Showing Posts For BigMoser.8790:

Asura Virtual Arcade Simulator (AVAS)

in Suggestions

Posted by: BigMoser.8790


The name could be something else, but I had an idea while working last night. Not sure if it’s been posted:

What if there was an instance in Rata Sum that was a giant room or area that a party could go into and pick from past mini-games and dungeons to play in. Delve into the Mad King’s dungeon, re-conquer Flame and Frost dungeon, play mini-games like the Choir bell game, or run that Clock Tower jump puzzle that you really wanted to beat. Have fun with your friends! Maybe win some unique tickets that can be used while inside the instance to buy quirky little items that are fun to show off, or buy crystals, philosopher stones, and obsidian shards like in Super Adventure Box when that was up.

Yes? No?

(Edit:: This was an idea for those that don’t like temporary content)

"Nearly Completed" Achievements

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BigMoser.8790


Now that you have this section in, I’m starting to do more achievements which I’m having alot of fun doing since each one is like “I didn’t realize I was close to finishing this one, I only need 5 more of these to complete it!” I was bored before the patch, but this new achievement interface is so nice once I got use to it

Is anyone else doing achievements more frequently because of this section?

Unlimited Axe, Pick, Sickle Marketing idea

in Suggestions

Posted by: BigMoser.8790


Yeah true. I agree with 20%.

Unlimited Axe, Pick, Sickle Marketing idea

in Suggestions

Posted by: BigMoser.8790


Some time in the future, I had an idea to put all 3 of these into a bundle pack for a reduced gem price. 50% might be too much of a reduction, but it’s an example.

“Get all 3 Gathering tools in this bundle! Only 1200 gems!” (Again, 50% being an example)

Rangers United

in Guilds

Posted by: BigMoser.8790


Rangers United is a non-rep, simple guild that would like to invite those in who have a love for the Ranger class. My purpose for starting this is to have a gathering or list of fellow Rangers to group up with and have fun doing Ranger things – such as watching our pets attack mobs while we chill in the background dancing or whatever… fire endless barrages at groups of enemies… storm WvW together (if on same server) as a Ranger death machine… etc etc.

This may appear as a joke.. this may appear as a classist guild… this may have that rare 0.000001% chance of populating.. Who knows?

I’ll leave the rest up to the community if they are interested in joining. If the post dies, then it dies.

BigMoser.8790 <—- if you want to message me to join. Let’s build a Ranger community and do some amazing things together!

(psst… we can even do stuff like this together

Blackgate Server

Trading Post dude going crazy

in Community Creations

Posted by: BigMoser.8790


This dude is kitten off and to me its funny xD

CoF Harlem Shake

in Community Creations

Posted by: BigMoser.8790



in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: BigMoser.8790


Fun Fact: I had the same 5-Ranger-CoF idea, but i would do it a bit different.

5 rangers can easily stack 25 might and fury and have accces to 6-8 sec quickness. Therefore you should be able to kill slavedriver very fast with sword/warhorn.

Same goes for the endboss – he has a knockdown and a heavy burn, you have 20 sec stability and a heal that removes one condition every 3 seconds. No need to dodge = high dps.

In theory, 5 Ranges should be able to do this really fast.

I’ll try anything really. This is along the lines of what is possible that I’m thinking of. This idea will be one I will try out for some runs.

Last boss music MADE MY DAY!

lol It makes my day everytime I watch it! I pop on and just turn it to the 10:23 mark.

Are you planning to do path 2 and 3 with 5 rangers? These “defend the objective” events could be so funny – never-ending barrage, traps all over the place, 5 pets, maybe some other guys from consumables and runes for additional distraction… it sounds really good!

This would be insanely funny! For now, I’m going to focus on ideas for making a 5-ranger path 1 run as fast as the 4 war 1 mes runs. There are so many possibilities.

Sword/dagger + GS or sword/axe + GS melee ranger trains with points put to BM could easily finish the dungeon just as fast as those boring 4 Warrior 1 Mesmer teams. 4 Ranger 1 Mesmer teams, even. Ability to do about the same dps much safer, with access to unpatched “exploits” is just golden. More people should pick up on the idea.

I would like to use your weapon sets with Molch’s suggestions from above. This is a very good possible fast run for path 1.

