110k WvW kills | Champion Legionnaire, Paragon |
110k WvW kills | Champion Legionnaire, Paragon |
Hello RoF and UW and my friends in XxX <3
FURY livestreaming action @ http://www.twitch.tv/fliyr
110k WvW kills | Champion Legionnaire, Paragon |
Loot heavy reset and Abbadon’s living up to expectations with numbers fielded.
110k WvW kills | Champion Legionnaire, Paragon |
Make doors take no damage from player attacks just like walls… sorry ECL.
110k WvW kills | Champion Legionnaire, Paragon |
Thanks to both servers for the countless duels last night and today morning and of course to Legendary Crit for the mini-unofficial GvG. You guys were a really strong opponent and your thief always kept me on my toes which was challenging and exciting.
110k WvW kills | Champion Legionnaire, Paragon |
Mya, QQ, FURY and others ^^ Enjoy our little short clip
Wow. 9k+ achievment points. That’s a lot of work.
110k WvW kills | Champion Legionnaire, Paragon |
Awesome action, loads of bags and many German (manly!) tears to be shed this week. Such a relief after a week of chasing french people back and forth between their upgraded tower – that both servers were willing to fight us open field even if they had slightly larger numbers. Fighting you guys is always a challange. Thanks to NO, QQ, Riot and other guilds we’ve seen (and hopefully killed).
Oh and nice to see Mya running alone for a change on GHBL. TUP would be proud. You know what I’m talking about
110k WvW kills | Champion Legionnaire, Paragon |
That’s a reasonable explanation. So I guess I was just extremely unlucky then.
110k WvW kills | Champion Legionnaire, Paragon |
You’re on Tarnished Coast, I’m on Gunnar’s Hold… Low pop pvx server. That’s gg.
110k WvW kills | Champion Legionnaire, Paragon |
I really want to know how the queue system exactly works because of what happened to me today and what I heard happened to other people. So basically I got disconnected mid-raid because of an issue with my router which has been solved later so I logged back in. After that I waited a little over an hour to get back into EBG which seemed a little weird so I asked around as we had a few other people joining up with us later in the evening and they got in in around 5 minutes. Why did my queue not let me in even after an hour when everyone else got in under 10 minutes? Keep in mind I’m on Gunnar’s Hold which usually doesn’t even have a queue on EBG.
So how exactly does the queue work then? Why do I not get accepted when everyone else does? Does this only happen once or now I’ve been marked for never being able to get in a BL when there’s a queue? Is it because I disconnected from WvW?
Please someone clarify. Also has this happened to anyone else? I mean 1 hour is a little extreme but still.
110k WvW kills | Champion Legionnaire, Paragon |
Cool 5v5’s and nice blobhunting after. Shame none of the Tri or CL guys were interested in actual fighting because we were dying for a few smaller GvG fights
Thanks to DSB
110k WvW kills | Champion Legionnaire, Paragon |
You shall receive your price winning cake later today! Dont share it with mister pink fluffy though, watched a video few days ago and looks like he gained some weight =x
Caaaakeeee! Also gimme my popcorn back. >:(
110k WvW kills | Champion Legionnaire, Paragon |
Achievment unlocked!
I think I should congratz you all on exceeding us in the game of Forum Wars!
* Grabs more popcorn*
That, coming from an XxX member is truly an accomplishment. I am proud for every poster in this thread! Thanks for making this happen.
I feel humiliated that I had to learn how handholding was bad from an honest and truly outstanding combination of servers that have guild tags that push away pugs and are never found being accompanied by members of other guilds. Shame on you GH and especially FURY. I lost respect.
110k WvW kills | Champion Legionnaire, Paragon |
hahahahahaha can’t stop laughing
The 4 drunken mercenaries of FURY took AG keep on EBG right before the mighty eyes of 30 AG so they couldn’t have it for the point tally but instead it added to our score. Credits go to: True, Ano, Para and Exo (and myself!) Watch the whole stream for our reset action and ultimate trolling action after. Have fun this week!
if you stopped laugh , check again your video and you will see that you took AG’s keep FROM Miller’s Sound not from AG people ……
it will be nice from you as an ex AG guild as fury is to correct the wrong title in twitch too…. thank you
No defenders and the race was between the 4 of us and AG to take it and yeah it was Miller’s but that’s quite obvious in the video. And btw I don’t really think it should matter which server a guild is from. I’m personally ex-Underworld/Gandara myself.
