Showing Posts For BigMoser.8790:

Digging through my old photos...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BigMoser.8790


and found this. This was my biggest accomplishment before taking a long break from the game. Making Wings of Dwayna and Light of Dwayna, then mashing them together.. such beauty : * )


Returning Player (Vanilla question)

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: BigMoser.8790


I hopped on to check my /age and happened to run into my old guild leader, and we started talking on teamspeak and I’m starting to get the feeling of coming back.

Am I left behind, or is there still plenty to do in vanilla to keep me busy until I get the money?

Plus, I need to do some reading on the new changes to the trait system and all that.

Goodbye for now

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BigMoser.8790


I have much more fun in the holiday events.

Speaking of holiday events, isn’t it about time for the 3rd go-round of the Clock Tower next month? I’m feeling old now lol.

Tequatl rage quitting?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BigMoser.8790


I haven’t been keeping up with Tequatl too much since his big update, but when I read:

From Release Notes 06/17/14:

“Fixed an issue that caused Tequatl to fly away and never return if he burned too quickly during his vulnerable phase.”

…the image in my head was seeing Tequatl go, “Nope. NOPE! F’ this, I’m out!”

Was he going down that quickly on a regular basis? I’m sure it got annoying very fast.

Close Victory

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BigMoser.8790


Just a short story:

I was in Queensdale at the water plant (with the poi and vista close together) getting said point and vista when I saw in the distance burning fires on a farm. It was that level 2 farm that the green arrow points you to when you start in Queensdale as a human. I ran as fast as I could to get there and once I arrived there was ONE hay barrel left that was on fire. I quickly grabbed a bucket of water and ran to it, poured water on it when it was in it’s last pinch of health to revive it. Then the farm was shortly rallied by 5 other players and we defended against the final waves of bandits guarding that lone hay barrel.
If I had passed off this event, it would have failed.

I know this was an easy event in an easy area, but have you guys had any close calls in the game such as this?

(The reason I post something like this is pointing out the fun times I have in this game. There are parts of the game I don’t participate in much, but coming in to save the day from a close call is fun to come across.)

I caught you ANet!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BigMoser.8790


That’s not a typo, it’s a translation bug showing the month name in French.

Well kittens… I’ll go back to my corner now and put on my “Ignorant” hat.

I caught you ANet!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BigMoser.8790


Lol thanks. Before they update it, here’s the image cropped out.


I caught you ANet!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BigMoser.8790


“Log In Tomorrow for Free Transmutation Charges
by The Guild Wars 2 Team on avril 14, 2014”


Did the spell check not work today? Since I found an error, I should get one copper for my hard work.

Good day

Living Cliché

in Living World

Posted by: BigMoser.8790


<(’ ‘<)I’m printing this post out many times so I can work on some Paper Clichés (>’ ’)>

Gendarran Champ Train?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: BigMoser.8790


I’m not sure if this is being done already or not, but the group I was in was not large so I’ll post this here to see if has been done.

The group I joined started at Junction Haven Waypoint. The list is as follows:

Junction Haven Waypoint: Kill Champ troll then spider

Almuten Waypoint: Spider champ (bust all the eggs open to spawn)

Brigantine Waypoint: Pirate Champ then another Pirate Champ

Northfields Waypoint : Centaur champ, Rock Beast Champ

Blood Hill Waypoint : Centaur champ

Repeat at Junction Haven Waypoint.

This was done with a group of 6-8 people. None of these champs were events. I’m gonna guess if there is a much larger group (ie Queensdale / Frostgorge Sound size) then these champs would go down fast and might not spawn as fast.

Here is an image of the map: (Red circles = Waypoints, Yellow circles = the general area of champ)


wings of dwayna skin to easy, thanks to pvp

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BigMoser.8790


It was easy for me to get Wings of Dwayna in pvp in an odd way. I made attempt after attempt in the forge but could not get one to pop out. Then after trying too hard and failing, I win a tourney match right after and sure enough it pops out of the box. The version in PvE is alot harder to obtain (if you dont have the money and farmed for it).

Easy or not, it is a nice bow to have, especially if you have it on your back with the Light of Dwayna ascended back piece (That back piece was a pain in the kitten due to time gating plus not having enough money to buy the Bolts of Damask straight up)

Open/Cosume all button?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BigMoser.8790


Not saying I use one, but auto-clickers might help with this situation. Set it to 1 millisecond clicking so it might go through a stack of 250 in a matter of seconds.

2000 hours, 0 precursors, why keep playing??