An idea I was having from work last night was to run in with 5 jaguars stealthing just before reaching Slave Driver at the same time we all 5 have longbows, we stack 25 weakness, 5 barrages, then finish with 5 rapid fire + quickening zephr.. switching to melee and close in for the final blows. Of course, I’m sure the numbers will crush my thinking stage here and it won’t work so wonderfully as I imagine.


in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: BigMoser.8790


The power ranger music at the end was epic too lolz, good video

lol thanks.. i just had to.


in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: BigMoser.8790


What was your build spec by the way?

In the video I was using a sloppy trap build. After making the video, I switched to a beastmaster / precision build and the numbers are really nice


in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: BigMoser.8790


That would have gone A LOT faster if everyone had 30pts in BM and had skills that benefited the pets (shouts, signets, RaO). You didn’t use your utility or elite skill once, so this time can be shaved by a lot.

True, this was done on the fly. Just running it without any change to our current builds. Now I have changed up to a beastmaster build with the Elite – Rampage as One.

@Chopps, added you to my friends list.

(edited by BigMoser.8790)


in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: BigMoser.8790


Yes, that part is in real time.

CoF Path 1 all rangers - "say whaaaa???"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BigMoser.8790


Here’s my post in the dungeon forums about an all ranger party doing CoF Path 1.

With the latest patch of pets not drawing aggro anymore, what are your thoughts on that mechanic? It seems like they can do almost ANYTHING without being bothered. I’ll go let mine knock a newspaper stand down somewhere without anyone caring lol.

(edited by BigMoser.8790)


in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: BigMoser.8790


Ok, its up and I’m updating info on it.


in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: BigMoser.8790


Ok, before you all start ranting and throwing out builds and what class is better and the who what, the when and the how.. let me lay it down for you.

I got a PUG together to run CoF Path 1 with an all ranger class. This was something I’ve always wanted to record and it happened to be with a PUG and not with the guild I’m in. This video I’m going to link shows my first attempt at running CoF Path 1 with a full ranger group.

As many of you know, in the patch they made the pets become aggroless. Bascially, I can make my pet run past any number of enemies without them bothering with my pet. Using this system, I tested it out on the turrets in CoF Path 1. The pet attacks a turret (the turrets still shoot at the pet) and the flame legion guys standing there do absolutely NOTHING!

The video shows the Slave Driver boss being taken down by pets ONLY. This was just a fun test to see how fast / effective 5 pets would be. There was no specific pet setup, but it went pretty good.

The flame acolytes were taken out the same way, pets only.

The part we tested out next was the gate controller. Many of you know that a Hellstorm flamethrower guy is in that room. What we did was have the person going for the controller stand away from the door, ctrl+click the controller to target it, the rest of the party pushes “T” to also target it while in their bubbles, then spams F1 to send their pets into the room attacking the controller at once. So, in the end, 5 pets attack the controller while NOT pulling aggro on the Hellstorm guy.

Finally, the end boss. We decided to just go all out, Pets and Rangers attack him full force. Here is the video of what went down:

P.S. I’m uploading this video while I sleep tonight. I will adjust the description with timestamps of major points in the video and fix annotations if I need them. Hope you enjoy this fun, hilarious ride that us 5 rangers had.

As of this post, it will be up by 4:15 – 4:45 am Eastern time.

Also, after watching the video let’s discuss how to effectively build the ranger in this type of situation. What pets to bring, what weapons to use, etc.

Let’s discuss ideas to make this run go by faster

I’ll start by suggesting Stalkers as a pet to bring.. they all charge into the fight, once they reach the boss they pop their F2 skill at the same time to grant each other 5 stacks of might, essentially giving all pets 25 stacks of might for 11secs.

Or 2) Hyenas popping their F2 skill at the same time before hitting the boss to have 5 Hyenas and 5 hyena allies attacking one single boss.

Just some thoughts from me to start this off.

Ok, discuss!!

(Edit: The video is up and being updated)

(edited by BigMoser.8790)

Wake up to this in the morning

in Community Creations

Posted by: BigMoser.8790


Wake up with this in your face


It's not a "raid" ... is it?

in Flame and Frost

Posted by: BigMoser.8790


I suppose you have a point there, but that number could also be “dynamic” like how the Dynamic Event system works in that it scales in difficulty depending on the amount of people that are participating in the event.

