Showing Posts For Bannok.3152:


in Match-ups

Posted by: Bannok.3152


Good fights tonight, gosh I love reset, so many huge brawls going on.

Bannok – Dark Covenant (SBI)

6/21 BP/SBI/AR - The Sequel

in Match-ups

Posted by: Bannok.3152


Its actually more like 12 or 13. What can I say, I’m pretty lazy. Considering I only have 2 names on this petition to get your troll kitten banned, lets just pretend this never happened.

Bannok – Dark Covenant (SBI)

6/21 BP/SBI/AR - The Sequel

in Match-ups

Posted by: Bannok.3152


I am offended, often and easily, I believe a suspension is in hand for Maladon.5760 .
Lets put aside our differences and get this troll off the forums!

Bannok – Dark Covenant (SBI)

6/21 BP/SBI/AR - The Sequel

in Match-ups

Posted by: Bannok.3152


^ soon to be deleted post. Infraction inc!

Bannok – Dark Covenant (SBI)

6/14 BP/SBI/AR

in Match-ups

Posted by: Bannok.3152


Just wanted to say thanks to the BP who came out in force to EB. Tried to get on as quickly as we could, could only get from 9-12 eastern. Hopefully AR got to see some good fights from AP tower, was a lot of fun. Hopefully the fights bring you guys out again, pretty sure the ground shook with some of those fights. Congrats on your win this week and good luck.

Bannok – Dark Covenant (SBI)

6/14 BP/SBI/AR

in Match-ups

Posted by: Bannok.3152


I guess its time to state the obvious. No one in Eternal seems to care about the score. Further, I think only a select few continue to care about the score as a whole. BP did a great job of trolling tears from them this match up. Unfortunately I wont be able to get into EB tonight, maybe next week you guys can make it a priority to plague us there in the event we are matched up again. I welcome the action and fun, thats the point of playing the game. Win or lose, points, out manned, coverage, dont matter.

Its threads like this that really make me miss Maguuma, TC, hell even CD. Congrats to your win this week, you earned it.

Bannok – Dark Covenant (SBI)

6/14 BP/SBI/AR

in Match-ups

Posted by: Bannok.3152


Please dont come to EB! ;(

Bannok – Dark Covenant (SBI)

6/14 BP/SBI/AR

in Match-ups

Posted by: Bannok.3152


I was the one who said we were queued all 4 maps on reset, the first night of green. Also stated it was more then likely due to the fact we had not been green for several months, maybe since we last hit tier 5. Since that time more then 90% of our WvW players left to other servers. All that night turned out to be was map completion. Maybe they stuck around for a few hours then got bored and bailed. We typically queue EB from 7 eastern till maybe 11 eastern, and then some sparse population in whatever borderlands a couple of guilds decide to play in that night.

Frankly, the score matters only to a select few on SBI, and for a good portion of us, it wont matter if its SoS, DB, or AR. Whomever we’re facing we’re going to fight, and the truth of the matter is the coverage is going to dictate who wins, and that has not been a strong point on SBI since the exodus. I liked the earlier posts in this thread where people were a bit more about the fun and a little bit less about this kitten swinging.

Its a dead horse, I know. Regardless we do the best we can with what we got.

Bannok – Dark Covenant (SBI)

6/14 BP/SBI/AR

in Match-ups

Posted by: Bannok.3152


If our presence on reset and saturday morning were any indication to our stability it looks like its not going to be close at all. The lead we accumulated last weekend was due to having been green for the first time in 4-5 months. Map completion being done, we wont be able to field the numbers to be competitive. That being said, we’ll still be on to brawl when we have the numbers, but looking like our WvWvW numbers are slowly degrading yet again.

Hows BP’s coverage weekdays? We might be able to make up some ground if its not on par with your weekend coverage.

Bannok – Dark Covenant (SBI)

6/7: SBI vs AR vs IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Bannok.3152


Well, last night we had all 4 maps with a full queue, and apparently EB had a one hour queue. Couple of factors in this. We have not had a match up in our favor since we last faced IoJ in tier 5, I think you guys were a different server then. So, about 10-12 weeks of being a punching bag brought some people back. Also, first time we have been green, so the PvE’s are trying to get map completion done. Take these two factors in consideration with the fact the score is in our favor for the first time in months, I gotta believe every fair weather player and their mother is out and about this weekend.