110k WvW kills | Champion Legionnaire, Paragon |
hahahahahaha can’t stop laughing
The 4 drunken mercenaries of FURY took AG keep on EBG right before the mighty eyes of 30 AG so they couldn’t have it for the point tally but instead it added to our score. Credits go to: True, Ano, Para and Exo (and myself!) Watch the whole stream for our reset action and ultimate trolling action after. Have fun this week!
110k WvW kills | Champion Legionnaire, Paragon |
This has actually been mentioned in beta3 if I’m not mistaken. Just take a deep breath and accept the fact that Arenanet will never consider implementing such system. A year has passed since they aknowledged this is a demand and a year without them doing anything. You won’t be positively surprised. Btw prepare to have this post moved to ‘Suggestions’ aka ‘We do not care’ section.
110k WvW kills | Champion Legionnaire, Paragon |
Stare contest with FURY guild in dredges in EB a while ago…
I was absolutely sure you won’t rush up to the veteran dredge’s ledge and i was right. Did the trick 2 times and i was laughing my heart out seeing Rorik trying to maneuver around , to find the better spot to attack our mini blob. (yes Rorik, you stand out too much…)
Think it was the first time i encountered the whole guild as a commander.
Have fun,
Good to see AG running small scale on EB and sorry on behalf of FURY for wiping your mini-blob a couple of times. I’m sure we can make it up to all 80 of you!
110k WvW kills | Champion Legionnaire, Paragon |
Static field, line of warding, ring of warding, wall of reflection, feedback, burning retreat and meteor shower are the ones I know of although I’m not entirely sure about feedback.
110k WvW kills | Champion Legionnaire, Paragon |
Hello Zumy! We love you back! <3
110k WvW kills | Champion Legionnaire, Paragon |
Mildly disappointed tonight, I thought that Gunnars Hold guilds might show a bit more class especially after [TUP] split our raid in half on Sunday to match (or in some cases have smaller) raid size. But getting hit from three sides by different guild groups gave us a definite challenge at least and we look forward to even number GvG on Thursday.
Ps. @ Fury, whoever the kitten Exotray is who says the comment at 2:22:10 in this video, http://www.twitch.tv/furyguild/b/424029108 , he needs to learn to keep his trap shut if you’re going to run streams. We split our force in half to have decent fair fights, and moved in opposite directions so you could see that. Really disrespectful.
You should be disappointed! You’re watching the wrong stream. If you want to watch the proper FURY stream check @ http://www.twitch.tv/fliyr
Good fights so far and looking forward to more. Cya on the field.
110k WvW kills | Champion Legionnaire, Paragon |
Watch FURY blob live(!)
http://www.twitch.tv/Fliyr (<-better)
/wave @ TUP you guys grew a lot since I last saw you. Both in strength and numbers. Highlights incoming!
110k WvW kills | Champion Legionnaire, Paragon |
Thanks to Silent Shino for the fight on DzBL! Support staff eles are just overpowered when it comes to 1v1’s so don’t let yourself down for losing that one
110k WvW kills | Champion Legionnaire, Paragon |
FURY reset action from last night. Hope everyone else had as much fun as we did and shame for today being so plain and boring. Guess it’s weekends.
110k WvW kills | Champion Legionnaire, Paragon |
Thanks to BT and WSR for this not so enjoyable but quite predictable week. It’s noone’s fault that the matchup didn’t really work out that amazing. Shoutout to WBC as you guys sometimes give fights even if you bring more we kill them (or you kill us cough 3v12 cough) :P
Anyways you’ll probably not see BCry anymore at least not with the tag or not in this game, so glhf to all
110k WvW kills | Champion Legionnaire, Paragon |
I read all you wrote and came to the conclusion: the server that you are looking for is right there in EU ladder. You want a server with friendly members and a community that cares for WvW? You want a server that would appreciate your numbers and your superior technical knowledge and coordination?