This would be interesting. 5-man dungeons with the option of “Raid” to add more members to it and it scales based on the number. IMO, there would have to be a separate path exclusive to raiding for a different type of exploration.

Disappointed that F&F ends w/ a dungeon

in Flame and Frost

Posted by: BigMoser.8790


If I tried to make the content based on this thread, I would do it like this:

Split the ending into 2 different parts.


Players can choose which part they would like to do. They can either:
1) Group up with friends and do the dungeon
2) Play a solo instance that give the sense that the player is helping out those in the dungeon. (Example: In the soloable instance the player finds an important generator or supply line outside of the dungeon that aids the Molten Alliance and helped NPCs take them out. Inside the dungeon, part of the story would show a cutscene of these things taking place like an explosion near a wall. This would give a sense that the group inside the dungeon is seeing that they are getting help from the outside (solo players).)

Let me make this clear, these 2 options are totally separate and are not done together. The cutscenes are in place to give the sense of helping out those that are grouping in the dungeon, and those in the dungeon get that good feeling that they are being helped by the outside.

The end of both the dungeon and the solo instance will drop you out at a location where everyone is there to celebrate the destruction of the Molten Alliance. (And an npc merchant with stuff to buy)

I’m not good at explaining examples, but hopefully somebody can translate.

(edited by BigMoser.8790)

It's not a "raid" ... is it?

in Flame and Frost

Posted by: BigMoser.8790


If it was an actual raid, they should have specified the number of players within the description. I instantly thought raiding the new dungeon with the regular 5-man team.

But that would be an interesting thing to see if it was an actual raid to stop the Molten Alliance. They bring their nasty machines, we bring alot of people (more than 5)

I dislike temproary content

in Flame and Frost

Posted by: BigMoser.8790


I’m not going to read any more posts but just to tell the OP that temporary content is awesome! Just telling people the memories you had made doing certain content.

Think of it like real life: “Aw man! There was this one time I was at this event and this stuff happened! It was crazy!” Its the memories that make it special. Then something new comes out that creates new memories and so on and so forth.

If stuff stayed in the game, it would be this huge file to download that would keep getting bigger, and bigger, and bigger, and new players would spend days on end downloading the content that you want to stay in the game.

I look at it like real life. Stuff comes and goes (Like Holidays), and it will be back the next year or something different with a twist will show up.


Acquiring Lodestones

in Suggestions

Posted by: BigMoser.8790


I had a guildie saying that there could be a way to obtain lodestones using dungeon tokens. Each lodestone would be with their respective dungeon. For instance, if I wanted molten lodestones, I could pay 100 tokens per lodestone at the Citadel of Flame merchant.

I told him I would put it here to see what type of response would come out of it.

Good? Bad? What do you think about getting lodestones with dungeon tokens?

(Edit: Prices are just to play around with, I threw 100 out there for an example)

(edited by BigMoser.8790)

Alarm clock

in Suggestions

Posted by: BigMoser.8790


Maybe an option that will allow you to click on your mini-map clock to set a time to alert you at a certain time.

(Mainly for boss timers or guild events)

Show Guild members on map

in Suggestions

Posted by: BigMoser.8790


…or at least have an option to toggle on/off guild members on map that you are on.

Uncontested Temple of Balthazar

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: BigMoser.8790


Just guested to Sorrow’s Furnace and it’s open so hurry hurry hurry!

I can't take it anymore....

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: BigMoser.8790


Make the game within a game text-based.

OMG! This would be so freakin’ awesome!

Screw Tyria...

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: BigMoser.8790


I have to say that this so threw me off guard when I walked in.. Before I even went to rata sum I found a chest in Fireheart Rise while escorting Razen with 8 bit bunnies, I was like ‘Whaaaaaaaa?" After running through the dungeon and dying over and over and fighting toads and monkeys and a Frog King, I’ve got to say that this is so freakin’ awesome!

I know alot of us want it to stay after April, but if you think about it -> It will be best to have it for a limited time so we can experience it, talk about it afterwards about what we liked and disliked, and Anet can take all this in and come up with new ideas like it. Plus, think about it as an annual thing. “Its April, and the Asura race has brought the SAB back!” Or something along those lines.

