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Live and die on this day. Live and die on this day.”
Not sure if this has already been requested or discussed, but I find it hard to understand why a player has to fork out at least 2400 gems for crafting tools per toon they decide to level, I know that a you have to make money but comon give us a break and at least make crafting tools account bound.
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This is bloody ridiculous, kitten why is nobody doing anything about the never ending loading screens. i am sick and tired of having to disconnect GW2 because i keep crashing at the loading screen especially when i am loading into LA.
No wonder people are bloody leaving this game
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I am not sure if anybody else is having this issue, but every time i travel to LA and log out, when it comes to logging back into game, it freezes on LA and i cant access my toon. I do not have more that one toon and don’t see why i have to create another toon just so i can access the one that is stuck
please assist
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Is there a way of being able to sheaf you weapons on the backs of the toons rather than down by their sides. I would like to have the option of being able to sheaf my one handed swords / axes etc on the back of my warrior toon. IMO is look a lot better. It will also mean that my one handed weapons are more visible.
Obviously the exceptions would be daggers and focus etc
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I have to agree with the OP,
THIS was the reason why I deleted my ranger and have not created another one. I too like the bows; I would be very happy to run around the world with my bows and not have to worry about that dam pet. Maybe there should be an option to permanently turn off the pet if you don’t want them.
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Hm, you didn’t include your name, so I’ll say that “Azzrael” is a pretty nice name. Sounds like a pretty, but serious name if it were for an Asura
My little Warrior is “Soxsura.” Here’s a picture to go with the name
My name was above his, Chlojja a little female Asura Ele
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jeesus, i have been playing on and off since launch and the most i can muster is the 120g required for the T3 Armour for my little asura, How in the name that is all holy did you get all that including mats. I have had 3 level 80 toons that have all completed the game and yet only 120g.
i must be doing something wrong.
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ooo, thanks i will take a look tonight
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I had an 80 warrior (deleted too boring)
I had an 80 Ranger (deleted too pet orientated for my liking)
I have a thief in the mix ready for roll out, just levelling my ele atm and loving her.
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I am having the same problem with this and the maguma jungle area (or what ever its called)
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nice to see something positive on these forums. Gratz to both of you
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lol i like that ^^^ thats a good name
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i disagree with the OP, i hate WvW and PVP, but i have managed to do the 100% map completion with no real problems. just wait for the servers to rotate like someone suggested, easy, job done
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nah, nothing to see here, move along
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Any Asura only Guilds on Aurora Glade? if so Chlojja is waiting to join
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and there is me thinking it was just my little toon that was doing it. PLZ fix this and the shoulders so my little toon can be great again, atm she looks like Arnold of ‘hey arnold’ a cartoon of the 90’s
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(edited by Azzrael Deathbane.4965)
Asurnator – Not sure if this is in keeping with the Asura naming policy lol 5/10
Deluzio – as ablove, but i like the name 7/10
I have a female ele by the name of Chlojja (daughters name is chloe)
Live and die on this day. Live and die on this day.”
thanks, i will take a look
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Race : Asura
Gender : Female
There is a clipping issue with T3 Light cultural shoulders as they are no longer visable when wearing the full set.
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I am returning to Guild wars 2 after a bit of a break and have an ele currently sat at level 30ish. I was wondering if anybody could let me know what the best build is currently for fast effective DPS in PVE. I have tried various builds before but found that I can’t get the enemy down fast enough and eventually end up sucking dirt.
Any helpful hints and build suggestions would be great.
Thanks for your time.
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How much do you play?
I don’t anymore. I did play and had the game since beta, I loved it in the beginning but have now stopped playing through boredom.
What motivates you to play?
What attracted you to this game over other MMOs?
I played GW1 for years and loved it; I thought GW2 would be epic, but sadly IMO it hasn’t lived up to its expectations.
How often do you play with and interact with other players?
Used to play a lot with the guild, but sadly watched the guild dwindle to non existence and finally gave up myself.
What do you do with your time in game?
Not applicable as I don’t play, I make use of my time now playing skyrim and waiting for the Elder Scrolls online.
Live and die on this day. Live and die on this day.”
i am too am on Aurora Glade. This is really starting to kitten me off now, i have had no response from ANet and i cant play on my main toon.
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ANet can i have a response plz, i am still having issues with LA
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There is obviously a problem with moving to LA by way point. My toon is unplayable and I am having to use an alt to craft etc to achieve Dailies as I cannot log in with my main warrior. That is stuck on the LA lading screen
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Dont know if anybody else is having this issue,but i can’t get one of my characters in LA, he is constantly stuck on the loading Screen. just tried to log on with my other toons and there is no problem he can go to LA. just seems like it is my main that has the problem. he has become unplayable
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(edited by Azzrael Deathbane.4965)
Or what baout this for an idea:
How about adding animation to weapon Sigils, for example:
Adding Superior Sigil of earth to a weapon, (the weapons appearance changes to that of a cluster of rocks surrounding the weapon)
Adding Superior Sigil of Fire to a weapon (the weapons appearance changes to that of flames surrounding the weapon)
Well you get the point. Just give a little more animation to the game.
