@DXIEdge on twitter.
@DXIEdge on twitter.
Allow me to be more specific.
No one comp is good against all comps. This is just a fact. Having a starting comp to build off is important, yes. However to say it is an unbeatable comp and unbeatable strategy is just silly and results in people less inclined to respond, which is disappointing for me as I want more competition :p
The thing with some of your builds is they’re a little outdated, or frankly suboptimal. The elementalist builds, for instance, are not going to be effective for what your comp wants. Ele back point is not effective anymore and D/D with Clerics/Soldiers for far point assault is also….suboptimal
You are basically relying on sustained damage in a team fight with no burst or condi pressure. Which, right now, is to put it bluntly terrible. You need burst or condi cleave or both, and you have little of either. A Mesmer and an engi does not get you off the hook for this.
Also, Mesmer without GS right now is also suboptimal on terms of damage. A lot of mesmers are running GS/S+F or GS/Staff …
I hope you find a team and I’m glad more are joining, but I think your post is a bit…off :/
However if you need someone to test your strats against when you get a team send me a message
@DXIEdge on twitter.
So if i dont agre with your nonesense im not beign productive, do i need to agre with all your crap so you say im productive?.
Very mature indeed.
Just shut up please.
I know the build btw OP. I’m not saying its not good, I’m saying ressing in this condi cleave meta is bad. against a good team having one person doing the team ressing results in you dying. at this moment, you have to double res, which reduces the efficiency of the ressing ele.
On top of this, back point is easier held by someone who can actually KILL necros/engi’s 1v1. Sure, thieves and other ele’s come to your point your fine…except S/D thieves. Ele back point right now is countered by the classes being used in the meta. Therefore its no as effective as other options.
For soloqueue? Bunker Ele has one me many a games. However, in team settings there are just stronger options
@DXIEdge on twitter.
I wasn’t clear my bad. I was talking about point defense, not Ele Burst.
Ah well in that case, no….same issue unfortunately
The best reason to run a bunker Ele is the heals. It adds heals/rezes/team support. If you become selfish might as well run a more effective back point bunker. Believe me we tried. Now I play ranger :p
ATM, dps Ele is the only viable build. Ultima have up on bunker Ele of all people O.o
@DXIEdge on twitter.
If I’m missing something by questioning the strategies we’ve been using for a long time when they’re not working against one class, potentially one dude in a 5v5 match, then what does that make people who are not? lol
Also, let’s say you put 300 healing power into traits and add another 160 from runes, and put a cleric’s jewel on a soldiers amulet. Now you have about 600 healing power and much higher health, which seems a lot better than trying to roll with 13k health against a Necro.
Great now where is the damage?
The builds played this way are this way for a reason. Valk’s is the most balanced for damage/EHP in tPVP. It’s been proven mathematically.
I can do 60 from runes. 160 is too high for a dps Ele
Berserker jewel is the best for ele’s. as is Valk amulet. It’s been proven. Highest EHP.
300 healing from traits is also 30 water, which isn’t good for dps ele’s anymore. 200 yes. Not 300.
@DXIEdge on twitter.
Yes you’re missing something
Soldiers amulet is a decent choice for ele’s, but the problem has always been we can’t sustain as well. Our heals heal for less, meaning sure we have a high health pool. If its an all condi cleave team, ill run it for sure. But just because they have 1 necro means nothing. Once my health gets below full, it’s almost impossible to get back up. The healing power builds have more EFFECTIVE health pool as opposed to default health pool.
If a necro gets you low with condis and a thief shows up, you’ll be missing Valk’s healing power. Plus it’s less damage as you lose 15% crit damage. Which is a LOT for ele’s.
@DXIEdge on twitter.
/Sigh, it was going pretty good for a while there.
You’re assuming people would use it for burning(which can hit hard in a s/d with battle build), you could blind in air or use them to set up burst with an imob while in earth.
When QT Vain convinced me to run that trait it was almost all Aspects being used. Chills in Ele’ fights, Blinds against important skills, immob’s for burst/chasing, fire against mesmers and thieves.
So ya. Burning is only one piece of the pie bro. In all honesty I agree they should be “utility” not “now you kill kitten faster”
@DXIEdge on twitter.
Are you willing to learn other classes as well as ranger? Say 1 more?
Also which builds do you focus on
@DXIEdge on twitter.