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BigMoser.8790


6000+ hours here and no pre drop or MF eva. But made tons of legendaries by farming champs hard

Bored when reading through here, so I did some math. If this person played since launch (as of this post 517 days ago), they either played / or left the game afk alot for an average of 11.5ish hours a day. I’ve played since launch and I’m only averaging 3-4 hours a day :P.

Just wanted to thank someone....

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BigMoser.8790


lol flying dolyak

Just wanted to thank someone....

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BigMoser.8790


The mail bird.

My my… I always wonder what players put you through.

Day in, and day out you are flying in and flying out just to fly right back in at times. Poor bird, each item is precious to you for delivery. You never seem to fail at any given moment.

When players need you most, you are always there to deliver and send.

I think about you every day. Flying over players in grass, snow, dirt, trees, mountain tops, lava, dungeons, world bosses, fractals… you even go the extra mile and go underwater! Wow! Screw WvW zerg battles, you’ll fly right in like a Boss and get that mail in there with pinpoint accuracy!

Anyways, I just want to say.. Thank you.

P.S. I need to sell everything in my bank now.

[Wings of Dwayna][Light of Dwayna]

in Community Creations

Posted by: BigMoser.8790


Mashed together. (I like it)


Plush Griffon trying to fly

in Community Creations

Posted by: BigMoser.8790


Such Beauty

in Community Creations

Posted by: BigMoser.8790


This is what it would look like… too much Dwayna?


Such Beauty

in Community Creations

Posted by: BigMoser.8790


Got bored, so I decided to visit you link-generating peoples.

Love this bow.. now if I could find the time to craft Light of Dwayna to go with it….


BLTP - Sort by Quantity

in Suggestions

Posted by: BigMoser.8790


Why I say this?

I’m the type of person, it might just be me, that likes to sell everything in my bank at times and I like to sometimes sell the highest quantity – lowest quantity.

I was wondering if there could be an option to sort by quantity.

Best trailer ever!

in Fractured

Posted by: BigMoser.8790


I agree. This trailer is the type I love to see for GW2 in the future. It was truly amazing, the music fit so well, and it makes me want to do fractals even more!

Tier'd Achievement chests

in Suggestions

Posted by: BigMoser.8790


I thought of this quickly without going into detail. Let me explain.

I’m doing one of the slayer achievements and it seems too grindy for 5 achievement points per tier (except the first which is 1). Kill 10 for 1 ap, 100 for 5 ap (not too bad), kill 400 more for 5 ap (getting too much), kill 500 more after that for 5 ap again.

Yes, I know. I don’t have to grind each one until my eyes fall out, do a little bit here, a little there, not at once, etc etc.

But this is where my idea came across: Could there be mini boxes/chests pop up on the screen when a tier of something is complete? Yes we get extra experience, we get the achievement points, but what if there was an added prize for each tier? It could be specific items, or just more RNG. For example, I’m finishing up the harpy slayer and when that final tier is complete you’ll get a Harpy box that has item(s) and/or equips that come from Harpies (like a special harpy clothing or weapon… heck, even their wings as a back piece).

For those that have already done these achievements, the chests could become selectable to open from the achievement page so as to not hit you in the face with so many chests at once.

I’m also posting this here to see what you guys think. I fear I may stumble across “too many rewards” or something of that nature, not sure.

[HYFR] Bros Before Pros recruiting!

in Looking for...

Posted by: BigMoser.8790


If you are a casual player and like any and all aspects of GW2, then Bros Before Pros could be for you! Send mail to BigMoser.8790 in game or reply here if interested.

Please note: The video below was strictly FRAPS + Windows Movie Maker. I do not have the editing software to make it better at this time. Please forgive my noobness editing *

Guild Video:

The Cutscene

in Tower of Nightmares

Posted by: BigMoser.8790


I just have to say, the cutscene at the end of that instance was amazing! In my opinion, the best so far. I don’t know how else to describe it.

What about you guys?

This time last year.... pics!

in Blood and Madness

Posted by: BigMoser.8790


I had to take these 2 screenshots. Couldn’t resist. Me running the Clock Tower jumping puzzle with an ANet employee!! Best JP ever!


Skill point scrolls turn screen white

in Community Creations

Posted by: BigMoser.8790


… when you open them so fast!

Skill point scrolls turn screen white

in Community Creations

Posted by: BigMoser.8790


… when you open them so fast!

Favorite parts about TA path?

in Twilight Assault

Posted by: BigMoser.8790


I really liked this path alot! (with the right group)

My favorite part was after my grouped wiped during Slick/Sparki fight. We ran back and before we entered Slick was doing his norn dance taunting us >:( lol

The mechanics with the hologram machines where you kill the holograms to disrupt it was another favorite part.

What were your favorite parts about this dungeon path?