Vabbi is there for you to join! Dirt-cheap transfer fees, no queues, constant battles against the odds. Also no gamble with the matchups and no megablobs against you. That means probably no enemy guild groups that endanger your PvD actions and you’ll see your guild appear in the point tally instantly! What are you waiting for?
110k WvW kills | Champion Legionnaire, Paragon |
Warriors are amazing but most people tend to play them wrong or misunderstand their purpose. I use my warrior for fast far pressure at the beginning of the game usually killing 1 or 2 people at far with ease then switching to close/mid roamer. I run 0/10/20/20/20 and you must be like whaaaa?! No glass no cannons. But believe me when I say dropping bunker eles in seconds, murdering that mesmer at treb before he could fire his first shot and stomping the enemy roamer thief with 100% health remaining never felt so good. With the new patch my build will be stronger yet again. Only thing warriors lack right now is condition removal which will soon be solved. Don’t listen to me tho I only have ~50 games played on warr but I do enjoy stomping those Champion Illusionists and Paragons in 1v1’s. But wait there’s more! Spiking targets at mid and frenzy stomping people with around 80% stability uptime is also pretty nice not to mention I also have 60% reduction on soft cc and 25% reduction on hard cc and dots.
Warriors are not tanks, they are berserkers. They do what thieves do only warriors do it better, faster and with more team support (stuns, immobilises etc). Play aggressive and you’ll have much more fun!
110k WvW kills | Champion Legionnaire, Paragon |
My daily routine: solo queue: 8/10 times bad matchmaking but 6 of those is when my team is outmanned (4 or less) in these cases the enemy is usually also a premade group calling us names or saying “stop qq” when we state we are 1 man down. Other 2 times either we outman the enemy or it’s rank20’s getting roflstomped by r50+ premades.
Duo queue: 4/10 times we’re outmanned but most of the times the teammates we get don’t really cooperate/see our tag and start leeching or zerging with us causing us to split which is the worst case. Funnily enough not many skilled guilds play against me when I duo queue but premade teams nonetheless.
Guild group: when we do go out with the guild we end up stomping over PvX guild groups or pugs and we sometimes end up outmanning the opposition. 1 time my guildie left the game just before we started so we played with 4 throughout against another guild group. Thank god for all 3 mob steals we won the game still Btw we rarely do tpvp as a guild as we’re mostly into WvW.
Think there should be a penalty for leaving a game. Say 1 hour for the first time and 3 hours after with am extra hour adding on which resets weekly. Though if you can make it back before the end of the game you can claim to reduce the penalty but anyone with bad connections should be aware of it and therefore not queue for games, ruining people’s experience. Also put a 30 sec timer for people who don’t leave spawn area and auto-ban them and end the game. Same with losses due to being outmanned should not count as games played and lost
110k WvW kills | Champion Legionnaire, Paragon |
Don’t know if this has been suggested already or not but maybe implement an option to change all characters in spvp into 1 model much like in WvW only the animations should be fully detailed. This should be easy to do, gives people a choice and doesn’t actually change anything just adds to the game. It will also keep spectator mode and live casts enjoyable to watch
110k WvW kills | Champion Legionnaire, Paragon |
Played a roaming warrior for the lolz for the last few days and on Khylo it’s more than annoying that our BM condition spec self regen indestructible ranger friend can just send his kitty after me and it chases me everywhere. Whenever I get low I see that vicious beast jumping on me for fun. And the ranger doesn’t really need it at their close anyway so that’s an extra player with 3k attacks and relentless chasing skills
110k WvW kills | Champion Legionnaire, Paragon |
Tbh blobbing is not an issue. If your server has more players then it’s natural that you should have more in WvW. The real issue here is the distribution of players on maps. From my experience and this week in particular servers tend to loose due to badly positioned players. E.g.: yesterday on EB I tried to do solo roaming. Got me bored after the 5th fight being ran over by a group of 20 that kept chasing me through the map. I think it’s quite obvious that you can’t catch me. Why try so hard when you’re wasting my time and yours while being useless for your team. If you see a solo 1v1 fight or a group fight where your server already outmans the opposing group but is not over any objective just move on and be useful for your server. Props to the WBC warrior that fought me on EB before I got ran over by the rest of WSR (20ish people) and gratz to them for staying there and dancing on my corpse and laughing. Hope I dropped sth nice
p.s.: same WBC warrior – I proceeded to save your butt after you were chased by a guardian and mesmer. I killed the mesmer and let you 2 finish the fight 1v1.