I forgot to mention that. Lol.
I made/sold dyes and bought 2 sets of dragon wings with 150,000 glory. RNG helped but now I’m sitting on 1 set as an investment.
@DXIEdge on twitter.
I think that this silence is probably meaning ANet is trying to figure out how to fix this.
I’m gonna be straight forward, non-18 year olds are probably going to have their hearts broken. It’s just the legal system. Please don’t blame ANet.
However. This region system may fix itself if the teams attempting to go can supply their flights/hotels. I’m not sure on this, but as Xeph said that aspect isn’t a legal barrier. The minors issue is, however.
And Ultima. NA is ready to kick MiM’s kitten :p
@DXIEdge on twitter.
When I need mats I buy a bunch of chests…
And when I hit every 10 levels I buy a bunch of chests toget the majority of the armor for
That tier.
Else. No
@DXIEdge on twitter.
Everyone else pretty much said it.
Valkyrie isn’t bunker. With a zerker jewel you have the same crit damage as a full on zerker ele just less percision. It’s more like a hybrid ammy.
It has lots of toughness and healing power on it. It’s a bunker amulet.
Lol. I….I don’t even know what to say here.
Valk is the amulet healing professions use if they want sustain in fights without going full bunker. It gives 284 healing and 596 toughness (I think). You want a bunker? Use a Clerics amulet
Please stop making a fool of yourself.
@DXIEdge on twitter.
kitten it you two I logged in to say your 2 points >.>
I have 5 viable builds for tPVP right now. One is D/D and I can tell you it’s not 0/10/0/30/30 anymore.
Do all my builds include 30 arcana and at least 10 in water? You bet your kitten . But to say our only build is D/D bunker is so wrong. So so wrong.
@DXIEdge on twitter.
Come on people. You ask for diversity and then you scream when something different appears and your like “give me forest! Give me Foefire!”
Give me a break
So, because this map is not run of the mill conquest we should give it a chance? And because it is fun to watch? This is where I draw the line. Spectators should not be thought of first, always think of the player experience and then spectators when making a game that wants to be an esport.
Also, this map just simply has to much going on, if there was one side gimmick, like the other maps, I would not see the problem. WHY does there have to be another map with a trebuchet, that you barely even have to aim? And how does that create diversity?
Yes. You should. Because people are complaining we have no new game modes and ANet is bringing in ways to make it feel less like conquest without actually removing conquest.
Spectators shouldn’t be taken into consideration? Ok then how are we going to get a casual fan base if its not interesting to watch? Only reason I started playing league is because of the tourneys were interesting to watch.
@DXIEdge on twitter.
What I was trying to gauge by asking the template question was whether or not folks are open to changing their build if it was more convenient for them or if it was a matter of them only wanting to play one build for eternity. I can see that it’s a mix of both, now.
The reason why the Cannon control room is small is because the cannon itself is powerful so we didn’t want to make it easier for players to dominate the cannon and continuously hammer those on the field with no consequence. With that in mind, do you still feel the space is too small? Also, with the small space in mind, do you still feel that the shots should be dodge-able?
Are you guys saying that you would prefer to have a less powerful cannon that is easier to defend?
I think thats the problem right there.
There are builds coming out at the moment that CAN dominate that cannon area to the point where its SO hard to stay up.
I honestly think that a couple things need to happen to the cannon.
1) You cant commune while invulnerable/mistformed/whatever. Should be like the buffs. I can walk in as an Ele, interrupt someone, mist form commune and then I have control of the cannon. So if i have full health and stability, i can go in, fire a shot, get out and continue fighting.
2) You should not be able to channel the shot while taking damage. Should be exactly like the buff at Spirit Watch I think.
3) The cannon’s area should be smaller. You should have to be like “Give me a target”, teammates target someone, aim at that targets area, and fire. Damage is fine, unavoidable is iffy but if its not able to team wipe people on a point I think it becomes better.
4) Increase the cooldown on the Cannon. 6 seconds is VERY fast. I think it should be 10.
I think some things for it can be tweaked, but I think its a very fun map and adds a new “style” to conquest which is awesome.
@DXIEdge on twitter.
I posted this on Reddit, I’ll post it here:
Some of the aspects of this map are awesome. Some not so much. However, I am one of the few that honestly believe this can be tournament viable.
