Showing Posts For Chief.5928:

Mesmer Downed Skills are broken

in Mesmer

Posted by: Chief.5928


Use the Engineer’s downed skills for a few min and you’ll realize just how much better the Mesmer’s are.

I love my Engineer, he’s my main character, and I’m levelling a Mesmer atm (He’s almost level 15 atm). I immediately noticed how much better the downed skill set is.

Please, don't ever force us to go solo again.

in Last Stand at Southsun

Posted by: Chief.5928


First people complained ArenaNet had the audacity to finalize a storyline with a 5-man story dungeon.

Now they complain ArenaNet has the audacity to do something you need to do on your own.


Far Shiverpeaks (EU), The Conclave, [PvX]

in Guilds

Posted by: Chief.5928


Hello Starduster, sorry for the somewhat slow reply. Celebrated my birthday last 31st of May

It’s great to see you’re enjoying yourself so much and I must say you fit in perfectly with the social group that [CC] is and aspires to stay. Also looking forward to you getting your new headset, so we’ll know what you sound like

What has happened to our community?

in Last Stand at Southsun

Posted by: Chief.5928


Agreed, I played several MMOs before this one and GW2 has by far the best of the communities.

Two days ago it was for the first time since the launch day that I actually ran into someone who was being so belligerent towards his party members that I reported him for abusive language. And I’ve clocked well over 1100 hours in this game.

What has happened to our community?

in Last Stand at Southsun

Posted by: Chief.5928


@Khal Drogo.9631

I never stated that the game doesn’t have bugs or that reporting such bugs is a bad thing. All I’m trying to point out is that some things that people report are done so without first looking into it properly whether it’s a true issue or not.

A typical example is the Canach fight, where people reported ‘OMG green mines blow me up when I run over them’ whereas we now know that Canach has an ability that will reset a mine from green to red causing the player to then set it off.

On the other hand we have seen proper bug reports, like Canach being right on top of a green mine but not activating it. I just wish people would look a bit more into things before accusing the developers of slacking/having no skill in designing a game etc.

That’s all

What has happened to our community?

in Last Stand at Southsun

Posted by: Chief.5928


There’s no denying that any type of game official forum is usually populated by the majority of people that are discontented with something, and this is specifically true for MMOs. Why? Because people who enjoy content play the content andhave no time to argue about little things on said forum.

What is more is that people can’t make up their mind. There seriously were people who found it an issue that F&F was finalized with a 5-man story mode dungeon and stated they’d rather thave something they could do at an individual level. So Anet does in fact listen to this and makes a 1-man fight against Canach + a 5-man version that takes 10 min to finish to which people, surprise surprise, complain that it’s too hard/too easy/unfair/has good or bad mechanics etc etc.

The bottom line in my opinion to this whole ordeal is that no matter how much care or attention you put into things haters are gonna hate, trolls will troll and whiners will whine. Hell, half of the people who complain about “bugs”, “issues” or “things lacking” don’t even know that what they’re pointing at is actually a game mechanic or design decision rather than an actual problem and that it says more about the lack of character/quality amongst themselves than about the game.

GW2 is by no means perfect, what is after all? It is in my opinion however the best MMO I’ve played to date and I can’t wait to see what they’re going to incorporate next.

Endorsing Slavery?

in Last Stand at Southsun

Posted by: Chief.5928


I could make the usual ‘He, you kill basically everything you walk into in this game and are fine with it, but you have a problem with slavery?’

1. The Consortium is not evil as such. Manipulative? Sure, like any other company they try to survive in a dynamic market. Crafty? Trying to turn a creature invested island into a holiday resort and almost succeeding in it sounds crafty enough to me. But in the end the Karka incident that got the ball rolling was an accident, not something they planned to happen (at least until so far it bears all the signs of an accidental screwup).

2. The refugees willingly signed contracts, agreeing to work for the Consortium. Although the terms of the contract may have been harsh/unreasonable what not, the fact remains that they signed out of their own free will without being forced into it.

3. The Lion Guard is effectively a police force, meaning they have to maintain order, see to it that discipline is maintained, preserve the peace at a moderate level and uphold the law. Since the Consortium hasn’t broken any laws, as Kiel during a chat with Noll even indicates herself, she cannot act against the Consortium’s proceedings even though at a personal level she clearly would want to.

(edited by Chief.5928)

May 28th Update: how long is content available?

in Last Stand at Southsun

Posted by: Chief.5928


Today the expansion of the living story will be released. This means, to my knowledge, that all current achievements and story elements can still be done when the new material has been unveiled.

