Showing Posts For Barzah.8019:

What weapons would you want for them to add?

in Warrior

Posted by: Barzah.8019


1h spear (mainhand only)

spear + shield = THIS IS TYRIA!!!

Warriors come on...

in Warrior

Posted by: Barzah.8019


So warriors, come on unoriginal, lame, most unstratigic, over powered class it the game. I walk up to 1 immobilize slash, slash slash dead. If your new to COMPUTERS choose this class…………no offense, just speaking the truth

Engi cheap shot utility belt, come on unoriginal, lame, most unstratigic, over powered class it the game. no offense, just speaking the truth

Mesmer clone factory, come on unoriginal, lame, most unstratigic, over powered class it the game. no offense, just speaking the truth

Thief cheap trick & stealth spam, come on unoriginal, lame, most unstratigic, over powered class it the game. no offense, just speaking the truth

Guardian boon & heal & resbot & datsupertough, come on unoriginal, lame, most unstratigic, over powered class it the game. no offense, just speaking the truth

Dear sir, pls stop posting while using drugs and weed.

(edited by Barzah.8019)

Rifle build v1.0

in Warrior

Posted by: Barzah.8019


@Cempa: you actually able to take down any class (cept mesmer since it takes time and not worth at all) with rifle build in 1vs1. The hard part is how to do it since we need to dodge around like playing thief/engi unlike other build that relly on hack & slash. You just need to pay attention on their buff/ what are they trying to do.

FYI, kill shot is your best friend, and never play fair match as rifle warrior. I don’t like fair play so this build suits me well, how about u guys?

(edited by Barzah.8019)

Crit Chance

in Warrior

Posted by: Barzah.8019


you get extra 50% crit instead

Rifle build v1.0

in Warrior

Posted by: Barzah.8019


Why on earth would you walk into any content as a warrior with 900 toughness? Seriously that should be an auto kick out of the game!

Few classes/builds can run with low Toughness, Warrior is not one of them!

2 reason why your argument are invalid

1. High lv warrior has more toughness wayyyy above 900 (mine is 2,3k without extra toughness)
2. Guild Wars 2 based on world/continent named Tyria not Earth.

Warrior class is poorly designed and forces you into specific specs/stats to be relevant.

in Warrior

Posted by: Barzah.8019


Your range dps is crap? Funny how i did a 17k dmg killshot with my fun rifle build in spvp, and in world it could go up to 25k if i invested in it.

17k kill shot hardly exist unless your hitting other low lv warior with furry buff (mine does 14k though).

What reasonable changes would you make to the Warrior?

in Warrior

Posted by: Barzah.8019


Just my dream brah
Add extra skill (means u able to replace some skill just like in utility slot)

Marksman mod
Cooldown: 8 second
Casting time: 1 second
Increase all ranged skill by 300, burst skill by 500, change “bleeding shot” to “marksman shot” which does more damage when the user hold the firing button (like catapult/treb system), increase all non ranged auto-attack skill damage, increase cast time for all ranged skill, reduce ranged damage at close range.

This will bring fresh air to us glass canon rifle build

(edited by Barzah.8019)

Rifle build v1.0

in Warrior

Posted by: Barzah.8019


Zzzing here i come

K this is my 1st build when i want to get maximum damage as fast as possible. It was good, but you also lack of survivability. Unlike point defender rifleman, u will rely on the trustworthy Kill Shot and it will be your main signature skill since it does a wonderkitten damage.

To cover the lack of survivability, mending is better then surge since people want to take you down badly as fast as possible, you can also add balanced stance, ignore pain when there are many glass cannon (specialy those 2hHB). 0/25/15/0/30 trait also quite awesome for long lasting (thx for regen passive) while still doing large amount of damage (it’s only 100-150 damage difference, even with 3rd stack of adrenaline)

Helpful tips
-“Deep cut” trait are more viable since you have 2 bleed source (3 with Signet, and it’s super effective since since your doing ALOT of crit).
-Signet of air actually viable on crit build since the lightning does up to 1,2k dmg at 3k attack.
-Instant ability like “on my mark”/“for great justice” are awesome since you can cast while charging the precious kill shot.
-Shield actually super awesome, especially on WvW since you can fill both main and offhand with tank stat+couple acc with orb (works if your wallet get blown up everytime like me). Those are livesaver when your enemy think you can’t do anything on melee range.
-Adrenal reserve is also mandatory since you need your adrenaline strike metter full/filled all the time for the wonderfull crit/regen/atk% bonus.