I’ve commanded EB 5-6 days a week prime time since the exodus. I recognized maybe half the people in EB last night. Might be a tough week for you guys, and might even out after map completion calms down. Either way good fights, see you soon.

Bannok – Dark Covenant (SBI)

5/31 DragonWagon/Magummybears/SBI

in Match-ups

Posted by: Bannok.3152


We have 2 commanders we can trade you for Commander Cody, what say you??

Bannok – Dark Covenant (SBI)

5/31 DragonWagon/Magummybears/SBI

in Match-ups

Posted by: Bannok.3152


Maguuma, be free! We are here to free you from your opressive masters! Come take back your towers!

Bannok – Dark Covenant (SBI)

5/31 DragonWagon/Magummybears/SBI

in Match-ups

Posted by: Bannok.3152


Clearly, numbers and coverage have no bearing on the match up. We’ll just try harder to feed you guys more bags, but not because we’re outnumbered, behind or face upgraded defensive structures. Only because we’re bads who need to l2p!

Bannok – Dark Covenant (SBI)

(edited by Bannok.3152)

5/31 DragonWagon/Magummybears/SBI

in Match-ups

Posted by: Bannok.3152


Honestly, gonna be hard to get people to push on these t3 keeps right outside of our spawn. You would have to be really stupid to subject yourself to arrow cart death circles. Im going to guess we’ll have some people tonight, but by tomorrow night should be a ghost town.

Bannok – Dark Covenant (SBI)

EUREKA! I fixed wvw, ur all welcome (Serious)

in WvW

Posted by: Bannok.3152


The only way to fix WvWvW is to make each side only have the same number of people in a map at the same time. Then no more cries about coverage. Then no more cries about zerg. Then no more cries about oceanic having 90 more people on 4 maps. Same number of troops, plain and simple. Low and behold, the server with better orginization, makeup and tactics will win. Sounds unbelievable right?

You would think it would be a no brainer, maybe let each side only have 3-5 more then other till more join. Almost like FPS, Capture the flags, balancing like most Team Fortress 2 matches. LEGASP.

Now, you may begin your “No.” posts, or learn to recruit, or some crap that your super guild of 15 kittenes likes to fight 40 people. Frankly, this is the only way to truely balance it, let each side field same number of people. Im going to bet most of the band-wagon types will be totally against it, as well as anyone consistently zerging the pants off of servers.

Imagine the server who plays better actually winning instead of the server with more coverage?

Bannok – Dark Covenant (SBI)

5/31 DragonWagon/Magummybears/SBI

in Match-ups

Posted by: Bannok.3152


You might get some fights if you move 100 people off of the spawn and let those 15 pieces of siege decay, just sayin.

Bannok – Dark Covenant (SBI)

5/31 DragonWagon/Magummybears/SBI

in Match-ups

Posted by: Bannok.3152


I kind of giggled last night when a sea of a trillion DB shot arrow carts around the corner into the lord room of AP with 2 walls down for our 3 AC’s. Love them side winding homing arrows, inspector gadget style!

Bannok – Dark Covenant (SBI)

5/31 DragonWagon/Magummybears/SBI

in Match-ups

Posted by: Bannok.3152


Nothing we can do about it. Will be on tonight to fight like every other night. Until they do something about points based on player participation this is how its going to be regardless of match making or otherwise. Coverage and blobbing is what GW2 WvWvW is about. Everyone knows it and dont kid yourself otherwise. So what do we do? Kill each other. All we can do. Just try to keep it in your mind camping the spawn will probably not help get more people out, try and keep that to a minimal please. We are mostly a casual player base and most dont really know better.

Bannok – Dark Covenant (SBI)

stormbuff isle wvw scene

in WvW

Posted by: Bannok.3152


Wrong place for this ;D

Bannok – Dark Covenant (SBI)

New matchup system (official info)

in WvW

Posted by: Bannok.3152


I can say without any hesitation that if SBI pulls a tier 1 or 2 server next week, there wont be a soul left in the borderlands. We haven’t had a decent matchup in months, and now after taking a beating from SoS for a couple of weeks you hold us over the tier 1 and 2 beasts? Holy cow is this a recipe for destruction or what.