A question to the Devs: The Scarlet holograms of her talking to her minions from time to time, was this inspired by Batman: Arkham Asylum?

Drop Rate Precursor Weapon

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BigMoser.8790


I had 20g left one day and was like “screw it”. I’ll spend the rest of my 20g on exotic swords and try to help out my guild leader. It’s all he ever needed. I kept telling myself, “You’re only looking for 3 letters.. you’re only looking for 3 letters” as I was dropping them in the forge. 1 shot… 2nd shot… 3rd shot…stared at the screen while on teamspeak “omg omg omg hahahaaaa ohhh Zap!” Guild leader wasn’t on at the time, so when he did get on we went to our guild meeting place and I made a scene about having a family heirloom for many years, and it was time to pass it on. I pass it on to him. The bird flies in over his head, he got mail. “What’s this Moser? Whatcha giving me? DUDE! W..T..F? I mean seriously.. wtf?” All while he is hopping around the room lol. He went to make his Bolt. I felt good helping him out while I really need to get Spark. But everyday passes and I keep telling myself that I should have sold it and finished my gift of fortune. :P

Mad King's Clock Tower.... Changes

in Twilight Assault

Posted by: BigMoser.8790


Reduced wait times is all I would want. Other than that, this JP is my favorite. Each step further that you would make, you get that sense of accomplishment and it pushes you to go further up to the top. Once you get to the top, it’s like riding a bike and you never forget your steps. I hope when they release the Clock Tower again that I don’t forget my steps and where/how to jump

Squad Instances

in Suggestions

Posted by: BigMoser.8790


Well, you have a funny way of asking for end-game raid content, but I’m for it. IDT it’s really the GW franchise M.O. though.

I’m sure it’s not their M.O. either, but heck, why not try it for 2 weeks? Spice it up some, go outside their comfort zone, try something unexpected all of a sudden.

We have 2 on board here, any others?

Squad Instances

in Suggestions

Posted by: BigMoser.8790


Tequatl is a fun fight, btw.

Anyways, while fighting Tequatl, I was wondering: What if we had squad-based instances? You join up on a commander’s squad and the commander can start an instance (like a dungeon or a map), and it would have mechanics in the instance much like the Tequatl fight. This way, there is a large group of players teaming up in an organized fashion taking on challenging obstacles with really nice rewards in the end.

Good? Bad?

(If this has been posted before, sorry)

Feels like on top of the city

in Community Creations

Posted by: BigMoser.8790


Feeling like on top of the city :P


Diversity Tokens

in Suggestions

Posted by: BigMoser.8790


For those that like to run multiple dungeon paths daily (different ones each run):

Each dungeon vendor will let you trade in your tokens for that dungeon for “Diversity Tokens”. You can use these to visit the Diversity vendor to purchase Diversity weapons / armor for your character, or purchase those weapons / armor for a chance at the forge for a precursor.

The exchange rate I’m not sure about, but the initial thought was a quick 1 dungeon token for 1 Diversity token. (The amount of Diversity tokens to buy armor/weapons would be the same as the amount of dungeon tokens for their armor / weapons)

I’m sure that would be way too fast to get weapons and armor…. but the less grindy, the more fun! Of course, fun is different from person to person, so I have no idea how much grind this would need.

Anyways, any thoughts on a system like this?

Monthly Achievements reset?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BigMoser.8790


Now that I think about it, the monthly reset before patch time which probably had the regular rewards. Then after patch it switched again giving it the new materials. I wasn’t thinking until someone from guild mentioned it, then it made sense.

Monthly Achievements reset?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BigMoser.8790


I was going to have it easy this month, when the 1st of September rolled around, I was like "Oh yeah! The monthly reset " It was easy.. champions, group events ( i think that was one of them), 100 events, craft 60 green items. Basically, farm Queensdale and go craft for your monthly and you’re done :P

Now it got changed after a few days in. So what if some people finished their monthly before the switch? Do they get 20 laurels this month?

EDIT: The monthly is still easy like always, I was just mostly curious about those that might have completed the monthly before the switch.

Spawning champs

in Suggestions

Posted by: BigMoser.8790


In the invasions, if the zerg is large enough, a champ will spawn.

Could you apply this to other events in the open world?

Obviously not in the starter zones, but in mid-high level maps that might make it more interesting.

I’m not saying that all of the events in the open world should have this, but just some that would be appropriate for a champ to spawn if the group is large enough.

I think this would populate maps all around the world and you’ll get exp/karma/coin after completing the event as well. So win/win?

Idk, what do you guys think?

Obligatory 'best name I've seen' thread...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BigMoser.8790


My best name that I have is my Sylvari Ranger – “Quickr Picker Upper” with my jungle stalker named “Bounty”.