On that thought, I’m actually waiting to see if they repeat content for holidays (like Mad King) or bring those contents back with a different twist and something new every time. Annnnd I need to stop typing here and stop rambling on lol.

Golem Factory (just a picture)

in Community Creations

Posted by: BigMoser.8790


When entering WvW, I did not know the machines were on the rise! We must be cautious and stay on their good side

They haz cloning technology!


The Return of Cut Scenes

in Flame and Frost

Posted by: BigMoser.8790


I love these cut scenes so much compared to just 2 people talking in the up-close scenes. I’m on the side of some on here that have stated that both serve their purpose, and I would love to see what the devs can come up with when making more living story content!

P.S. This is the first thread I have viewed where there are so many responses that enjoy what ANet has brought to the table! I hope ANet takes this, keeps up the great work / evolve it into something great and applies this type of a good change to other aspects of the game where people are not so happy with.

Turn [Grey Item Name] into Tier 1 material

in Suggestions

Posted by: BigMoser.8790


Could ArenaNet add the ability or recipe into the Mystic Forge to turn the grey named items into tier 1 materials?

For example, Mystic Forge a [Glob of Globby Gloop] into a [Tiny Venom Sac].

Or would this just be a waste to time and resources? Screw up the trading post?

I’m not sure where it would lead to, so I thought to come here and post it to see what kind of response there would be from the community here.

Member Status View (NEEDED)

in Suggestions

Posted by: BigMoser.8790


+1 + infinity.

Why keep people in the guild if they are inactive and taking up space when this guy over here plays everyday and wants a guild to join, but he can’t because you have a full guild with some people who have not logged in for months and you have no way of knowing who the inactive ones are.

Precursor: another way to...

in Suggestions

Posted by: BigMoser.8790


should not be something that you can just get by doing nothing at all

either im crazy or you fail horribly at logic >.>

I think I see where Olba is coming from. He’s talking about the people who have alot of tokens sitting around from playing with guildies and friends in dungeons, have alot of skill points laying around, and also karma waiting to be spent BEFORE this system becomes implemented into the game, so basically those people don’t have to use their time to accumulate alot of the currency needed for the different recipes since they already have them at the start of this content that the OP suggests.
They could just walk up to any vendor on day 1 and say “Here’s my karma/skill points/ tokens, now give me my shards and stuff to help make my precursors for my legendary!”

To the OP, I like your idea. I just am going with the crowd who would like better droprates than what we have now.

Molten Sliver to Molten Fragment Mystic Forge

in Suggestions

Posted by: BigMoser.8790


I want to suggest something but not sure what. What do I mean?

If you go to the wiki for the Molten Lodestone ( you can see that the recipe to make a lodestone is 2 Molten Core, 1 Bottle of Elonian Wine, 1 pile of crystalline dust, and 1 crystal. That makes sense.

But go and make a Molten Fragment from 2 Molten Slivers. You need 2 Molten Slivers, 1 Bottle of Elonian Wine, 1 Pile of Radiant dust, and 1 crystal. I guess what I’m suggesting, is can we use something other than the Elonian wine (25+ silver) to make the Molten Fragments, or is this intended?

I’m going to toss this out to the community to see if there is a majority that might support this, or there is no need for change.

Either way, I’m not QQing here, just wondering if that bottle of wine is neccessary for the lower tier Molten materials (or the other materials that tier up to Lodestone which have the same type of recipe).

The living story.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BigMoser.8790


I’ve seen my first portal in the distance while playing on my norn, but I didn’t go do anything about it because of in the middle of doing other stuff. Do you get any rewards for this? I’ll still do it for the achievement to help out, but do you just get experience and karma?

….. Very, Very slow and annoying buildup.

Maybe they’ll use these types of comments for future content. (I believe I’ve seen plenty more who agree with you on this) What I mean is, when they do other living stories they will see where people got annoyed with this one the most (ie Slow buildup, etc) and maybe bring in something more exciting alot faster the next time around.

Remember the one time events back in Halloween – Sea of Sorrows timeframe? I haven’t seen that mentioned this year because everyone complained about not being able to get on (which I made the Mad King one, but not the Sea of Sorrows). What I’m saying is they will take everyone’s input in this living story, see how everyone likes it and what they don’t like and apply that towards the future content so they can have a better percentage of people who will enjoy it.

P.S. Sorry for talking like these are facts, it’s just something I believe they can accomplish.