1) the cannon fight area is fantastic. It basically becomes a 1v1 with a mini game inside it: dodge/blind/stability block the knock backs. The 1 thing that is very wrong with this: Ele’s can mistform reconfigure the cannon. Which means I walk in, knockdown, commune then mistform. I have control of the cannon, and if I have full health and stability I can fire a shot at the point we need it. (Yes, you can activate and shoot while being damaged. Just don’t go in without stability or you’ll get banished out lol)
2) falling kills. Adds another level and it basically is a new meta within the map. I honestly think this is fine. People complain that you need new builds for this map. Why? That awesome! Lets you make builds that wouldn’t normally work on this map. Sure, fears and banishes and pulls suck. Does it hinder some classes? I don’t think so. Those classes just need to build different. Like a condi vs. power meta. Just because a map doesn’t have set roles for it and you have to build differently doesn’t mean it’s bad IMO. Promotes skill! Do you know how to honestly play this map? Your build will show that. However, I think that if it takes a short time to kill someone by banishing someone, you should res faster. Like 10-8 seconds as opposed to 15. No stomp required, so you shouldn’t be punished for that. Something to try at least.
As a note, please please PLEASE give us build templates. PLEASE.
3) jump pads. So much fun. Adds another level of skill, as you can’t be chased right away. Makes the map more like a playground. If they fix some of the bugs that come with verticality, I think this is really awesome
4) cannon being undodgeable. Ok so here’s the thing. It has a delay. So if you could dodge it, it becomes a lot like treb but no knockback. This is a giant laser! I dunno if it should be dodge able in all honesty. Something’s could be tweaked, but I’m not sure…damage reduced, area reduced, increased cool down, etc etc. Play around with it but right now i think its too strong.
Also, why did I see so few ele’s yesterday? Protection prevents 33% of the damage from the cannon. We have stability on a 10 second cooldown. We can get from point a to c in under 10 seconds. We also have 2 OP skills for cannon right now…
Anyway. That’s my 2 cents
@DXIEdge on twitter.
I think it’s valid. But the difference is whatever came first which is the old maps. Turning a 180 on the game maps can be interesting but not when it diverges from the previous map themes by a huge margin. Might as well called hotm—Heart of the Mini-Games if they want to introduce much different mechanics per map.
Then you better not be one of the people complaining about lack of game modes.
@DXIEdge on twitter.
I haven’t played it yet can someone quickly explain this.
The beam is telegraphed right? You see the laser and like 5 seconds later it explodes?
How far can you get away before it explodes? Are there other telegraphs?
Cuz if not and its unavoidable that’s kittened and probably a bug O.o
@DXIEdge on twitter.
I dunno. Just because its not a meta/mechanic we’re used to doesn’t mean it can’t be balanced.
Spirit watch and this map are both completely different then what we’re used to. Can spirit watch be balanced? Sure. Can this map be balanced? Sure.
Do you people not test anything in your jobs/everyday loves? You have to do a bit of trial by fire people your not going to make something perfect instantaneously.
Come on people. You ask for diversity and then you scream when something different appears and your like “give me forest! Give me Foefire!”
Give me a break
@DXIEdge on twitter.
Can we like…make it so everyone is invulnerable and the only weapon is a hammer with banish?
Because I just watched Blu punting people over walls in my Class today and I swear to god the guy thought I was insane. I was laughing so hard.
Minimal particle effects, you can see when people die, and it’s funny as hell to watch. Do it. Someone please.
@DXIEdge on twitter.
Didn’t you hear? Engineers became extinct with the last patch. Posting about dinosaurs wouldn’t make much sense imo.
and apparently Bunker Ele’s side point is aweful. Go figure…
@DXIEdge on twitter.
Please find someone at least above rank 50 to talk about it, not just someone who is famous on forum. If you really want to help warrior’s community, I suggest you to ask these people to join SoTG.
Anas Tarcis
BryAlso we need to find some elites for other profession, so I’m going to list those top player for each profession.
Warrior- Anas Tarcis
Thief- Cruuk
Engineer- Five Gauge
Necromancer- (No one actually godlike in this profession)
Mesmer- Supcutie
Ranger- (No one actually godlike in this profession)
Guardian- Lil Davinci
Elementalist- Vexeus
SoTG supposed to be a place to help out our community to balance this game, not a place to let people show-off.
