110k WvW kills | Champion Legionnaire, Paragon |
110k WvW kills | Champion Legionnaire, Paragon |
I didn’t think it was true, but turns out the game did decide that I got as far as they wanted me to in terms of PvP progression.
This won’t be a rage or rant, but I hope someone from the developers of this awesome game reads it and looks into this issue that’s coming up with more and more people nowadays.
A picture speaks a thousand words and I have 4 of those plus my match history right now to prove that simply put: the game decided I should stop progressing.
And no, I didn’t suddenly lose all my skill and become so terrible, in fact in the last 4 games that had all been 500 to less than 50 points on our side.
I had never participated in such steamrolls since I started playing leagues so I assume, this is where my progression stops. And just as a sidenote, the enemy players weren’t at all better than me. I won all my 1v1s and rotated well, but our team comp was very off and the individual skill and especially mindset of players on my team just made the win impossible. What else can I do to progress? Buy a new account?
110k WvW kills | Champion Legionnaire, Paragon |
I wrote back to you in game, but will aslo say here, that I like your idea very much.
Can’t wait to play with you.
Ps.: I didn’t think of mentioning it, but I’m a very calm guy, no raging or blaming
110k WvW kills | Champion Legionnaire, Paragon |
Looking for a team, guild, group, party… whatever.
I can play most nights and currently am in diamond division, where I got fully solo, with around 80-90% win rate so far in this season.
Past experience:
Played GW2 since start.
Went from WvW / GvG to competitive PvP after a year or so.
Played in WTS qualifiers but then hit a plateau and stopped playing for a while.
Restarted when HoT was announced
Bought HoT when it came out, started playing the new op stuff.
And so here I am.
I am currently wrecking face (sometimes my own) on revenant and only but used to main warrior (when it was faceroll ofc…) and ele. If you want to play with me, invite me to your team, guild, rave party, garage band, MySpace page, etc, hit me (up) in game or write me a mail and send it over with a pigeon to my postal adress in my little town in South Jamaica.
Bless you and have a good’en.
110k WvW kills | Champion Legionnaire, Paragon |
I played for diamond placement 3 times. (First I needed 1 pip, second and third I had a winning streak and needed 2 pips).
First time my teammate dc’d for just over half a minute, but the game was so close 200 – 200 at the time, that we ended up losing hard and thus lost no pip. That’s fine.
Second time though, we had a teammate that never even connected to the game, so we played a full duration 4-5, and we all lost a pip. That’s not fine at all. Third time we had a dc for roughly 2 mins, almost won too, but they took the game and the game took my pip. So totally uncool.
Also I don’t believe in fate, but I only played 3 placement games and only had 3 games with a dc, “illluminati” also has 3 ’l’s if you mispell it, like the guy probably did who coded this system…
Think not.
110k WvW kills | Champion Legionnaire, Paragon |
Hey all,
After playing this game’s PvP since start, but only being able to enjoy a single game mode (let’s not count Courtyard) I was very excited to learn that a new game mode will be coming to GW2.
I’ll share with you my thoughts on how Stronghold will affect the game and PvP community.
The good:
- New game mode – yay! Finally. This will bring in more players from around the game as well as get some players to return to the game for sure.
- Teamwork – as opposed to conquest being semi-teamwork based, Stronghold seems like a game-mode where tactics are key to even having a chance at winning. If 2 players on one team decide to not go with the plan, it will definately ruin their team’s chances at winning.
- Clutch plays – as we saw from game modes that are similar in nature in other games (LoL, Smite, GW1 GvG… etc) the type of play Stronghold seems to reinforce is that of quickly changing pace. This means that the game can go from being a stalemate to a rapid rush victory for one team in the matter of seconds.
- New meta – as they mentioned on the livestream, Stronghold will most definately bring around a new meta for builds. I predict that this game mode will require way more build synergy than conquest, which brings around more exciting and fun comps.
- Support role will rise – I think because this game mode will bring around much more exciting team fights than conquest, support role will become more demanded in top teams playing Stronghold.