Feedback on reporting players who misbehave

in Suggestions

Posted by: Chief.5928


The guy I played with really deserved to get a ban imo. He was your typical ‘Played WoW before, now I’m coming over to pollute the atmosphere in another MMO’ kind of guy.

You know, a Char warrior with full cultural Tier 3 set, an ego the size of a mammoth tanker, constantly scoffing at people (‘LOL, you use a bow on a warrior?’) but with horrible colours (a fully blue outfit with just 1 dye type) and complete lack of taste or imagination to boot in his armour outfit.

I laughed so loud when he was kissing the floor 4 times in a row on the first boss fight.

Feedback on reporting players who misbehave

in Suggestions

Posted by: Chief.5928


I like you, you’re evil

Feedback on reporting players who misbehave

in Suggestions

Posted by: Chief.5928


I have no idea if this has been brought up before (couldn’t find any topic when I was trying to track one down) so I apologize up front if it’s been said/suggested before.

The point: Could we please get some feedback from ingame moderators as to the people that are being reported ingame for misbehaving. An example would be the elitist guy I had to deal with yesterday while trying to do a CoE run. He continued to use offensive language, was belligerent and demeaning towards the other people because ‘their skills sucked’ (funny enough he himself was downed 4 times during the first boss fight while I and 2 of the other players stayed on our feet just fine) etc and so was reported by 2 of the players from said group, myself included.

It would be grand if I could get an ingame email from a moderator just briefly stating ‘We warned him/banned him for a week/banned him permanently etc’ so I know the social action I undertook actually helped to prevent such players from doing too much damage to the enjoyment we decent folk can have in the game.

Crabtacular Achievement

in Last Stand at Southsun

Posted by: Chief.5928


This thing would be easily fixable: If they just say that you need to annihilate so many fellow players (either in total through several games or in one game) it would be a lot more bareable. As is this is the only achievement of the package that I don’t have yet and it’s simply down to bad luck.

As so many others have already stated, since the patch has been out for some time, most people now know what to do so there’s always a few people flanking the player with the crab. No matter what you do when there’s 3 Karka around, the skill factor involved towards getting this achievement is zero.

Vent Sample

in Last Stand at Southsun

Posted by: Chief.5928


The red steam cloud shields the sample from your vision, run around the venting steam to find the sample.

Are the spawns in living story too strong?

in Last Stand at Southsun

Posted by: Chief.5928


Population of the server plays no role, since events are upscaled based on the amount of people participating.

Most events center around an Elite along with veteran or normal additional mobs, so of course it isn’t going to be a walkover. But it’s certainly doable.

No interest in playing this new content.

in Last Stand at Southsun

Posted by: Chief.5928


The F&F dungeon was around for almost 2 weeks. If you couldn’t free up some time to find 30-60 min somewhere in a weekend to complete this story mode dungeon then I’d say you should have a look at your work + “social obligations” and do something about them.

In addition, the stuff that’s around so far for the Southsun story can be completed in 1-2 evenings in terms of achievements (collecting samples can be done in as little as an hour for example) if you want to do all of them. To get both backpacks you don’t even need all achievements however.

Lovely weather this time of year

in Last Stand at Southsun

Posted by: Chief.5928


Agreed. A dynamic weather system would really add that extra layer of immersion to the game. Not to mention make travelling more challenging (imagine having to traverse a mountainous area during heavy fog, snowstorms, rain etc). The same area could offer different challenges as a result.

A Title With Little Honor

in Last Stand at Southsun

Posted by: Chief.5928


Using the portal to the get to the end of the JP certainly isn’t cheating. Cheating implies that it’s unfair or illegal, and here neither definition applies as everyone can ask a Mesmer to help him.

I already did the Skipping Stones JP a while ago. For this part of the Living Story I did get to the end of the JP again with the use of a portal because there happened to be a Mesmer who offered assistance and asked nothing in return (so I gave him 5 silver as a thank you gesture).

If anything I think a Mesmer offering to help out people shows of the best part of the GW2 community: Generally people who play it have a nice attitude towards other players and helping out occurs naturally due to the setup of the game.

Far Shiverpeaks (EU), The Conclave, [PvX]

in Guilds

Posted by: Chief.5928


Great to hear you’ve enjoyed your time in The Conclave thus far Tangplante. Always nice to see people grow as a person within the group and become a real part of it.