Thanks to OX mesmer for duo camp defending against the blob and to Alex and friend for the trio roaming 3v12 awesomeness at hyleks
110k WvW kills | Champion Legionnaire, Paragon |
Erm anyone can invite you to a party. This is not an exploit in fact if it was me and 90% of my buddies from other servers would be banned. Mind you Arenanet are currently too busy banning people for using swear words because that is really important!
There would be an option to report hackers if they cared about stuff like that.
110k WvW kills | Champion Legionnaire, Paragon |
I prefer to play the game. I’m sure you do too. If you enjoy playing the way you do have fun doing so. Why can’t you just believe that some people just look at the score at the end of the week and ask: ‘oh we were green?’ while spending the whole week in WvW. This is not Score Wars but not Forum Wars either :P
Just enjoy.
110k WvW kills | Champion Legionnaire, Paragon |
@DanyK: Why does a player on the rank 19 server cares about the opponents of the rank 2 server? The match was a nice intermezzo, but nothing to be repeated. We have to go back to defend rank 2 and play for rank 1
Hope you looked at previous matchups before commenting. I’d say half of my matchups in this game were against Riverside as me and my guild moved to Gunnar’s after being regularly matched against the said server. Ironically we got matched against them again on GH. Personally I couldn’t care less about ER being rank2. Congratz, well done, enjoy. There is no leaderboard or rankings anymore. Any matchup can happen and I wish for some that they didn’t. Germans tend to play for points like this is not a game and that is why I do not like to play against high pop DE servers.
110k WvW kills | Champion Legionnaire, Paragon |
This is a joke, right? :P
If this isn’t PvP only I’ll retrait my WvW build of my guardian to a virtue spammer. Virtues will be stronger than ever. About this torment thing: it’s just a bad joke. No way they put in a condition that rewards stationary gameplay, ooh and guess what class would get it? Thieves! Yeah right.
For the 4th time I’ll need to delete my ele. As a habit I always delete my current one if its build has been rendered useless by a nerf. So sad it’s got to lvl80 full exotic/ascended this time :/
110k WvW kills | Champion Legionnaire, Paragon |
Summing this up: all 3 german servers enjoy fighting each other. All EU servers enjoy not having to fight against these 3 servers.
Why not make everyone happy and lock this matchup? :P
110k WvW kills | Champion Legionnaire, Paragon |
Maybe we suffered from the good weather! After all this is the first week with good sommerweather this year :p
How dare you do real life and then brag about it on forums? You make those people with 10 degrees and cold rain in their countries jelous :o
110k WvW kills | Champion Legionnaire, Paragon |
Thanks to GH for having such a huge night presence on EB. Loved the 1v1 and 2v2 fights against Dz and hope you enjoyed them as much as I did. And to AS: you have insane numbers but there’s a reason you’re in super-low tier. Try to spread your numbers more evenly across maps and don’t lose time chasing small group with your zerg…. you will never catch us! Mwhahaha.
<3 Dz, keep up the spirit! Cya all.
110k WvW kills | Champion Legionnaire, Paragon |
So very recently I’ve got kicked out of the game saying my account has been suspended. When I tried to log back in it told me that I have in fact been banned for 72 hours for breaking the terms of conduct.
So wait… what did I exactly do?