I hope that helps ya

(edited by Barzah.8019)

What reasonable changes would you make to the Warrior?

in Warrior

Posted by: Barzah.8019


@Dixa: Yeah classes like mesmer, thief, and guardian need buff since they’re underpowered in every way
Srsly are u living under a rock with your high tech pc?? i bet the only warrior u know are the one that wield Greatsword + Axe which cover 80% of the population. Ever see warrior wearing rifle? hammer? longbow? even mace? hell you rarely saw them since most of them are considered rare breed among the mainstream.

What reasonable changes would you make to the Warrior?

in Warrior

Posted by: Barzah.8019


@Recently: try maining crit/ run and gun (not the beef build one, you don’t need kill shot since ur actually the one coming to them) rifle build that relly MUCH on kill shot and you will realize the cast time and maximum range is not worth it.

Oh yeah i almost forgot this
-Change shield trait so it will give glance buff when the damage reach xxxx with certain cd. That should convince someone to use shield as their main offhand (not just for 30cd block then switch back, sad shield is sad).

(edited by Barzah.8019)

What reasonable changes would you make to the Warrior?

in Warrior

Posted by: Barzah.8019


The same song

-Add more maximum range for kill shot (1800 or 2000)
-Decrease the kill shot cd by 5 sec when target evade the skill (should be on trait)

-Put Hundred Blades on Adrenaline Strike instead
-Add extra 2 sec cooldown

Tactic and Discipline
-Change those 2 minor trait to something much more usefull, 3 same trait in a row is pretty much overkill

Suggestion on WvWvW problem

in Suggestions

Posted by: Barzah.8019


and eere wee bumpo

Suggestion on WvWvW problem

in Suggestions

Posted by: Barzah.8019


After playing WvWvW couple times, i found many major problem on this mode such as:

-Ridiculous queue time
-Lack of manpower to do several siege/raid at once
-Horrible way to collect badge/ loot
-Inability to strike back when get total dominated
-Lack of so called “commander” feature (100 gold for god sake)

The best solution i can think to solve this problem is
-Increase WvWvW population with add-on like:
Increasing the importance & reward of maintaining your site: The only important things on this mode is either attack for atker, while defense for defender. Creating additional task at each site that only can be done by player (will be taken over by npc if the pops isn’t enough) with a good reward for both the one that maintain and the other will make the pops spread out (maybe with awesome minigame) so u guys can enlarge the population without fear to blow someone’s pc.

Example: Player that maintain the supply route will able to control maximum supply that affect dolyak speed & send another dolyak to other checkpoint with some penalty. That player also can deploy scout and gain their sight which will detect any atker that will cut your suplies/ raid ur base or checking the situasion. More player (max 5 at supply) will make this feature run even more better.
Player that maintain castle can use bird view to see how many ppl that chewing the castle wall, deploy guard, and other feature that i can’t think of.

-Give a reason for player to spread the siege: Those “Maintaining feature” will make you able to use some feature that make the siege on diffrent spot much easier.

Ex: User that maintain the castle on eternal battleground will be able to hire dredge to make a hole so a limited number of player can get inside the castle by dredge boring machine. This feature also only apear on spesific event.

-Sum up the reward just like when you get reward chest completing a map/ gain lv at pvp: Simply put this when ur killing guard/other player.

-Give extra siege feature when your world getting owned 24/7: Adding extra feature like merc that atk spesific base when ordered, suply depot near 1st spawn waypoint (limit the regeneration to prevent supply abusing) when your world only have little to none at some zone will keep WvWvW alive.

WvWvW overflow servers

in Suggestions

Posted by: Barzah.8019


i’d say increase the max pop and show us how many ppl that participate (by empty, low, medium, high, full on each side). WvWvW most of the time only getting crowded in one place, leaving other side empty (i mean literary no one).

Crazy Insane Greatsword Warrior sPvP Video

in Community Creations

Posted by: Barzah.8019


should be named “generic spvp warrior” instead.

“put defy pain on utility slot”

Review of the Warrior: I got yo back brah.

in Warrior

Posted by: Barzah.8019


-Make Hundred Blade Adrenaline Strike Instead with 12 sec cooldown, QQ problem solved

-Either add more range/ Faster cast time on kill shot
-Reduce the cooldown by 5 if the targed evade
-Add extra knockdown after rifle butt knockback

On My mark
-Maximum Range change depend on your maximum range skill (min 900)

-Change discipline and tactic minor trait, 3 same talent is sooooo overkill

Srsly they need to make extra “spare” skill for each weapon, so it can be swapped like utility skill.

