Showing Posts For Benjamin.7893:

Helseth - Rant Of The Week! Topic: Spam

in PvP

Posted by: Benjamin.7893


Pls hire Helseth anet

Desolation / Vizunah Square / Seafarer's Rest

in Match-ups

Posted by: Benjamin.7893


Its actually quite amusing but it just proves what everyone knows… you are not very skilled individually.

lol… that’s not proper 1v1… half the people who score highest there are the ones who avoid fights and cap in groups. A bit like deso really.

That’s because there is more to this game then 1V1. For starters the game isn’t balanced around 1v1. Secondly in WvW people are most likely in zerg gear hence being at a major disadvantage vs people in roam gear.

Oh well, if you think that killing a person in an unbalanced matchup is testament for individual skill then you truly are delusional.

10 Spvp Screens

in PvP

Posted by: Benjamin.7893


You have such a good attitude in chat.

Desolation / Vizunah Square / Seafarer's Rest

in Match-ups

Posted by: Benjamin.7893


Gogogo Vizunah you can do it!

Do what?

Win the matchup ofcourse.

Its actually quite amusing but it just proves what everyone knows… you are not very skilled individually.

Desolation / Vizunah Square / Seafarer's Rest

in Match-ups

Posted by: Benjamin.7893


Gogogo Vizunah you can do it!

Can we stop hating on the dev team?

in WvW

Posted by: Benjamin.7893


If WvW’rs would only get their own Grouch instead of always whining things might’ve been different.

Elementalists are no longer viable

in PvP

Posted by: Benjamin.7893


Ele wins vs Ele xD

And they have a decent chance against mesmer

Elementalists are no longer viable

in PvP

Posted by: Benjamin.7893


Now with Warriors becoming viable you might aswell completely trow your ele in the dustbin, because there’s no way you’re gonna out dmg their sustain.

The change that would bring WvWers to SPvP

in PvP

Posted by: Benjamin.7893


As if bringing pve stats to pvp would chance a thing. It would still result in the same meta only it would make it 10x as hard to balance

No thx

Suggestions to help drastically improve PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Benjamin.7893


ouch read this! pax tourny news

in PvP

Posted by: Benjamin.7893


2 pug teams playing the final amazing

Moar faceroll

in PvP

Posted by: Benjamin.7893


This will take another month to be fixed unfortunately. Adjusting comps for 2 teams this close to pax is somehow worse than 1000’s of player suffering from bad balance.

It’s hilarious really having 5/10 players at pax playing ranger or necro will be terrible marketing.

"Rant of the week - Animations"

in PvP

Posted by: Benjamin.7893


Fully agree

Can we ban asura from the pax tournament?

in PvP

Posted by: Benjamin.7893


Doesn’t need to be a ban on Asura’s. Just make it a gentleman’s agreement upon teams not to play Asura, surely that can’t be difficult to accomplish.

Elementalists are no longer viable

in PvP

Posted by: Benjamin.7893


I also feel condi classes have way less of a tradeoff when it comes to amulets.

Power dps can take valkyries sacrificing damage or take berserker sacrificing survivability. Condi classes don’t really have that tradeoff with rabids. It has the precision for x on crit, the thoughness aswell as condi dmg.

Elementalists are no longer viable

in PvP

Posted by: Benjamin.7893


I’d say most power dps classes are no longer viable with the exception of sd thief due to necro’s being so over the top.

Ele now is pretty much like warrior used to be. Do your burst combo and die.

Piken Square / Desolation / Abaddon's Mouth

in Match-ups

Posted by: Benjamin.7893


Gosh to all these people crying over 1V1s you can see each others name on the forums. Add them and challenge them instead of pointless bickering.

As for Deniara I wouldn’t take everything he says serious. After all he’s been killing those bad spvp’rs with mistwalker titles in WvW (a title who no1 has acquired yet).

Tournament Organization improvments

in PvP

Posted by: Benjamin.7893


What do they have to settle?

“. All decisions of the Tournament Organizer are final in all matters relating to this Tournament.”.