Bannok – Dark Covenant (SBI)

T4: SoS/CD/SBI (5/17/13)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Bannok.3152


Complaining cant change it anyways, This reset will most likely be our last together, if they do indeed change the matchmaking. If the last two nights are any indication there will be a big drop off in any competition like past weeks. Its at the point now I don’t even know a fraction of the people, and when most either stop to get the skill point in Ogres or Dredge, or ask when can we get green’s keep for map completion, you get the feeling things aren’t right. Hopefully the new system prevents stagnation, though I am not sure how it can possibly change. Will see you folks tonight.

Bannok – Dark Covenant (SBI)

stormbuff isle wvw scene

in WvW

Posted by: Bannok.3152


I don’t speak for the entire server, obviously, but im more then happy to slip to a lower tier with similar coverage. If anything we’re desperate to get into a more even match up.

Bannok – Dark Covenant (SBI)

stormbuff isle wvw scene

in WvW

Posted by: Bannok.3152


So you know, we’re not on voice, we don’t have more then 2-3 people in a guild, and we fight quite well considering. Don’t want to give any credit, that’s fine. I would love to see how well you would do every night with no major guilds contributing. No FaTe running on its own or otherwise. Yeah, im saying it. Our pug is better then your pug. SBI is just pugs.

Bannok – Dark Covenant (SBI)

stormbuff isle wvw scene

in WvW

Posted by: Bannok.3152


SBI has not one full blown WvWvW guild to speak of. We kind of do everything with a pretty strong pug militia. We can field a large number of players typically primetime eastern. We don’t utilize siege enough but we do really well in open field fights. As far as stability goes, we don’t have any more guilds to lose, our last 50+ person guild transferred to SoR long ago. You certainly will find no lack of targets here, if that means anything.

Bannok – Dark Covenant (SBI)

T4: SoS/CD/SBI (5/17/13)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Bannok.3152


That’s biggest zerg in EB SoS is fielding I have seen since we faced SoR/TC

Bannok – Dark Covenant (SBI)

T4: SoS/CD/SBI (5/17/13)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Bannok.3152


We clearly needed our enemies to get more people, so we can spend 24 hours a day at +45 instead of 20 hours. Should make things between SoS and CD more interesting though.

Bannok – Dark Covenant (SBI)

(edited by Bannok.3152)

T4: SoS/CD/SBI (5/17/13)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Bannok.3152


That should really balance out the match up well.

Bannok – Dark Covenant (SBI)

T4: SoS/CD/SBI (5/17/13)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Bannok.3152


Yep, probably going to spend some time in tier 5 again, then bounce back up for tier 4. Its really unfortunate to be in this spot, all the fair weather’s will be back once we’re green again.

Bannok – Dark Covenant (SBI)

T4: SoS/CD/SBI (5/17/13)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Bannok.3152


Again, hogwash, more then half of us recalled out, headed to Speldan and wiped a far larger zerg. You Fate guys been a doormat all night.

Bannok – Dark Covenant (SBI)

5/3 - SoS/CD/SBI

in Match-ups

Posted by: Bannok.3152


That’s fine. You would rather siege, we would rather fight. Different strokes for different folks.

Bannok – Dark Covenant (SBI)

5/3 - SoS/CD/SBI

in Match-ups

Posted by: Bannok.3152


You guys are outmanned 12-16 hours a day? Are you serious? Did you know I invented the question mark? I also have my own jumbo jet.

Stop being ridiculous. You have far superior numbers and coverage. Not taking anything away from coordination, but it is what it is. You think we’d be losing every matchup by Saturday morning when I wake up at 9am if you were outmanned over half the day? Good lord.

Bannok – Dark Covenant (SBI)

5/3 - SoS/CD/SBI

in Match-ups

Posted by: Bannok.3152


Yeah, that kind of sealed the deal on it. The amount of siege inside of SM was ludicrous, but you benefit by having it untouched, and hardly being on the defensive. We probably have a limited time slot now when SoS is not maxxed on players in Eb, that’s when well have to try and ninja. Its honestly pointless to try and take SM with the pug army and the current AC situation.