The bad:
- No separate queue – seriously? ArenaNet needs to rethink this. The only argument I see behind this is them “not wanting to split PvP population”. With the addition of all the new players coming in to try Stronghold exclusively, this will be a major setback. “I’ve already tried conquest and didn’t like it. Why should I queue with the chance of having to play it, when I actually like and want to practice Stronghold.” – This will be a very common reason for players of all levels not to want to PvP still. Another massive issue with the 2 game modes being in the same queue is that it is clear that the conquest meta builds will not do as well in the new game mode.
- Lack of in-game voice coms will hurt this game mode – because as they said on the stream, this game requires more of a team effort and thinking. If everyone goes off doing their own thing it will have a huge negative impact on the team.
- Profession/build stacking – due to the varying nature of different objectives around the map, profession and build stacking may be harmful for a team. This problem will surely come up in solo queue.
- Add a separate queue – this is essential. Without this the game mode will most likely fail and become another Courtyard.
- Truly separate solo and team queue – teams with build synergy and voice communication will have such a huge advantage that it would be bad not having a team-only queue.
- Support a 3rd party voice software, such as Curse Voice to give players a chance to use voice communications as it will be even more demanded than for conquest.
- Add a team builder – because I already see new roles emerging with this game-mode, I think it would be ace if players had a chance to match their roles with other solo players to create some form of synergy.
All-in-all, I think Stronghold – if delivered correctly (separate queues) – can really make the PvP in this game shine again. Let’s hope everything goes well.
110k WvW kills | Champion Legionnaire, Paragon |
I think people touched on most of the things I had in mind already, so just a few things:
Improve mechanically – I only saw what you did, but learning what each skill does might be a good start, for example you’re running away from a fight, yet not spamming your autoattack to get the benefit of the healing signet (that’s ~400hps). Your earth 2 blocks projectiles and is also very useful overall, yet you never seem to use it. Try this rotation: out of fire → earth → 3 – 2 – 3 (while in fire field for cancel on 2 aftercast and obtaining fire aura for maximum might uptime as well as protection on auras) and then either use your 4 or don’t, in which case you should switch to something like water to complete might stacking with 3 or something.
Also try fiery greatsword for more mobility and rotate your attunements to get swiftness and mobility while running between nodes as well.
110k WvW kills | Champion Legionnaire, Paragon |
I don’t know if someone has touched on this already or not, but it’s a huge issue that people who watch streams usually leave when the streamer sits in queue for 10 minutes while not being able to do anything.
Not good for eSports.:(
110k WvW kills | Champion Legionnaire, Paragon |
I really want to make this happen… so:
Guild name [TAG ]: Top Players [LFG]
Servers : EU
Description : A collection of people that play at a high level. The guild is to help top players find a pug group or a team to play with.
Requirements : Players are tested on their mechanical skill, rotations, communications and attitude.
Recruitment thread : https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/pvp/Top-Players-LFG-Helping-players/first#post4690222
Voice communication : TS3
Website: none
Private Arena : none yet
Contacts: DanyK.3842
110k WvW kills | Champion Legionnaire, Paragon |
There is a guild on NA, it ranks you by what the other members of the guild feels about you, like if your certain rank it means your pretty good, and what not. No rep required either, its just based on what rank you are.
It’s sad how the PvP community has barely any strong guilds out there promoting PvP.
I blame this mostly on the developer of PvP, due to lack of reasons why one would do so, the biggest problem I see with PvP is that there really is no community at all, its just a bunch of random people and a few actual parties of players.
The only real PvP guild/community on NA is GASM. They have very popular 1v1 server that’s very active and they have another active server too. However, I do notice they get a lot of negative publicity from people talking in map chat and so on.
If people are hating on the only guild community devoted to PvP, than that’s not really good for the game.
People like Abjured, I don’t consider them a guild or community, I just consider them a team, they don’t let people join, they don’t interact with other people, etc. GASM, that is what a guild and community is that is devoted to PvP. GASM interacts with other people, have popular servers for everyone to play on, hosts try outs, not geared to one elite team but rather towards the PvP community (multiple players, multiple teams), they allow people to join if they are up to there standards, etc. Like it or not, GASM is the best thing going for NA community/guild wise in the PvP scene.
Example, the dueling server, its the GASM dueling server that’s almost always full all the time. Ask yourself why is it the GASM dueling server almost full all the time when theres like 20 other dueling servers?I know this thread is intended for EU, but just want to let people on NA know of a guild/community that has a strong presence on NA.