(edited by Barzah.8019)

Letting us pick weaponskills without actually changing the core game.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Barzah.8019


@Half Tooth.1867: The main problem of your suggestion is not every 4th or 5th skill is situation changing and have long cd/demanding (simply put it De oh kitten skill). I’d say let us pick every skill combination that we want (with those unique exception on my post).

Picking too many powerhouse will result in kittening yourself since it take too long/point cost. A player with at least 20% of active brain cell will avoid this way and pick a good combination instead.

Letting us pick weaponskills without actually changing the core game.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Barzah.8019


Sry my brain can’t keep up with the colour skill swaping suggestion. I guess i need to make it simple

We need more “spare” weapon skill which we can change when out of combat (just like utility). The skill should be consist of:
-Main weapon (either hand).
-Off hand
-Main weapon (both hand).

Main skill (autoattack) will have different skillset than the rest, and there will be a skill that share cooldown with other skill in order to prevent skill exploit (ex: sword main hand riposte share cd with offhand sword riposte).

The purpose of those “spare” skill is to match the weapon with our current trait, making it more effective instead of locked down in several weapon cos of simple “trait” problem. Then we will have balancing issues yada-yada but im sure it will make more benefit than problem since that means you control your own playstyle.

How are you in WvW?

in Warrior

Posted by: Barzah.8019


Been bussy nailing their coffin with kill shot glass cannon build. Don’t care whether we win the game or not, im just enjoying the kill, or killing someone who trying to ress the one i shot…….And im getting a lot of it.

Sigh i wish Anet will buff kill shot maximum range so it will get more viable to us glass cannon rifle war.

(edited by Barzah.8019)

Warrior Suggestion Thread

in Warrior

Posted by: Barzah.8019


The main problem is the shield trait itself isn’t that rewarding. 90 toughness is quite joke compared to greatsword endless might stack. I think percentage to get glance when get dmg from the front would be awesome, since it’s gonna be viable on both pve and pvp (especially WvW, when you need to push the lane while those guys throwing everything at you).

Warrior Suggestion Thread

in Warrior

Posted by: Barzah.8019


Quick Class Review:
Warrior actually represent classic mmo character which is tough, and deal damage like a truck. Many ppl think war is somewhat OP while we warrior player actually wish we had Mesmer/thief stealthspam, or engi potion, or necro barrier, or everything else I don’t list in.

Anyway, The main topic is to make build an argument for our beloved class (since there are no specific forum about class suggestion) instead of throwing giant “**** this **** that” sign to someone else monitor. Btw, I hope anet mod will create sticky threads for class suggestion in the future.

K then im starting the topic now, pls do not throw any sharp object at me “yet” cos of my bad English. Im going to talk about weapon first.

2Handed Sword:
Yes it is, de most controversial Warrior weapon. It’s surprisingly mobile, deal load of damage, has several “screw u root” skill with trait, and make us forget about it’s adrenaline strike existence. 2Hsword is well known for his legendary “hundred blade” skill that ppl like and hate the most. Some say that this skill does TOO much damage (Bull Charge->HB ->BL Stance->shield bash ->Eviscerate = Shooting people with death star canon, soo much resource wasting with total satisfaction), while other say it require precision and so easy to avoid. Both argument are actually correct and I think the main problem that the skill are on the wrong place.

Suggestion: Make “Hundred” Blade skill as Adrenaline strike instead with extra 2 cd, that will “Limit” the skill without giving it huge drawback.

After several time hitting people in face (with bullet of course, and ingame) I found that rifle is already on good condition, except on the tip of spear skill “Kill Shot”. This skill main problem lies on “Range” and “Cast time”, the cast time make this skill oftenly miss it’s target, while you often get range problem when trying to get good position. Taking your time it’s actually the best way to use this skill efficiently, but the reward isn’t good enough

Suggestion: Either turn some trait to shortened adrenaline strike cast time (for solving cast problem), or give more maximum range for Kill Shot.

I have less experience with with shield, but I think the reason why not so many ppl use main+shield as their main weapon because the shield itself is good when the long cooldown bash and stance skill are up. The trait also isn’t that good enough

Suggestion: Change the shield so it give some percentage to glance attack at the front. That would be awesome.

Tactic and Discipline Minor Trait:
Those chain trait always give me an image of either become Ressurect bot, or keep changing weapon when maxing those.

Suggestion: replace other 2 with “Usefull trait”, not just to fill up the spot.

That it’s from me, I hope you guys also give good input for Anet dev team about what’s lacking and what’s too much in order make our tin can class prosperity, and of course less rant from other .