That list isnt as optimal as it could be in my opinion….plus thats only NA players
Guardian: Azhene (I hope i spelt his name right) or Lily
Elementalist: Zoose or Phantaram or Denshee or Ultima (Or you know…me )
Engineer: Grouch or Teldo or Mouby
Necromancer: Symbolic or Zombify
Thief: Caed or Cruuk or Jumper (I think there should be a certain skirmish to determine who… )
Mesmer: Supcutie or Xeph or Helseth
Ranger: Folly or Battosai again
Warrior: Defektive or Hman (doesnt play much Warr anymore) or Schwarheit
Get a good mix of EU and NA. Not just NA
@DXIEdge on twitter.
First off Zoose is probably one of the best Ele’s NA, if not in the game….
2nd, the build is a tPVP build, where you play like a thief. It’s a completely different style to the conventional Ele builds and if you play like an Ele you die. Your heals aren’t half your health pool anymore and you run around with 70% crit and 62% crit damage in sPVP. The cost? No toughness, and positioning becomes number 1 priority.
It all depends on how you play. Ele’s have so many builds right now you can pick a play style and go with it. 0/20/0/20/30 with valks and divinity is still very good, 0/10/0/30/30 aura share isn’t AS good anymore, but still good. 0/0/20/20/30 and 0/0/10/30/30 bunker builds are still very good, and the new 0/30/0/10/30 builds are as good. It all depends on what your good with, what you prefer in builds and how you wanna play. It’s fantastic.
Personally I would practice positioning and acting like a thief with the build. Because that’s what you are.
Cool so yea I think for myself I will be sticking d/d as I just like the play style but I do feel I want more dmg and less full tank. I think partly the reason I lose the fight I do is cause they went on too long and I slipped up. So if I can end it sooner like my engi and not be glass that is what I’m after. So the 0/20/0/20/30 what is the 2nd trait in air? And with the loss of 10 in water but picking up valks what kinda hp can be expected?
Also is there a general opinion of sigil of restoration vs ether renewall (maybe I just need to work on my renewall timing better)
Ok. So lets start here.
You want a D/D build? If you want there are 2 main builds. 30 water and 20 water.
Recently, the nerf to Bountiful Power promps me to go to a 20 Air build.
Run Zephyr’s Boon and Bolt to the Heart. Most damage/mobility in all game modes.
For water, run w/e works. Honestly there are many traits in the first 20 that can work.
In arcana run the standard 5, 6, Evasive traits.
Amulet you have a couple choices. Soldiers with Berserkers or Valk’s with Berserkers. Both add Power, Toughness. Only issue is health vs. healing. Your choice really. Both are fine.
Runes/Sigils is all personal preference. Same with utilities. Use what you know.
As for heals, I personally have been convinced to go to Glyph. Ether Renewal can be interrupted and is only useful in stability based bunker builds. Signet has been nerfed too many times that the casting amount =/= glyph + regen/protection anymore, and the big heal that you used to get from dodge rolling in water no longer applies making it even less appealing. Glyph also gives you access to perma swiftness (Auras, switching to air, heal = swiftness never leaves im pretty sure)
In DPS builds, run Signet or Glyph. Bunker builds run Renewal.
Any more questions post em here
@DXIEdge on twitter.
Necros have been this way for 1 week. 1 week only.
If by July 9th they arent fixed, they will be toned down. This was stated!
You need to realize that before this, Condi wasnt in the meta as much. Builds need to be changed to accomodate the condi influx that has occurred.
The game is almost completely balanced at higher tier. Unfortunately Solo Que shouldnt be the game mode that it currently is, as it results in people QQ"ing as such. In all honesty necros arent the problem with communication. They are uncoordinated-team-killers due to the AoE of Epidemic (which is probably one of the larger issues in all honesty. In some situations this is the highest DPS skill in the game, bar none. 15 second cooldown to spread burning, 10+ stacks of bleed, poison and torment? on TOP of cripple, chill, weakness and blind? Ok….)
@DXIEdge on twitter.
We should probably get 100% balance on the other classes and bring warrior up to that level in all honesty….
Bring down Necro a tad, I would say bring up Thief a bit but based on my teammate and Jumper and Cruuk I’m gonna say that Thief is in a very good spot lol. Bring up Ranger again (include more power builds vs. Condi builds. Longbow should be a viable weapon) and then bring warrior up to everyone’s level. CC build, Longbow build, maybe even burst build if possible and they’re almost set in all honesty….
