mate, some people search for subjects, some dont lol

Can a moderator please merge these threads

“Once more into the fray. Into the last good fight I’ll ever know.
Live and die on this day. Live and die on this day.”

Race change

in Suggestions

Posted by: Azzrael Deathbane.4965

Azzrael Deathbane.4965

we should start a petition to see exactly how many want this implemented. ANet take note

“Once more into the fray. Into the last good fight I’ll ever know.
Live and die on this day. Live and die on this day.”

Race change

in Suggestions

Posted by: Azzrael Deathbane.4965

Azzrael Deathbane.4965

“Once more into the fray. Into the last good fight I’ll ever know.
Live and die on this day. Live and die on this day.”

Dropping dungeons from exploration

in Suggestions

Posted by: Azzrael Deathbane.4965

Azzrael Deathbane.4965

Dungeon exploration is NOT required for world exploration. But I hear ya, it’s a royal pain in the kitten getting groups together now.

“Once more into the fray. Into the last good fight I’ll ever know.
Live and die on this day. Live and die on this day.”

Race change

in Suggestions

Posted by: Azzrael Deathbane.4965

Azzrael Deathbane.4965

This topic was raised yesterday and about 5 hundred times since release. Apparently ANet have already confirmed that they will not be implementing race change. Pity

“Once more into the fray. Into the last good fight I’ll ever know.
Live and die on this day. Live and die on this day.”

Race change

in Suggestions

Posted by: Azzrael Deathbane.4965

Azzrael Deathbane.4965

Looks like I am creating a norn warrior tomorrow then.

Can we have some acknowledgement from ANet to confirm that they are not implementing this in the near future. I really don’t want to go through the rig moral of unlocking maps, crafting etc on my new warrior only to find that they are going to add race change.

“Once more into the fray. Into the last good fight I’ll ever know.
Live and die on this day. Live and die on this day.”

(edited by Azzrael Deathbane.4965)

Race change

in Suggestions

Posted by: Azzrael Deathbane.4965

Azzrael Deathbane.4965

Race change is one of those things that, while I realize could bring in good revenue, has a negative effect on gaming. It is my opinion that in an RPG you should commit to your character. Being able to race change also reduces the life of a game. Want the Norn experience? Create one and enjoy. Similar to how people want to change their Order. Commit!

Fast-tracking has become too prevalent in gaming. Things such as paying to change commitment choices and tools that break a community (LFG)…I just do not see why we need these.

Things that influence the game play such as professions, class etc I agree, these should not change.

With regard to race change that does not in any way impact on the game play, ANet are already half way there by implementing sex and appearance change.

All I am saying is, have it as an option, if players want it, then they will spend the money to have it. If players wish to immerse themselves in the RPG element of the game and do not wish to purchase such change, then that’s fine too.

“Once more into the fray. Into the last good fight I’ll ever know.
Live and die on this day. Live and die on this day.”