It’s nice to know that the NA has such a thing going!
i agree, that the new lfg forum is messy as hell and i also kinda like your idea, but what is a “skilled” player in your opinion? and wouldnt it be good to give all players a chance to find a team? Also there is already a guild with many “top” players in it to pug for ranked/teamq (ask lypion if you think you should be in it)
I think it would be a better idea to tell the devs in the forum, that we need the old lfg forum (pvp) back. Finding teammates with the new one is hard bc a post is on the 2nd page in matter of seconds
I do know of at least 2 large PvP guilds that cater players of all skill-levels, so creating a new one feels a bit pointless to me.
As for how the players are assessed on their skills: I break it down to 3 categories – 1. mechanical skill (1v1, teamfight, etc) 2. rotations and map awareness (this is tested through playing games together) 3. communication skills (use of TS to call out useful information such as cc chains and movement)
Other than this I want to have people that are in a team-focused mindset, meaning that they give advice and help others improve, rather than relieving frustration in map chat and TeamSpeak.
I also want this to be the known go-to option for enthusiastic PvP players.
110k WvW kills | Champion Legionnaire, Paragon |
The problem is most people don’t use teamspeak anymore because matchmaking is so bad that it is overkill.
In addition, the biggest reason why it is hard to find people to play with is that a large proportion of the gw2 community are ragers. That means they always over-estimate their own ability and therefore will only be happy when they are totally carried. And then they rage in ts/chat because a fight got lost or a match was lost or whatever.
No LFG system can keep people playing together because of this
The whole idea is to try to limit such occurrences and all the while bring players that are good at this game closer to each other. Almost like a friend’s list where you know who’s up for a few games and what profession they excel at.
There’s literally no downside to trying yourself out for this, because at most you waste a guild slot or get rejected.
If you think that this idea is not going to work, I am more than happy to try and prove you wrong:)
110k WvW kills | Champion Legionnaire, Paragon |
Just thought I’d add, since it isn’t obvious: you CAN join us if you have a team you play with. This will just help you find a pug group when your team isn’t on.
110k WvW kills | Champion Legionnaire, Paragon |
First off, I know there is an LFG section and I also know, that it is completely useless, as information like this gets lost between pages of PvE and WvW recruitment compaigns.
I feel it’s appropriate to post this here as I am not looking for members for my guild, merely pointing out an opportunity for an easier LFG tool we created in-game for top (understand: skilled) players.
This is currently for EU players only
If you ever feel in need of a group of players that are your skill level, or want to find a place from where you can trial players for your team without endlessly browsing through millions of pages of LFG junk, here’s your solution!
Top Players [LFG] is the guild I made for this purpose. To join, all you have to do is whisper me (DanyK.3842 / Sir Dany) in game and request a trial.
What you need:
- Have experience in team play
- Have TeamSpeak 3 with a mic and sufficient knowledge of the English language
- Be skilled enough to be considered one of the top players in this game
- Positive, non-toxic, constructive attitude
What’s not needed:
- Any rank or level requirements we found pointless, since there are players out there with great mechanical knowledge and understanding of the game that are lower ranked.
- Leaderboard position – this is self-explanatory… this doesn’t show skill as it currently stands.
- Special gear – we don’t WvW or PvE.
- Full representation – use the guild as a tool and represent in-game if we’ve helped you find a team out of courtesy.
Know that:
- Whether we find you suitable or not is purely up to us, if you don’t make it for some reason, we’ll point that out to you
- It is allowed, in fact encouraged to – once there’s enough players using this tool – to organise teams for tournaments, or split off and leave the guild altogether.
- Once you’re in the guild you’ll be assigned a rank, according to your main profession so that people see what class they can expect you to play at the highest level. This can be changed on request, if needed.
- Inactivity does reward removal from the system, however everyone gets a chance to retrial as many times as needed if removed previously.
Should you have any other questions, contact me in-game (DanyK.3842 / Sir Dany), or via forum post. If you have a suggestion for us, or this tool helped you in any way, mention it in a reply below.
What’s in it for me? I thought it’s time someone made a commitment to spice up the EU competitive scene. Hopefully this way I can help new teams being formed and people getting more matches, shorter queues and more even games.
Do not be discouraged if your first request into the guild gets disapproved. We’ll give you feedback on how you could improve yourself as we value new players reaching the top.