Once this occurs, then start focusing on diverse builds for each class, making the meta a bit more wide open and the game as close to balance as we can get!
I say next SotG is all 8 professions talking, after Necro gets nerfed a small amount and Ranger/Warrior get buffed. Lets see how many builds each has, how to change it, and how to get complete balance.
@DXIEdge on twitter.
I prefer bolt to the heart but same concept.
@DXIEdge on twitter.
Ok yes, my comments were towards PVP.
Use Fiery GS in WvW. Lol. shrug (i have no idea)
I dont see how its needed in PVE isnt staff more common there anyway? :/
My mistake used to PVP forum XD
@DXIEdge on twitter.
The build is better in sPVP. You dont get caught out and focused by 6+ people. The build survives better when odds are your getting DPS’d by no more than 4.
Besides that it is easier to get away or for them to get caught out and dwindle the DPS farther (by going into your team and having someone overextend and get bursted) on smaller maps.
Quit having a kitten measuring contest and realise we’re talking 2 seperate areas.
Lightning, the build is not kitten, shut up and listen to what we’re saying.
Those of you saying WvW is ZvZ, stop and realise its not ALWAYS like that.
Ok? Good
@DXIEdge on twitter.
I vote Defektive as well.
However I would like an all profession slug fest, like Grouch said
@DXIEdge on twitter.
Anyone who says that RTL cool down increase wasn’t needed is kittened.
Think about this for a second. Ele’s had a 15/20 second unconditional escape. This could also be used to contest far point on a regular basis.
No one used Clerics builds for damage. When D/D Ele was akittens prime in NA, between signet healing for 260 with Valk, Sigil of Superior Battle, Air 3 being bugged and etc, Ele’s were almost unkillable while putting out insane DPS. This was a problem. Now it’s not.
Now, Ele’s are rewarded for strong play. The irony is I got better as Ele’s got worse. Lol.
RTL nerf was needed. Signet nerf was needed. Cleansing Water trait? Ehh….maybe. Most form nerf as much as it sucks and probably wasn’t needed, it’s ok I guess. We live on.
Ele’s are balanced now. Give us maybe a couple more builds and we’re fine (make arcana not as needed or fire better)
@DXIEdge on twitter.
First off Zoose is probably one of the best Ele’s NA, if not in the game….
2nd, the build is a tPVP build, where you play like a thief. It’s a completely different style to the conventional Ele builds and if you play like an Ele you die. Your heals aren’t half your health pool anymore and you run around with 70% crit and 62% crit damage in sPVP. The cost? No toughness, and positioning becomes number 1 priority.
It all depends on how you play. Ele’s have so many builds right now you can pick a play style and go with it. 0/20/0/20/30 with valks and divinity is still very good, 0/10/0/30/30 aura share isn’t AS good anymore, but still good. 0/0/20/20/30 and 0/0/10/30/30 bunker builds are still very good, and the new 0/30/0/10/30 builds are as good. It all depends on what your good with, what you prefer in builds and how you wanna play. It’s fantastic.
Personally I would practice positioning and acting like a thief with the build. Because that’s what you are.
@DXIEdge on twitter.
How you know jumper is full of kitten: He won’t 2v1 cruuk, with caed on his side.
Would you guys…like stop?
a) Neuting a point as a thief isnt patented Cruuk. Get off your own kitten and start to realise its a strategy that people use, but dont have to spec entirely into
b) the game is team based. 1v1’s thief vs. thief wont work when one is speced into evades and the other is specced into “when I stealth, I heal”
c) The thread isnt meant for a flame fest. Its helping new players out. No where did he say “I invented this playstyle”. All he’s doing is saying “This is what i did, why, now if your in a similar situation you can do the same”
If you wanna post a similar video Cruuk be my guest. But dont just rip on somebody for neuting back point as a thief lol
@DXIEdge on twitter.
I know of at least 20 people in the top 100 of the leaderboards who havent moved an inch in a month, and they havent played in a month if not longer.
Decay = non existant at higher rankings atm. Not sure why
@DXIEdge on twitter.
It’s always nice to see a class spam 3 buttons (3, dodge and heal) and kitten someone else.
Perfect balance of effort vs reward indeed
Nothing better to talk about eh?