Jaguar’s name is “Atari”. So, when we run CoF Path 1 in the brazier room, I go hook the controller up to my jaguar.

Anyways my others are:

Norn Warrior : Rusttooth Warrior (wields 2 Rusttooth swords)
Human Thief : Lara Croft Decoy
Charr Ranger: Charrford Charcoal
Asura Ranger : Olivia Kaay (The only serious name I have)

Not saying these are funny, but its all I got for ya :P

Rare Items pertaining to current content

in Suggestions

Posted by: BigMoser.8790


Yeah, I see what you’re saying. I would like to know that as well. Now, I’m not speaking for everyone, but if I’m in an Orr map, I’m not too concerned with the Gauntlet. I’d rather get the Entrance ticket from zerg runs through the Pavilion if I wanted to look for some.

Rare Items pertaining to current content

in Suggestions

Posted by: BigMoser.8790


I believe items like Queen’s Gauntlet Entrance Ticket (which is rare color) should stay within the starting areas, or at least not make it into the drop tables within Orr maps.

If I choose to farm high level mobs for a while and I find wooden chests pop up, I’d rather pull a rare equip, lodestone, etc. instead of any event items. I feel that it is blocking that chance that some rare item could be in the chest other than the event items.

What are your thoughts?

Environmental/Weather – You’ll love it

in Suggestions

Posted by: BigMoser.8790


weather effects for world bosses would be awesome like more darkness to Shadow Behemoth, or a blizzard during Claw of Jormag, heavy fog during Great Jungle Wurm, heavy rain during Tequatl, etc etc.

Reasons to Remove or Change Defiant

in Suggestions

Posted by: BigMoser.8790


+1. Let’s make our CC’s count

"Block" deposit minis ability

in Suggestions

Posted by: BigMoser.8790


There might be those that say “get the invisible bag and don’t worry about it” or anything similar, but I agree that there should be a ‘block deposit’ option or at least have the option to open up a mini box that shows all of your minis that you can double click to activate.

Double Weekends

in Suggestions

Posted by: BigMoser.8790


Now that the game is almost a year old and I don’t think ArenaNet has done this yet for Guild Wars 2 (correct me if I’m wrong).. but are there any plans on doing double (whatever) weekends?

For example, some games out there have double experience weekends, and a game I’m playing on the side is doing double currency drop weekend.

Would this type of event be any good for the game?


in Community Creations

Posted by: BigMoser.8790


Best. Golem. Ever.

I lol’d


An LS event that no one knows about

in Living World

Posted by: BigMoser.8790


As I’ve said before, random thought. I did not think it through to the point of being a disaster, but I do feel if done wrong it would be an epic disaster. I do agree with your points there Shiren. I also agree with Lethalvriend in the sense of word of mouth, and spreading like wildfire.

My vision is that the update page would kind of be blank with an ominous feel to it, maybe with a piece of dark artwork to gaze at and wonder what’s coming. They could put out a trailer for the new patch, much the same dark ominous atmosphere with panning around certain areas…. dead feeling… eerie quietness… but somehow it would give you hints at where the video is focusing on, thus getting people to go to those areas shown and figure out what the problem is. Something’s coming… (and without warning from any devs, they start events all around Tyria of an invasion of some sort. starts out small for a week, and each week afterwards the problem would start to get out of hand…..)

I’m going to stop now… its starting to scare me….

An LS event that no one knows about

in Living World

Posted by: BigMoser.8790


Not if any part of it was temporary content. “Secret” and “limited time” would really would annoy me greatly.

But if they put in something secret that you could play through no matter when you became aware of it, sure, that’d be kinda fun.

I did forget to mention that it should be permanent content

An LS event that no one knows about

in Living World

Posted by: BigMoser.8790


Would you guys like it if there was a LS content where they didn’t give you any information beforehand?

Just a big “?”, like something is going to go down but no one knows what. The things that they would update might be put on the page, like things they discussed during the blog for the second half of the year.

So secret and evil that even Dulfy wouldn’t get a preview look (meaning not allowed to test it out)

This thread is sooooooooooo Random, so just throwing it out there.

Range indicator on target.

in Suggestions

Posted by: BigMoser.8790


Make the color of the range number two distinct colors..

Red = Not in Range

Green = In Range

Thanks Phyrak! * Nomnomnomnom!!*

Range indicator on target.

in Suggestions

Posted by: BigMoser.8790


“Eye, What does the range on his life bar say?”

“Uh, his range is over 9,000 Master Zhaitan.”

“WHAT?! OVER 9,000??!!! That can’t be right!”