110k WvW kills | Champion Legionnaire, Paragon |
Your worker warrior build is not exactly the most optimal version, but I wanted to make an in-depth video guide on it since I mained that build for years now.
Do you mind if I link it here if I finish or should I make a new thread?
110k WvW kills | Champion Legionnaire, Paragon |
I’ve played with a bunch of people over last week, still haven’t found the team I was looking for. If you’re interested in having a very experienced warrior on your team, reply here, PM, whisper, mail in-game, send a pidgeon post… etc.
110k WvW kills | Champion Legionnaire, Paragon |
What makes this system very unfair to actual top players is the fact that having a very high MMR will mean that you are rewarded less for the same games with the same outcomes as players with low MMRs. I felt like the problem with the old leaderboard was that I could stay in top20 in solo Q leaderboards for a looong time by simply playing a maximum of 3 games a day (winning them cuz hambow op).
Now I feel like having high MMR (and therefore usually more skill) punishes you in terms of outcome expected. Me, playing my main, trying to carry endless games in which I am clearly the player with the highest MMR, against teams where the MMR is more balanced because they have semi-decent players to compensate for the high team-MMR accumulated through me dragging it up – this doesn’t seem like much of a problem, even if the outcome of games like this is purely in my hands. “If I don’t win the duel for this point fast enough I won’t be on time to mid, to banner my team mate that went down in a fight in which we outnumber the enemy.” Yet, even though I have to give it my best, becausw the system thinks that the match should have an equal outcome, should I fail to carry, (which happens a lot lately) I will lose points, while the enemy gains maximum score for steamrolling a game that’s balanced in theory.
For starters, I would add a bigger range of leaderboard points awarded for a game, possibly taking into account personal contribution (hard to calculate in this game due to multiple roles) or just adapt the system RIOT made for LoL, which is more like an MMR accumulated leaderboard, meaning if you are a player that’s skilled enough to be on top, you can make it on top, by playing a number of games and climbing, rather than having the issue of high MMR, low leaderboard ranking.
Also leagues!
110k WvW kills | Champion Legionnaire, Paragon |
Still looking for team… just realised how bad this new merged LF section is:(
110k WvW kills | Champion Legionnaire, Paragon |
I’m Dany, some may know me by the nickname Fliyr, which I used over the past 2 years. After a long break from GW2 I decided to come back and I’ve been slowly reintroducing myself to the scene for the past 5 months.
My main is warrior, however I did play guardian and elementalist for a top team before also, so I have experience on those 2, tho I feel most comfortable on my warrior.
If any team that practices daily and has (according to old leaderboard) top50 experience and would like to participate in ESL weeklies and other prize tourneys /w me in game or send me a mail I am online a lot but if I don’t reply it means I’m making a coffee:D
My stream is at http://www.twitch.tv/danyfornication if you’re interested I have past broadcasts up and I try to stream as much as I can.
Thanks for reading!
110k WvW kills | Champion Legionnaire, Paragon |
I have a new stream tho you didn’t even have my old one written down. I was sorta known for warrior I guess but I multiclass sometimes.
anyways http://www.twitch.tv/danyfornication – Dany (EU) Main: warrior
110k WvW kills | Champion Legionnaire, Paragon |
Okay since you don’t seem to get my concept I’ll give an example:
Team Captain: Profession: Guardian Role: Bunker/support
Slot 1: Profession(s): mesmer/ele/ranger Role: DPS
Slot 2: Profession(s): thief Role: roaming/dps
Slot 3: Profession(s): warrior/necro/ranger Role: condition
Slot 4: Profession(s): warrior/elementalist/engi Role: hybrid
As long as one of the professions fits the player can find the group and they can respec according to their role. This is essentially a better version of LFG tool.
110k WvW kills | Champion Legionnaire, Paragon |
A team builder should have a captain that selects 4 slots with options, such as: classes accepted for the slot and role played, like condi, bunker, dps, hybrid, healer, support etc. On the other end, players can queue for the team builder queue which places them in ranked in the end, but in team builder queue you can pick your class and role and you’ll find a match accordingly.