So anyone interested in a social community with helpful people and plenty of PvX activity: Check us out at

PS: As for the Quaggans, I think they’d hope we would resort to salmon for our sushi in the future

Far Shiverpeaks (EU), The Conclave, [PvX]

in Guilds

Posted by: Chief.5928


Indeed, welcome to the community Aribeth. It’s great to see someone who’s only been around for a week or so already being such an active and an integral part of the [CC] community

Welcome to The Conclave!

Sclerite Karka Shell animation

in Last Stand at Southsun

Posted by: Chief.5928


No offense but people really should check before posting to see if the questions they have are already captured in an existing topic. I have literally seen 4-5 people this within a 2 hour frame today.

The Secret of Southsun feels rushed?

in Last Stand at Southsun

Posted by: Chief.5928


The current setup is just the start of the new story. We’re just given little tidbits to keep us busy while they flesh out the next phase so I think that their pacing is fine. Same as with the F&F story when we had to protect refugees, only here the setup feels more complete because there’s more dress up imo with the beach huts, the searching for sample spots etc.

As for the graphical thing: Are you sure it’s not just a graphics card issue as I’ve not encountered any graphical issues at all thus far.

As far as the ‘missing parts of the story’ is concerned: We still have 3+ weeks until the next patch and since Southsun isn’t that big anyone who runs around it for a few days in a row will easily pick up on all aspects of the story as it’s been unfolded thus far I think.

I do agree with you on the Lord Faren issue btw, that could easily have been fixed/prevented.

(edited by Chief.5928)

So, you know that ancient karka corpse?

in Last Stand at Southsun

Posted by: Chief.5928


Or, you know, rampage through LA destroying a lighthouse and fountain…

The Karka aren’t evil, they’re merely beastlike and were disturbed by the Consortium after which the players committed essentially a genocide on the Karka species.

If we should put up any stuffed body it’d have to be the rotting corpse of whatever Consortium baddy we’ll most likely beat at the end of this Living Story episode

Far Shiverpeaks (EU), The Conclave, [PvX]

in Guilds

Posted by: Chief.5928


Great to hear you’re enjoying yourself so much in the community Kervv. I must say you’ve taught us a lot about how to properly play sPvP and you’ve become a really constructive and active participant in our GW2 events.

To anyone who likes GW2 and wants to join a social community where people help each other in a proper atmosphere I say, give The Conclave ( a try. You won’t be disappointed

So, you know that ancient karka corpse?

in Last Stand at Southsun

Posted by: Chief.5928


I don’t think the Karka would appreciate desecrating their dead. They could start petitioning or protesting in the streets of LA.

Sclerite Back piece: too easy to get

in Last Stand at Southsun

Posted by: Chief.5928


When I saw the sclerite pack I was blown away by how sweet it was until I realized that everyone is going to have it.

1. I never care about how rare or easily acquirable something is. If i like it, I like it and will use it.
2. Even though many people will acquire it, this by no means means that everyone will use it

I have to say, I love it

in Last Stand at Southsun

Posted by: Chief.5928


I think Arenanet did a great job so far in making a lifeless wasteland feel more, well, alive.

- I love the update they’ve given the seaside locations, with the bars/huts/lights etc. I even noticed that at some point there was a beachparty going down, with NPCs walking up to the dancefloor and spontaneously bursting into dancing etc.

- The little jokes in the game, like characters making certain comments, are great. My favourite one so far is a line I noticed somewhere where it stated ‘Southsun, where the seafood eats you!’

- I love the tracking down of the sample deposits. The whole scanning/locating and trying to get to a deposit-routine feels a bit like a treasure hunt.

- The number of dynamic events has been increased quite a bit.

- The crab toss game. Yes it’s a bit chaotic and hectic at times but still good for a laugh.

(edited by Chief.5928)

The Living Story... Died?

in Flame and Frost

Posted by: Chief.5928


You had almost 2 weeks time to complete single storymode dungeon and you never found a group able to pull it of?

I did the dungeon probably about 25-30 times and safe for 3-4 runs where the team needed several attempts to kill the final bosses (so you spend 30-60 min until people get it right) most runs went fine without any big issues.

Lets speculate a bit on story development

in Last Stand at Southsun

Posted by: Chief.5928


We will know the first bits today. Can’t wait to see what’s in store for us. I so hope the Consortium will play a big role in all of this.

Citizens! Gather around, citizens!