What else needs to be said. It was well known that the final would be bo5. If at the time 1 team didn’t agree to it they wouldn’t have pressed ready and instead disputed the call. To come on the forums afterwards just makes it seem like you can’t accept your loss and shows poor sportsmanship.

Suggestion: Tourny Character Selection

in PvP

Posted by: Benjamin.7893


I mentioned this before (though not as nicely and extensively worded as you). But this indeed is a very needed function to make solo queu work. There needs to be a way to incentice (is that a word? :P) to talk and discuss strategy before a game, because atm that simply isn’t happening and it makes tournies even more frustrating.

Tab targetting

in PvP

Posted by: Benjamin.7893


But certain professions use their “pets” as a defense, its part of the survivabilty. Mesmer is the prime example of this. Our clones specifically look like us, to confuse the enemy in the heat of battle.

Clones only confuse very new players.

why shouldn’t I be able to target a stealth thief?

Because that would make stealth, as well as the whole thief class useless?

Current state of the meta.

in PvP

Posted by: Benjamin.7893




Pax Prime and Guild Wars 2

in PvP

Posted by: Benjamin.7893


I personally however are not effected by these restrictions, and will be attending the tournament.

Did you and Teldo finally get married <3

Objective Skyhammer Feedback Goes Here

in PvP

Posted by: Benjamin.7893


Every map so far has had some tweaks to make it viable, I think the same can happen to Skyhammer. It’s a very fun map imo.

What I would change is the following:

- Make the cannon dodgeable, but if the red team is firing the laser would show red and if the blue team is firing it would show up blue and this is visible to both teams. That way it is telegraphed so people can cc a player to make him unable to dodge the cannon. Easy way to increase the skillcap imo.

- Make the cannon area slightly wider.

- Push the nodes slightly more away from the edge.

- Make the pannels take slightly longer to explode. That way not a single knockback would make you fall of, but rather a coordinated cc chain by teammates.

- Make the jump paths have less delay and not interrupt channeled skills.

Same thing with Temple and Spirit really they could also work.

For temple something has to be done about the underwater and also make the buff that rewards you for killing players better.

For spirit the orb runner needs his own stats and skills.

(edited by Benjamin.7893)

Would the Asura be better taller?

in Asura

Posted by: Benjamin.7893


Not taller, but currently the armor options for Asura are very limited imo. If you look at Blade and Souls Lyns then you can see that nice and detailed armor for shorter races are certainly possible.

Should Skyhammer Be A Tourny Map?

in PvP

Posted by: Benjamin.7893


yes it should

A Way to Reward Top Players on Leaderboards

in PvP

Posted by: Benjamin.7893


People already care way too much about their leaderboard rank. So many players have 2 accounts already, 1 to play with their team and the other to mess around.

That’s just stupid especially considering the leaderboards hold no meaning whatsoever untill sque and tque are properly split. All it means atm is that you only play with a team/premade nothing else.

Releasing a f2p PvP client only?

in PvP

Posted by: Benjamin.7893


I like the idea of a free pvp version where the bought game has certain advantages.

For example the free version could be locked into starter skins and stuff like that.

I would wait a couple months though untill the game is more advanced. Otherwise I feel that even if it were free it wouldn’t give the staying power.

New PvP skins incoming

in PvP

Posted by: Benjamin.7893


“Play the way you want and earn powerful rewards as you do so!”

This gave me some hope, so I’ll wait untill it’s released before complaining.

State of the Game comment/question thread!

in PvP

Posted by: Benjamin.7893


Be careful what you wish for getting an ele in sotg as most would tell you the class is more then fine.

PvP Skins

in Suggestions

Posted by: Benjamin.7893


I would like to bump this thread. It is a much needed feature especially for those who used skins before converting to pvp was even possible (hallowheen skins?).

Lag since patch of 25/06/2013

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Benjamin.7893



Ever since the patch of last week I’ve been getting insane lags. Some places lag more than others for example foefire, spirit watch and capricorn are insanely laggy and will result in a disconnect after a while. But even in other regions I still notice lag that wasn’t there before.

