Fort Aspenwood
Showing Posts For Dark Knight I I I.2940:
Fort Aspenwood
We now have a Teamspeak server running for the guild!
Fort Aspenwood
I’ll send you an invite
Fort Aspenwood
bleep, taking old and new members, of any skill level!
Fort Aspenwood
Still recruiting
Fort Aspenwood
slowly growing.bloop.still recruiting
Fort Aspenwood
Still Recruiting.boop
Fort Aspenwood
bloop.still recruiting
Fort Aspenwood
Still Recruiting.beep
Fort Aspenwood
When do we get the extra character slot from standard edition?
Fort Aspenwood
Happy 4th everyone, woo fireworks
Fort Aspenwood
Getting few more members in.
Fort Aspenwood
bleep. still recruiting
Fort Aspenwood
slowly growing.bloop
Fort Aspenwood
got a member or 2, still need a lot more
Fort Aspenwood
bloop.still recruiting
Fort Aspenwood
Don’t Ask for Help [Noob] is a guild thats been around since the launch of the game. Never been a big guild, never was intended to be.
Base on Fort Aspenwood Server, important if you want to do WvW together. We don’t really do WvW as we have too many members spread across different servers, but I wouldn’t discourage doing it still.
100% rep not required, but recommended.
Prefer Adults(21+) in the guild, as most of us have jobs or going to school or have other needs to take care of, will not stress on whether you’re online daily or can only be on once a week.
Want to keep it somewhat small, 20-30 semi active members members.
We are Currently looking for 5-10 more members to balance out our roster, A lot of members have been inactive too long and we need more people to keep things rolling at a comfortable pace. Once we have reach a decent number of active members again, recruitment will be closed.
Whether you are a new player to the game or an old veteran looking for a place to just casually play with others, we are accepting all.
Why now?
A lot of guilds today focus on maxing out their roster. When you join a guild with that large of a size you are quickly forgotten and lost in the mass. You are just another number and not a player who is really good at playing their class and has much knowledge to offer or a player who is new but is a lot of fun to explore the game with. Some guilds even go as far as telling you how to play your class and what gear and weapon sets you should or shouldn’t use. A big part of the game is experimenting with the different classes and finding what gear and weapon sets you like using most. Although if we are doing content, e.g. dungeons or fractals, and having trouble with it. Best to have an open mind and willing to change build in a way you think would be best for the situation. Otherwise, if you want advice in general, we will do my best to offer it.
What do we do?
- Dungeons (barely touch this anymore but will do them if anyone ask)
- Fractals (Done almost daily)
- Farming (Silverwaste and such)
- World bosses
- Map completion (not often though)
- Guild missions
- Raids
Once in awhile few members dip into PvP (Not so much with the new pvp meta)
VoiceCom TS3
Guild Missions on Friday’s @ 8:30PM EST
Guild Raids on Saturday’s @ 8:30PM EST
We also have a Teamspeak3 Server up and running. Pretty much required if you plan on doing dungeons/fractals/raids. Much easier speaking instructions and teaching then standing around for half an hour typing it out. Also just nice to chit chat while doing other content in the game.
To Join or request more info send an in-game mail to:
Dark Knight I I I.2940
Note: The Guild is based off North America East Coast and most of the members are coming online 7 PM EST. Don’t expect people to be online all day long, as most are coming on after work or school.
Note#Two:We have a few members that do play other games, like via steam or whatever, so sometimes there are some slow nights in-game on GW2.
Fort Aspenwood
(edited by Dark Knight I I I.2940)
Thanks for that, cleared up what I was looking for.
Fort Aspenwood
If I were to buy the standard edition of GW2HoT, would it be possible to upgrade to the Deluxe edition like the core game offered in the future?
For whats being offered in the Deluxe edition, I don’t really need or want them, but isn’t a bad bonus. If I can save $25 now, and use gems later to upgrade, I’m totally fine with that.
Would like a Dev or someone with proof to answer, otherwise it won’t matter what you say.
Fort Aspenwood
I recently just finished my final map, which allowed me to finally get 100% world completion but I never got a reward for it. I got a reward for the map completion but not world completion.
I’ve tried switching toons, logging off, and completely restarting the game but no results.
Is this already a known issue with a fix that I’m just not aware of? Please let me know, thanks!
Fort Aspenwood
Well, that is great to know that I’m not going to get anything from them…
Fort Aspenwood
Are these mini’s still being given out? can anyone confirm?
Fort Aspenwood
Still in need of members to start doing activities like dungeons and guild missions. Currently close to unlocking Guild Trek.
Fort Aspenwood
Dont Ask For Help [Noob] is seeking active members from any timezone, of any level, for fun casual gameplay.
We do things in PvE, WvW, and even sometimes SPvP(not much but sometimes)
We so things such as dungeons, map clearings, meta events and etc.. for PvE.
As far as WvW goes, we don’t plan to be a super mega ultra strong guild in WvW but we enjoy just playing with others that aren’t just another toon running in a zerg smacking stuff in the face.
We try to do WvW and dungeons a few times together throughout the week. We understand that people have school, work and other important things to take care of.
Not asking you to be online everyday but it would be nice to see you around once in awhile.
We use vent as our voice chat.
This guild is meant to just simply be a place where you can hang out with friends and have a fun time playing the game. If you are interested, please contact me in-game via whisper or mail.
Fort Aspenwood
(edited by Dark Knight I I I.2940)
My guild ( Dont Ask For Help [Noob] )and I Spent an hour looking for bounty bosses and when we finally found all of them and started the event. All us Dc’d from the game at the same time. Unable to log back in.
Fort Aspenwood
We are slowly but surely getting larger but still not large enough yet.
Currently about 40 members
Fort Aspenwood
Home World: Fort Aspenwood
Guild Name: Dont Ask For Help
Guild Website:N/A
In-Game Contact: Dark Knight I I I.2940
Focus:PvE & WvW
Quick Notes: Casual guild seeking active members(prefer 18+ in age) for pve and wvw
No Voice chat at this time
Fort Aspenwood
(edited by Dark Knight I I I.2940)
One little bug to report. On Fort Aspesnwood server, guild name Dont Ask for Help [Noob], i have noticed one feature not working.
Just a simple example, lets say 10 people in my guild logged in today, then there would be an attendance check and the guild would gain 100 influence and it would show in the guild history.
For about a week now I Haven’t seen this feature working. Slowing down the rate of influence is gained.
Fort Aspenwood