Lets speculate a bit on story development

in Last Stand at Southsun

Posted by: Chief.5928


Perhaps another idea would be to incorporate the volcanic activity on the island a bit more and have a dynamic events or a cinematic where a volcanic eruption covers a part of the island, which then can later be converted into new farming grounds for the refugees as it will provide them with fertile soil.

Lets speculate a bit on story development

in Last Stand at Southsun

Posted by: Chief.5928


Phase 3. The consortium have tracked the ex-employee down to a dungeon native to southsun, upon completing the story version though we find no ex-employee, so the search continues (however its mentioned that this dungeon features other paths to explore at will).

This idea I absolutely love. Would be even better if in the earlier phases of the thing the ex-employee would leave clues behind that would make players at first think the Consortium itself is behind it, only to find out we’re barking up the wrong tree and that they’re actually innocent.

If the lead of all of this content is yet another asura I am straight quitting this game. Nearly every kitten NPC that drives an even has been an Asura. That finally changed with Flame and Frost with it being a Norn and Charr who you play along side. Dont got back to Asura…

You are actually convinced that a booka could lead such a delicate and complex operation? How odd.

Too late...

in Flame and Frost

Posted by: Chief.5928


You had 12 days to run a single storymode dungeon and prior to that you were given plenty of time to complete each phase as it unfolded + you could still complete previous phases as new ones were added.

The bugs you speak of only plagued the storyline fore a few days out of the several weeks/months the whole thing took to unfold. All I can say is ‘Pay more attention next time to the info supplied ingame as well as these forums (patch notes etc)’.

Highly disappointed by the end of F&F

in Flame and Frost

Posted by: Chief.5928


think alot of people dont quite get how this Living Story thing works. The Bonfire is about letting us know where the people involved in the story now are headed and how things are progressing in the world and to set up what comes next.

Let me say I loved the storyline, even though it had some issues in terms of how things were fleshed out. And while I agree with what you say I do feel that the final achievement was redundant and somewhat of an anticlimax.

I mean, would it really have been so hard to add a few extra things to the GW2 world etc to make players feel like they accomplished something. Just from the top of my head I can think of a few:

- A public announcer standing in LA/BC/HB shouting his head off about how great the battle fought was, and how brave heroes saved the day.

- Adding a few temporary NPCs to the cities who would make comments triggered by a player who had the full list of achievements completed in the line of ‘He isn’t that one of those brave guys who faced the Molten Alliance and send them home crying?’

- A simple personalised set of emails by the main characters involved in the whole story like Rox, Braham., Eir etc thanking us for our support.

- Some fireworks above the main 3 cities involved, a few beer drinking and dancing NPCs around the bonfire etc.

As it stands now all you get is ‘Click bonfire, BING you’re done’. I liked 95% of the stuff in the storyline, but this last thing was a bit of a letdown. Sure, the story will continue but defating the Molten Alliance is by no means a small thing. It’s worth celebrating.

Lets speculate a bit on story development

in Last Stand at Southsun

Posted by: Chief.5928


As far as we know the Karka aren’t sentient beings. They’re more like the normal wildlife and don’t seem to operate at the same level of intelligence as the major races in Tyria.

Of course, we could be wrong. Would be quite interesting to find out the Karka have a structure similar to bees/ants with an intelligent queen as a central mental power for example.

Lets speculate a bit on story development

in Last Stand at Southsun

Posted by: Chief.5928


So the new evolving storyline has been revealed that will succeed Flame and Frost (F&F). So what do we think will happen, what will the various phases and factions/characters involved be? Lets brainstorm and speculate a bit shall we?

- We already know that Phase 1 will tie in with F&F since the refugees will be stationed on Southsun for the time being.
- The Consortium was involved in disturbing the Karka during the previous large event so quite possibly they’ll be up to more despicable deeds for mere profit.

What I suspect:

Phase 1: Refugees arrive causing chaos as people need to be stationed in temporary settlements. Social unrest will ensue among ther various races put together in such a small area. The local wildlife showing an appetite for fresh Charr/Norn flesh probably won’t help much.

Phase 2: Refugees start disappearing and are found back dead or stark raving mad. Local militia are created to hunt down the Karka, as the people suspect that the hideously disfigured bodies are the proof that the Karka are still a threat. Social unrest increases as the local officials are trying to keep things under control.