Good video. Shows some interesting decisions, and shows a good idea of how to play as a thief against higher level teams.
Thanks Jumper.
@DXIEdge on twitter.
Tier A:
Necromancer +
Guardian =
Elementalist =
Mesmer =
Thief -
Tier B:
Engineer =
Ranger -
Warrior -
Balance is really close. Nerfing elixir r was a mistake and rangers got toned down just a bit too much. Warrior is still warrior, and Thief is in an ok spot actually I think. Not OP but not necessary either.
If we can get everything to at Or just above/below thief, we’d be good. Give rangers a bit more damage with longbow or something, give engineers back their stun break on R with the ability to only res one person in r, make Dhuum fire on a 30 second ITC with Fears not able to increase with condi/stun duration and find a way to fix warriors and you’ll be pretty kitten close imo
@DXIEdge on twitter.
The build your running wont work for 2 reasons.
1) Not enough effective health
2) If you don’t have 30 arcana, your going to be stuck in air longer than you want.
3) you put trait points into fire. Bad Ele. Shame on you. Go have a timeout. (Lol.)
Try divinity runes.
Ha didn’t see Jsu’s post. He knows his kitten.
@DXIEdge on twitter.
I would like to propose something to the people who don’t think necro is in an OP spot right now.
Lets say a team comes in. Guardian, Ele, Necro, Necro, Engineer. You’re a competent team and you know you need to focus targets.
Who do you focus?
The Engi? Ok he’s gonna bomb your kitten poison you and laugh as the necro’s focus him and take him out.
A Necro? Ok. Then the back point Ele comes in, heals him as the other 2 condition the crap out of you to the point that you can’t move.
You can’t focus the Ele or the guard. They’re both bunkers.
So now I ask you. How is CC’ing something going to work when they can give it back to you while the team loads you up with condis, epidemics you, and your whole team has to blow a condi clear just to stay alive and try to get out of the grenades/wells being thrown down at you.
It’s not a matter of a team having one necro. We’re back to the old days of double ranger double Ele being unkillable while having tones of damage. Now teams are bringing 2 necros and if they work together properly. “I’m being trained” “fearing him” “stAnd still I’m healing you” “he’s down grenades on his body” “epidemic the body” “they just wiped” “nice job guys”
You know how many times that conversation was had last night
Just saying. Are there comps to combat it? Oh absolutely. But don’t say “oh noobs didn’t cc the necro and time their condi clear”. As an Ele, only way I have enough condi clear is if I do no damage.
I have seen 2 comps total that deal with the 2 necro team. And I’ll tell you right now, they don’t run guardians.
@DXIEdge on twitter.
As an Ele, all I can say is after this patch…I’m ecstatic.
First off, I’m one shotting people with the Phoenix change. Yes, doubling the velocity made it that good.
2nd, there are now 2 viable burst builds, and 2 viable bunker builds. I now have 2 character slots, and thinking of getting a third, devoted just to ele’s.
My only quarrel? All Scepter Dagger.
The traits are different, runes, sigils, amulets all different. But with the nerf to bountiful power dagger just can’t keep up with scepter burst.
I’m still only using cantrips and arcane spells, but I’m using 2 different elites.
I wouldn’t mind working on a staff build, and Dagger is in an Ok place, but it’s gonna need a bit of work to compete with scepter, because right now any ele’s not running scepter are crazy.
As for Necros…if they have us just burning and fear wall I would’ve probably been happy. If they gave us the rest of the changes and no burning, would’ve been happy. The fact they made all these changes AND gave us burning is….insane. Necro burning is OP as crap it’s fantastic
I’m in a happy place right now. My green and purple pie chart is telling me I picked the right classes
I do not want to be a guardian in this patch ill tell you that. If necros continue with this kind of presence in the meta, you may see bunker ele’s as the new mid fight, or you better be a kitten ed good Guardian.
@DXIEdge on twitter.
ESL is a pretty worthless site, though.
who do you think runs the EU LOL series?
oh ya…ESL
who do you think runs a tonne of CS games?
oh ya…ESL
This is a huge step my friend. HUGE.
@DXIEdge on twitter.
Caed is awesome.
That is all
@DXIEdge on twitter.
1st off, to those of you not signed up for Mist League, i highly suggest getting a team together. Its going to be huge and I’m honestly very excited for it.
Next, for those teams that are looking for competitive fighting, Honor Police [hP] is looking for scrim partners.