This weekend has been nothing but CD and SoS running away open field, either to arrow carts placed in camps or to towers. This is a valid tactic, just not what we looking for. We’ll just avoid this crap like the plague. Winning open field fights is what we do. Trying to win this match up is irrelevant and with this in mind going to do my best to drive zerg away from any kind of tower assault.

The prior match up is much like the previous one with Maguuma, only they seemed to favor pressuring CD over SBI. Sadly anyone who drops down is just going to manhandle the two of us over. CD or SBI wont get a break until one of us drops a tier, not sure how long that’s going to take though.

Bannok – Dark Covenant (SBI)

5/3 - SoS/CD/SBI

in Match-ups

Posted by: Bannok.3152


Sinaya, we are pretty well matched up, SBI and CD. You guys have a healthy lead on us and should pull ahead of us this week. We have barely scraped by these past couple of matches. Nothing can be done to SoS, and even less will be done after reset night with siege changes. You cant change that, you cant prevent them from night capping. No matter who falls to tier 4, we will always be red or blue.

That multi box bot is just free kills. I have no idea why he continues to take up space, but he seems to not care. While I don’t want to see the guy banned, I would like him to take that stuff out of EB. Things hard enough there as it is.

Bannok – Dark Covenant (SBI)

5/3 - SoS/CD/SBI

in Match-ups

Posted by: Bannok.3152


Going to be a tough week. Siege changes have pushed a lot of people out of WvW, have had a couple of trolls from SoS transfer over running with commander tag causing grief, and have been plagued by some 12 bot kitten taking up space. Also, outmanned buff has been pretty evident all night and day. Matchup stagnation or burn out, tough to say.

Bannok – Dark Covenant (SBI)

From War Machine [WM]

in WvW

Posted by: Bannok.3152


Back to the bottom after this stint? Or will you just stop logging in and go play Ragnarok 2?

Bannok – Dark Covenant (SBI)

4/26 SoS | SBI | CD

in Match-ups

Posted by: Bannok.3152


Its honestly amazing to me how you can continue to play on a server that has 0 opposition day in and day out for your time slot and STILL find a way to log in and beat on empty towers after 8 months. Even worse, you aren’t going anywhere for some time, so not like any dawn on the horizon.

Bannok – Dark Covenant (SBI)

4/5 SoS/SBI/CD

in WvW

Posted by: Bannok.3152


Hmm, ahead by almost 1k 2:15 eastern and wake up, log in 8 hours later and SoS is last place to 13k ahead. Guess we’ll see how tonight goes but I have a feeling that first place will be decided by tonight. Fight for second place should be interesting though, hopefully we can cling on to that. See you guys in EB.

Bannok – Dark Covenant (SBI)

Yet Even Moaarrrrrr CD/Mag/SBI 3/29

in WvW

Posted by: Bannok.3152


That is one huge horde in EB. However, no repair bill helps a bit.

Bannok – Dark Covenant (SBI)

Yet Even Moaarrrrrr CD/Mag/SBI 3/29

in WvW

Posted by: Bannok.3152


Oh, I misunderstood your previous post, I thought you were looking for group or guild versus guild fights. Not sure about fight clubs, not our cup of tea per se, im sure there’s plenty of other solo class types around willing to do that stuff. I know Gravypants has been to at least one of those.

Bannok – Dark Covenant (SBI)

Yet Even Moaarrrrrr CD/Mag/SBI 3/29

in WvW

Posted by: Bannok.3152


LoD was probably the last guild on SBI that ran with a real plan or group make up and they are long gone. AoN was on our server briefly but left, and they looked for small outmatched skirmishes. All SBI has now is a bunch of guilds that have 4-7 participants a night hopping in whatever map, for the most part. Aside from UDL who I think already fought some guild, there isn’t any other “try hard” types left on the server. Maybe some of the solo players would rather chime in, but really we don’t have that kind of presence. LoD and SF probably the last.