Phase 3: Expansion of refugee camps and possibly a larger makeshift base of operations for the guards and marshalls (think Roman style camp with tents, wooden fences etc). Meanwhile hidden bases are located indicating that the Consortium are up to something. Perhaps they’ve begun conducting experiments on local wildlife.

Phase 4: No idea. Possibly the Consortium is a front of entities working for one of the Elder Dragons since all they seem to care about is profit, no matter at whose or what expense.

Crab Tossing? A new mini-game?!

in Last Stand at Southsun

Posted by: Chief.5928


Although Keg-Brawl was fun, it got old fast. I want to see more mini-games for all cities.

What Keg Brawl needs is a ranking system similar to sPvP where people can join with Guild groups. Keg Brawl is essentially Rugby and if you were to play it with people using voice communication and from the same Guild imagine how tactical the games played could be.

At present Keg Brawl involves a bunch of people just running in a bundle. It’s fun but it could be so much more.

Help needed: My friend just scammed a guild

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Chief.5928


For all of you who have forgottten, this is a game. Report him or don’t, who cares?

Poor social behaviour should not be tolerated regardless of whether it’s a reallife or a virtual situation. Behind those ‘pixels’ are still real people who were negatively affected by the actions of the guy who essentially robbed a Guild bank.

The reason I find GW2 so much more enjoyable than back when I still played WoW is because ArenaNet spends a lot more time making sure people behave properly and that they get punished if they don’t. This reflects upon the whole community, which as a consequence is an MMO where the standard is to be friendly and helpful rather than being an egocentric jerk.

Sure, there are still people who misbehave but you need only to look at your average WoW discussion on the forum or ingame these days to know that GW2 is superior in every conceivable way at the social aspect of things. I for one am glad I gave up on that game 3,5 years back.

(edited by Chief.5928)

Help needed: My friend just scammed a guild

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Chief.5928


If this is not a hoax and based on true events I can say but one thing: Drop your “friend” like a brick as he’s shown to be a spineless kitten with no moral standings to speak of.

As the famous saying goes: ‘With friends like this, who needs enemies.’

Dungeon Difficulty: it's too hard!

in Flame and Frost

Posted by: Chief.5928


I can’t help but laugh at situations where people complain that stuff is too hard, merely because they themselves don’t want to put in any effort or use their brain to analyze a fight and start to understand what actually needs to be done.

The current generation of gamers really is plagued by CoD syndrome, in that they expect to get everything instantly without much effort. Where’s the fun or satisfaction in that?

You’ve got almost 2 weeks to complete a single storymode dungeon to finalize the Living Story, that’s plenty of time. Bottom line: Find yourself some people, learn the fights and gain an understanding of what you need to and instruct and help others to see the mechanics as well instead of only complaining. This dungeon is definitely doable for any class composition, all it takes is using your brain.

And kudos to ArenaNet for making it, I highly enjoyed and still enjoy the final bossfight. I’d definitely call that a Yippie!

(edited by Chief.5928)

Fused Gauntlets, Alt Unfriendly Decisions

in Flame and Frost

Posted by: Chief.5928


They obviously did it so that people won’t farm the instance thus making the choice of which character you want to put the gloves on quite a significant one.

I put them on my Asure Engineer and they look absolutely beautiful plus completely in style with the rest of my profession and character’s clothes etc.

(edited by Chief.5928)

Personal Nemesis

in Flame and Frost

Posted by: Chief.5928


Trahearne undergoing a gender transforming operation? I think you’re the only one with that sort of fetish

Rytlock's suffering from amnesia?

in Flame and Frost

Posted by: Chief.5928


He’s had quite a few blows to his head in his career as a soldier so far no doubt, so it’s not beyond the realm of possibilities

Dungeon was fun but it is pointless

in Flame and Frost

Posted by: Chief.5928


After taking a little break from gw2 , i logged in today excited for this new dungeon. wow, just awesome! it was really fun! but whats the point?

In my opinion you entirely miss the only proper reason for playing games. If it was fun and you enjoyed it then it did what it was supposed to do, so what’s the problem then?

Please stop this CoD-mentality that seems to thrive in the younger gamer generation these days where you’re not happy if you don’t get slapped around the ears with upgrades, medals and ‘yeeehaa you rock’ comments every 5 sec.

Will Moto be remove when SAB is gone..?

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: Chief.5928


It would in fact be an epic idea to have Moto added as a moving NPC to the Rata Sum population, wandering through the city as he is pondering about future additions to the SAB.