Live and die on this day. Live and die on this day.”
nothing to add here other than, its still bugged.
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bumped this thread, rather than starting another. More animations to weapons plz
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I thought the tokens only gave you rare armor, have i missed something. Cos if thats the case i will not use the karma and focus on that
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I got Dusk in the MF and accidentally put it into the MF with 3 other Greatsword at the next try. Took me another 200g in the MF to get it again.
You just can not top this!
Nah, your right. That cannot be topped. i would log out and never come back coz i would be that kitten /p>
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8/10 for Mako Scarlet, i like it
Mine is a warrior that goes by the name of
<———Azzrael Deathbane
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Hello Guild Wars-Community!
I’m Xgw, and I just started playing my new 2, human Characters (started at the beginnung of 2013).
Well, I’m not 100% new. Playin’ since release but deleted all characters and started again now with the “real” chars I wanted to play!Characters:
[Main] Xgw | Human Warrior – Level 20
[Alt.] Xgm | Human Elementalist – Level 2 (I didn’t really play him yet^^)Pictures are in the Attachment!
Just done the same, i deleted a lvl 80 norn ranger, level 80 Asura warrior and a lvl 80 Norn warrior. as there is no race change, i couldn’t make up my mind what i wanted.
I have just rolled a human warrior (Azzrael Deathbane) which i am now happy with. on the plus side, he has loads of mats in the bank, money and karma ready for the legendary when he gets to the 80 point. He also has 2 scrolls from 100% map completion, so its not all bad
Live and die on this day. Live and die on this day.”
(edited by Azzrael Deathbane.4965)
Ok, so here is my story.
I am level 80 and have been playing GW2 since Beta, I have completed my story, 100% map completion and farmed Orr and the Karka island since that event.
To date, I have not had one exotic drop, nor have I had anything of major interest or value drop, I continue to farm for legendary pre-cursors and in a hope that a nice shinny appears…but no.
What does a player have to do in this game to cut a break? I see loads of forum dwellers stating that they have huge amounts of gold and loads of nice things drop for them. Am I doing something wrong.
On another note, how the hell can anybody afford 5000 gold for Eternity legendary sword on the BLTP. This made me laugh when I saw it advertised last night.
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I would just like something nice to drop in the first instance. To date I have levelled to 80 and completed map 100% and still not had anything of real value drop for me. I have even spent hours in Orr and the Karka Island and still nothing, (how the hell are you supposed to get legendary pre-cursors)
I must be the most unlucky player around.
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Wait, your funds are at 3? Isn’t it supposed to be 2, given that laurels were only introduced on 28th PST and only two days have gone by now? :/
Also, laurels for monthly are rewarded starting feb, not for this month as it would be unfair to those who did monthly before the patch.
possibly time zone issue other than that, he was up really early lol
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lol i think i will re-clock my puter to 3 months in advance, then i can get a hard start lol
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Laurels for monthly starts next month. says so in the patch notes as well.
Please could you confirm that the monthly element of the monthly willl be removed as it has nothing to do with PVE
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Yea Lucas, its not happening this month. I really hope that they remove the WvW element of the monthly aswell, WvW has nothing to do with PvE annd should be moved to PVP monthly
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Yea, but they sheaf on the sides, the one handed swords etc will be dragging in the dirt and it would look ridicules. this is why all weapons with some exceptions should be shown on the backs of Asura
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I must admit i would pay to use this service if it was introduced.
Let me put my spin on it. Player race change could be done as follows:
I player selects to make the race change through the gem system.
The toon in qustion is then highligted for change on the character log in screen. When the player picks that toon, it goes through the complete character creation as if it was a new toon picking story etc.
As far as the armor issue goes, the toons amour is reset to default lvl 80 (PvP armour)or the basic armour upon creation completion, this is the downside to race change, if players want it then they will take the hit. all skills and talents are reset and the player then embarks on his new adventure, new storyline etc) everything else remains the same, the world explored, Karma and the player level etc.
So as i see it, the only downside to this is the armour change, If other MMOs can do it very successfully then, what is the issue.
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same here and since i have gone back to my Asura warrior, i am loving him again.. so actually its all good
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I guess you have not played and Asura with a great sword? That thing is huge compared to the Asura.
My only complaint is that the weapons intersect with the ground and other leggings. It would be nice to have the weapons a little more visible on Asuran bodies.
my main is an asura warrior with a GS. i was referring to one handed weapons
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umm yea i agree
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agreed, however i feel that this will not be implemented. i am just about to delete one of my toons to free up another character place. he has 42k in karma that i stand to loose…NOT HAPPY
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yea that is what i was thinking
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No issue here, i would like to see an option to at least give players a choice of how they want to sheaf their weapons
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I hear ya mate, i have tried endlessly to have this implemented, alas, it’s not going to happen. ANet have already stated that they will not be implementing this feature.
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talking karma, i would like to see this happen, i have a lvl 52 toon which i want to delete to free up another character slot, this character has 42k in karma and i stand to loose it, unless there is a way for me to run down to fort trinity to spend it on the new chests..can this be done?
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There are already three threads on this one page of the suggestions forum. For gods sake, pleeeeese have a look before posting another thread on this subject.
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