It’s completely network related on my part. I know that because at my dorms internet on the same laptop everything works fine, however at home it’s insanely laggy.

So the issue is clearly with my home network, but nothing has changed after the patch and it’s never lagged before. Literally just after the patch was downloaded I started getting these issues.

Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks.

Conditions have borked Tpvp.

in PvP

Posted by: Benjamin.7893


I ride the lightning trough mid point against 2 necro’s and an engi and I died before it ended

true story

I'll say it: Dhuumfire needs to go

in PvP

Posted by: Benjamin.7893


Conditions in general need to change. Atm all damaging condis except for poison are complete faceroll. The class that can dish out the most is the best….

Make conditions stronger but way less spammable.

On the topic of necro’s: Considering every tournament there is atleast 2 on each team and they do very well while being mostly fotm players (only playing necro for a couple days) says it all really.

(edited by Benjamin.7893)

Opening 1000 regular Dragon Coffers [Merged]

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: Benjamin.7893


It took me 1000 coffers to get my first 2 skins. Now I’ve arleady spent 1250 coffers in an attemp to get my 3rd and final skin.

Only got enough money to buy another 1000 coffers, hopefully I’ll get it -_-

edit: Luckily got my final skin. So about 2500-3000 coffers for 3 skins, I think I’m 1 of the luckier ones

(edited by Benjamin.7893)

Why is d/d one of the best setups?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Benjamin.7893


D/D isn’t the best for sPvP…

You’ll be required in close range, while having no quick option out. Hence you’ll be forced to take multiple cantrips and/or use clerics, which in it’s turn limits your damage output.

S/D has much better and sustainable burst and peeling capabilities.

D/D is only better in WvW due to the mindless spamming of aoe that is required in that game mode. And perhaps in 1v1’s vs phantasm mesmers.

(edited by Benjamin.7893)

PvP 3 wishes -what do you want most in PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: Benjamin.7893


I would like to see:

1. Seperated solo queue and team queue with seperated leaderboards.

2. Revamped the glory and overall reward system.

3. To add incentive for team queue there will be an ingame tournament created every month. The ladder for this tournament is based upon your teams ranking.

This will go completely automaticly. You have a couple week to get as good as a position you can for the leaderboards. Afterwards the bracket will be created based on this position and will be visible in the heart of the mists for all players to see and spectate.

The semi finals and final of the monthly tournament will be streamed and shoutcasted on the Arenanet twitch channel with a 1000$ prize pool.

Later when the pvp community grows more stable. The monthly tournament winners will be put into a yearly tournament bracket, which will host a more substantial prize pool.

To make sure that it is a full team playing there will be checkbox. That way you won’t qualify with simply a premade or lower your rating when running a replacement.

4. An ingame guide tool to help you with builds and better explain your roles (like Dota2).

5. A selection screen to incentive people in solo queue to discuss tactics and builds before hand. Also to make it more enjoyable for viewers to watch rather than just going over every1s build before the game.

6. Add incentive for winning by adding titles for reaching top 1000, 100, 10 and 1.

Honestly I don’t think you can wait much longer with these sort of things. The hype of the first tournaments is decreasing exponentially week by week.

Why so Angry ?

in WvW

Posted by: Benjamin.7893


I don’t understand it either. Usually you can get a better fight out of the grub than random eb blobs.

Mist League Launch 40,000 Gem Giveaway 6/15

in WvW

Posted by: Benjamin.7893


Was very fun to watch. Sadly though it seems like the hype of the 1st tournaments is wearing off From 4K viewers to <1K for the last few tournaments.

(edited by Benjamin.7893)

My idea for GvG(vG)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Benjamin.7893


GvG had secondary objectives and was on a smaller scale (8vs8)…

What people in Gw2 call GvG is a 20 man deathmatch and that’s the way people should call it.