110k WvW kills | Champion Legionnaire, Paragon |
Since Dec. 2 patch I realised that this game needs 2 things for solo or duo players to just survive the changes:
- Team Builder UI – this could be similar to that of LoL’s where the team captain can select what class(es) they need for what role etc.
- Built-in voice software – this could be set up inside team builder. If someone doesn’t have an actual team or just wants to play with different people each game – they should have the chance to have access to everything that a premade team can have.
While most casuals like not to have their voices heard in game, which is fine, but for the top250 players it would definately be a huge thing and it should stay as an option to enchance ranked arena experience.
110k WvW kills | Champion Legionnaire, Paragon |
Just make the title: “Esports Llama” for top250 so devs, players and llamas all stay happy.
110k WvW kills | Champion Legionnaire, Paragon |
I had that yesterday in soloQ. My character would stop for up to 10 seconds and everyone would run around me the once the spike stopped all the skills and damage happened in a split-second then a new spike started. I even closed the client completely and restarted since it was worse than if my team mates had to play 4v5, but that didn’t help at all, in fact it made the spikes last 20 seconds and not all skills and damage appeared after the spike, only a few little things changed.
I will update with the /ip when I get home… but it was frustrating as hell. Grrr
Oh yeah, 1 other player on enemy team experienced the same. Keep in mind it had nothing to do with my internet, I had a bunch of software that use the internet running alongside GW2 and none of them stopped working.
110k WvW kills | Champion Legionnaire, Paragon |
Game starts, but the clock hasn’t reached 30 sec before 1 player leaves the game – automatic remake, that can happen only once and if the same thing happens next time the game system will just let the game continue.
When a player leaves mid-game (after 30 seconds) a 30 second grace period will start where all nodes take twice the time to award points. After this period if the team is still not full, the ranked game will turn into a non-ranked game, therefore not affecting rating. The leaver will be punished with +1 loss, no matter what the outcome of the game is. This way it’s not worth exploiting to avoid a loss and players can still have fun playing and finishing the game without being punished for losing.
110k WvW kills | Champion Legionnaire, Paragon |
Very good forum and mapchat warrior. Possibly even better than me. 420/10
(Jk, luv u)
110k WvW kills | Champion Legionnaire, Paragon |
hiba went EU cuz no engi there can take him > funny as hell that Hiba is not even in the top 10 engis here in eu ^^
great story enjoyed itFunny how thinking you are the best at your class is negligible when its all subjective anyway. That doesn’t lead to you winning tournies or anything for that matter. Last time I checked hiba ventured into EU later then you and joined a team and brought a 5 dps meta to EU AND won ToL2 with ease, and what have you done recently? So if I were you, stop trying to boost ur ego because no one cares if you think if you are the best at your class with nothing to show for it.
Great story. I enjoyed it but gf.
Brought the 5 dps meta to EU…. lol
You mean 5 regen condi mightspam bunker meta? In that case, no he had nothing to do with it. My first solo q after the patch before the summer my team had 3 eles, and engi and a warrior, does that mean my soloq invented the meta?:D
Either way I have no idea why people get aroused when explaining just how amazing their region is. What’s the point?
110k WvW kills | Champion Legionnaire, Paragon |
Bunkers are favoured in WvW too, where it’s basically a large scale TDM, so I’m pretty sure bunkers will still be more useful.
110k WvW kills | Champion Legionnaire, Paragon |
I don’t know the dates for the tournament, but you could give me a try if you want. Used to main bunker d/d to get on soloq leaderboards 1 and a half year ago and for a year since, then played warrior for half a year, but still playing ele in soloqs and scrims at times.
Since I quit 3 months ago I’ll probably be very rusty for a week at least, but if you have noone else you and can wait for me to get back into shape I am ok to go.
Otherwise bump and good luck.
110k WvW kills | Champion Legionnaire, Paragon |
The game doesn’t lack “big plays” because they’re too risky, but because they are not rewarding enough.
The reason why the combat is boring to watch is because there’s too much of everything: too many abilities, too many short cooldowns, too much self-sustain, too many cc-abilities, too much stability, protection and regeneration.
Instead of these being exclusive to certain classes and situations, boons are flying around everywhere, in return their effects are nowhere near substantial. If the new game mode reduced the amount of skills on the skill bar and focused more on single-target dps and made crowd control abilities have massive cooldowns, but in return removed stability providing abilities from most classes.