Guild VoIP VS Gold farmers!

in Suggestions

Posted by: BigMoser.8790


I really like this idea. The game becomes so much more fun overall when there are people from the guild to talk to while playing.

OMG If you only knew this - tips for new players

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: BigMoser.8790


Add “Exploration Bonus experience is given when you kill an enemy that has been alive in the world for a long time” or however you would like to word that.

Here’s my thread on the bonus experience from kills :

For those that don't know : Bonus Killing Exp

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: BigMoser.8790


I always thought ArenaNet liked me so they gave me bonus exp.
However thanks for clearing this up, I never knew why I was getting bonus exp for killing things at random xD

Yeah, me too! Until it got so annoying that I had to look it up, lol. After reading that it was an Exploration Bonus, it made sense. ANet likes you to explore, and for those that explore those ‘odds and ends’ of Tyria that no one else bothers to, killing in those areas nets a nice exp bonus. Then that’s where they get ya, no more exp bonus since you wiped the area “Ok, shows over, move along!” lol.

Kidding aside, ANet has a nice way to grind here.

P.S. I’ll go post this in the “OMG…” sticky thread for new players to be added on the list

Who has passive movement speed?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: BigMoser.8790


Ranger has a signet that grants a passive speed boost, but not sure how fast it is compared to the other classes that have passive speed.

For those that don't know : Bonus Killing Exp

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: BigMoser.8790


I do that too at times Zaxares I would like to use your comment to encourage all new players to not worry about using a few seconds of their time to take out a group of random mobs on the way to their destination… you never know if you’ll get that extra exp boost or not! Plus the loot that you get will scale to your level (or the level of the area, it depends on what the Random Number Generator -RNG feels like giving you lol)

For those that don't know : Bonus Killing Exp

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: BigMoser.8790


thats not a bad bonus for 1 kill! lure 3 and aoe them for a nice free 1k exp:)

+1 for the extra reminder so newbies also know the trick^^

Exactly! Yeah, one by one might seem boring, but you get a group that hasn’t been touched for a long time and kill them all at the same time is purely amazing on your exp bar!

For those that don't know : Bonus Killing Exp

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: BigMoser.8790


I’ve seen questions pop up here and there in the game about what the best way to level is. As anyone would answer, doing everything gets you experience such as gathering, crafting, killing mobs, doing events, doing dailies / monthlies, etc etc.

Today, I was out in a dead zone and it seemed like no one had been around for ages. It was quiet, not a soul around (except for the mobs). This reminded me about a random map chat person who asks, “Is this area always empty?”

The first thought that pops into my mind is "These mobs have probably been standing here for a long while where I’m at. I would so take advantage of the ‘empty’ situation.

In the attachment provided, I will show you the difference from a dead zone and one where mobs have just recently spawned.

From top left – top right – bottom left as follows:
1. Found a jellyfish I’d kill to see if anyone has been to this area recently.

2. Killed the jellyfish and received a nice hefty bonus experience with it, clarifying that it has been alive for a long time. (Source: – “An exploration bonus is earned based on how long a creature has been alive in the world.”)

3. This is an enemy that just spawned and I killed it quickly, resulting in NO bonus experience due to it not being alive in the world long enough.

In conclusion, for those of you who did not know about the bonus killing experience – I would like to just let you know that this is a great option if you like to grind alot to gain your levels. Heck, hit an area full of mobs that no one has touched and watch that exp bar rack up nicely. Couple this with the killing booster from the gem shop and it is a grinder’s pleasure!

P.S. I know there are other ways of leveling, but this is my most used method when not doing events.


Then & Now

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BigMoser.8790


The first 4 pictures on the left are as follows:

1. mid-September shortly after I hit 80 with Gem store armor look on.
2. Now – February with Whispers armor on (minus pants so far).
3. Same as 2 but with Asura Tier 3 karma bow equipped (and reason for the color scheme on armor)
4. Same as 2 but with Whispers Greatsword equipped.

and finally on the right for #5 is my new project :

5. Norn named “Rusttooth Warrior” who will slash his way to level 80 using only dual Rusttooth swords. ANet will love him for using all those transmutation stones in the future :P


Remove the Rez daily, Please.

in Suggestions

Posted by: BigMoser.8790


One of my favorite spots to go to is Falias Thorp Waypoint in Caledon Forest at the point where the Nightmare Court already have it captured and you have to take it back from them. I run in, revive all the NPCs so they can help fight at the same time completing the daily. And yes, when we are trying to hold the waypoint, I let some guys die so I can revive for daily. No one is around when I do that sometimes, so what they don’t know won’t hurt them hehe

Dungeon Solo

in Suggestions

Posted by: BigMoser.8790


I would rather just have solo dungeons designed for 1-2 players or more mini-dungeons. The mini-dungeons in this game are brilliant, there should be a mini dungeon for each of the main dungeon themes.