Far Shiverpeaks (EU), The Conclave, [PvX]

in Guilds

Posted by: Chief.5928


Great to hear you’re enjoying yourself so much Howie. You’ve proven to be a great addition to the community so the Membership status is well earned and deserved.

2 things that would imo improve the GUI

in Suggestions

Posted by: Chief.5928


@Iruwen: The hero menu would indeed be a very logical location for such a button. In order to prevent abuse it would be an option to only allow people to swap kits:

1. Outside sPvP arenas/WvW battlegrounds/Dungeons, so that you cannot run a dungeon and constantly swap kits per encounter but must make a choice which one you stick with.


2. Put it on a cooldown timer. So if you swapped around from condition damage to healing setup it’ll be another 5 min before you can swap again.

Both versions will force people to really think what they want to stick with, without taking away the improvement to the ease of use of customization.

Gaming references found in the SAB.

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: Chief.5928


Pitfall: The alligators are definitely reminiscent of the old Atari 2600 game. All that’s missing is something to swing over them with.

Congo Bongo: Having monkeys throw coconuts at you while you jump on big blocks reminded me of the old arcade game Congo Bongo that I played in my youth.

I was already wondering what game these enemies were a reference to (obviously the turtles refer to Koopa Troopas) and I have to slap myself for not remembering seeing as I’m 34 and played Pitfall to bits on the MSX 1 and 2 platforms.

I never played Congo Bongo but that explanation eludicated to me the reference of the monkeys in the SAB, so cheers for that

Personally I feel that the final boss of world 1 is more likely to be a tribute to the final boss in Super Mario Bros 2 than some other game but maybe that’s just me being biased as I loved that game to bits and still consider it the best in the Super Marios Bros. series for being utterly revolutionary (multiple characters to choose from (each with their own abilites), no time limit (lovely as I hate time constrained gaming) etc.

(edited by Chief.5928)

Will Moto be remove when SAB is gone..?

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: Chief.5928


Most likely it will be the same as for previous events: The event in question, in this case the SAB, will no longer be present/accessible, but Moto will still be standing where he is now to take in Bubbles for weapon skins.

Most likely 1-2 weeks later he will have departed as well. This is what I assume will happen.

2 things that would imo improve the GUI

in Suggestions

Posted by: Chief.5928


First of all I’d like to say that I really dig the GUI currently being used in GW2. It’s slick, clean and minimalistic as it should be. That being said however I do feel that there’s two things which could be added to the GUI that would i mprove the usefriendliness even further:

1. Create a small slotbar (lets say 4 slots would be enough) on the left middle side of the screen, giving room to drag and drop in any item the player desires. Such slots could be used for anything the player chooses, such as minipets, tonics, buff food etc

A: Because at the moment whenever things like minipets, food or tonics are needed by a player one has to open the inventory, scroll through the various bags and find the one item you need. A small extra slotbar would remedy this problem without causing any trouble in the overall sleekness of the GUI.

2. Place a button somewhere that allows players to swap two sets of gear at the mere press of a button. At present if one wants to swap items around you have to open the Hero-menu, right click on each individual item in question and change it.

A: It greatly minimizes the amount of clicking the player needs to do to achieve the desired setup. Whenever I’m doing dungeons for instance and I want to swap my condition damage kit for a much more healing focused set of clothes I have to swap around about 10 items all individually.

Allowing players to drag and drop items into two seperate paper doll overviews would greatly improve:
1. The overview players have of all items they have for each set of gear.
2. Speed and ease of use.

What you folks think?

Far Shiverpeaks (EU), The Conclave, [PvX]

in Guilds

Posted by: Chief.5928


Welcome to The Conclave Tomitibbs. Nice to hear you’re enjoying yourself so much, as that’s the best reward we can get for the effort our people put into all PvE/sPvP/WvW events we create every week.

In short, so far it’s been a pleasure playing alongside you and I’m sure you’ll make it to full Member soon enough within our community

Why should I try out a Mesmer?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Chief.5928


So here’s the situation: I have a level 80 Engineer that’s fully equipped as well as a level 80 warrior who’s about to get full world completion, fully exotic gear etc.

As a result I’m orientating myself when it comes to what class I’d like to play next. Since i already have 1 medium and 1 heavy armour class I’m opting to go for a light class this time around, which would mean either Mesmer, Necromancer or Elementalist.

So to all the Mesmer players out there whose experiences far exceed my own: Why do you think the Mesmer stands out from the other 2 and what made you play this class?