If only they made protection negate 75% of the damage taken, but made it a guardian-only single target ability on an ally, the game would see more “big-plays” where you need to know who on your team is getting focused and take action.
They can also buff regeneration and give it to eles only on a 40 second cooldown.
Stuff like this makes a game competitive, when you have to think about the skills you use, rather than spamming all your buttons and regenerating the health you lost due to bad positioning.
110k WvW kills | Champion Legionnaire, Paragon |
I quit the game 3 months ago, but since there’s been no changes since, I can tell you the reason why PvP in this game is not on par with top PvP games.
- PvP (conquest) is not based on actual PvP combat – this could have been fixed ages ago by doing something as simple as replacing the current capture points with altars that a single person can channel to get hold of. This way players either have to kill all other players in order to capture a point or chain-cc all enemy players while 1 person channels. Either method requires more skill.
- Lack of dev communication – when I left it was a week when no red threads appeared in the PvP forums at all. Compare it with any other top PvP game (Dota2, LoL, Hearthstone, etc…).
- Lack of updates – with a once-a-year PvP update I am seriously surprised how some people still play this game mode.
- Terrible interface – things like leaderboard rankings, 4v5s, afks and so on can be solved by having a better PvP interface…
- Lack of game modes – I put this last as I would still be playing conquest after 2 years if it was up to my standards.
Source: ~3000 hours in PvP, former top50 team and top25 solo.
110k WvW kills | Champion Legionnaire, Paragon |
I’d just remove retal and put a 50% damage reflect ability on guardian offhand torch on a 40sec cd. This way offhand torch becomes useable, retaliation becomes guardian-specific which it should have been in the first place and there will still be a counter to AoE and random attack spam but it will be situational. Blast into light field could become an AoE condi removal, which is, again a situational advantage based on skill.
110k WvW kills | Champion Legionnaire, Paragon |
If you automatically get a win or a bonus of some kind for volunteering I would more than happy to sit on the bench and watch for 10 mins.
You get nothing worth winning for anyway. Best option would probably be to add a resign button that unlocks at 5 mins or 20s after a dc. If you resign a 4v5 nothing happens. The enemy could get a win reward but no lb progression for those 9 people who did play. Maybe a loss to the 1 who dc’d.
110k WvW kills | Champion Legionnaire, Paragon |
If you played the forums long enough you’d know that this was already proposed countless times and the dev response was always along the lines of “This would mean that someone who waited for their queue to pop has to sit out a proportion of the match they waited so long for (for me: about 15 mins in prime time)”.
I’d personally rather sit out an uneven game than roll 4 people 500-0 but I’m the minority.
110k WvW kills | Champion Legionnaire, Paragon |
It’s been there since start. I remember reporting it at least a dozen times. But have no fear… new megadragon coming to PvE soon!
110k WvW kills | Champion Legionnaire, Paragon |
Unblockable skills can still be reflected.
“Unblockable projectiles cannot be reflected”
Tested that with SoM + killshot on WoR. May have messed sth up then if it is true. Anyways it’s a blast not a projectile ^^
110k WvW kills | Champion Legionnaire, Paragon |
Phoenix is unblockable which means you can’t reflect it, the air switch and lightening strike aren’t projectiles, arcane wave is no projectile, as stated above the only thing that is reflectable and actually does damage…
Unblockable skills can still be reflected.
Phoenix is not a projectile.
Hurl (Rock Barrier active) is a projectile and can be used as a burst skill along with a fire field for long burning and good damage.
Burst ele is not op o.O
110k WvW kills | Champion Legionnaire, Paragon |
You seem to have 2 different issues. FPS lag is caused by your PC (laptop/mobile phone/microwave, etc) not being able to handle all its processes at once. Try closing all other applications when playing the game. Unparking your CPU cores may also be something you want to look into. If you think the problem may be related to your graphics card then try downloading SweetFX for GW2.
As for skill lag and interaction delay, that is almost always a server/connection side issue. Your ISP may be throttling your connection during times you play or your ping may just be generally very high. You can try downloading WTFast, which is a paid VPN but it has 1 month free trial and I’m sure there are also free ones out there.
If all that doesn’t work try submitting a ticket to ArenaNet. They will give you a link to a program you can download that will detect where the source of your problem lies and they may be able to give you advice on how to fix it.