We’ve contacted aL and DPS IRL and they both agreed (at later times), but we could use a couple more. And I figured hey, we could use this forum post in general for other teams to set up scrims.
So if anyone is interested in scrimming us, message me (hP Edge in game), Sap then Tap, hP Ages, hP Apollo or Luciiferocious and let us know. Or leave a post here.
@DXIEdge on twitter.
I have runes of divinity on Ele.
Earth is kinda meh. Rather only use 2 or use Forge
Dolyak, sure.
Melandru, in the current meta not overly
Vampirism: no. I dont think this is a viable rune choice in all honesty. Its ok but….not as useful as the others.
@DXIEdge on twitter.
Lets do this:
Bunker – 2 runes of monk, 2 runes of water, 2 runes of earth/dwayna/divinity
6 Runes of the Forge
DPS: 6 runes of divinity
2 runes of monk, 2 runes of water, 2 runes of divinity/earth/dwayna
6 Runes of the Ogre
6 runes of the Scholar
Bunker: 6 Runes of the Soldier
6 Runes of Melandru
6 Runes of Lyssa
Shatter: 6 Runes of the Scholar
6 runes of the divinity
5 Runes of the scholar, 1 rune of the eagle
6 Runes of the Ogre
Power Wells: Runes of the Ogre
Runes of the Adventurer
Runes of the Nightmare
6 Runes of the Nightmare
6 Runes of the Undead
4 Runes of the Undead, 2 runes of the krait
Traps: 6 Runes of the Undead
Beastmaster: 6 Runes of the Forge
6 Runes of the Dwayna
Perma Evade: 6 Runes of the Lyssa
Backstab: 6 Runes of the Scholar
6 Runes of the Divinity
6 Runes of the Ogre
Unsure about Engineer and Warrior atm, but if someone could fill that in for me while I’m at school that’d be great
@DXIEdge on twitter.
No im meaning people would keep creating and deleting characters until they had a high record and keep it as a trophy. Plus the coding would be a nightmare. Some people create characters just to rename it too, what about them? No. Character leaderboards will never happen and I’m happier that way
As for hot joins, it’s perfect for zone control. Playing as a bunker, for example, you go to their point and practice staying alive and being an annoying prick. As a thief you practice your burst and escaping 5 people. As a Necro you practice proper prioritization. Etc, etc. you just need to know how to use em dude. Your basically fitting right in as a newbie at a class anyway. Don’t be so proud.
You don’t go into tourneys with a class you don’t know If you are that much about rank. You just don’t do that.
@DXIEdge on twitter.
1) Character leaderboards: no. This will get abused faster than you can say “go”
2) you aren’t matched by pvp rank. You have a rating. Similar to Elo. They just don’t show you what yours is.
If you wanna test classes, go to hot join. That simple.
@DXIEdge on twitter.
Does your Killshot crit that high? Yes.
Do you average that score?
well considering I matched against you 3 times in a row and you didnt get higher than 200 points, you must be using Hotjoin’s in there as well as your average cant be that high.
Is your spec cool? Yes. Is it Hotjoin viable? yes
Is it tournament viable? Dude. The moment you crit 15k on someone that entire team is like “KILL THE WARRIOR”
and then what. use your greatsword to get out? From 5 people?
You arent tanky enough with that build.
Awesome build, cool ideas, but your using misleading information and its not as good in tourney play. Keep that in mind people
@DXIEdge on twitter.
IGN: Jace Edge, Lil Edge
Main Profession: Elementalist
Alternate Profession: Necromancer
Account Name: DXIEdge.2789
Current PVP Rank: 31
Highest Leaderboards position: 300
Practice Availability: Most weekday evenings work
Level of Desire: Active Tournament play, also Mist League coming up!
@DXIEdge on twitter.
He’s not Canadian. Didn’t spell eh right. Liar!
Anyway if you guys are still looking in a couple weeks I can practice tuesday Thursdays but until then sorry :/ will keep an eye out!
@DXIEdge on twitter.
You may not be able to take it, but if your good you can get the neut.
Then hopefully your team is competent enough to come to the white point with the swords through it. If not your screwed for other reasons.
@DXIEdge on twitter.
Custom Arenas are out for some people…
Go to like Caith’s Dueling Server or something like other people do
@DXIEdge on twitter.