Showing Posts For Chief.5928:

Keg Brawl pickup matches

in Suggestions

Posted by: Chief.5928


I fully agree with this notion. Imagine having ladder systems for Keg Brawl similar to the current sPvP and World vs World system.

Right now it’s not possible to team up with Guild members and get into the same game unless it’s by a sheer case of luck. It would be awesome if Guild members could join as a group and play against other dedicated teams of people who are in the same community/guild.

Looking for a guild...

in Guilds

Posted by: Chief.5928


Ah sorry mate, hadn’t seen you already found one so sent you a PM by accident. Just disregard that one and enjoy the game!

I really like your work, Anet...

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Chief.5928



I think it’s silly to say free content. People bought the game and a lot also buy gems which probably pay for what you call free content.

Please reinsert your brain into its leaky spongebag before making yourself look silly on a public forum. Gems are an optional! purchase, and not buying gems did not in any way prevent you from participating in this event.

Please stop being a fool.

Guild name

in Guilds

Posted by: Chief.5928


If noone wants to join that means it’s empty. Just scrap the Guild and make a new one?

New to GW2 need friends to play with :(

in Guilds

Posted by: Chief.5928


Nice to see you joined us at dinkandrance

Far Shiverpeaks (EU), The Conclave, [PvX]

in Guilds

Posted by: Chief.5928


Was a pleasure talking to you on Teamspeak Talon, looking forward to playing alongside you more etc.

Clocktower, I'll miss you

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Chief.5928


A jumping puzzle is nice and all but I have 3 gripes with it:

- I hate things that have a time constraint. In my view jumping puzzles are supposed to be exactly that, a puzzle to find your way around. Not have a Super Mario style setup of platformgaming with a tight timelimit. But this is personal preference so it’s the least important.

- Constantly having to see the animation at the start of every attempt wore me out rather quickly. But, again, this is a lesser issue.

- The one segement where ArenaNet royally screwed up however is the idea to make the event being done in groups rather than in a storymode-like personal instance.

I have an Asure engineer and every time I try the puzzle I run into a group that has 3 Norns, 2 Humans and 2 Charr etc in it. I kid you not, I have tried countless times and always end up in groups where i simply cannot see where I’m going because there’s big fat other players’ avatars blocking my view.

Due to the small space where one can manoever and the fact that my bodymass is so small compared to every other character around me it’s at times nigh impossible to estimate distances etc as my character is literally up someone else’s behind thus blocking my view from the action.

(edited by Chief.5928)

Far Shiverpeaks (EU), The Conclave, [PvX]

in Guilds

Posted by: Chief.5928


Hiya Mofkees, a pleasure to have you with our GW2 group. Your Charr Warrior is shaping up nicely and it was great fun teaming up together with everyone yesterday for another part of the current Halloween event.

Quickly gets rid of the evidence that Mofkees has been forced to smack innocent wildlife about the landscape again as of late

Far Shiverpeaks (EU), The Conclave, [PvX]

in Guilds

Posted by: Chief.5928


Ah Xanthos, great to see you signed up on

Nice to have another Elementalist joining our ranks. Looking forward to talking some more with you on our Teamspeak server like we did yesterday!

Far Shiverpeaks (EU), The Conclave, [PvX]

in Guilds

Posted by: Chief.5928


Hello Dread and great to see you joined us. Already talked to you on TS and I noticed how definitely fit in with our social bunch. Just be a bit active on the forum and Teamspeak and you’ll be a member in no time.

Hey guys. Would I need to register on your forum to get an invite? I like that you do more than MMORPG and GW2.

Indeed, all you need to do is make an account on our website ( —> register --> I want to become a Member) and post a nice introduction message on our recruitment board.

After that PM or email one of the following people who can invite you: Kaz or Nuarda (you can find their profiles on our website in the Member overview section).

I hope you’ll join us and look forward to meeting you. Oh, bear in mind that I’ll be on vacation between 2nd and 16th of October, so we’ll be able to talk around the 16th-17th of October. But there’s plenty of other people around you can interact with and ask for help if you need assistance with anything

The big list of little things

in Suggestions

Posted by: Chief.5928


Found something that would need fixing:

Whenever a character jumps into the water there’s a certain chance they’ll sink to the bottom in a very odd and unnatural way, almost as if falling through the air.

It seems to be connected to the steepness of the incline of the rock one jumps from. The steeper the hill/cliff, the more one seems to sink when jumping into a nearby stretch of water.