I kind of have an idea of what that might have been what people thought would be worth a ban but if it is what I’m thinking then it’s just totally silly.
Anyways I at least want to know the reason why I got banned. Isn’t that the point of punishment? So I know what I did wrong and I won’t do it again? :P
Sadly I can not think of anything that would be worth a ban unless my awful pun with the p version of a baby cat actually counts as a swear word (which by the way shouldn’t be a reason to ban since there’s a maturity filter).
Can I get any response to this and also I got banned 10 minutes before I could actually get the dragon achievment thingie which will go away way before I get unbanned, so if this was for no reason I am rightfully disappointed.
110k WvW kills | Champion Legionnaire, Paragon |
Congratulations to every group that didn’t run from us last night! Sadly that MS zerg decided to keep to their siege at ruins while you also had 2 guild groups with you that could’ve engaged. Had fun running over some groups on RoS border including half of the afore mentioned blob when they decided to go for a supply run.
The 4 BCry roamers thank you for the fights!
110k WvW kills | Champion Legionnaire, Paragon |
Stealth is not mitigation. Evades and invulnerability are. I use no invis on my thief at all and I manage ok against small groups as long as they are slow and can’t catch me off guard. Personally having all 8 classes all I can say about stealthers is I never really had any problems against them if not upscaled but then again sometimes I can kill lvl80 thieves on my low levels due to low hp and easily predictable attacks.
110k WvW kills | Champion Legionnaire, Paragon |
Considering this is mostly thieves wanting to nerf guardians
Funny, most complains I saw in this thread come from rangers and engineers and I saw few thieves really complain about it. I even saw a guardian or two complain.
Your signature… it tells everything about you! :P
110k WvW kills | Champion Legionnaire, Paragon |
Best in WvW? For what? Let me list some of the options here: solo roaming, duo roaming dps, duo roaming tank, small group roaming – melee, range dps, healing… zerging: tagging enemies for lootbags, tagging keeps, soloing supply camps…. umm manning arrowcarts? Being akitten at citadel? How should I even answer that? For me guardian and elementalist is on all of those lists. Ranger does none of that well, unless you find 1v1’s at a safe place. Thief is pretty bad and anything from 10 up is mainly used as a moving blast finisher. Mesmers are interesting to play and are important for any group size but tag close to no enemies. Necros are really cool for debuffing and condition control. Engis are definately more for small scale and solo. Oh and warriors are zerglings but any group should have them for vigor, fury, swiftness and good cc.
110k WvW kills | Champion Legionnaire, Paragon |
Charr VcY ele stahp running from a 1v1. I understand the 2 of you (asura and charr d/d eles) may run a 2v1 build that is useless in solo situations but you could at least try. In exchange I kited you 2 all the way to keep main exit and got your buddy ganked for which I take no credit
110k WvW kills | Champion Legionnaire, Paragon |
Make a GvG map, guild leaderboards and entering a game would cost 2000 gems… BOOM! Everyone happy.
110k WvW kills | Champion Legionnaire, Paragon |
My god! Retaliation is completely overpowered! I mean when I cast meteor shower into an organised group with good retaliation uptime all I see is those ticks constantly eating away at my health forcing me to use my healing skill, ether renewal which heals for quite a lot actually and also removes all my conditions with low cooldown cost. Oh GOD! Ether renewal is OP! But wait Meteor Shower hits for 4k’s about 20 times per cast. Wow. OP! But then again the enemy will have regeneration boon as well, which is – needless to say – silly overpowered. I mean the fact that half the damage I do gets taken away makes me not want to attack that target anymore. Oh wait. Attack? What am I even thinking? Using my skills to kill an opponent is way overpowered!
They should just remove all skills in the game altogether and armor too because some armor just looks too intimidating for me to want to attack.
Guild Wars 2 is OP! Nerf it please!
110k WvW kills | Champion Legionnaire, Paragon |
(edited by DanyK.3842)
MS seems to have a huge camping force in their bl but that’s fine and the fact that you don’t start arrowcarting a group of 4 people is relieving
I got arrowcarted 3 times yesterday running solo in MS! /salute to the MS defensive force though, boring job but you do it well.