Bannok – Dark Covenant (SBI)

Yet Even Moaarrrrrr CD/Mag/SBI 3/29

in WvW

Posted by: Bannok.3152


All I know is if EB stayed the way it was tonight and from this night forward, no one could complain. Probably the most competitive exciting night in a long time, coupled in with being able to engage and see every target for a change made for some really great PvP. Points need not apply tonight, just some huge epic engagements. Also, we had 75% on the cap for the “Shiny”. So close! ;(

Bannok – Dark Covenant (SBI)

Yet Even Moaarrrrrr CD/Mag/SBI 3/29

in WvW

Posted by: Bannok.3152


We had a queue in our borderland, and a queue in EB for a couple of hours. More people wouldnt fix the problem in our BL. We didnt have the usual suspects in EB either, I assume that was part of the problem.

Bannok – Dark Covenant (SBI)

Yet Even Moaarrrrrr CD/Mag/SBI 3/29

in WvW

Posted by: Bannok.3152


Either burnout from lopsided match up or burn out in general. In EB, cant speak for BL’s, we held our own with alot of non regular players. We certainly didnt accomplish anything major but did some nice work. At 12:30 am eastern outmanned kicked back on and the match was pretty much decided once again.

This morning their are more CD on our keep then I have seen in 2 weeks. We have maybe 10-15 people, and thats being generous. Might be a good thing to just let this one ride out and focus on something else, until patch/update. As a server, SBI has been trying to keep its head above water for few months now, maybe we just need to relax for a week or two.

Bannok – Dark Covenant (SBI)

Yet Even Moaarrrrrr CD/Mag/SBI 3/29

in WvW

Posted by: Bannok.3152


Probably have the numbers to double team us both.

Bannok – Dark Covenant (SBI)

Yet Even Moaarrrrrr CD/Mag/SBI 3/29

in WvW

Posted by: Bannok.3152


Rather find out, theres not enough movement in the tiers. 2 weeks of this and we’ll all be alt tabbed or afk in Lions Arch. No blame towards you (Mag), numbers being what they and current attendance being taken into account its borderline silly to participate. Is what it is though, probably every tier feeling this.

Bannok – Dark Covenant (SBI)

Yet Even Moaarrrrrr CD/Mag/SBI 3/29

in WvW

Posted by: Bannok.3152


Another week of this matchup would be pretty painful. Two more weeks would lead to some serious problems for SBI, and probably CD. Mag you really need to put the boot to the throat for all our sakes.

Bannok – Dark Covenant (SBI)

Yet Even Moaarrrrrr CD/Mag/SBI 3/29

in WvW

Posted by: Bannok.3152


Lucky if we has 20 people left on the map when you broke through back wall. Last night was real zergy, today has been real zergy. Clearly numbers are an issue in this match up.

Bannok – Dark Covenant (SBI)

Create your own Fantasy Server(NA Version)

in WvW

Posted by: Bannok.3152


No guard zones except one trade hub, no WvWvW matchups, no instances, no thieves. Pure FFA, with looting of coin for giggles. Oh, and bring back precasting.

Bannok – Dark Covenant (SBI)

Yet Even Moaarrrrrr CD/Mag/SBI 3/29

in WvW

Posted by: Bannok.3152


Did what we could today in EB. Obviously lack the numbers to hold anything, so if we can settle in here and someone with a tad bit more numbers then us but less then Mag settles in at green could be real competitive. With the weekend gone its probably gonna look like a total landslide but think we had a pretty decent showing this weekend. Good job today SBI.

Bannok – Dark Covenant (SBI)

Yet Even Moaarrrrrr CD/Mag/SBI 3/29

in WvW

Posted by: Bannok.3152


Our numbers looked vastly superior last week because DR and IoJ stopped playing. Friday night on reset we had the normal amount and struggled to handle EB, but we did. Saturday I wasnt around, so not sure what happened in EB. Been in EB this morning since I got up. We have peaked around 25 or so. Have had outmanned all morning, barely holding our end. As it stands now we have 10 in Eb and getting pushed of by 40+ green. Probably 2 weeks stagnation with some prime time fighting then back down to tier 5.

Bannok – Dark Covenant (SBI)

(edited by Bannok.3152)