Btw I’m not sponsored by any of the software developers that I mentioned… sadly :P just wrote what worked for me.
110k WvW kills | Champion Legionnaire, Paragon |
More updates/new profession:
I don’t think that you are aware how much effort the introduction of a new profession means. Furthermore, weekly – even biweekly – updates are simply not possible unless they are very, VERY small steps. They actually had this and most people didn’t like it, so they decided to change it. There are various official statements about this.New game mode:
I fully agree with you that new game modes would spice up things considerably, although I can’t vote for any of your suggestions.Transparency:
They have a rollout in China, so there are resource contraints for obvious reasons. I mean no offense, but I really think that you have no idea about the effort for such an enterprise.More events, sponsors etc.:
The eSports ship has sailed. Given that we consider there ever was one…From my point of view, there is one thing that needs to be addressed urgently for pvp, and that is a new game mode. Something to break the mold.
Just my two cents though.
We are talking about a company that sold 3.5 million copies of this game. Now please explain to me how the same company that did that has no resources to share 1 page of information about what we can expect every week.
Minor tweaks every 2 weeks would be nice for this game – we actually had that before but people didn’t like it? I don’t remember them ever tweaking anything weekly, but my memory is bad so please correct me if I’m wrong.
Other than that, yeah my game mode ideas are terrible, I did write at the end that if anyone has better suggestions please do share!
110k WvW kills | Champion Legionnaire, Paragon |
Solid player. Probably the best multiclass since I quit! Pick him up! He’ll be an asset to your team.
110k WvW kills | Champion Legionnaire, Paragon |
Extremely good ideas. TDM would be fun, another cool thing! I don’t really like the fact that you’re mostly capping points in PvP, this would make PvP shine. Would really like to see this!
Have a wonderful rest of the day, happy gaming!
Yeah, there is a reason I posted this in PvP sub. I play PvP exclusively, so adding some shiney new dragon event won’t make me come back. Sorry if this wasn’t clear from OP.
110k WvW kills | Champion Legionnaire, Paragon |
After 2 years I finally managed to cure myself of GW2, which wasn’t too hard in the end, all things considered. Whenever I have free time I play other PvP games because they are more challenging and fun. Mechanically GW2 is one of the best MMOs I ever played and paired with the eye-gasmic graphics this game could have been so much more than it turned out to be.
There is probably nothing that can get me to play hardcore again, but here’s a few things that would make me reinstall:
- More updates – I’ll start with the more obvious ones. Any company that wants their game to strive will have to make it appealing to their audience… over and over again. The only way to do this is by providing weekly or bi-weekly updates, even if it meant changing a number from 6 to 6.1 this would make the game more alive and players would have to put more effort into crafting builds and practicing.
- A new profession – I think 2 years is enough to come up with a new profession. I played a completely free MMO once that had a new class come out every year, even though their game had no purchase fee or cash store. Even bringing some of the GW1 professions into GW2 would be a massive step.
- New game mode(s) – I know this one is already overused but there is a good reason for that. I’ll write down some of my game-mode ideas below:
- PvP Conquest – this is similar to what we have already, only in PvP conquest there would be 1 capture point. The only way to capture this is by either standing on it while out of combat or scoring kills on the point itself. Kills scored inside the circle grant the team that scored the kill 1/4th of the cap. Kills scored outside of the circle however are worth 20 points. This game mode is optimal for 3v3 and has place for secondary objectives.
- Team Death Match – there’s already a map for it, so why not make it a game mode? A more optimal TDM map could be one that looks like the jungle area in MOBAs. Scoring kills would ultimately grant victory in this game mode and players could be rewarded for figures, like stomps, damage done, healing done and so on.
- Battle Arena – this would be much like current MOBAs (well established eSports) with similar maps and progression mechanic, along with an item store, locked utilities and NPCs around the map. Winning this game mode would take destroying objectives, such as turrets and enemy base. In game modes like this roles are more distinct and players actually feel a sense of accomplishment when they outcompete other players of the same role.
- Gladiator Arena – in this game mode the playfield is a circular dome of some sorts and the objective is to defeat waves of NPCs and enemy players. Essentially this is a 1v1 but NPC waves can test the player’s mechanical abilities and build before entering actual PvP. The amount of time taken to defeat the NPCs can determine players who face each other.