Arrowcarted 3 times is nothing like roaming against RS knowing there will be at least 6 arrowcarts aimed at you at any given point of time.
110k WvW kills | Champion Legionnaire, Paragon |
I only finish off players that jump me or run. If you approach someone you /bow. If they run: kill, loot, /no to show your disapproval to their cowardness. If a fight drags along for too long I tend to stop, /bow and move along. If he still attacks me I use /no. If he’s still on me that means he wants to die. Players often get greedy at this point and use their cooldowns
If they fight and I down them I /bow and leave. If they don’t get it and still attack me I go /sleep next to their bodies. (Do not try against angry german warriors). If a group of upscaleds or PvE players jump me I type /no showing them I do not want to make them look silly. If they fight (and they do) I murder them all and in the thrill of the kills I spam every possible emote on their bodies. Running around picking loot bags at a slow phase can also annoy people.
Finally if I 1v1 and the enemy team zergs me I go mist form (if on ele) and type /no then I run. I also /no if a zerg jumps me and I get downed after using skill2.
110k WvW kills | Champion Legionnaire, Paragon |
Better matchup than last week. Had an enjoyable reset with 9 of my guildies. We had fun fighting some opposing guild groups. MS seems to have a huge camping force in their bl but that’s fine and the fact that you don’t start arrowcarting a group of 4 people is relieving
To any of the GvG requests: we can do 10v10 max. Deal with it! Maybe you’ll have to involve a little skill on the side but I guess you could manage
Thanks to all the MS rangers splitting off the zerg to pew pew at my newest lvl80 ele. You lootbags make up for the money I spent on leveling also I never knew you could have 3 binding roots on you at once
Have fun and cya in game
110k WvW kills | Champion Legionnaire, Paragon |
Ending this matchup all I have to say is: both servers we played against changed since I last met them. Riverside seems to go strong using and abusing every single arrowcart spot possible. DTK is running more numbers than ever and the coordination of megablobs is still crappy as following solo players across the map is regular. As for Piken: the only server I looked up to so far but that changed this week. Still a lot of strong guilds but the dynamic exclusive playstyle is now lost. No solo roamers, no small groups, no honor or glory. The blobs you formed against Gunnar’s with the excuse that RS outnumbered you were pathetic and the fact that your infantry started running in towers and arrowcarting the life out of people is just sad. I remember someone advising Gunnar’s not to turn into mini-riverside and here we are…
Shoutouts to INC whom I’ve seen the most without the blob around. Some of the solo players and small groups of PS for the nice fights and the asura ranger who fought me for minutes last night. Your luck is I never stomp people after a good fight
Also to all the RS players for letting me use all my gap closers just to see you unite with a blob of 70. Feel sorry for [GH], your ethics in fights changed for the worse. Fighting outmanned upscaleds on GHBL just because it has your tag in its name is sad, being a guild that plays “for fights”.
Finally to Gunnar’s Hold: all my respect to everyone who played this week! We gave them hell of a fight and I think we showed them how well we can play and that we don’t give up! Loving the Gunnar’s attitude and fighting spirit. To me we are the winners of this matchup! Keep this up always!
Good luck to everyone for next week and thank you or this one
110k WvW kills | Champion Legionnaire, Paragon |
Split WvW into 2 different game modes: open world team vs team deathmatch that contributes to a server’s score and the other one is the classic and boring Siege Wars. In deathmatch disallow siege and place smaller guild castles on PvE maps that’s ownership can be contested by another guild which gets decided by a deathmatch style game much like GvG. Make it so guilds can assault castles of enemy servers too which will display the guild and server banner if successfully captured. A team of regular players or a guild can fight to get this place back and assaulting guild objectives should reward accomodations or sth like that. This should bring back the competitive guild PvP in WvW affecting but not harming PvE players.
Oh and fix party and guild options please.
110k WvW kills | Champion Legionnaire, Paragon |