Far Shiverpeaks (EU), The Conclave, [PvX]

in Guilds

Posted by: Chief.5928


Ah BCDragon, nice of you to indeed join us. Great to see you’re active on the [CC] forum and Teamspeak server etc. Definitely looking forward to doing some Dungeon runs etc in the upcoming period.

Edit: Due to the recent players joining us I updated our number of Members playing GW2 from 53 to the current number of 63.

Why should I play a warrior?

in Warrior

Posted by: Chief.5928


At the moment I’m playing an Engineer (current level almost 55) so I’m already pondering what profession to try next for my secondary character.

As the Engineer is a mix of both melee and ranged damage and CC, I was essentially contemplating two options: A mostly ranged class (Elementalist/Necromancer) or something more melee based. You guessed it, in that case I was considering the Warrior. I loved a tank warrior in WoW until the point where Blizzard dumbed down the whole mechanics and made it a button mashing class.

I know that in GW2 Warriors have quite some CC abilities, different types of attacks etc and I look forward to being a class that’s less squishy than the Engineer.

So I’d like to ask the people who play Warrior: What made you decide to play this class and did it live up to your expectations and most importantly why/why not?

(edited by Chief.5928)

The big list of little things

in Suggestions

Posted by: Chief.5928


Another 2 ideas just struck me that would be very useful to add to the game.

Idea number1:
I’d like to see a Guild channel announcement when someone who’s representing said Guild comes online. Something like:

‘Marduk Dregin joined the Guild channel’

The advantage of this is that it creates more social interaction. At the moment, unless someone who just connected types something on the Guild chat, noone will ever be any the wiser that said person came online. An announcement text message onscreen however would point their attention to the fact someone joined in leading to the usual ‘Welcome back online, how are you’ positive style bantering etc.

For those who don’t like such a text message just make it an optional thing that can be switched off client sided.

Idea number2:
I’d like to see an option allowing Guilds to make sure their Guild message of the day automatically is displayed in the Guild channel upon someone connecting BUT be invisible to people who are already online. This means:

1. People are notified of the fact there is such a message and to its content
2. Prevents people who are already online being spammed to death, especially in larger Guilds where people come online and go offline all the time.

Far Shiverpeaks (EU), The Conclave, [PvX]

in Guilds

Posted by: Chief.5928


Nice to see you joining our ranks for Guild Wars 2 AltQQ. Welcome to the community!

Looking forward to talking to you on our Teamspeak 3 server

Far Shiverpeaks (EU), The Conclave, [PvX]

in Guilds

Posted by: Chief.5928


Welcome to the community Iceman and Razac. Glad to have you guys join our ever expanding group of people with the proper social attitude

Is the strategy for ever boss, mob just kite, dodge and avoid circles?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Chief.5928


This is by far the worst release of a new online game I have ever seen.

Please go and troll someplace else. Or go back to WoW where you most likely came from.

Apart from a few issues in the first week GW2 is the best MMO launch that’s been around for years. StarWars: TOR etc all pale by comparison in terms of what GW2 has to offer both PvE and PvP wise.

No game is perfect, so neither is GW2. there’s still some things that would need patching or tweaking but it’s a very solid basis to start from.

Far Shiverpeaks (EU), The Conclave, [PvX]

in Guilds

Posted by: Chief.5928


Community details:
Name: The Conclave, or [CC] for short.
Realm we play on: Far Shiverpeaks
Total size: 200+ Members worldwide, but closely knit. We are not a community where you are just a number.
Size of our GW2 group: Currently 43 players
Setup: International, currently spanning 25+ different nationalities mostly from Europe and North America.
Community leadership: A group of 3 people with a combined experience in gaming and communities of 50 years.

Community media:
Dedicated Teamspeak 3 server:, password = [Ask me in a PM for the details]

The Conclave is an international multi gaming community that has existed for more than 10 years (it was founded on the 7th of July 2002) and currently comprises 200+ Members worldwide participating in a variety of games. Our Guild Wars 2 section is being lead by two Guild Wars 1 veterans who live/breathe/sleep GW2, has many additional Guild Wars 1 veterans playing as a part of it and is currently spanning 52 Members in total size.

Community goals:
1. To have fun in a social environment where people can contribute, each at his or her own level based on individual time constraints, ability etc.
2. To facilitate people of any type, be they casual or hardcore players. To this end we have assigned people to the various aspects of the game (PvE, PvP etc) to make sure we run a smooth operation.
3. To maintain the atmosphere we have had since our founding where nothing is mandatory and everything is possible: PvE dungeon runs, WvWvW PvP etc.
4. To listen to Member input and, within reasonable practical limits, implement these ideas and suggestions into our community for the benefit of all.