- Transparency – this is a massive issue at ArenaNet. It’s been 2 weeks since I saw a dev on forums. If they don’t even care about their game why should we?
- More events, sponsors, cash – if I were one of the people trying to sell this game as an eSport I would have started by organising massive cash tournaments. This way people that play for money would consider the game. These people are the hardcore players that attract media attention, sponsors, money and eSports.
These are my ideas and I know none of the devs will actually read this, but am wondering if anyone else thinks the same or how else do people see this game could reach its potential?
110k WvW kills | Champion Legionnaire, Paragon |
GW1 was not laggy at all. On my mesmer I could interrupt all 0.75sec cast skills easily.
I meant more the movement, etc. How it rubberbanded and all that junk.
Or maybe it was another poorly optimised game for long distance ping…
i play on gw2 na servers from malaysia.
most of the time, sPvP is playable though.
rubber banding only comes when there is a serious lag spike.otherwise it is okay.
i can play my hambow warrior just fine.
I live and play on EU, but when I hop over on my NA acc I normally play hambow too. Reason being: with roughly 0.5 to 1.5 second delay it still beats most NA players. But yeah there is a noticable delay constantly (not in spikes).
Also if you’re Oceanic and are having problems with delay, try WTFast. It’s a VPN that optimises your connection to the game servers. Works for everyone else too!
110k WvW kills | Champion Legionnaire, Paragon |
I don’t see in-match character progression working with GW2’s design. The fun part of MOBA’s is that through progression you can counter the enemy by picking certain items, like if the highest level/most fed enemy players has direct damage you’d build armor to counter them so in team fights you’d be safe from them. Other elements such as denying creeps and baiting spells also play a huge role in these games as well as positioning.
Another massive factor that GW2 lacks is roles. There is no dedicated healer, bruiser, ad-carry, support, tank, jungler, etc in GW2.
The way I imagine GW2 have a MOBA-style game mode is where you have to pick your class and lock the skills you’ll ve using. You start out with 1 weaponset and as you progress you unlock the locked in utilities, weapon skills and eventually a second weapon set that you have to buy mid-game. They also need to add stackable stats such as stun-duration, -condi duration% and so on to allow for mid-game counterbuilding.
The mechanics are amazing in this game but that’s about it.
110k WvW kills | Champion Legionnaire, Paragon |
I believe modifiers give a flat increase in all xyz inflicted, like balthazar runes add extra duration to the burning procced from the rune itself and condition or burning duration also makes this burning longer. Of course you can test this out in spvp and that is what I would do if I were you.
The thing you need to consider is whether it gives you an extra tick on the condition or just increases it from 5 sec to 5.5 sec which means it will give the same amount of ticks as before and you wasted a rune slot.
110k WvW kills | Champion Legionnaire, Paragon |
GW2 is the least updated mmo I ever played, which makes me wonder how many employees they have. Btw I played the same hambow spec for a year now and nothing really changed about it tbh.
110k WvW kills | Champion Legionnaire, Paragon |
I did not get my Llama finisher nor the mystic flowers or w/e they are. Please send it to me I cannot quit without having that finisher.
110k WvW kills | Champion Legionnaire, Paragon |
They should make it so ranked arena can only be played once you reach x level. Before that you can play a non-ranked arena and hot joins. Exp rewarded for non-ranked should be high for a win and minimal for a loss, this way there is practically an amount of wins required to play ranked.
110k WvW kills | Champion Legionnaire, Paragon |
I don’t understand why real PvP players would care about some dungeon armor. I just picked a random one and salvaged it.
That is already known and has already been mentioned.
The tooltip is just wrong.
It would be much better to award 3 pieces of armor in the path and only one weapon, the other way around is just strange in 2 ways:
1. weapons are more expensive (so your final reward is less expensive than the rewards on the way)
2. u need one weapon or say 2 weapons , but 6 parts of a set.This
Just wanted to let you know that you mispelt the name after the quote in your signature… lol
110k WvW kills | Champion Legionnaire, Paragon |
We had to play with a totally new guardian in ToL EU and it was allowed so I guess you can switch players out. But it may be better to ask one of the organisers.
110k WvW kills | Champion Legionnaire, Paragon |