Elona Reach / Desolation / Baruch Bay 7/6/13

in Match-ups

Posted by: Benjamin.7893


Excuses for barely managing to beat the 7th ranked server is all Dayra is doing.

Shadow Returns Bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Benjamin.7893


You can’t be serious. Teleports trough the walls at clocktower were completely broken and you can’t say that it “dumbed” down to game now can you. It’s not like they were hard to pull of, you just had to know about them.

Welcome to the EU 1-3 Super Match

in Match-ups

Posted by: Benjamin.7893


So morning capping is more honorable than night capping?

Ofcourse you’ll have higher intake in primetime when everything is upgraded. As for same manpower in primetime? Yup, that’s why Desolation only fills 1 border and eb at primetime, because they have the same “manpower”. You’re so full of yourself Dayra, it’s unbelievable.

Imagine a WvWvW guild full of Tpvp players

in WvW

Posted by: Benjamin.7893


I wonder what all these “1V1 builds” that every1 is talking about are, considering builds are made around your team. Hence why every mesmer runs illusion of life, portal and every guardian runs sanctuary, 2 shouts (pure of voice).

Builds are made to suit your team in a 5vs5 environment. If you are that delusional to that think spvpr’s can’t come up with builds that would suit zerging then you’re just being arrogant.

(edited by Benjamin.7893)

Please, god add gear incentive to PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Benjamin.7893




Imagine a WvWvW guild full of Tpvp players

in WvW

Posted by: Benjamin.7893


I’ve honestly never seen a tpvp team play wvw. A part from the occasional teldo “wvw” funzies", in fact most guys I know don’t have a character higher than lvl 2.

Imagine a WvWvW guild full of Tpvp players

in WvW

Posted by: Benjamin.7893


WvW is much easier. You don’t have to think about your fight and coordinate with your teammates at the same time. In fact in WvW you don’t have to talk at all, just listen to 1 person 90% of the time.

Same exact thing could be said about SPvP.

In the more organized fights, you will not be able to cut it with strategies like that. Actually, your entire zerg of 40 will be wiped in literally seconds to a zerg that knows what they are doing.

Someone who just gave a cursory glance towards S/TPvP would likely make the same assumption.. “Its just a bunch of people running around mindlessly, they dont even have to talk!” This isnt even exclusive to any game mode whatsoever, this is a Player Vs. Player thing that exists wherever Player Vs. Player exists. Playing against noobs requires very little effort and organization. Playing against organization takes more effort and organization.

I can only think that a lot of these comments are coming from a background that isnt very familiar with PvP in general, or perhaps, transplants from other games such as CoD or LoL.

That said, I find the generalizations immensely entertaining

I’m sorry but those are my observations. Whenever I jump in ts and join the guild raids it’s dead silent with 1 person talking most of the time.

Sometimes strategy includes making a 5man group to cap camps, but that’s about it really. When there’s 2 guild raids maybe the occasional organized or split assault, but does any of that really require personal skill? If you say so then okay, I don’t feel like argueing.

Imagine a WvWvW guild full of Tpvp players

in WvW

Posted by: Benjamin.7893


The few times a guild known for tpvp or spvp has come out in wvw, our 5 man absolutely pooped on them. Bunker wars is not skill…its just who can bounce each other out of the circle more. Player vs player is open world combat….sorry but pvp arenas came after open world combat platforms.

Spvp has teams not guilds.

Imagine a WvWvW guild full of Tpvp players

in WvW

Posted by: Benjamin.7893


WvW is much easier. You don’t have to think about your fight and coordinate with your teammates at the same time. In fact in WvW you don’t have to talk at all, just listen to 1 person 90% of the time.

Only challenge that comes with WvW is fighting in a low fps and non balanced environment.

Is the random roll bugged?

in WvW

Posted by: Benjamin.7893


Maybe Iron should consider transferring to a balanced matchup every week from now on.

Imagine a WvWvW guild full of Tpvp players

in WvW

Posted by: Benjamin.7893


Open field WvW fighting is more PVP than tPVP ever will be until it gets a mode other than conquest borefest.