^^ quoting from another thread ^^

This would be something I would love to have as part of solo dungeons. Mini-dungeons that are themed from the main dungeon with rewards that fit that mini-dungeon. Obviously not as much as you would get if you ran the main dungeon, but something fun and worthwhile to acquire like I mentioned above (karma, coin, laurel, etc)

Dungeon Solo

in Suggestions

Posted by: BigMoser.8790


It would be great if you could rather than solo it have your alts join you as AI controlled players. Maybe would require too much AI programming though, the AI is fairly dim atm.

having your alts aiding you when there’s nobody else available would be awesome

You guys have an interesting fun little idea there! But I’m sure that could be used for another thread, which I would +1 any day. /agree with it might require too much programming there :P.

For those of us that like this idea, what kind of rewards would go along with this?

Thinking about it, any form of dungeon token would probably make the community stop grouping and just do solo which is not my intention to suggest. Maybe some karma / silver / mystic coin / mystic stone / etc. like you get with dailies (maybe some laurels too) Rewards that are there if you want them, but aren’t a necessity.

card game "final fantasy VIII" style

in Suggestions

Posted by: BigMoser.8790


a simple version of Magic: the Gathering with Guild Wars creatures and spells :P

Dungeon Solo

in Suggestions

Posted by: BigMoser.8790


Yeah but if someone doesn’t want to play the multiplayer aspect of the game why not just playing an offline rpg?

I like both aspects of the types of gaming (solo / multiplayer), I just like to have the option of solo and the option to group up when I feel like it – all in an MMO. I was wanting to see if adding a solo option to dungeons would be something to add to the game.

Dungeon Solo

in Suggestions

Posted by: BigMoser.8790


Redundant argument. MMO simply means “massively multiplayer online”, i.e. many people playing the same game on the same servers at the same time. It does not mean having to play as a group 24/7.

I wanted to use this statement but didn’t know how to word it, but you have done it for me and I totally agree with it.

As far as your second statement, this is something I also agree with. Having that solo option to explore the dungeon and all that. Also, like you said about not being booted from the dungeon would be a plus that would go along with a solo path.

Dungeon Solo

in Suggestions

Posted by: BigMoser.8790


Massively Multiplayer.
Guild Wars 2

Why are you expecting solo play in a genre focused on multiplayer?

I just wanted to throw the idea out there for those of us who like to go out and solo things every now and then. I’ve played this game mostly solo, unless there was that Champion in the way or event boss wrecking havoc that I can’t fight alone.

In a world of guilds and groups, I like to solo from time to time and having a special path in a dungeon for that would be something fun to do (and mainly if I don’t have alot of time to play at one time but want to run a dungeon suited for a quick solo play).

Guildwars 2 NEW Mount System?

in Suggestions

Posted by: BigMoser.8790


It would be far, far easier for people to start ignoring these mount spam threads.

Very true.

Don’t kill me though, I have something to add.

The only way I can see mounts (or vehicles) in the game is if they were being used in a mini-game somewhere.

Dungeon Solo

in Suggestions

Posted by: BigMoser.8790


I posted this in a previous post but make the “Story mode” soloable with a minimal reward so you can get the story aspect of it (the destiny’s edge storyline seems like an awesome story)and make it sort of like a training mode for noobs so they can feel more comfortable running group content. Because right now you can’t complete your personal story with a group wich is definatly a bummer.

After reading the responses on the idea and understanding where I wasn’t thinking when posting the original post, I feel that Chainsofstrife has something in mind that would work best.

Story Mode – Soloable
Explorable modes – Group

At least I’m not a developer, so no harm done in throwing the idea out there to see how people feel so I can better understand what it is I’m poking at.