Community setup:
1. We have various dedicated people in charge of the different aspects of GW2, be this PvE dungeon runs, vista or jumping challenges, WvWvW PvP etc.

2. We have no age restrictions. We’d rather have a mature 13 year old than a whiny 40 year old dramaqueen. In short, we judge people by how they behave.

3. We have no time constraints or demands, so in short we don’t expect you to be online 24/7. We totally understand that you may have other hobbies, work, friends and family to dedicate time to. You contribute what you can based on your individual situation.

4. We adhere a lot of value to Member input. As a result we highly value people communicating and contributing through Teamspeak (meetings to decide the future of the Guild), the forum (topics, polls etc) or other means outside of the game (Facebook, Twitter). Again, based on how much time you want and can spent on it.

If you have any questions etc just let me know, as I’ll be more than happy to answer them. Or just drop by on our TS server so we can have a bit of a chat (PM me for the password if you want to drop by).

[CC]Chief, founder of The Conclave

(edited by Chief.5928)

The big list of little things

in Suggestions

Posted by: Chief.5928


I do really like the send thing instead of walking up to the player and press trade. THO it could be a little faster. LIKE REMOVING THE " OK " window everything you’ve sent a email. its really disturbing when your sending many emails. AND make the email-box larger.

The send option can be handy if people are online/far away I agree. But I wanted a Guild mate to make me some bags and despite the fact we were right next to each other in Lion’s Arch we had to sent emails back and forth. Having both options available would be a nice in between method.

I wholeheartedly agree on removing the ‘ok’ message everyime something is sent by internal email.

The big list of little things

in Suggestions

Posted by: Chief.5928


As much as I love GW2 and as brilliant as the game is there are in my view little things where there’s still room for improvement. If anything I mention in the list below is actually possible I’d love to hear it

1. A direct peron to person trade window. Right now items can be given to people but it involves sending an ingame email to said person even when you’re right next each other. A simple set of two trade windows where both have to click ‘acknowledge’ to finalize the exchange would be greatly appreciated and be a nice timesaver.

2. Being able to select one out of multiple objects sent by email.
Right now whenever someone sends you multiple items it’s impossible to click on any one item and only retrieve that one from the mail. This is an issue whenever you have full bags and first want to retrieve consumables for example so they can be send to your bank.

3. Being able to email things to another character on the same account.
As far as I know the only way to share gear items etc between characters is to put them in the general bank account and log on with the second c haracter to retrieve them. Why not allow a simple in between characters email to facilitate the exchange of gear. To prevent people from using mails as extra bankslots a limit to 1 mail between characters on the same account would be a proper limitation.

4. Being able to inspect another player’s gear + preview what it would look on your own character.
To my knowledge it’s not possible to see another player’s gear, stats and abilities ingame. In addition it certainly would be nice to be able to preview his/her items to see what they would look like on your own character.

5. Being able to preview Guild unlockable items.
Things like Guild chestpieces and backpacks, as far as I can tell, cannot be previewed on one’s characters. Since these items are fairly expensive it would be nice to know up front if you’re going to appreciate the look it will give to your character or not before spending gold coins on them.

If anyone has any comments or additional things that could be added to the list by all means respond.

Question related to Guild recruiting subboard

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Chief.5928


Much appreciated for the information as supplied. It’s so relaxing to see a company that actually takes the time and effort to send out employees onto the official forum to talk to people in the community.

Applaudes wildly

Question related to Guild recruiting subboard

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Chief.5928


I agree, atm these forums are rather minute. More extensive subdivisions (a profession board, a crafting board etc) would certainly be a welcome addition.

Question related to Guild recruiting subboard

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Chief.5928


First of all I’d like to extend my sincere admiration towards ArenaNet for making an MMO that, in my point of view, can be regarded as the best one in the genre thus far and will serve as a benchmark for any new game to emerge within this type of game.

Having played WoW for 3,5 years myself I can safely say that GW2 is far better in terms of summoning that sense of wonder and desire to explore as you’re walking around the landscape rather than having endless grindfests and perform fetch and gather quests for mindless NPCs.

That having been said, I would like to ask a question (apologies up front if it’s been asked before but I could not track down a related topic): Will there be a Guild recruiting board or something along these lines, like a board where new players can present themselves to the GW2 community?